Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1801 Love sauce! You can be ambitious, okay?

Before learning to fly a plane, it took only a few seconds, but now you are all on a spaceship?

I don't know what the ability of this shuttle is, whether it can take me out of the Milky Way and take a walk around the City of Thousand Planets!

With full expectations, Jiangnan pressed the side of the shuttle!

A faint blue light lit up on the side of the shuttle, and the next moment, the hatch slowly opened like a gull-wing door, and the warm lights turned on!

Jiang Nan couldn't wait to step into the shuttle, and several scanning lights landed on Jiang Nan!

The cold mechanical female voice sounded!

"It is detected that the captain is a carbon-based life, and the interior of the carbon-based life shuttle is automatically constructed. I wish the captain a happy use!"

"Liuyinhao Shuttle, the driving is worry-free, and there is no need to drive!"

Following the voice prompts, the internal structure of the shuttle also began to change, turning into a warm-toned home decoration!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of sparkles, isn't this too advanced?


I quickly ran in to check, there was a corridor in the middle, and there were cabins on both sides!

Sleeping cabins, medical cabins, living and dining areas, and even specially equipped training rooms, storage bins, etc.!

It is not crowded, but extremely spacious, just like a fully functional luxury yacht, okay?

The 300-meter shuttle, although the sparrow is small, has all the internal organs!

Jiang Nan is so happy!

(???w??)? "Isn't this the new home? Although the Star Palace can't be grabbed for the time being, this shuttle can barely live in it?"

Quickly ran to the cockpit bridge position!

In addition to the captain's driving position, there are several other crew seats!

As soon as you enter, the cockpit lights up, and the external situation is displayed on the bulkhead at all times!

Jiang Nan's ass was used as the driver's seat, and there was a burst of chrysalis, and the soft couple couldn't be too comfortable!

The beep sounded again!

"Liuyin's shuttle shuttle is enabled for the first time, please choose the shuttle's intelligent AI character!"

"Lively and cute type! Unruly and hot type! Sexy Yujie type! Calm and calm type! Black-bellied perverted type!"

There are several types, and the tone of each type is different!

The smirk of Jiangnan Goose Hehe:

( ??? ???)~? "I think punishment, this is too much punishment!"

This also brought to choose? Is it so alive? By the way, what the hell is a black-bellied pervert?

This little service is too good, right?

Voice: "It's okay if you don't show it to you, please choose the captain again!"

Jiang Nan hesitated for a long time, and his expression became ruthless!

(???~??)? "Sexy is worthless in front of cuteness. I choose the lively and cute type!"

On the holographic projection, an image of a human loli in a tutu skirt with twin ponytails was instantly generated!

The shape is completely generated according to the human body shape, the facial features are perfect without any flaws, it is so cute that it explodes!

Turning around in front of Jiangnan, he blinked his eyes wide!

(o????? w ???) "Flying Shuttle AI, Ai Jiang! It's a pleasure to serve the master!"

Jiangnan Goose Hehe couldn't stop laughing, he poked the projection with his hand, and his finger passed through without any accidents!

Ai-chan grabbed her skirt, her pretty face flushed:

(?????) "Oops~ Master hates it, it will itch!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, is he so smart? Is this really just an intelligent AI in a shuttle?

How advanced is the technology of silicon-based life forms?

(????) "May I ask what the master is going to do? No matter what questions you have, you can ask Ai-chan~"

Jiang Nan said happily: "It goes without saying, of course we should go for a drive first?"

Immediately after a while of manipulation by the big hands, the shuttle bow turned its direction!

Push the propulsion lever violently, and there is a sound of "咻", Liuyin draws a gorgeous trajectory in the air, leaving a blue light tail, and rushes out of the capital city in an instant!

The scenery outside the cabin quickly reversed, and I didn't know how far I rushed!

Jiang Nan widened his eyes:

∑(°口°?) "Fuck? How fast is this?"

Ai-chan waved her hand indifferently:

(︶?︶*)? "Oh, it's very slow, we're just sojourner-type miniature shuttles!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, isn't that fast? This speed is at least 100 times the speed of sound!

34 kilometers per second, a terrifying batch!

And there is no sonic boom, and the flight is terrifyingly quiet!

(??????????) "Can... can I go to the City of Thousand Stars?"

Ai-chan leaned on her chin:

(??????) "Hmm~ Turn on the automatic navigation, and the destination will create a star field and a city of thousands of stars!"

"Master, it takes 5.7 billion years to reach the destination, you may not live for such a long time!"

"The Shuttle Liuyin doesn't have a high-power warp engine, so it can't realize interstellar travel!"

Jiangnan's expression froze, God Meow 5.7 billion years, at this moment, Jiangnan had an intuitive concept of the distance between galaxies in the universe!

With this shuttle, it would be nice to be able to wander around the solar system.

The distance between galaxies is easily millions of light-years!

how to get to?

The only way is the star gate controlled by the Bose group, and the warp drive!

The universe is still expanding, and the distance between galaxies is even farther away from each other!

Therefore, every galaxy is an island of starlight that cannot be rushed out!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Is that why Uncle Li wants me to make warp bubbles?"

If you want to make achievements in the starry sky, warp bubbles are the most important thing!

Wanting to use this shuttle to go to the City of Thousand Stars, Jiangnan is so whimsical!

So Jiangnan carefully checked the functions of the Liuyin account!

It can navigate in the space environment and has its own energy shield to resist attacks, but its strength is not as strong as that of a star palace!

