Online Games: One Piece World

Chapter 274: meeting two

"Execution of 'Fire Fist' Ace, is there any problem with Whitebeard? Or..."

When everyone digested the news, Vice Admiral Crane in the front row asked.

As the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, he is also a person of the same period as Whitebeard and others.

With what Crane knew about Whitebeard, they wouldn't turn a blind eye to Ace's execution.

The strongest man in the world, treating his crew members like family, is the most precious thing in his life.

How could he be indifferent to his family being executed, when the battle between the Navy Headquarters and the Four Emperors must be inevitable.

After the Warring States heard the crane's question, he said:

"This is exactly what I want to say, in the next few days, we will assemble all the officers above the rank of commander in the Navy.

Our purpose this time is not only to execute Ace, but more importantly to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates! "

As soon as the words of the Warring States period fell, the scene in the conference room became chaotic again.

"What! Fight with the Four Emperors Whitebeard!"

Some people were shocked and said that these people are older people, and they are also people who have played against Whitebeard.

They are all too aware of Whitebeard's strength. The world's number one powerhouse has the power to destroy the world.

Zhao Yu looked back at these shocked people and found that they were all NPCs he didn't know, and they were probably cannon fodder.

The three generals, Garp, Crane and the famous lieutenant generals in the animation did not change their expressions.

These talents are really not afraid of Whitebeard, and they are also the main force to deal with Whitebeard this time.

"Quiet, what's your style?"

Warring States was really angry this time, and at the same time he was thinking, it seems that these guys are really old.

Seeing that the Warring States were angry, these people also quieted down, and then the Warring States said again:

"Don't worry, Whitebeard is no longer the Whitebeard he used to be.

We have received information that age and disease have been tormenting him, and his strength can be said to be out of ten.

This time is an opportunity for the navy to fight pirates. We need to give the people confidence and warnings, so as to cut off the source of pirates. "

Zhao Yu thought that the plan of the Warring States period was still very good. He used Ace to attract Whitebeard, and then live broadcast to eliminate the seriously ill Whitebeard, thus shaking the world.

Let ordinary people who keep going to the sea as pirates dare not go into the sea again, and then go all out to solve the era of the great pirates.

A plan is a good plan, and an idea is a good idea, but there is something wrong with the execution.

The live broadcast that should have been cut off was opened, and Whitebeard's remarks not only did not end the era of the great pirates, but instead made the era of the great pirates intensify and the world became more chaotic.

In the top battle, Whitebeard was killed, and Ace was also killed by Akainu. It seemed that the navy had won a great victory, but in fact they were a complete failure.

Although Whitebeard and Ace died, most of the pirates of the New World Pirates escaped.

Moreover, the underwater prison [Imper] was breached, Marin Fando was completely destroyed, and Blackbeard rose directly.

The only gain from the Navy's side was really only killing Whitebeard and Ace who were seriously ill and dying.

But does the Navy need these things? How much power did the navy lose in this battle?

And after Sengoku and Garp retired, Aokiji and Akainu quit the navy after they failed to compete for the marshal.

If it weren't for the World Government's conscription to strengthen the navy, the later navy might not be as good as a group of four emperors, it's just so embarrassing.

And the cause of all this, Zhao Yu thinks, is the top war.

However, Zhao Yu knew about these things, but the rest of the navy did not. They nodded their heads when they heard Sengoku's plan.

Then the Warring States period began to issue missions. The first was the lieutenant general of the general branch. They had to go back to co-ordinate the troops and bring all the officers above the general commander to Malin Fando to gather.

Then he said to Zhao Yu:

"Lieutenant General Zongjian Mad Song, your task this time is heavier.

In this war, the participation of adventurers must be indispensable, both us and the pirates will have it.

I need you to take the adventurers from the navy and block the adventurers from the pirates. "

"Yes!" After Warring States finished speaking, Zhao Yu replied immediately.

