Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1588 Hmm... It's here to buy the goods, that's right

Zhong Yingxue's reaction was unusually fast!

The golden king character can only be seen by people who eat tiger biscuits, and this kind of powerful biscuit Xiao Nan usually won't let others eat it!

Coupled with the mention of Lang Mie's small eyes, Zhong Yingxue realized what was going on in an instant!

The hell went to engage in the core of Lingxu!

The one-eyed female in front of me is clearly transformed by Xiao Nan!

In just a few days of effort, he penetrated into the enemy's interior, and even became the king's woman?

Not only that, but also came to surround and kill the guerrilla detachment with Rui Sen?

An undercover undercover agent like Xiaonan is probably unprecedented, right?

Southerners are indeed big liars!

On the surface, they said they were going to engage in the core of the Lingxu, but in fact they went to Tongcheng to plan a rebellion?

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue, who was holding a gun, looked at Queen Jiang with a little resentment in her eyes!


But he didn't dare to say anything more, for fear of exposing Jiangnan's plan and bringing him unnecessary danger, so he could only follow him along!

At this moment, I saw Lan bumping his head directly!

─=≡Σ((( o?????) "Don't bully Sister Yaoyao, you! Sister Mira, continue!"

While speaking, he directly pressed Queen Jiang's waist, and she was pushed out again!

Xia Yao:! ! !

Hold up, beat him up, that's your brother Jiangnan!

He is already in a miserable situation, so we have to cooperate with him!

I saw Xia Yao standing up with a wobbly body: "Little Lan boy, come and help me down!"

Lan hurried to help, only to see Xia Yao inadvertently put her hand on Lan's back, and there was a burst of intensive tapping!

Lan's pupils shrank suddenly, what is it? Was the princess changed by Brother Jiangnan?

Immediately, he suppressed his mood swings, and his little face was full of indignation!

(???~??)? "Don't worry, sister Yaoyao! I will make him pay the price!"

At this moment, Queen Jiang was pushed uncontrollably into the golden ball of light in the field of static time!

Now my body can't move at all!

Mira drew out her dagger and walked up to Queen Jiang!

The eyes are full of coldness: (? ̄? ~ ̄?) "Now I'll see how you run! Just wait..."

Before she finished speaking, Mira noticed the golden word Wang behind the bangs!

Suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but look at Zhong Yingxue with a questioning look on her face!


Seeing Zhong Yingxue's happy face, she shook her head imperceptibly!

Mila:! ! !

Brother Jiangnan!

You didn't tell me that you had the opportunity to act!

Mira's face was icy cold, and the dagger in her hand stabbed at Queen Jiang's one eye without hesitation!

Jiangnan was in a hurry, and Mira's time stillness was too incomprehensible, so he didn't do it at all, hey!

However, at this moment, the dagger in Mira's hand stopped by an inch in front of Queen Jiang's only eyes!

Immediately, his eyes widened, his body seemed out of control, and the little hand holding the dagger bent back mechanically!

Actually inserted it into my heart!

(?? ? ???) "Pfft~ Jing... mind control? Damn it! Still can't prevent it?"

"Damn it! I can't control my body anymore!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

What the hell mind control, hey, I didn't even know I could do this?

Mira, do you want so many scenes?

It is said that you can act as long as you act, don't stab yourself, okay? This is too real, right?

Brother will feel distressed?

Seeing that Mira's time still field dissipated immediately, the whole person turned around "uncontrollably", and jumped onto Wu Liang's neck with a big jump!

He pulled out the dagger from his chest and stabbed it towards Wu Liang's neck!

?(??????)? "Stop me! Stop me!"

Wu Liang was shocked, and squeezed Mira's wrist. This one-eyed species is so powerful, is Mira even mentally controlled?

However, Mira grabbed Wu Liang's neck with one hand, opened her mouth and bit Wu Liang's ear!

I took the opportunity to whisper a few words softly!

Wu Liang's eyes were bigger than light bulbs!

(⊙口⊙# ) "Come on... I'm fighting with you!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Queen Jiang with the ax in his turn, and Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yaolan also pressed on her one after another!

At this moment, Jiangnan said that the members of the capital team tried their best to fight fiercely with Queen Jiang!

Call back and forth!

They are all teammates who cooperate seamlessly on weekdays, and they can tell what the other party is going to do with just one look, okay?

At this moment, Queen Jiang is also confused, you are a little too cute, right?

This acting skill is really not covered, my sister Baijiao, this is too good, isn't it?

With the cooperation of Zhong Yingxue and the others, Jiangnan showed the various abilities of the one-eyed species to the fullest!

As for why not use star pupil cannon? It's called saving energy!

The beating is the real thing, the blood splatters, but it's just that Temiao can't kill anyone!

Queen Jiang looked hideous!

(??) "With me, Hathaway, none of you will live today!"

Xia Yao twisted her neck, full of fighting spirit!

(o?????) "Let's see who dies first! Wolf King? Bite and kill!"

