Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 322 I'm Still A Child

"Well, you are indeed worthy of this Dharma king!"

Shouldn't Fang Han say this?

Why did my own exclusive sign complain, and was passed by this Boos strategy?

Could it be because they both belong to the Mage camp?

If you hit it off so well, do you want to ask for help first?

"Phantom King, if you dare to scan me, I will scan you too! See through your underwear!"

"Haha, it's up to you. You can watch it if you like. The ones you killed in other planes before are just my ghosts. Although they also bear the name of "Shadow King", but It's not my real body! You probably can't think of it, you almost suffered a big loss at my hands in your last life!"

Fang Han sneered and said: "Don't worry, take your time. I have a special fate with you. Thanks to you remembering the things in the last life. However, I haven't forgotten you."

"Okay then, I'll wait until your magic is brewed. I'll kill you again!"

Fang Han sneered: "You are the one who needs time to brew the magic, Lord of Shadows!"

The masters of both sides fought each other, and finally stopped talking nonsense.

Fang Han's eyes, and the eyes of the King of Shadows, were both looking at each other attentively.

【Shadow King】

[World Destroyer Boos, lv100]


Seeing this, Fang Han directly covered his mouth.

I haven't seen him for a lifetime, but he has upgraded again!

In the previous life, Fang Han knew that the level of Phantom Mage was only lv91!

For the existence of afterlife level Boos.

Every time the Phantom King rises up to a level, he has to put in a hundred times more effort than other demons.

It's only been so long, and its level has risen by as much as 9 levels!

No wonder he can dominate the first floor of the magic city of the plane!

His strength cannot be ignored.

【Boos Skills-Entry-Mountains Shaking the Devil's Ground, Fire of Darkness Destroying the Devil, Formless Strike of the Devil, Weird Waves of the Devil...】

[Boos-Talent-entry-Magic Instant Rejuvenation, Demon Destroyer World Penetration...]

[Boos special ability scan result: unknown]

I rub it, and sparks come out.

This world-destroying level Boos can be called the most peak existence in the second level of the Nine Gods Domain.

Every time, encounter Boos of this level.

All will be excited.

But this time he felt a little cold~

Because even his scanning skill [Scanning Eye SS] couldn't penetrate all the attributes of the Shadow King.

This represents the other side in a way, an unfathomable opponent.

Correspondingly, after the Phantom King finished scanning Fang Han, all attributes of Nirvana Great God were unreservedly contributed to the opponent's field of vision.

It turned out that after the low tide, the one who was swimming naked was actually me~

Ah~ ah ah ah ah~

Seeing Fang Han's embarrassment, the Phantom King shouted: "You are a very powerful human existence, and I am very optimistic about you. As the overlord of the world, I can give you a positive comment. That is, you are qualified Become my subordinate, the top ten ghost Mage!"

What's the meaning?

The subsequent performance of the Phantom King let him know what it meant!

All I saw was that after the summoning of the Shadow King, ten demons with the halo of "Shadow Mage" suddenly appeared around Fang Han!

These ghost mages are all above lv90 and below lv100.

Every single individual, as long as it goes to the plane, is definitely the existence of the master.

In this regard, Fang Han is obviously far behind.

Because he is a human race!

In some respects, whether it is talent, strength, or magic, there is no way that the human race can compare with the demons, gods, and non-humans!

According to the words of those interstellar creatures in the memory of the previous life, human beings are too weak! Almost die with one touch!

Fang Han, who felt ridiculed, showed a faint wry smile.

"But I'm still a child." "No, no, I said the wrong thing."

Fang Han corrected: "But I'm only at level lv68, and even level lv69 is still one tier short of experience. Your ten shadow mages here each have a level that can go up from level lv90. You forcefully I'm stuffed into them, so why not form an F11 team?"

"You are wrong, Terran Heaven Designated! You are wrong, God Nirvana! You are wrong, master of the city-state alliance!"

Fang Han faced the Shadow King directly: "Where did I go wrong?"

"If you join my Shadow Mage guardian team, [F11] will never appear. Never, ever, will never appear."

Fang Han narrowed his eyes "——what do you mean?"

The King of Phantom Shadow gave him a reply that directly hit Tianling Gai: "After you join the Phantom Mage Guardian Team, you must participate in the transposition bloody battle. Whoever you can kill among them, you can replace the corresponding position. In other words, Even if I plead for you and let you squeeze in, but if your strength is not enough to kill ten shadow mages, you will only have the fate of being eliminated, understand?"

It's so cruel, I like it, I'm waiting for your words.

Fang Han, who received this news, couldn't say how happy he was.

But in his clever mind, he has already thought of a way to deal with so many strong men.

"Come one by one, don't be in a hurry, and none of them will run away. Yes, my biggest advantage is to defeat them one by one."

Thinking of this, Fang Han showed a little excitement.

Then he pretended to be very sad.

"Prince Shadow, you think highly of me."

"Of course, if it weren't for the existence of your Nine-Layer God Realm's disdainful title, I wouldn't give you the qualification to change places for bloody battles!"

This is the truth, no amount of water can be squeezed out of this sentence no matter how hard you use it, because it is the truth.

Fang Han accepted his answer.

Nodding in approval, he said: "I really enjoy the feeling of being favored by you. However, these ten ghost mages are probably not enough for me to kill. However, if you abide by the glory of the mages, I am still willing to do so on your terms." Pick up the ten phantom Mage one by one, or be picked up by them."

The King of Shadows laughed out loud.

His plot succeeded.

Fang Han was also laughing.

His "Nirvana God" plot also succeeded.

In order to fulfill his wish, the Shadow King immediately released a war domain.

In this mysterious space.

The fluctuation of space mana has affected the whole world.

[The area controlled by the forces of the city-state alliance has been attacked by a huge magic breath]


[The area of ​​influence of the bull demon domain has been attacked by a huge demon breath]


The city lord born with an iron face is a little confused with Shendu, the bull demon.

They don't know what's going on.

Then, they received a message from Fang Han.

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