He didn't hesitate at all, blocking players was not difficult for him now, and he even wondered if he could change Ace's fate.

The moment Ace opened the handcuffs, countless people thought they had won. At that time, no one could really think that Ace would die.

"Okay, Crane, you are responsible for contacting Qiwuhai, this time, no matter what their reasons are, they must be present for me.

Sakaski, Kuzan, Polsalino, Crane, Karp, you stay, the others can leave. "

"Yes!" xN

After everyone agreed, they left the conference room in an orderly manner, and Zhao Yu was also in it.

"Come to my trip tomorrow!" When Zhao Yuyou was next to Akainu, Akainu suddenly said.


Zhao Yu immediately nodded and said, Akainu should have a reward.

Then Akainu nodded and stopped looking at him, and he left the conference room.

After seeing this scene, the other vice admirals had a lot of ideas.


"It seems that the Warring States period will give a few people special tasks! But the plot of the game has not yet started the horror bark, why are you ready to go to war?"

After Zhao Yu left the conference room, he thought while walking.

However, this is actually easy to explain. The plot of the terrifying three-masted sail and the plot of the Chambord Islands in the One Piece plot are only a few days old.

And for such a big move by the Navy, it would not be too much to prepare for more than half a month!

Not to mention that the navy has to gather forces, and the main force of the navy from all the divisions must also gather at the headquarters.

After this, the time is almost the same, and this is the time of the NPC. The time of the player in the game is different from that of the NPC.

The NPC's time follows the plot, while the player's time follows the reality.

"Lieutenant General Zongjian Mad Song, I don't know that the capital of the Seven Waters is building a sea train again. Is it true?"

When Zhao Yu was thinking about various questions, a vice admiral whom Zhao Yu did not know came over and said to Zhao Yu.

"Ah, oh! It's true, I want to build a super-long railway to Alabasta."

Zhao Yu was stunned and replied, he didn't know why these people asked him this question.

"Lieutenant General Zongjian Kuangge really thinks deeply! Admiration, admiration!" The man continued.


Then he started complimenting Zhao Yu in various ways, and several other people also came up together, and at the same time they exchanged phone bug numbers.

"It turned out to be a flatterer..." Zhao Yu thought while dealing with them.

After seeing Akainu looking for him, these people should know that he is Akainu's confidant and want to hug Akainu's thigh through him.

These people must have no strength, and all the forces are despised, otherwise they will not be mixed to this level.

For these people, Zhao Yu can only reluctantly deal with it, because he can't be the master of the Akainu forces, and he himself is still a marginal figure.

After struggling to deal with them, Zhao Yu fled back to the Nineteen Continents in the Seven Waters.

Then he saw the people from the Nineteen Continents who were really celebrating, and some people were holding their rare treasure chests and were opening the chests in the competition.

"No mace, no mace!"

Isha muttered as she opened the rare treasure chest in front of her.

Then a stick state object appeared in front of her, and she knew it was a mace without looking at it.


Isha immediately went She grabbed the mace and threw it on the ground.

But the next moment, an accident happened. After the mace collided with the ground, the floor of the Nineteen Continents Guild Hall was smashed to pieces by her with the sound of "Boom".

People from Nineteen Continents: "!!!"

"I'm going! Isha, you are so powerful now? You have blasted away the defensive circles on the ground!" Everyone said in surprise.

"I didn't use any force at all, it's this weapon!" Isha said with a complicated expression looking at the mace in her hand.

[Ghost Cry] (Epic):

The legendary mace that will cry when ghosts and gods see it, was created by the legendary weapon master 'Mr. Ou', and has the special ability to ignore defense and increase power.

PS: You need a ghost to confess to the Lord in order to play the feature!

The mace in Isha's hand was slender and slender, about the same height as her, with round fangs on it. It didn't look ferocious but rather cute.

Naturally, there is no need to say the attributes of this weapon, which can be seen from the fact that Isha can break the ground of the Nineteen Continents at will.

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