Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2250 Please start your performance

Through Xuan Se's field of vision, a group of insect soldiers can be seen from a distance, flying over on a transport insect as huge as a sky whale!

The leaders are Chongruhua and Chongsiyu!

When the two saw Xuan Se, they laughed from afar!

??(????????)?? "Giggle~ Master Xuanse, I didn't expect to see each other not long after we parted. I've heard what Lord Zonghuang said!"

"I heard that you have had a long night and have no intention of sleeping. You just want to relieve the knot in your heart for Lord Zonghuang?"

Chong Siyu covered her mouth and snickered, with a shy face:

??(????????)?? "You should have come here a long time ago, I don't even know how much Lord Zonghuang misses you!"

"If this relationship with Lord Zerg Emperor is confirmed this time, then Zerg and Chaos must be a strong alliance?"

"The Bishi swarm, insects like flowers and jade, on behalf of all the female insects, welcome the arrival of Master Xuanse!"

Xuanse's face turned paler, don't laugh, can you two stop laughing, it makes me want to turn around and run away now?

=????????(??????????????) "Ahaha~ you guys are so enthusiastic, you don't have to all come over to welcome me, I can't stand it!"

"Shall we talk while walking?"

While speaking, he boarded the huge transport bug!

Jiang Nan looked anxiously:

(???????????)?? "You can't do it? You have to be more proactive? If you don't see Chong Bishi, this time will be in vain!"

Xuan Se cursed in his heart!

Pooh, in the face of this situation, how can I be proactive! Damn!

proceed if you can?

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth: (¬皮¬) "Tsk~ It's time to give you some exciting news to enhance your personal charm!"

Turning around, he immediately issued an order: "Summer Borden, go and give me heartache popping candies to enhance the charm of the mech and increase the success rate of the mission!"

"Start launching! Everyone covers their ears to prevent the impact of the explosion!"

Following Jiangnan's order, the appendix combat command room began to get busy!

Packets of popping candies were taken out by Jiangnan, Borden and Summer took turns carrying the popping candies, and threw them into Xuanse's intestines!

As if a detonator bomb had been dropped, as soon as the popping candy was revealed, there was a violent explosion!

There was a crackling sound, and there was a roar in Xuanse's stomach!

Pack after pack, hundreds of packs were thrown in in the blink of an eye!

It can be said to be a big surprise!

At this moment, Xuan Se's stomach, who was sitting on the transport worm, began to jingle!

It even attracted the attention of worms like flowers and worms!

??(????????)?? "What's the sound? Master Xuanse? Your stomach..."

Xuan Se:! ! !

You are playing dance music in Lao Tzu's stomach, can't you play disco? What are you doing ding bang this is?

I'm afraid they won't find out, are you?

(??-??-`;) "Ahaha~ I made the two younger sisters laugh. Brother, I have been starving for too long. I am just waiting for today to make a good use of it and try something new!"

"Isn't there something happening here before it arrives? Ahaha~"

But at this moment, the worms are like flowers, and the eyes of worms like jade are straight when looking at Xuan Se!

Originally, Xuanse's account was Meizu, and with the addition of hundreds of packs of popping candy, it was simply a charm bomb!

No worm can withstand this level of charm crit!

The two sisters felt that they were about to be hooked away by Xuan Se!


His heartbeat accelerated crazily, and two nosebleeds involuntarily sprang out, spraying vigorously!

I saw Chongruhua's big hand landed directly on Xuanse's shoulder: "Hehehe~ Then little brother Xuanse came to the right place today!"

Chong Siyu opened his bloody mouth even more, and breathed out towards Xuan Se!

??(????3??)?? "I can assure you, I will definitely not disappoint you, my lord!"

Take it all in one breath, it’s called a smell, the boomerang stinky socks that haven’t been washed for three months may not be so bright if they are marinated in a sauerkraut jar for three years!

Xuan Se's eyes widened, and he was about to vomit out immediately!

Jiangnan glared: (*??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? now first now now now! now first now now now first now first now first last now!

"Summer Borden, I will send the two of you to go to the digestive system, block the cardia of the stomach, and prevent nausea and vomiting!"

"If you vomit now, the action plan will be over! Go!"

∠(`w??*)∠(`~??*): "It's the boss of Nanshen!"

As he said that, he rushed out to block the cardia!

The corners of Shengcai's mouth twitched from the look, it really looks like that's the case!

Do you want to be so serious?

With the joint efforts of Bodensummer and the others, this wave of vomiting was finally blocked and the crisis was successfully resolved!

