Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 439 The Plane Of The City-State Alliance Will Be So Rich

Fang Han is still on the war sand table, [Fix Luo Tiankong] map, planting a small flag.

Calmly responding to Niu Mo Shendao: "Those two guys are not only gods, they are the peak existences of other planes in the Nine Layers of Gods."

"Hey, God Nirvana, how do you know? Could it be that you were in the square just now?"

Fang Han shook his head.

Put down the flag in your hand.

Walked down from the sand table.

Sit on the exclusive chair for the master.

The Bull Demon God immediately turned into a younger brother.

Hand over the decompression supplies - a small cup of fragrant tea!

Fang Han took a sip of fragrant tea and said lightly: "This guy is here to test the strength of our city-state alliance plane. You should know that after [Xiu Luo Tian Kong] is opened, the entire Nine Layers of God Realm will be merged."

"God Nirvana, you mean..."

Bull Demon God True God didn't quite understand what Fang Han meant.

Fang Han said: "Nine layers of gods, sooner or later, the ultimate fusion will be carried out. The amount of resources will never be unlimited. And a powerful guild will become stronger and stronger. This means that the moment the super god boos area is developed. The fierce competition between the most powerful planes has already begun."

At this moment, the city lord born with an iron face drove up to Fang Han.

Seeing that the Bull Demon God was also there, he nodded and said hello.

Then reported to Fang Han: "Master Nirvana, how do you plan to deal with the two strong men sent out from the Valkyrie plane this time?"

The Bull Demon God interjected: "The Valkyrie plane? No wonder Bamianfeng is carrying a Guanglong Holy Spear. It turns out that he is a master from the Valkyrie plane. Now I want to kill him even more! This is a qualified opponent!"

"Why, Brother Niu Mo, you didn't fight Bamianfeng?"

Tie Miansheng asked suspiciously.

"Yes, why not? It's just that that guy actually found an excuse, saying that his divine weapon [Dragon Light Holy Spear] has not been consecrated... No, it has not yet been appraised. So even if it is a tie with me, the Bull Demon God, I He also lost. Listen, who can stand such words. "

Tie Mian said with a smile: "Lao Niu, you have been fooled. He is deliberately deceiving you."

"What, has his [Dragon Light Holy Spear] been fired?"

"That was not what I meant."

Then, Tie Miansheng told Niu Demon God the other party's real intention.

——"Uh, isn't it, this guy is so insidious? He actually wants to prostitute [mysterious old man]'s appraisal fee for nothing?"

"Come on, we can go."

At this time, Fang Han had finished drinking the fragrant tea.

I feel very good.

He is ready to lead his men.

Go and meet Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King, two strong men from the Valkyrie plane.

[Announcement from the Plane of the City-State Alliance: Great God Nirvana has gone to the Fountain Square, and will soon meet with the powerhouses of the Valkyrie Plane "Eight Wind" and "Voodoo Neptune"]

As soon as the announcement is released.

Misty City suddenly boiled.

What plane's master can actually make the great god Nirvana go to the square to meet him in person?

"Who is this person? He has such a big face."

"Yes, Nirvana Grand Shendu is dispatched."

"Come on, buddies, let's go and watch the excitement."

"Interesting, I just had nothing to do today. After drinking the celebration banquet, I just took a few days off to reward the brothers in the guild. Let's go, let's have fun too!"

Fountain Square.

Right in the center.

When Fang Han drove to the square with two overlord men.

As expected, Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King are still there!

At this time, in the eyes of Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King.

All they saw was a tall, thin figure.

Take a leisurely pace.

Seems like they are there, but they don't seem to be there!

Then walked up to them.

Could it be...

This thin and tall eternal annihilation demon Mage is the legendary Nirvana god?

this image.

How can it not match the domineering, bullying, and domineering in the imagination at all!

Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King exchanged a look.

They all felt incredible.

"Excuse me, is your Excellency..."

"I am the God Nirvana you want to see! Two distinguished guests have come from afar. If I, God Nirvana, send someone to fight now, people will say that our city-state alliance is waiting for work and disrespecting you two challengers. How about it, You stay in Misty City first, and all expenses will be paid on the city-state alliance plane. When you want to compete with the masters of the city-state alliance, let me know and I will arrange it! The location will be in the newly opened city-state alliance war field!"

Crisp and neat, the words of Nirvana are not sloppy at all!

Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then, Bamianfeng bowed his body while touching his chest, and performed a standard ruler etiquette to Fang Han.

"God Nirvana, before I accept your arrangement, can you introduce a task issuer to my acquaintance?"

"You want to meet [mysterious old man]! It depends on one's chance."

"That's right, that's true, but [Mysterious Old Man] has been a long time, and hasn't patronized our Valkyrie plane. Therefore, I have to go to your city-state alliance to appraise this [Dragon Light Holy Spear]. Come from the plane. That's the reason!"

"I understand! Did you bring gold coins?"

"Bring some."

"How much did you bring?"

"More than 30 million."

Fang Han smiled.

"Ba Mi Feng, you're out of your mind, right? Is a mere 30 million gold coins enough for the appraisal fee?"

Voodoo Sea King couldn't stand it anymore.

"God Nirvana, please speak respectfully. After all, we are also the overlords of the Valkyrie plane. More than 30 million gold coins are already extremely rare wealth in our place."

The iron-faced student explained in the middle: "Voodoo Sea King, don't get me wrong. Do you know the wealth of our master, Nirvana?"

Then, under the wide-eyed gaze of the other party, Tie Miansheng squeezed out three fingers.

"Three hundred million?"

"Three billion?"

"Three billion?"

"Three hundred billion?"

Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King, the two overlords of the Valkyrie plane, interrogated four times.

until the fourth time.

The iron-faced city lord nodded to him.

"Uh, fuck it! This God Nirvana is just a miser, a master, and has a wealth of 300 billion gold coins!"

Bamianfeng's eyes are also miraculous.

Instantly felt that his aura of [Overlord] had weakened.

The Bull Demon God smiled and said: "Hey, you two brothers from the Valkyrie plane, I am not the old bull who is attacking you, I am just the overlord of the bull demon domain under the city-state alliance plane. My wealth is 70 billion gold coins! Stupid!"

The faces of Bamianfeng and Voodoo Sea King flushed red.

In the competition for wealth.

They did lose.

And besides being convinced.

Unexpectedly, the city-state alliance plane would be so rich.

When they came to this plane, they had already imagined the wealth of the city-state alliance.


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