If the cold desolate sea beast has learned all its skills, it is estimated that [crazy bomb], [freezing ray], [electric field] and other skills will be able to master them all in the end!


This is definitely a perverted Boos.

Fang Han had never dealt with this type of Boos before.

The opponent is not dead, but he can steal skills!

It's so exciting!

"Hey, you scary guy. If I meet your conditions, can you meet one of my conditions?"


The Frost Sea Beast doesn't mind being called a "scary fellow."

Using one of the tentacles, he "combed his hair" and looked at Fang Han with a strange expression.

"If my skills exceed seventeen, I don't know if you can grow new tentacles and learn it!"

This human race!

It seems that you have grasped my weakness?


The cold desolate sea beast was angry.

"Human, are you insulting me? I'm a sea beast, and the most taboo thing is ice magic. You actually want to shoot me with [Frozen Ray]? Are you crazy?"

Fang Han's eyes widened.

This frigid sea beast has too much personality!

It turns out that it doesn't like [Frozen Ray], it's because the ice attribute defense is too high, it feels that [Frozen Ray] hits it, it's like scratching it, it's not addictive, it's not exciting, it's not fun!

"Haha, don't worry. In addition to [Frozen Ray], I also have [Ice Ball Burst], [Ice Shard Armor], [Ice Spike], [Blizzard] and other ice skills. Guaranteed to make you feel good all at once. Enough."

"Really? Then come on. I don't mind becoming an ice-desolate sea beast."

After all, it is a Boos that has become a climate.

Even speak so nicely.

Fang Han did what he said.

Shot out the [Frozen Ray] that had been brewing to the extreme.

Under the call of the [God King Scepter].

[Frozen Ray] turned into a beam of death, piercing directly at the top of the head of the frigid sea beast.

Killing Boos kills the vitals.

On the head is the "command" of the cold desolate sea beast.

If [Frozen Ray] could freeze its head and make the frigid sea beast stop thinking, it might have an unexpected effect.

"Bang!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

[Frozen Ray] Blast three times in a row, and then the scalp of the frigid sea beast changed its color three times. Finally, this Boos sank into the sea water with the "turtle shrinking method", and when it came out again, it was resurrected with full blood!

This surprised Fang Han.

This frigid sea beast is really powerful enough.

Fang Han was amazed by the defensive attributes and skill characteristics.

"Very good! Now it's your turn to use my [Freezing Ray] to attack me!"

Fang Han said to the cold waste sea beast indifferently.

"No hurry! Human race, you can release a few more ice-type skills. After I learn all of them, I will kill you with one move. I like to play with you. After all, it has been a long time since no one has come to find hidden treasures on Calamity Island." The treasure here is here. Don’t you really want to fulfill the wishes of Tokas and the others? Then destroy me quickly!”

So arrogant!

As a boss, with human intelligence, but lurking in places like Calamity Island all year round, is it really good?

Without further ado, Fang Han really summoned an [Ice Puck Burst].

He shouted loudly: "You like ice very much, don't you, here we come!"

[Ice hockey burst]!

Several groups of white light spots moved rapidly in the air towards the sea surface, forming a straight parabola, and instantly hit the airspace where the cold desolate sea beast was.


The sound of ice bursts kept ringing.

There were about dozens of skin cracking sounds on the cold desolate sea beasts, large and small.

Obviously, even the thick-skinned Frost Sea Beast cannot fully defend against the power of [Ice Puck Burst].

The cold desolate sea beast dived into the sea again with its dry and cracked sea monster skin on its body.

This time I don't plan to give you another chance to recover your blood!

Fang Han stabbed [Ice Spike] into the sea.

Under the blessing of [Ice Mastery] magic.

The icicles appear to form some sort of "icing" of the ocean floor.

The powerful ice-type mana burst out at full speed, and the bottom of the sea, which was originally spouting angry flames, and the scalding sea water, were actually balanced under the action of ice-type magic!

Ka Ka Ka Ka ~

The sound of freezing sea surface extended from the bottom of Fang Han's feet to the deep water area where the frigid sea beasts were in the distance.

The frigid sea beast just floated its head up at this time, but suddenly found that it seemed to be frozen.

Then, the frigid sea beast sneezed, creating a huge ice crack on the sea surface, and finally floated that ugly head into the air again.

"Heaven Designated, as a human race, your wisdom astounds me! Your learning ability impresses me even more."

Fang Han pointed to his nose, and said proudly: "Listen up, cold desolate sea beast, do you know what the cubs under my hands call me in my plane? They all call me God Nirvana! They have A slogan: Follow Nirvana, and eat ninety meals in three days! How about it, isn’t it interesting?”

Even if the huge body of the cold desolate sea beast is soaked in sea water, now, after being "baptized" by the ice spikes, it already feels a little uncomfortable.

After all, when the magic power of the ice system is fully activated, the cold air will be transmitted to it.

The huge cold and desolate body unexpectedly appeared the phenomenon of "water ice fog" like evaporating.

This kind of feeling, the cold desolate sea beast has not experienced it for many years.

"Three days, ninety meals, what the hell is that?"

The frigid sea beast asked Fang Han.

"It's very simple. In our human race, if we eat three meals a day, that's nine meals in three days. If it's ninety meals, it means we need to eat ten days a day. Yes, I can provide more than ten meals to the cubs of the city-state alliance. double the amount of 'milk'. Are you envious?"

"Please explode your next skill!"

Fang Han was waiting for his words.

【Frozen Ball】!

Frozen Ball and Ice Ball Explosion both belong to the ice magic, and the skill form is both in the form of a ball.

But there is an essential difference between the two.

The former is an imprisoning skill, and the latter is a damaging skill.

Imprisonment skills combined with some special abilities that Fang Han has not revealed can have several times the killing effect.

For now, Fang Han thinks that the trial is over, and it's time to activate the [Petrochemical Ring God] he got not long ago!


The icy air of the frozen ball, carrying the secret power of "petrification", showed an irregular flying state in the space, blasting towards the frigid sea beast.

Pity this Boos, he still doesn't know that his death is coming.

"Hahahaha, with such a weak ice magic, you, a human race, are probably at your wit's end! Well, my eight pairs of tentacles have basically absorbed your skills. It's time to take revenge on you!"


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