Some of the one-eyed races brought by Yego couldn't help shouting when they saw the fierce battle between their queen and humans!

?(?#)? "Queen, do you want us..."

Queen Jiang stared: "Don't come here! Is this my battle, or do you think I, Hathaway, are inferior to these low-level carbon-based life forms?"

"Did you look down on me?"

The one-eyed races sweated profusely on their foreheads, shrinking their necks one after another!

(???) "Small... small dare not!"

Obviously, this kind of bloody fighting is undoubtedly a disguised protection for Zhong Yingxue and the others!

Queen Jiang has used all her tricks!

The rest can only wait for your backhand to play a role!

Rui Sen's eyes were full of excitement, because Batty has reached his limit at this moment, and he can hardly maintain the atomic state anymore!

As soon as he regains his physical body, it's time to suck him!

But now Batty's will can't hold on anymore, and he can't even restrain his own atoms!

But he didn't intend to restore his flesh at all!

Even if he dies and completely disappears into the world, he will never give Ruisen the chance to copy his abilities!

But at the moment Batty decided to die, there was a flash of glass in the air!

Jiang Ning suddenly appeared with a Bose particle sword in his hand, and slashed at Ruisen!

"With me here, you have no chance!"

Rui Sen dodged away, and Batty finally breathed a sigh of relief. He could no longer maintain his atomic state and returned to his physical body!

Ruisen's eyes were full of bad luck: "It's you again? Damn it!"

And Jiang Nan, who was always paying attention to the battlefield, was also relieved. Sister Ning Ning is here?

It also means that the support of Silvermoon City is coming soon!

Third brother! You should hurry up, you? I can't play for long!


At the same time, a huge star whale suddenly appeared above Tongcheng!

Without further ado, Bai Kou came up and zoomed in!

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "Great cold? Blizzard!"

"Deadly Snow!"

A black blizzard suddenly enveloped the sky above Tongcheng, and the black snow fell, and the place where it was contaminated was deadly silent!

Towering ice peaks rise from the ground one after another, and the peak level of the Daotian Ten Stars is undoubtedly evident!

Not only Bai Kou, Momo also summoned several dimensional creatures!

The black dragon of the void breathed wildly in the city, and the argali ran back and forth in the city with its head lowered, flying everything in front of it!

Tongcheng, which was quite quiet a moment ago, suddenly became lively!

Iger was shocked: "Damn it! These humans didn't attack Yueyan, but came to attack the city instead?"

"Defenders, guard the fire warehouse for me, and the rest follow me!"

A series of purple star-pupil cannons exploded in the night sky, turning the entire Tongcheng into a battlefield!

Koronov swung two punches forward, and the punishment knuckles were extremely eye-catching!

(?⊙优⊙) "I didn't enjoy playing last time, let's continue this time!"

Iger's face was ugly, and he joined the battlefield with a roar!

You know, most of the remaining ones in the city have not been instigated!

As for those who were instigated, they must be guarding the warehouse at this moment?

Musashi Miyazaki and the others who stayed in the city were already ready!

Bai Kou, who was busy fighting, naturally did not forget Yang Jian's explanation!

"Momo! Go and rob the Tinder warehouse, grab it hard, and we will cover you!"

(?●???)? "Ahba~"

The promise is yes, but where is the tinder warehouse in such a big city of pupils?

Before Momo could find it, she suddenly noticed a spatial fluctuation in the city that didn't belong to her!

And it is still fluctuating continuously, as if telling myself where it is!

what's the situation? How could there be other spatial fluctuations in the city besides myself?

Momo didn't think too much, and rushed over with a teleport!

In the next moment, she had already appeared in the tinder warehouse!

Looking at the mountains of fire bricks piled up in front of him, he was stunned!


And Dabaying had been waiting here for a long time, seeing Momo coming, she couldn't help raising her hand to say hello!

(*@)? "Yo~"

Momo's eyes widened!

∑(●﹏?lll) "Ah!" is a one-eyed species waving to him, hey!

Oops, it was discovered!

Daba Ying urged anxiously: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and pretend? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Oh, that's right! You don't have a different dimension, right? Let the star whale come out, it can be decorated! Hurry up!"

Momo looked confused: (??.??)???? "Huh?"

This one-eyed species speaks human language, hey, not only human language!

And urge me to steal their treasures!

However, at the next moment, under Momo's shocked gaze, Dabaying opened up his own alien space, and crazily stuffed the origin bricks in!

While pretending and tooting!

(?乛) "I guess you won't be able to hold much, I'd better keep an eye on it and steal it first, then it's all up to you to steal it, goose box~"

"With you guys covering me, I'm not afraid? Hey hey, do I still have to learn the essence?"

Momo swallowed her saliva, this is a ghost one-eyed species. Hey, this Senbon Sakura?

You... When did you come here to be one-eyed?

And guarding such an important tinder warehouse?

Momo finally understood, where did he come here to rob? It's clearly here to buy goods! Damn!

This is too smooth, right?

So he called out the Star Whale and started devouring the Origin Bricks!

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