Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 389 Bahamut's Resurrection

"My dear boos brothers, I invite you here because I want to use your dark magic power to revive our boos king, Lord Bahamut! What do you think?"

As soon as the ghost king said this.

The first to express his opinion was Lieyan Tianzun.

"I agree!"

"I also agree with the formless magic demon."

"The resurrection of Lord Boos King Bahamut is the voice of every one of our lava hell monsters. I agree, who dares to disagree, I, the Lord of Purgatory, will freeze him to death with the darkening ice staff!"

Hualong Beast King also said: "Well said! The boos king Bahamut was unexpectedly defeated by that kid Nirvana. It was just an accident, and it wasn't true. Therefore, this deity is still regarded as the boos king to Lord Bahamut. ! Let us revive him now."

With the efforts of several king bosses.

On the [Soul Condensation Box].

The soul of the boos king Bahamut is waking up little by little, and then, those boos souls like crushed ice in the river, soon merged into a "winding river" and then, the boos soul was awakened...



"Ahem! Where is this? Where is this king lying?"

The moment the boos king Bahamut woke up, he found himself lying in a box like a crystal coffin.

Beside him, his subordinates, the ghost king, the formless magic demon, the purgatory demon master, the dragon and beast emperor, etc., all fell asleep next to the boos palace.

Suddenly, a splitting headache hit him, and the memory of King Boos appeared in his mind instantly like a rising palace.

Bahamut immediately remembered to lead the lava hell forces to launch a "monster siege" war against the city-state alliance plane.

In his mind, it was like being struck by countless bolts of lightning in the dark night.

The memory fragments are like lightning bolts.

There are beast cavalry galloping vertically and horizontally, quadruped beast knights who behead city-state alliance plane guild warriors, and lava trolls who can knock down a row of human shield warriors with a single whip. There are soldiers carrying lava knives, lava swords, lava guns, and lava boulders, throwing them at the enemy...

Battlefield, fighting, plundering, possession...

Boos King Bahamut felt like he was going to explode when these memories flooded into his mind at the same time.

The growl sounded suddenly.

Then, the five boss kings were frightened at the same time and woke up from their sleep.

"King! Lord Boos King Bahamut! You are finally awake!"

"Oh my god, [Soul Concentration Box] has worked! Lord Bahamut has woken up."

"Heaven, earth! Gods of darkness, my prayers to you have finally paid off. Thank you for caring about the lava hell! I will use Lord Boos King's purge order to retrieve the beasts that were plundered by the plane of the city-state alliance." Blood, and then use the blood of the city-state alliance plane warriors to sacrifice you!"



Boos King Bahamut glanced at several demon kings under his command. Then he asked the ghost king, where did the other king go.

The ghost Wang Li immediately told the truth, saying that the king wanted to take the opportunity to rob the king of boos, but he found out and was eliminated by the ghost king.

After hearing this, Bahamut, the king of boos, was particularly touched. Then, abolish the ghost king!

Boos of Lieyan Tianzun, Formless Magic Demon, Purgatory Demon Lord, etc. They all expressed their incomprehension. You must know that the only one who can revive the boos king Bahamut is the ghost king.

If King Ghost hadn't retrieved Bahamut's soul fragment from the battlefield, Bahamut would still be in a state of splitting his soul and dividing his things.


The boos king Bahamut acted in such a domineering and fierce way that other kings didn't understand, but the devastated ghost king didn't have any complaints.

"Everyone, our boos king Bahamut, he is still as bad-tempered as usual, and as domineering as before! He can keep this domineering. Then the lava hell forces can make a comeback and continue to attack the city-state alliance forces! My ghost king deserves to die!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost king condensed his boos power into a bead and sent it to the boos king Bahamut.

"King, eat it! I disappear, you become stronger!"

Bahamut unceremoniously ate the darkening power of the ghost king, and then, his whole body lit up, the countless energies of the ghost king merged with the energy of Bahamut's boos king.

Bahamut's boos attribute was instantly strengthened several times.

"Well, Ghost King, this boos overlord knows that you are very loyal. So, now you go to sleep in the [Spirit Condensation Box] for a few days. It's my turn to revive you."

Boos King's operation is really domineering and weird!

The boos such as Wuxiang Magic and others were all dumbfounded.


When Ghost King was resurrected by Boos King Bahamut.

"Report! Lord Boos, the human city-state alliance plane has sent tens of thousands of warriors, and they have already marched towards my lava hell force. It is less than three hundred miles away from the lava hell world!"

"Who leads the army!"

"Responding to Lord Boos, the leader of the army is Nirvana himself!"

"It really is him, he really came!"

Boos King Bahamut showed hatred in his eyes.

A pair of animal eyes, almost blood red!

On the battlefield, he was only one move away from being defeated by God Nirvana. Up to now, this regret has not been eliminated.

"God Nirvana, good time! Pass my order down, and the forces of the lava hell will gather immediately. This king of boos, please have a good meeting with God Nirvana!"

The ghost king who had just been resurrected led the four kings under his command and shouted at the same time: "Yes, Lord Boos!"

City-state alliance army.

In a Chinese military camp.

"God Nirvana, there is a situation—"

"Tie Miansheng, what did you find out again, and you haven't reported it yet!"

"Hey, why are you hesitating? It's not like you!"

"God Nirvana, please prepare yourself mentally. When I tell you a piece of news, you may be shocked."

At this time, the [Ox Demon God True God] and the Dragon Sniper Moon City Lord who were discussing war strategies beside Fang Han stopped their movements and looked this way.

The iron-faced city lord probably found out some shocking news and came to report it to God Nirvana. But I was afraid that God Nirvana would be stimulated, so I was vaccinated first.

"Hey, it's just the forces of the lava hell. No matter how bad the news is, it can't surpass the resurrection of the boos king Bahamut. What news can surprise God Nirvana!"


Tie Miansheng secretly praised it in his heart.

God Nirvana is indeed a god!

This news, I also just inquired about it.

God Nirvana has already deduced it!

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