Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 404: Psychological Warfare

"What, you can't stand it after I equip only one [Eternal Icicle]?? If I equip a few more [Eternal Icicle]. Will your lava power disappear completely???"

When it comes to this, it seems to have entered a dead end.

The Devil King didn't want to continue entanglement.

Instantly activated the state of [Lava Power (Frenzied)].

In this 10km x 10km space.

Everything twists faster!

Even Fang Han's [Eternal Icicle] turned into a stream of icy water, flowing down from the [God King's Scepter]!

This time it was finally Fang Han's turn to be surprised by the great god named "Nirvana".

"This boos impresses me every time I release a skill. It really is a different existence. I don't want to kill it! I have to find a way. Take down the Demon King! Let it become my summoned beast!"

Think here.

Fang Han braved the scorching heat.

Transformed [Bright Magic Shield] into [Ice Magic Shield] and then used [Sun Wings] to block back the radiant heat from outside.

In the case of self-protection.

Fang Han retrieved his storage space.

Then, his eyes fixed on a prop.

Props [Eye of the Snake Demon King]!

Back then, Fang Han used such props to destroy the will of Lian when he killed the boss of the Guild of the Calamity of Mad Witches and tried Lian.

Then, with the cooperation of the Blood Domain Alliance.

Completely defeat the opponent in one go.

Thus, he won the guild battle between the Bloodland Alliance and the Scourge of the Wild Witch.

In the end, he helped the plane of the City-State Alliance and successfully brought the Bloodland Alliance under his command.

Completed the most important team battle since entering the Nine Layers of Gods.

All kinds of glorious memories entered Fang Han's brain.

Memories seem to be like a gentle medicine, making Fang Han fall into a certain emotion.

Then, he took out the [Eye of the Snake Demon King].

As far as this item is concerned, if you don't use it, I'm afraid you will lose even faster!

But in the hands of Fang Han.

Fang Han brought the [Eye of the Snake Demon King] into full play.

【Ding! Using the prop "Eye of the Snake Demon King" to transfer attributes successfully]

【Ding! Your Eternal Annihilation Mage state has changed to the ice magic casting state, and the duration is 720 seconds]

Enough is enough, definitely enough...!

【Pop Ice Roar】!

Bang bang bang...!

The three times of freezing damage were applied to the king of boos, who was thousands of meters away and staring at Fang Han.

With the blessing of three layers of freezing damage, the body of the Boos Demon King was indeed covered with three layers of frost.

Fang Han was overjoyed!

This is the beginning of ice magic fighting against the opponent's berserk [Mava Force].

But it does not mean that this is the last blow!

Now that Eternal Annihilation has been transformed into ice magic, let's use the overwhelming ice skills to destroy this monster who likes to "set people on fire"!

Fang Han took a deep breath.

A majestic wind struck Tianling Gai from the deep valley.

That is the power of the brave!

"The fight begins!"

Fang Han gave a loud shout.

[Scepter of God King] Summoned.

The ice beast boos [Frost Demon] appeared.

"Crack, click, click!"

[boos Ice Inverse Demon (lv93)]

Familiar taste, familiar formula!

It is still a summoned beast one level higher than Fang Han.

But it is all ice attribute!

Among the powers of the five elements, the ice damage bonus is the most even.

No matter where this [Ice Against Demon] goes.

Every step behind him will be frozen.

And ignore the [Lava Power] that can melt the air!

After this boos summoned beast appeared.

Fang Han felt that his lungs were completely cold!

"What a pleasing guy!"

Fang Han expresses emotion.

And then assisted with his own ice magic to kill the locked long-range target, the Devil King.

[Meteor Ice Roars]!

"Hoo hoo ~"

Under the blow of this skill.

The [Power of Lava] spreading from the Demon King's body weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And then

[Your summoned beast boss Ice Rebel successfully hits the target with the skill "Flying Ice Slash", and the enemy's target Demon King's defense power decreases by 14%, movement speed decreases by 26%, and HP decreases by 13%]

"here you go!"

Fang Han let out an angry praise!

[Scepter of God King] reluctantly retracted.

The eternally annihilated ice magic is already preparing for the second wave of attacks, and now, the magic power is brewing at full speed!

However, the attack of the boos ice demon is so crazy.

Every time the "Ice Blade Slash" in the hands of the Ice Rebel Demon is slashed, it can make the Demon King of the Demon Race Hell produce shattered ice that is difficult to breathe.

After several "flying ice cuts".

The Demon King finally retreated more than a kilometer to the Grand Canyon behind him!

With a space of 10 kilometers x 10 kilometers for maneuvering and maneuvering, the range of battles that can be used has become more and more cramped!

"Where can I retreat? I am the king of demons under the command of the demon king~~"

Facing the attack of the Ice Reversing Demon Summoned Beast, the Demon King cast his angry eyes on Fang Han who was behind the boos summoned beast.

Its gaze, beyond the ice demon, stared fiercely at Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, although your boos summoned beast is the best, and it is born to restrain the lava power of my king of evil. However, the casting time of your ice magic is only twelve minutes, and I have six lives left, can it be Will it not last for six minutes? God Nirvana, have you misjudged something? That is the most terrible misjudgment!"

This is—psychological warfare?

Fang Han was taken aback.

Boos would actually do this trick to himself!

This boos is really not ordinary powerful.

Just improve this piece of intelligence.

The intelligence of this boos is indeed worthy of the existence of [Intelligence: 7329]!

"You are awesome. But your lava power, after losing the blessing of Shura gems, will only become a fountain of eagle eyes that dries up quickly! When the spring is exhausted, all that is left will be the eagle's tears!"

Fang Han is telling the truth.

The truth can best hit the weakness of the king of bosses.

The beast's eyes are hazy.

Expanded his inner vision skills and checked the remaining lava power...

Sure enough, Nirvana's vision is so advanced that the Demon King really admires it!

The result of the other party's speculation is correct!

Now it's time to worry about the effect of the time limit. It's not just him, the "God of Nirvana", he, the "King of Demons and Cruelty", has also entered this vicious circle of confrontation without exception.

"Come on, let your ice magic strike be more fierce!"

"Hey, this seems to be the battle cry that the strong in our human plane like to say most. Where did you learn it? The king of evil!"


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