[Your assassination slash has hit the Boos Earth Demon King, and the Earth Demon King's HP has been reduced by 169,000]

[Your Meteor Sword Qi has already hit the Boos Earth Demon King, and the Earth Demon King's HP has been reduced by 718,000]


This wave of melee combat.

[Bull Demon God True God] commanded very well.

This effect made Nirvana very satisfied.

After he released the skills of the plane masters in the field of bull demons.

Immediately waved his hand: "Bloodland Alliance, top!"

Hearing the command to attack, Long Sniper Moon became excited, rubbed his hands and said to his warriors of the Blood Alliance: "Warriors, dealing with the Boos Earth Demon King is the most powerful battle of our Blood Alliance. Its glory , will cover the glory of our guild for destroying the plague of witches! Follow me, let's go together!"

The warriors of the Bloodland Alliance uttered an earth-shattering cry: "Kill, kill, kill!!!"

Then, with thousands of skills, he began to greet Boos, the Earth Demon King.

After staring at the entire battlefield, Fang Han realized that it was time for the Earth Demon King to release the light of imprisonment.

If so, he yelled: "All warriors of the city-state alliance, stop all attacks immediately after 5 seconds! Get down on the ground and avoid the confinement technique of the Earth Demon King!"


Countless lights of imprisonment flashed across the players' heads and backs.

Since only half of the Earth Demon King's body is exposed above the ground, when it releases this skill, the light of the skill almost moves in a "float" style.

After the light streaked across like a meteor, the players resumed their attacks.

The beheading in close combat, the power blocking of the Shield Warrior in the middle, and the long-range greetings of Mage and Archer in the distance, all cooperate seamlessly.

Countless "Miss, miss, miss" appeared on the top of the Boos Earth Demon King.

Fang Han now stared at the blood volume of the Earth Demon King again.

It has already destroyed 40 million life points!

But there is still an insurmountable distance between 40 million health points and 1 billion health points.

After all, the world's big Boss of the Nine Layers of Gods, the peak monsters, cannot be wiped out by one or two players or one or two guilds in one or two hours.

Calculated according to the current speed, the elimination of the Boos Earth Demon King in three days is the most radical prediction. But after moving up to the four-day time frame, that forecast has to be conservative.

But whether it is an aggressive style of play or a conservative style of play.

Any kind of result has been predicted by God Nirvana.

He is strategizing now, standing in command position on the hillside.

Order the plane of the city-state alliance, hundreds of guilds, to advance one by one, and strike with various skills.

Soon the blood volume of Boos Earth Demon King was pushed to a new blood slot point.

"God Nirvana, your eyeballs are bloodshot, let me command for you. Go over there and rest."

An iron-faced student in a tattered armor.

He understands that it is not easy for Nirvana.

In fact, the peak boss of this century-old war cannot be wiped out overnight.

God Nirvana is also human, and he also needs rest.

Standing in the commander's position to command the overall situation consumes several times to dozens of times more brain power than raising a knife to attack Boos.

"Okay, tough-faced student, you can follow the rhythm I just gave. Remember, don't let Boos escape! Also, be careful to avoid its [Gaze of Light]! Understand?"

Tie Miansheng nodded heavily.

"God Nirvana, don't worry. I have learned your [team battle command art], and my level is now lv2. Commanding the city-state alliance plane, I will definitely not make mistakes in dealing with this lv105 Boos."

With the promise of iron face, Fang Han flew to the shady side of the hillside with the help of [Sun Wings], and found a cool place to lie down and rest.

Soon, Fang Han fell asleep.

When I woke up, there was a bright light under the distant sky.

That's where Tie Miansheng commanded the team battle!

"Hahaha, Iron Miansheng, you played well!"

Now, the person with bloodshot eyes has become a tough man, this subordinate who was promoted, reused, and trusted by Fang Han.

Raising the high shield in his forehand, he ordered groups of soldiers to advance towards the Boos Earth Demon King.

When the skills released by Mage exploded, huge light energy was generated on the vast land, countless spaces were illuminated, and the sky over the entire boss area was as beautiful as countless fireworks were released.

[You have received "Frost Snow Lotus (God) X7" from Nirvana Great God]

Fang Han stuffed a bunch of things into the hands of his beloved general.

Tie Miansheng's eyes lit up!

There was a divine light in his bloodshot eyes.

"Thank you God Nirvana!"

He turned around and swallowed a "Frost Snow Lotus (God)" in one gulp, and the vitality and blood in his whole body were recovering at a visible speed!

Then, Fang Han gave him another [Equipment Repair Shenshui (God)].

This thing is too precious.

Tie Mian Sheng did not use it up immediately.

After returning to the resting place, he used the low-level [Equipment Repair Water (Low Level)] to repair the equipment several times in a row. After about ten minutes, the equipment was repaired, and Tie Miansheng was so sleepy that Rushi fell asleep.

In this way, Fang Han and several plane overlords took turns commanding the battle to destroy Boos.

In the evening of the third day, the large blood tank of Boos Earth Demon King had been cleared to an "extremely low" position.

Using [Scanning Eye SS] to penetrate its blood bar, Boos' blood volume of the Earth Demon King immediately entered Fang Han's field of vision.

The number 87.7336 million marks entered Fang Han's field of vision.

"Uh! It took so long to fight. Millions of warriors took turns to attack. Finally, the blood volume of the Earth Demon King was reduced to less than one-tenth! This battle, the brothers have worked hard. It is not easy for everyone, At that time, wait for the Boos rewards to be issued. I will reward them heavily!"

Fang Han took advantage of the time when the Lord Alexander replaced the role of the commander. In more than a dozen areas, next to the resurrection point, he set up a [Pharmaceutical Receiving Office] to be managed by some wounded soldiers.

Many mages have now emptied their parcels.

Whether it is the magic potion or the repair potion, they are already in the "0" state.

They were in a hurry and their expressions were frantic.

"My medicine is all used up, what should I do now?"

"How about we use the dagger to eliminate some mobs, and come back after supplementing?"

"This method will never work. By the time we come back, the Earth Demon King may already be dead."

"I also think it's inappropriate. Let's borrow some from the surrounding guild players. Brothers, we have something to discuss."

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