Zhao Yu and Jiaojiao made the world see what is hot again. Jiaojiao's video has just been uploaded and the number of views exceeded 10 million in one second.


Ping comments and retweets are quickly swiping the screen. Of course, it is inevitable that the red will be black. The abuse and suspicion occupy half of the country.


"This is the level of Longsword and Wild Songs?"



"You really amused me. I'll go buy one and slap you in the face."



"My own level is not good, and I blame others for the difficulty in operating the equipment."



"This is originally something that sails on the sea of ​​clouds. Of course you can't do it on the sand."




No matter what era, gangsters and sunspots are inevitable, otherwise why would jealousy be one of the seven deadly sins!


For these things, Zhao Yu, who has experienced it several times, has completely dismissed it. Jiaojiao's adaptability is stronger than his.


Of course, they still have many normal fans, and their videos are also for these people.


"Hahaha! President Mad Song fell so badly!"



"Goddess Jiaojiao is so beautiful, what should I do if I suddenly feel that they are a good match?"



"Get married on the spot!"



"Tell you the unfortunate news, they are not yet of marriageable age!"



"Hey, this video is a step too slow! I've already bought Weiba, it's hard to say anything!"






However, when people tried to get started with Weiba, the doubts immediately decreased a lot, and only some embarrassment remained.


Weiba is definitely very difficult, otherwise it would not take a normal Sky Islander training for nearly ten years to master it.


What is the level of a person like Nami who knows how to get started, this is almost a bonus brought by the talent of the strongest navigator in the One Piece world.


Whether it is animation, comics or theatrical version, this is the only one with this talent, and some people even suspect that she is the ancient weapon king Uranus like Shirahoshi.


But this is just suspicion. Oda likes to change the settings very much. You guessed it, I can't change it?


Those who didn't believe in Zhao Yu and Jiaojiao bought Weiba and experienced it, they quickly believed it, and then some people came to apologize.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt the level of Guild Leader Longjian Madge!"



"This thing is too ridiculous, I can't control it at all!"



"I experimented in Baibaihai, but I fell into Baihai and then Qinghai, like a meteor!"





"I'll be a dog if I question Zongjian Kuangge in the future. I've blinded more than a million Bailey and bought a piece of junk!"



"Don't you ask the NPC? He said that it takes 10 years for normal Sky Islanders to master it."






When everyone was talking about it, Zhao Yu and Jiaojiao started to go shopping carefree again.


Those things on the Internet can't affect their current mood in the slightest. Although they still look angry sometimes, it is definitely not now.


"The sky island is really amazing! Do you think we can use these shellfish?"


Looking at the various shellfish in the shellfish shop, Jiaojiao said that the shellfish culture in the sky island is really fascinating.


There are fourteen kinds of shellfish in the store, because of prestige they can only buy the first five kinds of shellfish, these shellfish are:


1. Yinbei: It can record and play sound as a tool for conveying information or entertainment.


2. Lamp shell: It can emit light for a period of time, and it can also emit light by itself, as an indoor lighting tool.


3. Shuibei: It can store water and use it as a fire fighting tool.


4. Video Bay (Yingbei): It can record and play video for surveillance at the entrance of Skapia.


5. Weibei: It can store smells, use it as a fragrance utensil, and can also play pranks (store farts).


The above five kinds of shellfish should be said to be only for daily use. There are few opportunities to appear in the original work. Zhao Yu and the others can only buy these five kinds of shellfish now.


In fact, he's not bad. He came up through the Tongtian Ocean Current, and normal players can't buy any of them at this stage.


6. Yunbei: It can eject clouds unique to the sky island, and cannot be used when returning to land. The white berets were used for teleportation when they fought with Braham and others, and the priest Ohm kept Iron Cloud's sword, called Iron Whip.


7. Wind shell: It can store the wind and release it later. In addition to the civilian Weiba, almost all sky island warriors use their equipment to move quickly with skateboards and skates, and can be detonated after storing gas, see Huayipa's incendiary cannon.


