Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1460: 0 million army

The wet Luodi family thought that it was an earthquake, but then found out that this was not an earthquake at all, but a stone pillar with a diameter of dozens of meters rose underground. This stone pillar is long, ten meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters, and it rises above the roof of the palace in a blink of an eye, and "grows" again. By the time it stops, it has become A two-hundred-meter-high Optimum pillar!

This is another application of the Seal of Earth.

Ning Tao could have made the stone column even higher, hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, but if it was too high, his father-in-law, little aunt, and daughter-in-law would not be able to see the ground, which affected him to pretend.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, Runhua sister, stay on top and watch, don't come out, beloved wife, you also stay, protect your father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister." Ning Tao simply explained.

"Well." Wet wood Runhua answered.

At this time, the ground was shaking endlessly, and burrows appeared in different parts of the city. There was one here, there was one, and the number was unclear.

One by one, the corpses came out of the burrow, and then gathered to the palace here.

The initial number is not large, but the number of eyes has reached an amazing level in a blink of an eye, all eyes are full of dried dragon corpses, densely packed, and black. In addition to the ordinary corpses, there are higher-level corpses that appeared in the palace hall before, wearing black armor, runes burning, eyes burning like evil spirits coming out of hell.

"We, we are surrounded!" Wetland was nervous.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Master Father-in-law, please rest assured. If I want to take you away, you can do it anytime. I have a cloud of God. You can go anywhere forever."

Shan Muhua said: "Hyun-chan, I think you'd better take us to the valley camp, and stay safe with the people."

Ning Tao said, "Master Mother, it's not that I don't want to send you back, but I suspect that the elders have pitted you, and it would be unsafe for you to go back. Otherwise, I would have sent you back."

"This ... what is possible?" Shan Muhua was surprised.

Wetland also said, "Xiang, it would be nice for our family to talk about this. Don't be heard by others, otherwise our family will have no place in the wetland."

Ning Tao just nodded.

Ashibo said: "Dad, mother, what are you afraid of? I am a great god, the king of the kings of immortals, the king of the gods of the east, who dares to drive us out of the wetlands?"

Routine blowman.

Shiludi sighed: "All brothers and sisters of the same family, how can you be rough? Even if Yin is God, then you can't bully your family, aren't you?"

Ning Tao had no interest to listen anymore. He jumped out of the shield of energy propped up by the seal of chaos, and then the royal wind descended to the ground.

In the hall, dozens of black armored corpses looked up at the stone pillar, and when they saw Ning Tao falling from the wind, they all roared suddenly: "Wow! Howl!"

The sound spread in all directions in the night sky.

The corpses in the city of Tianlong suddenly roared again and again, and suddenly rushed towards this side.





There are roars of ghosts and wailings everywhere, and I don't know what such roars mean to them, but people who hear them can only feel a creepy feeling.

Ning Tao hovered over the hall, still not summoning the golden **** cloud, he was afraid that as soon as the golden **** cloud came out, these dry bodies would be scared away.

Pretend to be stressful and pay attention to the process.

It would be climax to be able to do this once, then it would be boring.

Ning Tao overlooked the cadavers and cadaver generals rushing in from all directions. He felt a sense of discomfort in his heart and said, "Where is your king, let him see you!"

His voice was mighty, and thunder and thunder generally sounded all over the place. In the ruins of Tianlong City, some of the structurally unstable remnants were broken by his voice!

No one responded.

The sound of ghosts wailing and wolves, Tianlong's dry corpse surged in all directions to surround the stone pillars.

Dozens of cadaver generals raised the weapons in their hands and yelled at the same time, and the tidal corpses, which were generally turbulent, came to a halt, and the scene was very neat, like a well-trained army.

Visual inspection, in the ruins of this city, there are at least millions of dead bodies, this is an army of millions of people!

Just the size of this army of dry corpses, that is not the enemy of the treants on the wetlands. In that valley, the warriors of all races of the Shuren didn't add up to 10,000. Even if each of them could compete with one enemy, that would only be 100,000. The Tianlong Corps in front of them was in the millions, at all. Not an order of magnitude opponent.

If several tree elders knew that the dragon army was hidden in the ruins of the dragon city, they came here to seek the sacred things, wouldn't they be sent to death? Those old men, do they bear their own lives?

I feel strange about this matter.

Moreover, Ning Tao's heart was full of curiosity. When he came in the day, there was no dry corpse in this day's dragon city. It was just dark, and there were millions of dry corpses all at once. , Is there still a dead body empire hidden?

If so, it's really hard to imagine what kind of empire it is.

On the stone pillar, along the edge of the energy shield of Chaos Mark, the family of Shifeng Mountain looked down carefully.

