Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1295: Soul Thinking

Ning Tao returned to the Colosseum again. The burial corpse was still lying on the ground. Most of its body was mechanical parts made of divine materials. Only a small part of the bionic flesh was used. , So there is not much bleeding.

It is not the same thing to leave the corpse here, and it is still very wasteful. Ning Tao pondered it and collected it with a Japanese gourd. His first thought was to open another door of convenience to return the burial body to the temple, but thinking that the task had been arranged for Zoji Er and Shen Bi, he also dispelled this thought. If he throws the body of the burial into the temple without explaining anything, the insects and the gods will probably scum it to nothing.

A dirty child of Tiemin crawled out of the ruins of the collapsed stand and saw Ning Tao lying down nervously again.

Ning Tao walked over, opened his eyes, and saw the positions of the Tiemin children at a glance. A total of five Tiemin children, three of them were in good condition, not injured, the other was injured, and one Being trapped in the rubble, the situation is dangerous.

When Ning Tao's hands were lifted, all the stones were suspended, and the energy field that the children had created is lifted up.

Ning Tao probed his hand, and the child, severely injured by the stone, flew from the rubble into his hand.

The little kid who just appeared exclaimed, "Don't kill my brother, I'm willing to die for him!"

As soon as his words fell, a trace of perfect energy radiated from his body, and then a trace of perfect energy with purity and divine factors was diffused from his small body.

The mark of good fortune trembled slightly, and a tiny vortex appeared, sucking the child's good energy into the mark of good fortune.

This was an unexpected harvest. The best energy of this child was collected, and four soul energies with divine factors were gathered in the trinity. This means that Ning Tao can refine the **** crystal.

"Big God, please let us go, we are willing to do anything for you." Another child begged.

The energy of perfection reappeared in him.

In order to save his companions, willingness to sacrifice himself is inherently great. The children's souls are pure and have few thoughts, so don't look at them as just a few children, but the perfect energy produced is quite pure and advanced.

The mark of nature will not be missed, of course.

Ning Tao said, "You don't have to be afraid, I'm treating him."

While speaking, he injected a force of creation into the body of the seriously injured child.

The injured child soon woke up, nervously watching Ning Tao with his hands on him.

After Ning Tao healed the seriously injured child, he brought in the slightly injured child and treated him. In the end, he transferred three unharmed children to his side. The energy field of the force of creation disappeared, and the large and small pieces of stone suspended in the void all fell down, and a heavy dust raised in the dull impact.

The five children of Tiemin were kneeling in front of Ning Tao, and they had the energy of faith from them.

Ning Tao just did a good deed on his own, but it was very rewarding. He was a little doubtful that if he had a ritual of god-giving, he would probably be the **** of luck.

"Where do you guys live?" Ning Tao asked casually.

One of the Tiemin children said, "Big God, we live in this manor."

Ning Tao smiled: "Just call my uncle, tell the uncle where your parents are, and I can send you to your parents."

Five children of Tiemin, look at me, I look at you, the reaction is very strange.

Ning Tao said curiously, "Don't you know who your parents are?"

The five Tiemin children shook their heads.

One of them said, "I remember what my father looked like, but he left home when I was very young and didn't come back. I remember he was a businessman and likes to drink, by the way ... his name is Dorn. "

Ning Tao said: "I can't find your father on this information, but I will pay attention. If I find your father, I will bring him back and let your father and son meet."

The child's face suddenly showed an excited smile: "Thank you Uncle Daishen! Uncle Daishen, if you help me find them, you will definitely find my father."

The other four children scrambled to tell Ning Tao some information about the parents in their memory and asked Ning Tao to help them find their parents.

Ning Tao found a feature that the information provided by these Tiemin children had some similarities, that is, they were recalled. Parents left the house when they were very young, and one of the children was still with the first The information provided by a child is very similar. He said that his father also left home when he was very young. His father was a businessman and liked to drink, but his name was different. His father's name was Condoli.

There was a strange feeling in Ning Tao's heart, and he secretly said: "Iron people are all made, not grown up. These children are always just children. Will the parents in their memory be ... someone gave them a memory message? "

Very likely!

Then he thought of Pambu: "Is it possible that Pambu ’s deceased parents are also memories of someone implanted in her brain? She likes me, will her feelings for me be simulated reactions? Soul ... If all this is an edited program, and all her thoughts and actions are program-led, then how can she generate beloved energy? That energy needs to be generated by the real soul. thing?"

It ’s not just Pambu. Although the five children in front of them are iron children who have been manufactured, they all have real souls. This is undoubtedly because the superb energy and faith energy generated from them are both Really, if they have no soul, then they cannot produce soul energy.