8. Yanbei (i.e. fire shell, flame shell): It can store fire and then spray it out. Priest Shura's mount, Firebird, was equipped with this kind of shell.


9. Hot shell: It can store hot air and release high heat. Seurat's weapon, the Searing Gun.


The above 4 kinds of shells are the shells that can be used in both life and battle. They can build houses, make vehicles, cook vegetables, etc...


10. Flash shell: It can store light and release it instantly. The flash gun of the Shandora warrior Braham.


11. Shock Shell: It can be released freely after absorbing the shock. The basic equipment for all air island fighters to travel at home and go out to fight


12. Slashing shells: The type possessed by Skapia, which can be released freely after absorbing slashes. The Divine Soldiers mainly use weapons.


The above three kinds of shellfish are only used as combat shells in all the scenes.


13. Fengfeng shellfish: a kind of wind shellfish, but it can spray stronger wind. The priest Nirvana is equipped with a high-speed attack on the wrist (and the bottom of the ark Maxim of Anilu is also equipped with 200 Jets).


14. Discharge shellfish: The shellfish that existed in the ancient sky island can release 10 times the power of shock shellfish, but at the same time, the recoil is also deadly enough. When used by War Ghost Webber, it is extremely powerful.


In addition to the shellfish store, he and Jiaojiao also discovered the prestige store in Sky Island, which is different from Alabasta.


There are only two Devil Fruits in this store, one is the Pony Fruit - Pegasus Form, and the other is the Superman Spring Fruit.


In addition to these two Devil Fruits, there is another item of equal value, "Empty Island Heart Network Cultivation Manual".


Xinwang is actually an incomplete version of the domineering and domineering name of the sky island, an ability that is possessed by the sky island.


A move that relies on hearing to perceive the opponent's actions and status. God Anilu uses the power of his heart to combine with the power of his own fruit, which can expand the sensing range to the range covered by the entire sky island.


Compared with Ka Er, Luffy and the others who have cultivated to the extreme with their arrogance and domineering ability to foresee the future, the disadvantage is still very obvious, that is, the unpredictable attack and defense of the unconscious.


But these shortcomings are just because of the lack of cultivation. If you continue to practice, it is not impossible to achieve.


And it's too early to think about meeting the future. At this stage, Zhao Yu's knowledge is definitely top-notch, but he's only proficient.


This skill can be exchanged in unlimited quantities. Zhao Yu feels that there are pits here, but he can't tell where the pits are.


"What kind of skill could this Heart Net skill be? It's actually equivalent to a Devil Fruit."


Jiaojiao also saw this special skill and said.


"It should be a skill like arrogance and arrogance, but I don't know what's the difference between it and the navy's spectacle."


Jiaojiao Zhao Yu won't hide it~www.NovelMTL.com~ But he can't say it too clearly, or he can't explain it clearly.


"The navy's knowledge is too far away, and I feel that not every player can be promoted to a general-level officer." Jiaojiao said.


After hearing Jiaojiao's words, Zhao Yu suddenly realized that he understood where the pit of this thing was, and awakening to the domineering thing requires talent.


Especially the Heart Net of Sky Island, except for Anilu and a few priests, no one seems to be able to use it.


Surely not everyone among the players has this kind of talent. After using the cheats that have been collected and exchanged for several months, I found that I have no talent, and my mentality exploded!


"Let's not think about it for now, this thunder-forged gold nugget should be a group item.


First, let people get their reputation quicker. Sky Island should also have a quest similar to Alabasta, so don’t suffer the loss of last time. "


Zhao Yu said, and then he sent a screenshot of the store to the group.


Of course, there are not only these three items in the store, but also many other items and rare materials.


In particular, the ship-casting gold and Shenmu Adam are things that the Nineteen Continents need more than ever.


They have three ships to get right now, especially the Ark Proverbs, which is made of almost pure gold.


Anilu almost emptied the gold of the empty island before he was built.


Jiujiuzhou originally wanted to replace it with other materials, but the progress has not been good.

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