Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1342 An Unspeakable Secret

It's okay if you don't accept it?

From the beginning to the end, the world's top powerhouses, and even the holy stars have been manipulated by Jiangnan!

Bei Qiu couldn't figure it out, a young man in Jiangnan, how could he be so slippery with this trick?

Not to mention that I didn't take advantage of Jiangnan, but also drove the Bei family to a desperate situation!

As long as "Luo Tianqing" goes out and tells the "truth" she found out!

Thousands of people from the Bei family had to lie down and go out, including myself!

It can be said that under the current situation, the life and death of the Bei family is no more than a thought of Jiangnan!

Take the Bei family to death!

I saw Bei Qiu's face full of unwillingness: "Those who play tricks have a very dirty heart!"

Jiang Nan grinned!

(๑ˉิ ꇴˉิ) "If I can, I don't want to play Mai Tai, but your Bei family is not on the road?"

"Do you care what method I use? A good method is one that can make things happen!"

Bei Qiu sighed, with a slumped face, and no longer wanted to wrestle with Jiang Nan!

In this battle, he saw Jiangnan's scheming, means, strength, and status in China!

I have also seen the powerful background of Huaxia, and there is only one way for Beiqiu to go!

"I agree with your terms! What do you say!"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "You said earlier, where did all these things come from?"

While speaking, he took out the complete spiritual power silk cultivation method that he had prepared long ago, and threw it to Bei Qiu!

"The spiritual power up to the master level is here, and I will put the top-level content in the textbook!"

"You can also learn the interpretation of the spells collected by Huaxia, but you must provide all the spell formations of the Bei family!"

"If you are willing to participate in the incantation and seal cutting project, I can show you the God-killing Curse Formation and the giant cannon!"

"Your Bei family is very experienced and talented in spelling, you can help a lot!"

Bei Qiu looked at the complete cultivation method in his hands, his hands were shaking with excitement, and his eyes were shining!

I was even more excited when I heard that I would show you the God-killing Curse Formation!

(◞☆﹃☆◟ ) "Really show?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ʅ( ・′‸・`)ʃ "It's agreed, let's talk to each other, of course! You know that there is nothing to hide from your own people!"

"But you still have to keep it secret from outsiders. If your Bei family becomes an outsider one day from your own..."

"The end will only be worse than that of the god group!"

Bei Qiu smiled wryly: "I'm already content to walk out of this prison today!"

"I will write down the existing curse arrays of the Bei family for you later!"

"The piece of ancient Su's relic that you need, take it too, it's useless for me to keep it..."

After knowing that he couldn't choose, Bei Qiu confessed very happily!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: "It won't work if I don't give it to you?"

"Tell me, where did you get that piece of Gusu's relic! The content of the spell on it can only make up one-third of the melted part of the star gate!"

"I need other pieces!"

Bei Qiu was stunned: "What is the star gate? I also got that thing recently!"

"It was collected at a high price from a man named Nicholas Silver. According to him, it was dug out of the permafrost in Goose Country!"

Jiangnan suddenly became interested: "The permafrost in Goose Country? Where exactly is it?"

Bei Qiu shook his head: "How could he tell me this kind of thing? I just bought it as a collection!"

"I only know the level of that man Xingyao, he is a scavenger! His scavenger team is very famous in the permafrost!"

"At the beginning, my second son had his head connected to him in Xuedu. I can give you his connection method, and you can ask him again. I really don't know the rest!"

Jiang Nan looked pensive, but he also doubted what Bei Qiu said, after all, she has no reason to lie to herself now!

Do we have to go to the guy who sells Beiqiu goods?

But what kind of silver is Nicholas silver? Why never heard of it before?

Then Guan Beiqiu asked for the specific address, connection method and other information!

He also sent someone to give the ancient Soviet gemstone tablet to Jiangnan, who was stuffed into a different dimension by Jiangnan and preserved!

Bei Qiu said helplessly: "Now you can always let me out, right?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: "Give me a set of all the spirit pattern spell formations of the Bei family!"

Bei Qiu's face turned dark: "A mantra array can cost hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of mantras, when will I have to write them?"

"Wouldn't it be over if I give it to you after I go out? I can't run away?"

Jiang Nan smiled, took out two passionate little gloves from his pocket and put them on his hands!

"Don't be so troublesome, just show it directly, if you don't remember, I will lose!"

"Of course I will make a copy and send it to the higher-ups!"

The corner of Bei Qiu's eyes twitched, but he forgot Jiang Nan's ability to know it at a glance!

I feel more and more that Jiangnan is becoming perverted. Do you know how long it took my mother to memorize these spells?

Bei Qiu had no choice but to use the spirit silk to outline a complete set of spirit pattern spell formations on the spot and display them!

And Jiangnan now has more than 20 million skill points left, enough to open two soul rubbings!

Lasts 60 seconds!

It's enough to print all the stuff of the Bei family in his head!

Bei Qiu was stared at by Jiang Nan's eyes, and his heart was terrified!

A minute passed, Jiang Nan clapped his little hands and smiled with satisfaction!

"Okay~ remember, accept the supernatural power!"

