Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1704 Stand firm! (plus more)

While speaking, Xiao Zhen rushed out in an instant, covered in spiritual gauze, and the earth trembled while running!

Rushing into the crowd, his fists were swung out like heavy cannons!

"Shockwave? Molecule shattered!"

The moment the fist hit the opponent, his body was blown to pieces, leaving no complete body at all!

Any defense is equivalent to nothing under Xiao Zhen's shock wave!

For spirit warriors of the same level, Xiao Zhen almost killed them with one punch!

The speed of killing the enemy is astonishing, but he was quickly surrounded by mercenaries who came forward!

"Air shock wave!"


A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and all the enemies who rushed up were blown away, bleeding from the seven orifices!

Obviously, Xiao Zhen cannot be suppressed by mercenaries alone!

Bo Langwei was furious, she found all the spikes, and you are still here to make trouble for me!

"The Balrog!"

In an instant, a flaming troll with a stature close to 100 meters took shape, holding a flaming mace, and launched a critical strike at Xiao Zhen's location!


There was an explosion, flames splashed everywhere, Xiao Zhen raised his arm to block, but was instantly sent flying far away!

There is too much difference between the two, one is diamond seven, the other is star seven, there is a big difference in level!

As soon as it landed, Bo Wei raised her hand: "Cluster bombing!"

Big fireballs with a diameter of 70 to 80 meters emerged, fell from the sky, and smashed towards Xiao Zhenkuang!

Xiao Zhen gritted his teeth tightly: "Shock Armor!"

"Boom boom boom!"

His thin figure was instantly submerged in the endless flames, and the battlefield was shaking!

"I'll kill him, you guys go pull out the spikes!"

Those mercenaries went madly towards the black altar!

I saw the two brothers Qi Delong and Qi Dongqiang standing in front of the formation, fastened their horses, their eyes were determined!

(#??~??) "Brother! Are you ready?"

Qi Dongqiang narrowed his eyes: (#??亮??) "Just come!"

Hear Qi Delong open his mouth and roar:

(??? Mouth??)? "Descendants of Dashan~"

Qi Dongqiang took a deep breath, his chest puffed up like a bellows, and he opened his mouth to drink violently!

??(??mouth???) "Ah!!!"

Infinite sound waves spread out, even forming circles of transparent sound waves!

The turbulent sound waves dried the ground to the point of flying, and all the magic skills that came over were blown away!

Those mercenaries who rushed up even had their eardrums burst, their internal organs suffered from severe pain, and they were so shocked that they bleed internally, and they were all rushed out!

(?????#) "Pfft~ I... I can't hear it!"

"My ears! Ears wow!"

However, this is not over yet, just hear Qi Delong roar!

(??? Mouth??)? "Ah~ Qiangzi!"

Qi Dongqiang stared: (?? Mouth?) "Gaha!"

Zidron: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

An Xiaoqi behind couldn't help covering her face, what the hell is wah wah!


You just can't sing that sentence in English, right?

Qi Dongqiang roared:

(??? Mouth??) "I really want to eat big goose~

"That big goose stewed in an iron pot!"

Qi Delong yelled: ?? (?? mouth???) "Wandering in the Lingxu!"

"Eat a fart goose?"

"Hey, hey, inside the bazaar!

"Put your hands up!"

At this moment, the two brothers Qi Delong and Dongqiang acted like human body speakers, singing impromptu and rapping on the spot!

The rolling sound wave spread out like a tsunami, and no mercenary could break through the blockade of the two sound waves!

Many people knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, rolling back and forth in pain!

?(???Yi???)? "Sing it, sing it, eat it if you want to eat a big goose, no one is stopping you! Is this worth singing?"

"Pffw~ This sonic attack is too strong, I can't get close at all, hey!"

However, the two of them didn't stop at all, and continued to sing. As long as our brothers are around, no one can get close to this curse circle!

(#?口?) "I'm Zidron!"

"I'm Qi Dongqiang!" (?口??)

"Qi Delong Dongqiang Dongqiang!"


The sound wave increased again, and the mercenaries who charged again were rushed back!

But the vocal cords of the two were also torn due to overload, and they vomited blood!

But even so, the two brothers were still roaring!

Qi Delong stared and scolded:

(?°?д°?) "Knock the Mud Frog!"

Qi Dongqiang roared bloody:

"Lee Lailai!" (°?д°??)

The words exploded in everyone's ears like thunder, like a sound wave bomb!

The brains of the mercenaries were shaken like a paste!

This is because there is no singing, so did you start swearing?

This is the first time we know that swearing can cause real harm!

Not only a physical crit, but also a mental attack. Even if they want to curse back, their voices are not as loud as the Qi Delong brothers!

The two brothers scolded non-stop, all of them were unbearable obscenities, and the content was extremely high!

I saw Qi Dongqiang spit out a mouthful of old blood, and his voice was hoarse:

(#?????) "I can't do it, brother! I'm out of words, I've put all my life's knowledge into use!"

Qi Delong said anxiously: (¬书¬#) "Wan Duzi, don't worry! Your elder brother has a trick!"

Seeing Qi Delong take a deep breath and shout to the sky!

(?? Mouth?)? "Go! You! Big! Lord!"

The sound waves are rolling, the sound waves are like waves!

Qi Dongqiang's eyes lit up immediately, it was my elder brother who had a trick, so he quickly picked it up!

(?`口′) "Go to your second uncle!"

Then Qi Delong started to be the third master, and the two of them had no words to scold, so they started counting the uncles crazily!

At any rate, it held up!

The mercenaries are all blown up, God Meow's uncle, not only will he be bombarded by sound waves, but he will also be scolded by others?