Inadvertently, Ning Tao discovered that what he was in contact with was a secret that was deeply hidden in the kingdom of Apocalypse, but what was the mystery, but there was a fog in his eyes.

"Let's go, I'll give you some money, you can go to the savages outside the city." Ning Tao said.

Several Tiemin children were bewildered.

Ning Tao took out a considerable amount of paper **** crystals from the Japanese gourd. One child gave some, then removed the seal of chaos. He drove a few children out of the valley in a golden auspicious cloud, and finally placed them in the valley. On a avenue.

"You go with this money, you can go to the city to buy delicious food, or you can go to the savages to adopt you. You don't have to be afraid of the savages. I know their leaders. They are all lonely iron. Min, they will take care of you. "Ning Tao said that he could not bring the five children with him.

Several Tiemin children knelt down again and worshiped Xie Ningtao.

This is another piece of pure energy.

After watching a few children leave, Ning Tao opened a door of convenience and returned to the temple. As soon as he entered the temple, he heard the screams of Wu Ling.

"Ah-" This voice is really worse than the howling of a pig when it was killed.

Then, Ning Tao saw the Ding foot hitting the spirit in the middle of the second product, and he left for a little while, and the spirit was almost soared.

"Oh, Ning Aiqing, you are back." Shenbi said hello to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao nodded his head in response. He strode towards Zerg Er and Wu Ling: "Zerg II, did he recruit it?"

Zhe Er said: "I also asked him, I beat him first to make him more honest."

Ning Tao: "..."

The spirit wailed, "What do you want to know, you ask, I said, can I say it?"

Insect two is a stunner again: "You shut up, I haven't asked you yet, I am trying what level of torture you can tolerate. I will see if you can withstand the torture. You feed. "

Wu Ling is about to collapse, with an unlovable expression on his face.

Nima, you ask nothing, what do you want me to recruit?

Ning Tao said: "Come, you come, I want to make Shenjing."

Zujier then pulled the middle leg out of the spirit body of the spirit, and still threatened to say: "Don't move here, if you move, you will be killed by electric shock."


A thick-armed lightning hacked out from the Trinity Tripod and smashed into the spirit body of the spirit.

"Ah!" There was another scream of a pig in the temple.

Ning Tao did not stop Worm II. This product had to torture Ling Ling and collapsed. In that case, Ling Ling probably explained all the things he knew in his mind.

The three-life tribe came over, and Ning Tao sat down cross-legged, preparing a magical fire on the spot to prepare the **** crystal.

In the immortal world, his spiritual fire was the Samadhi spiritual fire, and now it is the magic fire transformed by the power of creation.

The higher-level magical fire, the higher-level soul material, even the Sansheng Ding have transformed into artifacts. What will the **** crystal made by the combination of the three strong ones be? The answer will be revealed soon.

"Ning Aiqing, who is the new mother?" Zhe Er asked.

Ning Tao said aggrievedly: "Are it necessary to have a new master to collect the love energy?"

Zhe Er showed a look of sudden realization: "Oh, I understand, the jungler can also collect, Ning Aiqing must be jungler."

"You shut up." Ning Tao no longer wanted to talk to it.

Zuji closed her mouth.

Ning Tao began to refine the **** crystals. In a short time, eight golden **** crystals appeared in the Trinity Tribute. It was extremely pure and contained amazing **** energy.

Shenbi has been eager to come over, it has no feet, but has energy tentacles to walk, the picture of walking is like a moldy jade carving peach core, and it is cut open.

Zhe Er also stared at Ning Tao, seemingly thinking about whether to ask for two capsules. If she spoke, there would only be eight capsules in the tripod, and the number would be too small.

Ning Tao explored a trick ~ ~ Six Jincancan **** crystals flew to his hands, and there were two remaining ones in the Trinity Tripod.

"I have two capsules for you. After refining, I will be happy." Ning Tao said.

"Jun Zhuo!" Shenbi and Zhuerji all spoke in unison, both excited.

Ning Tao looked at Wu Ling, who was shaking on the ground, and said quietly, "The Ling Ling is my god, I think you should know your situation now, and you ca n’t die if you want to die here. The faster you know what you know, Tell me the secret, the faster you will be free. I will give you tips, start with the sky temple you are familiar with. "

"I curse you ..." Wu Ling's voice was weak and filled with hate.


A blue bolt of lightning struck the back of Wu Ling.

"Ah!" The scream of Wu Ling echoed in the temple.

Ning Tao didn't want to waste time here, and went out with six **** crystals.

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