Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1832 I Bet I Will Not Die

The holy sword ignited a soaring flame, and the infinitely red flame exploded, directly blasting Xiao Chuehuo back!

The powerful high temperature even melted the void!

Xiao Chuihuo's complexion was so ugly that even Mi Ye's heart was raised!

Now the trouble is really big!

Quinn's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his eyes were full of ferociousness: "Carl? Damn it! Damn it! Do you take advantage of the timing of the beast group's beheading plan?"

His face was full of sullenness!

And at this moment, the glass light flashed again in the sky, and Igor held the Bose Particle Sword in his hand!

Appearing abruptly in front of Quinn, he slashed down on his neck, and the horns on the top of his head were scarlet!

"Shut up! Lord Carl's name is not something that a humble existence like you can call directly!"

Quinn's eyes glared, and they instantly turned into flames, and the golden flames swept towards Igor overwhelmingly!

But they all passed through Igor's body!

But the Bose Particle Sword crossed Quinn in an instant, cutting his flaming body in two!

Under the extreme cold, even the fire was a little weaker!

Igor still wants to strike again, and once he strikes, he will be dead!

But the flaming blade in Xiao Chuihuo's hand slashed out obliquely, and the flaming curtain soared into the sky to cut the world!

Igor's eyes were filled with apprehension, and he turned back to Karl with a look of sarcasm on his face!

"What time is it, and you still have the heart to protect others. Instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself!"

Carl chuckled: "I said, the matter of the star palace will not be left alone! How is it? Is it a surprise?"

"Iron Triangle? Now there are only two of you left!"

Xiao Chuihuo suppressed extreme anger in his heart!

"Fight by division, break down one by one, right? Attacking the moon is just a feint to break us up? Hah~"

"Even if there are only two of us left, it's enough to deal with you!"

In fact, the holy star has never attacked the moon, because the existence of the blue moon has promoted the Jingshi plan!

In addition, even with the shining of the light of origin, human evolution is not so fast, and the threat is not great, so it has not been fought.

But now it's done, the purpose is self-evident!

Carl spread his hands proudly: "So what if it's a feint attack? Don't you have to send someone to block it?"

"Human beings always have some useless and redundant emotions!"

"Do you really think that I will just watch you kill the leader of the beast group and remain indifferent?"

"These are my most obedient tool beasts!"

I saw that the extraordinary lava troll had recovered, and was squatting under Karl at the moment, with an affectionate expression on his face!

Xiao Chuihuo frowned!

Even spirit beasts have race limit gates, they have only been out of the spirit market for a long time, and they can't be illuminated by the moonlight for more than a month!

Even the evolution is not so fast, how can it break through to the extraordinary level?

The only explanation is that Saint Star used some method to make this lava troll break through to extraordinary?

Xiao Chuihuo narrowed his eyes: "So what? Are you so sure you can take the two of us?"

Carl smiled: "Are you sure it's really the two of you? Calculate the time, it's almost time..."

While he was speaking, the snail shells of Xiao Chuihuo and Mi Ye lit up at the same time, and Bigger's anxious roar came out of them!

"Support! Ask for support! The cursed ghost here in the city of Shell, Eagle Country, has actually risen to the extraordinary level!"

"Nearly tens of millions of people have gathered here, and they were planning to borrow the Stargate Star Ring and move them to the moon in a unified way!"

"Now it is attacked, and several bosons are involved in the attack, trying to snatch the Stargate star ring!"

"Koronov, the eight-time champion, is seriously injured and dying. Luo Jiaoyang is almost dying. Freya is holding on, and she can't last long. Come quickly!"

As soon as this news came out, the expressions of Xiao Chuihuo and Mi Ye completely darkened!

Originally, it was Kronov who brought the star ring and Luo Jiaoyang who brought the star gate to the Eagle Country to transfer the people, but now they are attacked?

The curse ghost is also extraordinary?

Don't think about it, it must be the plan and the hole dug by Sheng Xing!

The purpose is to take Chaofan apart, divide and break it!

Carl smiled grimly: "Yes! It's this kind of expression, I don't know how long I want to see it!"

"Okay! Now what do you choose? Am I going to hit two, or one?"

Obviously, this is another multiple choice question!

Are you going to support Eagle Country or not?

If you don't go, the Daotian over there will be completely cold, and the Star Gate Star Ring will be robbed, not to mention the nearly tens of millions of people waiting to be transferred!

But if you go, leaving only one person to fight against Karl, it will almost be a fatal outcome!

What's more, the one who went to support may also be facing the hole dug by the holy star, if he can't stop it, he will die!

The atmosphere in the arena was suddenly suppressed to the extreme. The noise on the battlefield and the desperate wailing of the people kept coming through the snail shells!