Seeing that it was difficult for the two brothers to break through here, the mercenaries aimed at other directions!

After all, it is impossible for the two brothers alone to guard the curse array with a diameter of one thousand meters!

An Xiaoqi is the last line of defense!

I saw her biting her lower lip tightly, defending the spikes, and dealing with attacks from all directions!

"Air wall!"

A completely solid air wall protects the spikes on the core!

An Xiaoqi pointed her hands at the mercenaries, and there were bursts of empty explosions!

"High-pressure air cannon!"

A series of powerful compressed air cannons blasted out, blasting the mercenaries who rushed forward, but there were too many of them, An Xiaoqi couldn't take care of them anymore!

The air wall was attacked uncontrollably, resisted countless spiritual skills, and kept repairing, the spiritual energy in her body was consumed violently!

You can only fight while absorbing the spirit beads!

"Absolute vacuum!"

In an instant, the air in a radius of one thousand meters dried up instantly, the internal pressure of the human body in the domain became unbalanced, people all swelled up, the lung lobes exploded, and fresh blood precipitated from the pores!

"Air burst!"

The vacuum field disappeared instantly, and the air flowed back instantly, squeezing and colliding with the person like a steel wall!

Many people were crushed on the spot!

An Xiaoqi's complexion was pale, and she staggered unsteadily!

A metal storm hit from the side, instantly breaking through An Xiaoqi's air barrier defense, and her whole body was blown away!

There are several holes in the body!

There is no way, there are too many people on the opposite side, Xiao Zhen and the four of them can't protect them at all!

At this moment, Xiao Zhen roared in the distance!

"Hide! Dodge!"

I saw that Xiao Zhen was covered in blood and had extensive burns all over his body. Just as he struggled to get up from the ground, he staggered and fell down again!

After killing too many people, his physical and spiritual strength have bottomed out!

But the Balrog jumped into the sky and turned into a giant fireball!

He smashed towards the Qi Delong brothers fiercely!

"Falling sun!"

Even though the two roared into the sky, Yinlang only scattered the outer circle of the fireball!

Star Yaoqi's attack is not so easy to disperse!


The raging flames exploded, and the Qi Delong brothers were directly shot on the ground!

But Bo Langwei controlled the Balrog and rushed straight to the core spike!

The Qi Delong brothers were firmly suppressed by the pressing mercenaries, but they still stared and roared!

"Xiaoqi! Run! Don't fold everything here!"

An Xiaoqi clenched her teeth, stood in front of the spike and spread her arms, unleashing a thick wall of air!

Eyes full of determination!

"Don't go!"

Bo Langwei narrowed her eyes: "Then you can go to hell!"

While speaking, the mace in Balrog's hand smashed against the air wall!


There was an explosion, flames splashed everywhere, the air wall cracked, An Xiaoqi spit out a big mouthful of blood, her ears buzzed!

But he took the blow!

"Oh? It's quite bearable! What about the second blow?"

While talking, he continued to smash violently with the mace!

At this moment, Qi Delong's body was scorched black, and he was seriously injured by the falling sun!

The head was trampled under the foot, trampled hard!

But Qi Dongqiang was pulled by his hair and pulled up, with a dagger in front of his neck!

"Steamer! Can't you yell? Can you scold? Try scolding again?"

Qi Dongqiang tilted his head and spat blood, and glanced at his elder brother!

Then he sneered: "I've only heard such an unreasonable request like yours a dozen times! It's just as you wish!"

"I'll go to you, Mr. 1741!"

The mercenary stared, and the dagger in his hand mercilessly slashed across Qi Dongqiang's neck, blood spurting out!

He said ferociously: "I cut your throat, I don't think you can scold me! Remember to keep your mouth clean in your next life!"

Qi Dongqiang clutched his neck, lying powerlessly on the ground, blood gushed out of his mouth unceasingly, twitching non-stop!

He was so choked with blood that he couldn't breathe, and his life was passing by quickly!

Qi Delong's eyes were scarlet, and he roared angrily, "Brother! Brother! I'll kill you all!"

He was completely crazy, struggling uncontrollably, and hammering his fists on the ground again and again, but it was of no avail!

The mercenary who stepped on his head grinned, and the dagger landed on Qi Delong's neck!

"Don't worry! You will go down to accompany him soon, the whole family needs to be tidy!"

Xiao Zhen roared and rushed towards that side, the anger in his heart was surging and steaming!


An Xiaoqi's air wall was completely shattered, and she sat powerlessly on the ground!

And Langwei's mace was raised high again and smashed down!

An Xiaoqi clenched her teeth tightly, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and beast roars shook the sky. Don't think too much, it must be a wave of beasts!

There are still mercenaries to be solved here, and there is another wave of beasts coming over there!

Is it over here?

An Xiaoqi closed her eyes in pain, she didn't embarrass herself with the word "Pioneer", that's it...

Seeing the flame mace fall, a huge black shadow descended from the sky at this moment!

"Boom!" It landed in front of An Xiaoqi with a loud sound!

The flaming mace slammed fiercely on the raised arm of the huge black shadow, and the flames shot up into the sky!

But it didn't shake Sombra in the slightest!

An Xiaoqi was startled by the loud noise and opened her eyes, and what she saw was the majestic back with a height of more than eighty meters and fur!

She froze for a while...

Xiong Er's eyes were as scarlet as blood, and his thick bear paws were fiercely slapped towards the Balrog!

"Today you will die on a horse!"


There was a bang, flames splashed everywhere, half of Balrog's head was slapped off, and the huge flaming body, which was nearly a hundred meters away, was slapped by Xiong Er's palm and flew out!

At this moment, Xiong Er was really angry!

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