"Big girl, can Xianyun deal with it?" Shiluo said worriedly.

Ah Shiluo didn't care about the tunnel: "These dried corpses are just a group of ants in my eyes. It's not scary, so you can relax."

Shan Muhua said nervously: "Big girl, here is our family. Tell the truth to your mother, can you do Hualang? If not, you should call him back quickly. We should leave early. Don't No way. "

A Shibo frowned slightly: "Mother, aren't you afraid you haven't seen a real god? I'm Hualang is the **** who stands upright. My goddess of wetland is a scum in his eyes. You don't have to worry about it After a while, I'll show his power, and you will know how powerful he is. "

Still a routine blowman.

Ning Tao is not here, but if he is here, he will definitely feel very comfortable and will praise her for blowing well.

Wet wood Runhua slapped her mouth: "Your husband and wife love to talk big words, I don't believe that if your brother-in-law has great magical powers, you can let him show it, so that my little aunt can open your eyes."

"Huh! I don't know." A Shibo disdain, "Just keep your eyes wide open, I Hualang didn't do anything now, there must be his reason."

Wet wood Runhua was about to argue with A Shibo, and at this time a black smoke burst out from a hole in the hall.

Black smoke billowed, and flames burned in the black smoke.

Wet wood Runhua's mouth closed, and a pair of black eyes stared at the black smoke without any blinking, nervous.

The black smoke rose, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the same height as Ning Tao. Dark energy surrounded Ning Tao, pervasive.

Ning Tao does not resist, but just calmly

A smile: "Are you demonstrating to me? I am a **** of heaven, a **** of the east, and a **** of the kingdom of the East. Do you not worship God?"

"Roar wow!" A roar burst through the black smoke.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "Do you not understand me or do you take my words seriously?"


The black smoke suddenly shook, and then dispersed.

A giant dry corpse of several tens of meters appeared in the void, with black clouds and eyes spitting fire, and looked like a horrible magma.

Above the stone pillar, Suddenly remembered something, exclaimed: "Hyun, come back soon! That's Pompius, the **** of war of the Dragon Empire!"

"God of War?" Ning Tao disdain, not the **** of destiny, it is all false gods. The three patron saints of the Kingdom of Apocalypse, he can hit three of them one by one.

"Roar!" Pompeus, known as the God of War, roared at Ning Tao, then raised the huge two-handed tomahawk in his hand, and made a gesture to be approved.

"Brother run away!" Wet Wood Runhua screamed.

Ning Tao didn't move, as if he hadn't heard the warnings from his father-in-law and his aunt, but he was just thinking about how to pretend. Moreover, not only must you pretend to force this, you also have to pretend to be valuable, such as finding the mother of wood or something. He doesn't have a big plan, nor does he have a small plan, but he can't help but be pretentious.

At the same time, on the three peaks dozens of miles away from the east side of Tianlong City, several old men stood at the highest point of the mountain, each holding a weapon that looked like a thousand miles away and looked at Tianlong City.

"Come out! The **** of war, Pompeus, is out, this time it's almost a trip!" The Shuiyin elder of the Cao Ren tribe said with excitement. He was short and covered with grass, and looked like a scarecrow.

He was just as excited as the thorny elder with his thorns on his body: "It seems that we don't need to add bait anymore. The big girl of the Shifeng family and the stranger became ready-made bait, Tianzhu Shuren, Tianzhu Shuren what!"

"Flag, we have to act!" Elder Jin Song said, he has been so embarrassed.

Immediately there was an elder, who turned his arm into a vine and sloganed into the valley.

In the valley, the old spaceship was lit, the engine was started, flames spewed from the tail, and the entire valley was illuminated.

However, following the grass-man warrior's casting of fog, the valley was enveloped with dense fog, so that the light of the spacecraft engine could not leak out.

Some tree warriors entered the spacecraft, some remained in the valley, and the spacecraft slowly left the ground.

On Sanfeng ~ ~ Elder Sakuragi raised a single tube clairvoyance instrument and frowned: "Why isn't that guy playing? You are fighting, it ’s meaningless to confront you. Sooner or later, don't you? "

In the time of his remarks, the spacecraft had reached a height parallel to the mountain peak.

The hatch on the side of the spacecraft opened, and you can see the neatly arranged Shuren warriors of all ethnic groups.

"Elder, we should be on board." Jin Song said.

Elder Sakuragi nodded his head: "Let's all get on board. This operation is related to the future of Shuren. We can only succeed but not fail."

Several old men entered the hatch one after another, and Elder Sakuragi entered the cabin last. Before the hatch closed, he glanced again with a clairvoyance.

Actually ...

No hands yet!

Nima, are you dating or what?

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