【Ding! You have comprehended the "Battle Fairy Illustrated Record" X2, and obtained the five-dimensional attribute +10]

【Ding! You have comprehended the remaining pages of "Battle Fairy Illustrated Record" X3, and obtained the five-dimensional attribute +10]


"Wow, it turns out [Battle Fairy Illustrated Record] can still be played like this!"

Fang Han, who discovered the problem, was immediately overjoyed.

But the [mysterious old man] gave him so many broken pages. He has to dig out the remaining 96/99 pages.

According to the mysterious old man, apart from [Consonance Immortal Island], there are also places where you can get [War Immortal Catalog], such as the Super God Boos map [Xiu Luo Tiankong].

[Cultivating Luo Tian Kong] Ultimate Boos is also one of the sources of [Battle Fairy Illustrated].

The crux of the matter is whether Fang Han is lucky enough.

When attacking [Xiu Luo Tiankong] ultimate Boos.

100% burst out [Battle Immortal Catalog] residual pages!

"Well, that's a problem."

Think here.

Fang Han opened his property panel.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory)

[Level]: lv130 level (disregarding the world)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 10

HP: 112481.67w/112481.67w

Mana: 840493/840493

Multi-dimensional attributes: intelligence 8102, agility 4399, magic defense 7840, charisma 10754, power of light 2047, holy damage, 7135...

Defense: 7084 (soul power trigger bonus 45%)

Critical rate: 278%

Anti-riot rate: 226%

Movement Speed: 1910%

Damage Passive: 199%

Group Soul Awakening: 78% (lv5)

Bright Defense: 1053

Lucky value: 0



"I have grown into a tenth-level lord, which is enough to trigger the lucky attribute. No, the ultimate Boos on the third floor of [Xiu Luo Tian Kong] will definitely be plundered by me! And get the best lucky burst rate!"

Although Fang Han has [Infinite Plundering (SSS level)] such an extraordinary talent.

But when it comes to the blessing of extreme luck.

The former still cannot be compared with the latter at certain times.

After all, Infinite Plundering can only plunder what Boos already has.

According to the world law of [Nine Layers of Gods].

It is impossible to refer to it 100% to obtain the unlimited explosion rate of Boos!

But luck is different!

Lucky value can increase the innate explosion rate.

It is different from the trigger of acquired plunder chance.

It can fundamentally solve the problem of Fang Han plundering [Xiu Luo Tiankong] the third floor ultimate Boos burst!

"What the [mysterious old man] told me must be true! This old man with the mysterious bloodline ability is a veteran of the [Nine Layers of Gods]. His words have always been credible! Otherwise, the mysterious The old man will not trust me to hand over page 3/99 of the [Battle Immortal Catalog]!"

Based on the above judgment.

Fang Han decided to make a trip himself.

Now, the progress of the [City-State Alliance Team] attack.

Already approaching the Boos Palace on the third floor of [Xiu Luo Tian Kong].

After Fang Han shared his team experience, he went to the master craftsman in the city to repair his whole body equipment.

After all the equipment became [Durability 100%], Fang Han then safely teleported into the Super God Boos map [Xiu Luo Tian Kong].

"Fix Luo Tiankong, I'll come too!!~"

As soon as Mage, who is holding the [Scepter of God King] high, Fang Han, who wears the "Nirvana" ID on his head, arrives.

The whole space trembled.

"Welcome [Eternal Annihilation] Demon Mage Nirvana to the Super God Boos area!"

"The master of the plane of the great city-state alliance, ascended to the Xiuluo sky, let us welcome the arrival of the warrior, and congratulate him on his return with a fruitful harvest!"

When these words floated above the map of the [Xiu Luo Tian Kong] in the Nine Layers of the Divine Realm.

The warriors on the plane of the city-state alliance were immediately greatly encouraged.

"Ahhh, didn't you say that God Nirvana won't come? He finally came!"

"It's great, God Nirvana personally led our three thousand warriors to conquer King Boos and repair the third floor of Luo Tian, ​​which can be penetrated in minutes!"

"Haha, you guys, you see. God Nirvana will not give up on your leadership after all, and now he is here to lead you to attack the city again!"

"My lord [Ox Demon God True God], an unknown Boos is found in front of us. One of our scout squads, three members, are all heroic!"

A guild elder under the command of the city-state alliance reported to [Bull Demon God True God] angrily.

"What, the mysterious Boos ate three of our team members in one go? Unforgivable!"

Soul Seizing Fork made a move.

Bull Demon God is ready to fight in person.

"Lord Bull Demon God!"

The city lord Tie Mian Sheng stopped him in time.


"Get out of the way, I want to single out the mysterious Boos! Even if it is a super god Boos, it doesn't matter. Along the way, I [Bull Demon God True God] killed too few super god Boos!!"

"I said no, I just can't! That Boos is very likely to be the ultimate Boos for repairing the third level of Luo Tiankong!"


"He's right."

Just when [True God of the Bull Demon God] and the iron-faced city lord were at loggerheads.

A voice was transmitted to their ears with penetrating power.

...is Nirvana the Great God!

God Nirvana, he finally arrived at the third floor map of Xiu Luotian.

Now he is in the third floor of [Xiu Luo Tiankong], where the city-state alliance team is stationed in the camp!

Here is the Boos Palace on the third floor.

Only a 100-meter-wide moat is missing!

The river is turbulent and dangerous.

It is said that the Boos here will use the blood of all prey to moisten the entire Boos Palace!

No wonder the smell of the river is so bad, not only the color is not bright, but the river is extremely dangerous.

"God Nirvana, it's good if you come here. We have cleared all the barriers around the third layer of Xiuluo Tiankong. Now, there is only this Boos palace left without a strategy!"

"God Nirvana must lead us to completely break through this Boos palace. Let the brothers return with experience and rewards!"

All the city-state alliance guild players eagerly looking forward to their ruler, God Nirvana, cast fiery eyes.

"Of course! I'm here to repair the third floor of Luo Tian, ​​and I'm here to attack the Boos Demon King!"


Having said this, Fang Han paused.



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