Open the Juggernaut ranking in the main city.

Fang Han found that his ID, Nirvana, was still ranked first.

He received a message after he donated some of the materials on his own plane [City-State Alliance plane].

"Since your contribution has reached the activation condition, your Plane Tower has been opened. Submitting materials and gold coins can activate the attributes of the Plane Tower and enhance the overall strength of the Plane players!"

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Han's eyes.

It is estimated that Tie Miansheng, Long Yi Zhiyue and other subordinate city lords have already received this news.

Now, Fang Han's side is full of experts from his own plane.

The Bull Demon God squeezed in from the crowd, and began to greet from afar: "Master Nirvana, I went to upgrade, and I returned to the city immediately after receiving the news. I came to see how this [Plane Tower] is activated!"

Fang Han smiled.

"Everyone, read the announcement!"

[City-State Alliance Announcement: Due to the contribution of God Nirvana (gold coins: 17.8826 million, consumables God's equipment X3542, Yuanshi X7225, ore 51021, architect X512...) the tower of the guild plane you are in has been successfully activated]

【Ding! The tower of your guild plane has been upgraded to "Level 1" and your all attributes have increased by 24 points (note: all attributes can be freely controlled)]

The players are now sharing this news, and they are all crazy in an instant!

"Wow, there are more attribute points to add. Would you like to be so cool?"

"It's all thanks to God Nirvana, I love God Nirvana to death."

"The plane tower of this guild has been opened so far. It seems that only our city-state alliance plane has the conditions to open it! This is the only honor, so exciting."

"Haha, I love it, I joined the guild of the City-State Alliance just to gain points, and now my total points have exceeded 1024 points, killing monsters and upgrading, YYDS~"

"I'm just barely able to equip the 'God's Domain Battle Chain' with a little attribute. I didn't expect God Nirvana to help me fulfill this long-cherished wish. It's too hot! I love God Nirvana, please accept my knee, God Nirvana!"

I have to say that the players of the City-State Alliance are still very cute.

In fact, Fang Han turned on the attribute bonus of this plane tower.

In fact, there are other reasons.

So, even if this attribute tower is opened, it's just a matter of little effort, by the way.

But judging by the effect, it seemed that it exceeded Fang Han's expectations.

Fang Han looked at these players with admiration, envy, admiration, and even a little jealousy. After saying hello, he started to go to the next task.

He is now only a little bit away from lv80.

If you go up, you may be able to touch the ceiling that you couldn't touch before.

This is one of the motivations for Fang Han to enter the world of Nine Layers of Gods!

Keep getting stronger.

Keep doing things.

Dominate all kinds of charts non-stop!

"Heaven Designated, I am Ian, the leader of the newly opened Escort Agency in Misty City. There is no doubt that I came to you for important matters. My escort car was robbed and 102 treasure chests were lost. Can you help Do I find the lost treasure chest?"

At this time, an old man with the appearance of a wealthy businessman approached Fang Han.

Fang Han looked at the rewards for this task.

In addition to the high amount of experience, there are actually several [special treasure chests] rewards.

this is not bad!

Fang Han directly chose to accept.

"Heaven Designated, thank you for your help, now I will tell you the location of the lost treasure chest."

"7963.2614 in the Boos area of ​​Misty City, I wish you complete the mission early and return triumphantly."

Fang Han can be sure that other players have not received this task.

Because when he teleported to the location of 7963.2614, there was nothing in Boos.

Apart from a few Boos in the area, there isn't a single player here.

Probably the place is too remote.

Players spent a lot of money to teleport here, and the teleportation fee alone would cost a lot. Many players had to run into the Boos area in order to save a little gold coins.

So, if you are diligent.

Even if it is a player with no power or background.

You can also look for Boos in the Boos area, and get good rewards after eliminating them to improve yourself!

At this time, in front of Fang Han.

A huge "Elf Spider King" led a group of "Seven Star Wolves" to escort the plundered treasure chest to a certain Boos lair.

The corner of Fang Han's mouth curled up, revealing an imperceptible smile.

"It turns out that old Ian's bodyguard agency was robbed by Boos, and the treasure chest was robbed! Interesting!"

Counting in one breath, there are about eight Boos in front.

Except for one "Elf Spider King", all the rest are seven-star wolves above level 95.

Fang Han did not choose to attack immediately.

Because these Boos have hidden their own strength.

After [Scanning Eye SS] penetrated a Boos selected by Fang Han, some attributes that Fang Han was so familiar with came into view.

【Boos: Elf Spider King (Demon)】

[level]: lv99

【Race】: Elves

[Occupation]: Death Elf (full poison)

[Lord]: Tier 6

[Skills: Skynet Flame, Incense Voodoo, Forbidden Spider Curse...]

[Talent: Heart of Mage, Silk of Ice, Cut of Thunder...]

Health value: 1263.74w/1263.74w...

Seeing this, Fang Han took a breath of cold air.

This [Elf Spider King] has so much HP!

He went on to look down:

Attack power: 771988/771988

Voodoo Attack: 36298 Defense: 124119 Critical Power: 452

Antivirus: 2024


no doubt.

This lv99 elf spider king is a bit difficult to deal with.

It was at the head of the team, and it was nervously looking at the open space outside Boos' lair.

Soon, these Boos "robbers" had noticed Fang Han's existence.

Fang Han, who had a [Nirvana] halo on his head, flew over by the way.

[Xuntu S] Stop.

Fang Han has reached the end of the Seven Star Wolf team.

The elf spider Wang Li tensed up immediately.

The Seven Star Wolf pulling the cart behind also stopped at the same time.

The lasso was released automatically, and the treasure chest and carriage were neatly placed near the Boos lair.

"Damn it, these Boos have already awakened their intelligence?"

Seeing the Qixingwolves' uniform outward movements, Fang Han secretly let out a cry of luck.

If he hadn't checked the level and combat power of the [Elf Spider King] just now, he would have been scratched by the Seven Star Wolf if he had attacked so recklessly.


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