【Star Witch】Only in the invisible state, half of the magic of the stars was summoned, and Fang Han had already been sent to another airspace.

Immediately, he happily put away his star magic.

【Shihu Xingkuang】, finally saved!

However, he was called Fang Han, the Nirvana Great God, and he seriously damaged his basic gun repair energy. If he wants to fully recover to the pre-war level, he may not be able to do it in three or two months.

In other words, the current Lord Shihu can only assume the role of commander in the battle of the planes. As for personally attacking the enemy guilds and planes, he will only become the target of the opponent's sharp knife team!

"Great God Shihu, five of the nine lines of defense have been breached. Give up holding on to the [Magic Teleportation Formation] and let them go to the [Lingxi Immortal Island]!"

"But I..."

Shihu Xingkuang was very upset.

But in the face of reality.

He had to choose to bow his head.

He glanced at Fang Han viciously, then turned his hand and waved to the forces of the Valkyrie plane who were still fighting in the Unknown Dark Temple.

The resistance forces disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The city-state alliance plane finally won the battle with the Valkyrie plane for the [Magic Teleportation Array].

This is a big event!

[Bull Demon God True God]!

Moon of Dragon Sniper!

Iron-faced castellan!

They all led the elite of the main battle guild to the teleportation circle.

One after another [Teleportation Incantation] chanting.

Under the direction of Fang Han.

The forces from the plane of the city-state alliance entered [Spiritual Rhinoceros Island] one after another through the teleportation array.

"God Nirvana, we are waiting for you in Lingxi Xiandao!"

【Bull Demon God True God】The last one to send in.

Fang Han, the great god of Nirvana, was left alone, confronting 【Star Luo Witch】.

Now, apart from [Star Luo Witch], there is no one else in this war field.

As for Fang Han's defeated general [Shihu Xingkuang], although he was not completely defeated.

But it has already suffered heavy losses!

Even if [Star Luo Witch] helps him.

It can't change the status quo that the Valkyrie plane has been fully invaded by the city-state alliance.


"God Nirvana, you have already won a part of the battle of the planes! You have already obtained one-third of the progress of the battle of the planes. You should be satisfied now!"

"Star Luo Witch, what do you mean by that?"

"Hey, God Nirvana, it seems that you are not satisfied with the current situation. Yes, if I hadn't attacked you just now, God Shihu would have been killed by your magic power."

"But then again, I, the Death Star Clan, and you also want to gain control of Lingxi Xiandao. However, facts are better than people. As a princess of the Death Star Clan, I can accept this result. You Nirvana God will not Tell me, you still can't accept this result!"

Fang Han snorted coldly.

Xiang Xingluo Witch said: "Go and pass a word to my defeated generals. The day I finish conquering Lingxi Xiandao is when I will return to my carbine. The plane of Valkyrie will be destroyed by me. Unless he, the Great God of Stone Tiger, can offer it!" My own knee. I, Nirvana, can forgive him and spare him from death. Otherwise, I will deprive him of his [immortal] title, for sure!!"

Star Luo Witch heard this.

Know this plane war.

It has become a dead end.

She has been deeply involved in it.

In any case, it was impossible to stay out of it any longer.

"Okay, I will convey your words. But don't forget, such as the Martial God Plane. You haven't obtained the permission of my Death Star Clan yet!"


After saying this, Princess Xingluo Witch of the Death Star turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the airspace opposite Fang Han with a whoosh.

She has gone far!

Fang Han looked at the faint light on the magic teleportation array.

【Xuntu SS】A flash.

He also entered the magic teleportation array and was teleported to the illusory realm of [Consonance Immortal Island].

"Welcome to God Nirvana!"

"God Nirvana, you're not happy, you're not happy! Why did you beat me halfway, and all the bastards from the Valkyrie plane ran away? What the hell is going on?"

"Ox Demon God, listen to God Nirvana, don't rush God Nirvana. Didn't you see that God Nirvana just played against [Stone Tiger Starcrazy] and the Princess of the Death Star [Star Luo Witch] just now. ], he is already tired."

Fang Han shook his head.

Gather the three titans.

"Listen, now divide our forces in two planes. On the one hand, continue to plunder the fierce beasts, brutal beasts, and spirit beasts here in Lingxi Immortal Island! On the other hand, I will follow my Nirvana to deal with the harassment of the Valkyrie plane at any time."

Long Yi Zhiyue heard Fang Han's words.

He frowned and said, "But I have another worry."


"Great God Nirvana, will the Valkyrie plane take advantage of our opportunity to go to the island to take over Misty City, which is the first main city of our plane forces?"

"Oh, why didn't I, Niu Demon God, think of this? Yes, what if the other party abandons the battle domain of Lingxi Xiandao and the Valkyrie plane, but sends a large force to invade our main city in reverse? God Nirvana, what's the matter?" It is a difficult matter. We must think of a way to deal with the enemy's conspiracy."

Fang Han fell silent.

That was indeed what worried him the most.

"Soldiers, the battle of deceit. Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. Now you can just split up. As for the protection of the main city, you don't need to worry about it."

See God Nirvana said so.

[True God of the Bull Demon God] The first to lead the cubs in the field of the Bull Demon to advance to the depths of the Consonance Immortal Island.

Then, Tie Miansheng also divided the guild forces into several parts, and carried out raids in the huge wide-area map of Lingxi Xiandao.

Dragon Sniper Zhiyue put the main force of the Blood Field Alliance on defending the island.

After all, the Valkyrie plane would never let intruders rob them of their plane resources.

And Lingxi Xiandao has long been regarded as an asset of their plane.

It is only a matter of time before they come to attack and harass the plane of the city-state alliance.

【Ding! The Scanning Eye SS is already at X32 of Lingxi Xiandao, and has locked onto the space variation at X89. The space variation has evolved into a teleportation rift, and enemies may appear at any time]


Knew it! ~

Fang Han snorted coldly.

Pointing to a crack in space.

"They're coming! Dragon Sniper Zhiyue, let's go and fight. Give these bastards from the Valkyrie plane some color."

"God Nirvana, it's still your calculation. Knowing that the Valkyrie plane is coming, our city-state alliance plane has already made preparations to block it. Let them come together."

Long Yizhiyue finished speaking.

Has led a large number of Blood Alliance Warrior.

Kill the enemies who invaded the Lingxi Xiandao from the space rift.

And all of this is under the control of Nirvana master Fang Han.


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