Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1512: Kamiyama Kaiten

The porcelain powder of a small porcelain bottle instantly became a small porcelain stick, which was inconspicuous on the cloud head, but just after Ning Tao activated the creator's seal on the cloud head, the small porcelain stick quickly became larger. It becomes longer, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes a gigantic pillar with a diameter of tens of meters and a height of several hundred meters.

But this is just the beginning.

The divine energy of this space came from all directions, entered the seal of the Creator, and then transformed into porcelain powder and piled it on the pillar.

Everything in the world is energy, and energy can be converted into everything in the world.

Is this space infinite?

Then his pillar can continue to infinity until he drains the divine energy of this space!

The pillars made of porcelain powder are getting bigger and longer, and the head is not visible at the top and the tail is not visible at the bottom.

Ning Tao leapt forward, flew to the stigma, and photographed a creator's seal on the stigma and activated it.

The seals of the two creators absorbed the divine energy of this space faster, and the speed of the pillars becoming longer and thicker was not doubled, but several times.

Ning Tao stood on the stigma, it felt like sitting in a cosmic elevator to ascend to the sky.

With the increase of the energy absorbed by the two gods, the space around the stigma soon showed signs of instability. The sky full of white clouds disappeared, leaving only a dim sky. Some places are still trembling, as if they would collapse at any time.

Ning Tao stood on the stigma and Zhensheng said, "None, do you think you can trap me in this place? You are too naive. I am the only creator among the three realms. None of these three realms can trap me. If you do n’t come out, then you can continue to be your shrinking tortoise, and I will make great efforts in your absolute realm. Do you believe me to make a sun out of your absolute realm? Then I return Grill in the sun in front of you and cook hot pot with hot lava! "

The voice fell, and another creator responded and flew out. It flew up vertically, getting bigger and bigger, and suddenly a golden vortex appeared in the void, sucking wildly into this space. Divine energy. The sight was like a huge hole in the bottom of the sea, which caused the sea water to pour.

After a while, a fireball appeared in the golden vortex, constantly absorbing the divine energy of this space, the bigger and the bigger.

There is a giant pillar under the sky and a small sun above it. How long can this space withstand?

Whether it is a giant pillar or a new little sun, it consumes the divine energy of this space, in other words, it consumes no energy. If it is not necessary to maintain the existence of this absolute realm, he needs to continuously inject his energy into this space to maintain the consumption of this space.

However, he can't last long, even if he is absent, he cannot afford Ning Tao to steal his divine energy to shine a sun.

"You are really a tortoise, can you tolerate it? Well, I will shape my idol in your absolute realm." Ning Tao said.

Another creator, Fa Yin, flew out and started to absorb the divine energy of this space after activation.

Instantly, an idol emerged from the seal of the Creator. After absorbing the energy of the god, it became higher and higher. The whole body was crystal clear, just like white jade.

Don't you come out?

I made trouble in your house, I made pillars to spread your sky, I made the sun to roast you, I made my own idol to disgusting you!

I just watch you come out!

It was not long before the idols of the son of God came out, and when it reached a height of kilometers, the sky suddenly changed. The yellow light suddenly disappeared like the setting sun, replaced by a darkness, like the thick ink waterfall.

The four creators of Ning Tao printed glittering gold, and the small sun, which had a diameter of more than ten kilometers, exuded golden sunlight, so the dark darkness like that stopped here and could not expand further.

Ning Tao looked down, the yellow sky below, and a triangular mountain top can be seen in music.

Is that God Mountain?

This day finally no longer covers people's eyes, you can see Shenshan!

Now, without Shenzhou breaking into the absolute realm of nothing, he can leave on his own.

This is probably the first time in ancient times that Shenshan opens up!

It was just that the sky of the Shenshan turned out to be black, which was unexpected.

Ning Tao looked up at the day, and there was a faint golden light in the dark, and there was a looming temple in the golden light.

Is that the temple of nothing?

Ning Tao moved his mind, removed the four seals of the creator, and then flew to the temple with a false golden **** cloud.

Behind him, Optimus Pillar, Little Sun, and his idol fell to the Mountain of God.

But they are not important anymore. Ning Tao had achieved his purpose and finally forced the turtle with its head down.

If there is no reactivation of his absolute realm, it does not matter, he can use the seal of the Creator again, and once again, it is almost zero cost to him anyway.

The little golden sun fell on a deep mountain and fell into pieces. It no longer glowed, and the sky was completely dark at the blink of an eye, and there was no light in the mountains. This space world is also extremely quiet, with no trace of wind.