Igor smiled triumphantly!

This is a conspiracy, and it is also a conspiracy!

Even if you know it's Saint Star's plan to split it up, you still have to support it!

Because I can't bear it!

This trick is so poisonous!

In fact, the lava troll under the Huangyan volcano and the cursed ghost were all pushed up by Karl using the ten-color creation crystal source!

Not just these two! Even the Bei family's request to solve the problem of the curse array was done by Igor in secret!

Among the members of the Bei family, there are also his people in disguise!

The purpose is to separate the psychic from Chaofan, and the smooth progress of the beheading operation of the beast group a few days ago is to relax the vigilance of human beings!

And the reasons put forward by the Bei family cannot be rejected!

Of course, the perfect coordination of that chess piece is indispensable, there is no coincidence at all, everything is Igor's plan!

This is a perfect counterattack from Saint Star!

Carl sneered: "What? Can't be chosen? If you hesitate, you will lose, and if you are decisive, you will be given in vain!"

"If you can't choose, I'll help you choose! If you want me to tell you, don't go, if you die, kill them. What's your business?"

"The two of you carry me one by one, at least you can hold on for a while longer, maybe there is still a chance of surviving? Isn't it?"

"If I go to one for support, once I kill one, I will be free to kill other Chaofans. If all human beings are Transcendents, they will collapse. Is the loss outweighed by the gains?"

Igor chimed in: "There are only tens of millions of people, four or five Daotians, and two star gates!

"In order to continue to survive, you can't even afford this price, can you?"

To kill is to punish the heart!

Xiao Chuihuo took a deep breath and stopped hesitating: "Mi Ye, go to Eagle Country to support Big Freya and the others!"

"Keep the star gate and the people, don't let those Daotians die, I'll take care of Karl's side!"

Don't think about Bai Kou, you can't even move, you can imagine it with your toes. It is impossible for the psychic to not send someone to attack such a big movement of Sheng Xing!

The only solution is to dismantle it again, send Mi Ye to support, and hold Karl tightly!

Mi Ye said anxiously: "But I'm leaving, your side is..."

Xiao Chuihuo didn't speak, just looked at Mi Ye calmly, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes!

"Do it! Hold the shock, don't die over there, it's not over yet, is it clear?"

Mi Ye bit her lower lip tightly, she knew that there was still a hole waiting for her in Yingguo!

Maybe it was just for the purpose of killing himself!

But can I not go? Can't!

She clearly remembered how she promised Xiaonan before she became a superhuman!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes flickered: "Did you bring something?"

Mi Ye nodded, with a difficult expression: "Grandpa Xiao! Take care!"

While speaking, it turned into a bloody light and stabbed in the direction of Yingguo!

However, Karl just watched this scene with great interest, and didn't mean to stop Mi Ye from going to support at all!

No matter whether Mi Ye goes or not, it is the result Karl wants!

"Papa Papa~"

I saw Karl clapping for himself, his face full of sarcasm!

"It's really touching! Human beings are really strange creatures. For others, can they give up their chance to live?"

"It's ridiculous! The individual is the only one, and everyone is me is the right way!"

"The emotions, responsibilities, and righteousness you advocate are nothing but burdens on the road to the strong! Obviously, these will drag you down to death!"

Xiao Chuihuo smiled, and his eyes were full of pity: "Then you are really pitiful. If a person only lives for himself, then what is the meaning of his existence?"

"A strong man who has given up everything he has built is a real strong man?"

Karl narrowed his eyes, infinite bosonic particles surged on his body, and the glazed light of the holy sword in his hand soared!

"When you die by my sword, you won't say that!"

"I hope you can last a little longer. How long the other three star-breaking humans can live depends on how long you can last under my hands!"

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were full of wildness, his whole body was burning with flames, and the flame blade in his hand was extremely hot!

"Then you'd better try your best! Because I bet I won't die!"

"Being born in the world for ninety-nine years, all kinds of suffering are like feathers! The long road is as long as iron! Now I am going to start from the beginning!"

"I have my own reasons why I can't die! Want to kill me? Just let the horse come! I haven't lived enough yet!"


Vulcan Domain? Promise is blazing red, and the astonishingly high temperature seems to melt the void!

It collided fiercely with Carl's dark blue negative zero!

The sky is engulfed and divided by red and blue rays of light!

Carl's eyes were full of ferocity: "Really? Then I will send you on your way!"

"I want to let you know how vulnerable your so-called belief is, and weak people can't protect anything!"

"Igor! Go and kill me!"

Igor licked his lips, his eyes were full of tyranny: "Got it!"

He fixed his eyes on the god-killing curse formations in the distance of the lava field!

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