As far as the overall strength of the City-State Alliance is concerned, it has basically been raised to the same level as the Calamity of the Mad Witch.

"This... I almost forgot."

Fang Han was so involved in communicating with the great powers in the camp that he even forgot about the rewards.

At this time, a mysterious radiance was injected into his body, and the personal rewards obtained in the team battle were immediately shared in the world announcement.

【Ding! God Nirvana ranked first in the contribution of this team battle. The team damage you played accounted for 74% of the total damage of the alliance. In view of your super high contribution, you won the X20 mysterious treasure box, 163 million gold coins, "Team Battle "Soul" was promoted to level lv1...]

Do you want to buy the key to open the treasure chest~Yes! Ding! [Mysterious Treasure Chest] was opened.

The "Seven Killing Staff" was discovered..."

"The title page X1 of the soul of the team battle was discovered..."

"You got the 'Star Gold Bracelet'..."

"You got [Mysterious Treasure Chest] key X1..."

"Sunwing (unidentified) found..."

Surrounded by the sound of saliva flowing.


"This reward is against the sky!!!"

"Fuck, it's too perverted~"

"I can't believe it!"

"Good luck, good luck, good air, God Nirvana, I love you."

"Please accept my worship."

"There are so many top products out of one treasure chest, it's enough to buy half of Yixing City."

"Mom, I swear that in this life, I will definitely get the [Mysterious Treasure Chest] reward."

"Otherwise, marry a wife and have a son called [Mysterious Treasure Chest]."


Around Fang Han, he was completely surrounded by envious, jealous and adoring eyes.

After opening all twenty mysterious treasure chests, he thought of one thing.

Pressing his hand on his chest, the [Eye of the Lich King] item he called the "Eye of the Betel Nut" was gone.

After groping, he discovered that the [Eye of the Lich King] given to him by the mysterious old man had been embedded in the skill of [Spirit of Team Battle].

[Eye of the Lich King]: Provides a trigger rate of "Soul of Team Battle", 2% accelerated awakening The second "War Scan" needs to be embedded with card slot X1

[Spirit of team battle] current inlay level lv1

Taking a long breath, Fang Han felt comfortable.

Then, with a few old men, he entered the "dark room" and met the mysterious old man.

"God Nirvana, what did you bring us here for?"

"I understand. He just got the Sun Wing, but it hasn't been identified yet. He must have come to find the mysterious old man to identify it."

Alexander was bewildered and showed a pleased expression.

[Heaven Designated, congratulations that you have now become the master of the [Soul of Team Battle], but please remember that the soul of team battle must inherit the legacy of countless Heaven Designated, Sky Demon, Sky Yi, and Sky Star. The will to fight, contribute your own will to the Nine Layers of Gods, and carry it forward】

"I understand!" Fang Han said to the mysterious old man lightly.

"Then you are looking for me, is there anything else?"

"I want to identify Sunwing with you!"

"You mean the legendary Sun Wings? Impossible, this wing has disappeared for nearly ten thousand years. It is the embodiment of light. With the Sun Wings, you can reach any place that light can reach, which is enough to initiate a level beyond itself. Restricted authority challenges... Could it be~"

Before the mysterious old man could finish speaking, Fang Han smiled and spread out [Sun Wings (unidentified)] in front of him.

The wine gourd in the old man's hand fell to the ground with a "ding dong".

Concentrating on caressing the wings that shone brightly in the dark room, two lines of old tears flowed out.

"Ten thousand years, ten thousand years, the legendary Wing of the Sun will still appear in the Nine Layers God Realm! Heaven Designated, I advise you not to identify it..."


"No reason!"

Fang Han seemed to understand something.

He winked at the alliance power behind him.

The city lord forces such as Tie Mian Sheng and Alexander immediately led the others out of the dark room.

"Senior, you can talk now."

"Heaven Designated, do you have to identify it?"


"Then you have to pass the level [God's Light and Thunder Tribulation]! After you pass this level, come to me again."

"Boom!!!" The mysterious old man disappeared.

At the same time, in Fang Han's quest bar, the quest introduction of [God's Light and Thunder Tribulation] appeared.

Fang Han glanced at his property panel first:

ID: Nirvana

[Level]: lv63

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 5

HP: 776.38w/776.38w

Mana: 621054/621054

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5780, Constitution 3911, Agility 3846, Energy 5150, Charm 3021

Attack: 30766 (group soul bonus 30%)

Defense: 57663 (group soul trigger bonus 26%)

Critical rate: 169%

Anti-riot rate: 131%

Movement Speed: 801%

Damage Passive: 75%

Group Soul Awakening: 6% (lv1)


With such achievements, you should be able to challenge [God's Land Lightning Thunder Tribulation]!

Introduction: This is an unnatural darkest space, but the outside of the space is surrounded by the fierce light. There is no strict boundary between darkness and light. It is the comparison between the strong, which blurs the majesty of the light... For a long time Since then, these bright resentful spirits have absorbed the grievances of countless powerful people in the plane, and gathered light here to form a thunder disaster. Only those who have unlimited faith in the light can pass the test of [God's Light Thunder Tribulation].

Believe in the power of light? And only those with infinite power of faith can pass the test?

This may have something to do with Hoy, the Goddess of Light!

Now that the challenge is in front of us, let me try my best to verify the unknown fate.

Fang Han used [Repairing Shenshui (Holy)] on all the equipment on his body.

Then I explained some things to Tie Mian Sheng, Alexander and the others.

Under the blessings of all eyes, he entered the vortex transmission channel that had appeared above his head.

In my mind, I heard the mysterious old man's final advice: "Heaven Designated, when you return, the wings of the sun will either unfold for you, or turn you into a feather on the wings!"


Boom~! ! !

During the teleportation time when his head was in a daze, Fang Han suddenly remembered what the mysterious old man said just now.

What kind of feather light? Could it be said that each feather light of the 18X18 symmetrical [Sun Wing] is a Heaven Designated, or is it changed by other top existences in the Nine Layers of Gods?

If true, that would be astounding.


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