Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 360 Ending The Earth Demon King

"Isn't that simple? This is a lv105 Tongtian-level boos. His death chant is absolutely irresistible to ordinary players."

"But there's no need to go back to the city. Isn't there a resurrection point over there? Why didn't he go to the resurrection point, but went back to the city directly."

"The reason...hehe, the answer lies in the skills of this perverted boss. After all, super bosses can ignore the existence of certain laws. They themselves are the laws. Because they are very powerful and their strength is Tongtian, they can speak freely. ..."



Another "Death Chant" sounded.

Among the millions of players, there were still a few unlucky ghosts who were directly killed and returned to the city.

On the bulletin board of the city-state alliance, the news of death has appeared.

[Player 'Autumn Leaf Wuhen' has been instantly killed by the Earth Demon King's chanting skills, and has been revived in Yixing City]

[The player 'Give me a fire' has been instantly killed by the Earth Demon King's chanting skill and resurrected in Misty City]

[The player 'Heart Realm' has been instantly killed by the Earth Demon King's chanting skills, and is resurrected in the Bull Demon Realm]


"Idiot, the experience points are about to be divided, and he died back."

"Who made them disobey the rules and not fear the devil. When they need to lie down, they dare to go out and wander. They deserve it."

"Haha, I lost a few points of experience. It's so cool!"

"I despise you. But I'm having fun too."

At this time, a total of nine waves of green light from "Death Chanting" have covered the past. None of the players who survived died.

And those players who chose to "wave", the number is about 100, were accidentally sent back to the city-state in the land of resurrection.

Their levels, experience, and equipment were all plundered by the Earth Demon King.

The lv105 Earth Demon King, after this wave of blood recovery, his blood volume has increased to around 10 million.

However, its main body destroying skills have been released.

Millions of players will never allow it to be released again.

"Brothers, the time has come to kill the Earth Demon King! Stretch out your 100-meter-long swords and cut them over!"

"Mage, lose your skills."

"Yaolishi, give me a face-mounted instant kill!"

"Lich Master, imprison the Earth Demon King to death."

"Shield Warrior, there is no need to defend. The Earth Demon King has already hollowed out it. Just kill it in seconds."


Boom~! !

Boom~! ! !

Boom~! ! ! !

The whole earth seemed to be shattered.

When the huge body of the Earth Demon King fell down, all the players boiled up.

After all, this is already the 4th day of handing in skills.

Millions of players took turns attacking and killing the Earth Demon King, and spent hundreds of millions of gold coins. Only then did this huge demon king be killed.

Just the event of beheading the Earth Demon King itself is meaningful enough.

No matter how excited the players are, it is understandable.

"Oh oh oh..."


"The Earth Demon King is dead."

"The Earth Demon King is really dead!"

"Mom, after fighting for so long, this troll was finally wiped out by us."

"It's so cool! I want to record it, the death of the Earth Demon King is also cool."

"Would you like a group photo? 5 gold coins."

"I regestrated."

"I'm signing up too."

"Show me a handsome picture."


When the last boos fragment of the Earth Demon King fell from the sky to the ground, half of the Demon King's body buried under the ground was finally exposed.

After all, it is a big boos of level lv105.

Half of the body is as huge as a mountain.

Many players haven't waited for things such as experience, props, instruments, and equipment to burst out. I couldn't wait to pick up the [Earth Demon King Boos Fragments] on the ground as a souvenir.

At this time, the overlords of the city-state alliance, such as Tie Mian Sheng, Niu Demon God and True God, gathered around their master Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, this task has finally been completed by us."

"Yeah, it's really not easy. Brothers have worked hard!"

Fang Han, who just woke up and gave the Earth Demon King a fatal blow, is now holding a scepter and standing on the hillside as the ruler, like a magic king who is about to participate in the enthronement ceremony, so majestic.

Around him, there are countless adoring players.

Finally, the gazes of these players, along with Fang Han, looked at the last piece of the Demon King that fell.

As soon as this fragment hits the ground, the body of the Earth Demon King will disappear immediately.

Then there is the once-in-a-century feast of "dividing the viscera".

After all, the experience provided by the Earth Demon King allows those players whose level is too far from that of Nirvana to be directly promoted to a level.

And the boos rewards are also extremely spectacular.

Therefore, everyone is excitedly waiting to share the moment when the Boos Earth Demon King drops. Their blood is boiling, their passion is surging, and they are staring at the Boos space woven of darkness and light with their bloodshot eyes.

【Ding! The boos drops of the Earth Demon King have been calculated, and the rewards will be distributed to each player after 50 seconds]

【Ding! Congratulations to God Nirvana, who completed the final blow to the Earth Demon King and used the chance of magic attack to trigger "petrification". God Nirvana got double rewards for killing the Boos Earth Demon King]

【Ding! You have obtained 300 million boos experience rewards for killing the Earth Demon King]

【Ding! You have received a reward of 310.6424 million gold coins for killing the Earth Demon King]

【Ding! You have obtained boos item reward x14 for killing the Earth Demon King (Sky Ring, Shenwu Tonglian, Peerless Demon Bracelet, Golden Realm Belt, Fantasy Carnival...)]

【Ding! You have obtained boos points reward x1437 points for killing the Earth Demon King]

【Ding! You have obtained 376 points of land reward for killing the Earth Demon King]

【Ding! You have obtained the reward x54 from the mysterious treasure chest for killing the Earth Demon King]


There is no doubt that Fang Han is the biggest winner.

Now he returned to Misty City with a full package of equipment, props, and bonus points.

After taking some items that could be sold to the "steward" to sell, most of Fang Han's parcels have been cleared.

But eating thousands of "point scrolls" is a very painful thing.

Fang Han had no choice but to go to the "mysterious old man" to exchange.

"Oh, Heaven Designated, I heard that you recently completed another earth-shattering event. Seeing the look on your face, it seems that this is not a legend in the streets, but a real one?"

The mysterious old man looked at Fang Han with envious eyes.


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