Bei Qiuzhi felt that his heart had been hit by thousands of tons of critical blows!

Just remember? I lost wow!

At this moment outside the interrogation room, Yang Jian looked at the monitoring and was overwhelmed!

Sure enough, the Bei family took it, it was absolutely amazing!

I saw Jiangnan getting up, approaching Beiqiu and beckoning!

(ꐦ°᷄◡°᷅)੭ "Come on, since you are already one of your own, there is nothing to hide from you!"

"Come closer, I'll tell you a secret!"

Bei Qiu was startled, and couldn't help approaching Jiangnan, his curiosity was aroused, and he swallowed!

(◞·̌~·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "What... what secret?"

Jiang Nan Jie Jie smiled!

(΄◞ิ‿◟ิ‵) "A secret that cannot be told!"

While speaking, he slapped his palms round, and his face was full of big mouths towards Bei Qiu!

( ̄ε(# ̄)╰(°᷄д°᷅ꐦ)

Bei Qiu fan's face tilted, his face was full of bewilderment, and his eyes were full of ignorance!

Beiqiu: (꒪꒫꒪(#)???

However, Goose Jiangnan didn't stop at all, opening his bow left and right, it took Beiqiu's turn to make about thirty mouths!

One mouth slap did not have a minute of memory, but it slapped all the memory of the conversation for half an hour!

Yang Jian outside the interrogation room looked horrified at Jiangnan throwing Beiqiu's more than 30 big B pockets in the surveillance system!


You can even hear the crisp sound of "popping" from outside!

what's the situation!

Didn't we have a good talk just now? Why did you slap your mouth so much?

Do you want to be so irritable?

After all, this Beiqiu came from heaven!

After slapping his mouth, Jiang Nan shook his numb hand!

As expected of a Daotian-level powerhouse, he has a thick skin!

Bei Qiu looked at "Luo Tianqing" in bewilderment!

(ノ) ° △ °#) " is it you? Didn't you say you want someone to talk to me?"

While talking, he rubbed his old face!

Um? Why is my face numb? Gout again?

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "The talk is over, Brother Jian will hand over to you later!"

After saying that, he left the interrogation room, and closed the door behind him!

Bei Qiu scratched his head in confusion, when did we talk about it?

୧(#·̌ࡇ ·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣

I don't know why, but I just feel empty in my heart, and vaguely feel that I have forgotten something important?

Yang Jian who went out was stunned: "What's the situation? The talk has collapsed? Why did you beat Bei Qiu?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's nothing! It's just to make her forget that I'm still alive! Wouldn't it be bad food if I shake it out?"

"It's better to be on the safe side. I can't trust this old lady. In the future, the Bei family will supervise and supervise more when they participate in the re-enactment of the God-killing Curse Formation and the Cannon!"

"Be sure to use it after returning home, we can't raise white-eyed wolves!"

Yang Jian smiled: "I still know about this matter, don't worry!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "Spiritual force silk and spirit pattern spell array can be put in textbooks!"

"I'll make a copy and give it to you on the hard drive later. As for the restoration of the star gate, I guess I'll have to go to the permafrost!"

"The clue was pulled over there!"

Yang Jian was startled: "Are you going there? Can you do it? Although Goose Country has not made any moves in the international arena recently, I don't know what it is doing, but its strength must not be underestimated!"

"Especially in places like permafrost. According to rumors, it was a battlefield in the ancient Soviet era. Strange things happen frequently!"

"And the spiritual disaster in the no man's land over there hasn't been cleaned up yet!"

"There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the Blood City. There are people from all schools and schools. It is notoriously lawless! Are you really going?"

Jiang Nan grinned and said, "If I don't go, who will I go? On the surface, Jiang Nan is dead, so it's convenient for me to make trouble behind the scenes!"

"Besides, if you stay in the country, you will be surrounded by people I know, and the chances of being exposed are scary! I'd better go out and stay!"

"If the fragments can be found, it would be perfect to repair the star gate!"

Yang Jian was still a little worried, but it was indeed as Jiang Nan said!

It is necessary to hide, and the task of finding fragments is suitable for Jiangnan, but the original star gate was brought back by Jiangnan!

"Proceed with caution, even if the star gate cannot be repaired, you will have to climb hard while sitting on the lunar module!"

"The satellites orbiting the moon were launched yesterday, and several of them have been launched, and they will reach the established orbit in a short time. I will notify you as soon as there is news from the moon side!"

"When you get there, you need to pay attention to Xue Nu, that woman named Bai Kou is very dangerous, and Goose Country doesn't have a space system, but they have one..."

At this moment, Yang Jian babbled like an old woman!

Jiang Nan patted his chest, and what he did was called a wave of ups and downs!

(๐ಡдಡ) "Oh! I'm familiar with foreign countries! When did you lose the chain when you went out?"

"I'll handle things, don't worry! I'll keep a low profile and make sure I don't expose myself!"

Yang Jian quickly averted his eyes, don't look at evil!


I bah! Don't worry what the hell?

You have never been low-key when you go out, Yuguo almost let you die!

You can keep a low profile, I will put water on my head with one hand!

Permafrost or something, it should be able to bear it

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