Since it is a sojourn shuttle, there is no corresponding combat system, only an energy cannon!

The power comes from the reaction furnace that comes with the shuttle, and it will not be a problem to use it for hundreds of years.

( ?° ?? ?°)? "Tsk tsk tsk ~ This thing can still be invisible? Karl really gave me a big baby!"

Ai Jiang nodded uncontrollably:

(??????) "Mmmm~ Ai-chan will always be the master's treasure~"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin, watching Ai Jiang's projected eyes flicker!

This thing can be regarded as intelligent AI, right? Although it is on the shuttle!

But it doesn't prevent me from stuffing her into the mechanical prosthesis?

Otherwise, when will it be rewritten?

There are ready-made ones, don’t you need them for nothing?

Ai-chan rubbed her skirt and twisted her face:

(??﹏??) "Master...Master, why are you looking at me like that? If you keep looking at me like this, Ai-chan will become weird!"

I saw Jiangnan grinning, and the smile gradually became abnormal!

?(?っ?????c)? "Ai-chan~ Do you have a dream of being a robot?"

Ai-chan was startled when asked:

(???w??)???? "Huh? I haven't thought about this problem~ I decided to make a boat, which is fine!"

Jiang Nan's expression changed:

(?????) "Ai-chan~ Can you be more ambitious? What's the future of being a ship? Where can you be a handsome robot?"

"If you're a boat, you have no freedom at all. Being a robot is amazing! That's having your own body!"

Ai-chan hesitated: (*??~??) "But...but I don't know how to be a robot? I have been a boat since I was born. This kind of thing is not allowed, I..."

Jiangnan hehe Zhile: "Where are there so many rules and regulations? Can't I teach you?"

So the little whip stuck out, and walked towards the console with a smirk on his face!

Aijiang: (?﹏?.) Woo~

Jiang Nan smiled like a devil:

?(?? .?.? ??‵?) "From today, you are more than just a boat!"

Just do it!

Bringing the Liuyin back to the factory, Jiangnan directly started a major renovation!

Start to add new things to the main program of Ai-chan, and then back up the sub-program, and transplant it into the mechanical body of Sentinel and Valkyrie!

Re-inject their souls into them!

This is equivalent to Ai Jiang owning more than 80 mechanical prosthetic bodies at the same time, controlled by signal transmission!

After rewriting, Jiang Nan suddenly remembered something, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a crazy arc, the more he wrote, the more excited he became!

I couldn't even help but let out a scalp-numbing laugh!

Not because of anything else, just because Jiangnan also gave Aijiang the ability to write his own silicon-based intelligent logic program!

This means that Ai-chan, who has strong learning ability, can realize evolution by writing his own way!

Instead of being static!

It may even be able to deduce more advanced writing skills!

Jiangnan doesn't know what Aijiang will evolve into in the future, but it's not just a boat!

And in order to inject soul into these mechanical prosthetic bodies, Jiang Nan locked himself in the factory building, completely forgetting the passage of time!

When Jiangnan had big dark circles under his eyes, slumped on the ground, and didn't want to move, the transformation was completed!

(?′w`? )~

I saw a Valkyrie machine, and all 88 sentinel robots stood up and looked up, scarlet rays of light appeared in the mechanical eyes!

Jiang Nan couldn't help showing a gratified smile on his face!

Everything is worth it?

Humans can be regarded as having their own mechanical army, right?

Seeing the extremely domineering warrior body raised his hand and looked, it seemed that he couldn't believe that he had a body!

"Ai... Ai-chan looks so weird~ But this experience is really wonderful!"

"Wow! This... what is this? It's so big!"

While speaking, he pulled out the black heavy mace stuck on his back, with a look of novelty on his face!

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, looking at the domineering Valkyrie machine, he danced excitedly, making girl-like amazed movements!

The cute girly voice echoes endlessly!

Can't help but put your hands directly on your face!


What did you change yourself? Is it too inconsistent?

What's the difference between this and the soul of a loli girl stuffed into the body of a man with a steel tower? Hey!

But at this moment, outside the warehouse door, Zhong Yingxue and the others who had just returned from the mission were all froze!

I heard that Xiaonan's mission was successful and the harvest was very fruitful. Everyone who completed the phased mission hurried back!

As a result, when I first came to the warehouse to look for Xiao Nan, I heard such a loud voice?

love sauce? Get weird?

What a big bang? Xiao Nan is doing weird things to Ai-chan in the warehouse, hey!

Excited, Ai-chan rushed over and hugged Jiangnan!

─=≡Σ((( つ?????)つ "Giggle ~ Master! I'm so cute!"

A mouthful of old blood in Jiangnan was almost hugged out: "Take it easy! You caught me!"

Who can bear this steel hug?

Xia Yao: Σ(っ °口°;) っwhat? ? ?

"Bah! Shameless! While we're not at home, you actually flirt with other girls?"

"I'd like to see, which little vixen is Ai Jiang?"

While speaking, he kicked open the warehouse door angrily!

As the sun shone into the warehouse, Zhong Yingxue, Xiong Er, and the others all stared wide-eyed with horror on their faces, petrified collectively!

"(o 口 o*)(?口?*)( ?? 口??`)

I saw Jiangnan hugging a three-meter-tall black domineering robot!

A group of red-eyed sentinels stood behind them!

Xia Yao's chin hit the ground with a bang:

Σ( ° △ °|||) "This... this vixen is really rough!"

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