Perhaps this is what God Mountain was like. Only the gods have light, and the gods have fallen.

The golden light in the darkness is getting closer and closer, and the temples in that golden light are getting bigger and bigger.

It's a really big temple. It's just a golden pillar. It's tens of thousands of meters high. The tallest hall, even the block of the fairy catcher, standing in front of the door is just a ratio of ordinary people to the door.

As for Ning Tao, he is too small. In front of this magnificent temple, he is like a tiny ant.

However, it was his tiny ant that opened the mountain to heaven.

Ning Tao drove the golden forest to the steps of a temple in the temple, and then continued to fly into the temple in the clouds.

Stepping through the huge door, I saw the idol standing in the hall at a glance.

The idol was not the look of a white beard he had seen, but the look of a king wearing a robe with a crown above his head. There were thirteen dzi in the crown, glittering with gold and runes flashing.

The crown of the Jade Emperor in the myth story, but there are only twelve dzi beads, there are thirteen on the crown of this idol, one more than the Jade Emperor.

To what extent does a **** need to be arrogant to build a temple so exaggerated?

To what degree does a **** narcissistic wear a crown of thirteen dzi beads on his idol?

Ning Tao hovered in the middle of the temple, looking up at the face of the godless statue. The face of the idol is very similar to that of Bai Xuzi, except that it is more fleshy and has a vertical eye on his forehead.

Fortunately, there are no sculpted eyelashes. If Bai Xuzi narcissizes and sculpts a circle of eyelashes, the shape will make people look up.

"Thirteen dzi, don't you know what the number 13 in the world represents?" Ning Tao broke the tranquility in the temple.

13 together is the letter B.

Equipment 13 is equipment.

13 is stupid.

But no matter what it means, it's not good.

Ning Tao was kind, and didn't directly say that Bai Xuzi was pretending to be fool or fool.

Tap, tap.

Footsteps came from behind the idol.

Ning Tao shifted his eyes, and a limping figure came out from behind the base of the statue.

It wasn't the white beard that came out, but the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

She did walk, but she stepped over at least a few kilometers and tens of thousands of meters of the idol base, and she stepped forward in a dozen steps.

Ning Tao froze for a moment. He thought it would be nothing, but he did not expect to be the goddess of wisdom.

The goddess of wisdom took a dozen more steps, and in a blink of an eye came to Ning Tao's body. Without driving the clouds, her feet were suspended in the void, at the same height as Ning Tao.

The four eyes are opposite.

A brief silence.

"You shouldn't come here," said the goddess of wisdom Hemia.

"How are you?" Ning Tao said.

The two spoke at the same time, saying different things.

Then they were silent again.

After a brief silence, Ning Tao said, "Where is nothing?"

The goddess of wisdom Hemia said, "Don't you understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"None means nothing, and everything is possible. Nothing is the beginning and the end of everything. He is everywhere and everywhere. If you want to see nothing, this temple is nothing, and I can be nothing," said the goddess of wisdom. .

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "I came here to stop you and Wu Wu, not to listen to your tongue twister. I saw that you destroyed your Kingdom of Apocalypse. Your next goal is my Oriental God Country? I won't let you succeed! "

"You can't stop it," said the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, "you have seen it, this is the true face of the mountain, beautiful jade light, no vitality, it has already died, and died with the gods. You are on the mountain The established kingdom of the East is nothing more than a phantom, it will eventually be destroyed. Everything you want to protect will also be destroyed, everything will come to an end ~ ~ Then a new starting point will appear, Everything will start again. "

Ning Tao was silent. The words of the goddess of wisdom Hemia made him feel heavy, and he couldn't help thinking.

The goddess of wisdom Hemia stared at Ning Tao with a trace of regret in her tone: "You are also a **** of the Creator level, why can't you see through?"

Ning Tao didn't speak and didn't know what to say.

Goddess of Wisdom said again: "You just do n’t want to be reconciled, you do n’t want to lose your wife and children, and you do n’t want to die. But there is a time when everything ends, and you happen to catch up with this time. Go to the fairyland Take your wife and children to earth. Although the world will be destroyed, it will take a process. Thousands of years, ten thousand years, maybe a longer time, enough for you to enjoy the joy of heaven.

Ning Tao raised her head, her eyes fell on the face of the goddess of wisdom, Shemia, and suddenly a punch was drawn on her face.


One place fried sauce.

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