The transport bug carried everyone to the central galaxy of mining area 665!

The entire galaxy was dimmed, and the starlight was covered by the vast swarm of insects!

Xuan Se originally thought that the transport worm would take him directly to the central worm nest, but who knows that he turned halfway and went towards the outer Gemini star worm nest!

(??????~????)???????? "Why did you abduct? Didn't you go to the central worm nest? What are you doing here?"

Chongruhua covered her mouth and snickered:


"Before that, you have to confirm whether you have the qualifications, sir!"

Chong Siyu's face is full of shyness:

??(??︶??︶)?? "If you can't even pass the level of our two sisters, I'm afraid you won't even have the qualifications to have a tryst with our Zonghuang trumpet!"

"Lord Zonghuang has already given the task of measuring the ability to our sisters, don't worry! You won't come here for nothing!"

Xuan Se almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!


Nima! let me go! I'm leaving now!

I regret it! Although Chong Bishi was a little bit hideous and terrifying, she was more or less half human!

But these two sisters are pure demons and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts!

This first level, you want my old life?

Xuanse subconsciously turned around and was about to leave!

However, Jiang Nan was in a hurry: "Xuanse! What do you want to do? We have come to this point, is it time to retreat now?"

"Big snot dripping from your mouth, do you know you dumped it? What did you do early? Don't you want to distract yourself?"

"Give it to me!"

Xuan Se frantically shook his head!


no no no! Now I don't even want to be distracted! It will be a nightmare!

Chong Ruhua smiled and said: "It's all here! Where are you going? Why are you so ashamed now?"

I saw Xuan Se's face full of lovelessness, being dragged into the insect's nest by worms like flowers and worms like jade holding his arms...


Mother! I want to go home wow!

At this moment, Borden couldn't help swallowing:

??(??﹃????) "Shhh~ Is the main event finally about to start?"

Jiang Nan and the others are full of black lines, and the only one who can still be so excited and looking forward to it now is this pacesetter, right?

Along the way, Jiangnan kept observing the structure and characteristics of the insect nest!

Not everyone is qualified to enter the worm's nest and come out alive!

The insect nest is extremely mysterious to foreigners!

I saw that the structure of the insect nest was very much like an ant nest, extending in all directions, with the hard shellac as the structural support, supporting a huge insect nest like a planet!

Jiangnan has seen hundreds of thousands of different types of Zerg alone!

Different types of Zerg cooperate with each other, and the work efficiency is extremely high!

Even if it is a state machine, no matter how tacitly coordinated the group is, it is not as efficient as the deployment efficiency of the swarm. Its own group structure is almost the best solution in the starry sky!

In the future, it is inevitable to learn from Chong Feiyu, which may provide a lot of inspiration for the development of the human race!

From a mysterious perspective, look at all kinds of strange buildings in the insect nest!

Jiangnan also saw a huge, brain-like weird bug floating in the air, with countless tentacles protruding from below, swinging rhythmically, emitting bursts of fluorescence!

(??????.????)???????? "What kind of bug is this?"

Chong Feiyu said disdainfully: "A kind of central brain worm, responsible for the transmission of pheromones, the issuance and deployment of various commands, it is considered a tool worm, and has no combat power!"

"You can understand it as a small subordinate command processor, and some brain worms are responsible for suppressing internal riots, external race invasion, assimilation, larvae cultivation, breeding, commanding operations, etc. The functions are very complicated!"

"There's nothing good about it. This is just an outpost worm nest. What really needs attention is the central worm nest of the mother worm emperor!"

"If the insect swarm is the fangs and claws of the mother insect emperor, then the central insect nest is the war fortress of the mother insect emperor. It really belongs to the insect emperor's territory, the back garden!"

"Once you enter the central worm nest, it's the worm emperor who's going to mess with you! Pay special attention to this!"

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, and the insect nest of an outpost was already huge, so fine!

How exaggerated is the central insect nest?

I don't care about the next thing, let's talk about it after the two sisters have passed the test!

mystery! It's all on you!

At this moment, the loveless Xuan Se was brought all the way to the living room in the center of the insect nest!

In the living room, the decoration is abnormal!

On the ceiling, densely packed sunworms act as lighting!

In the center of the room is a huge heart-shaped colloidal incubation platform, which is green in color and emits faint fluorescence!

Chong Ruhua made a big jump, and threw herself directly on the incubation platform, lying on her side, posing in an extremely enchanting posture!

_??(??????ゝ∠)_"Come on, Master Xuanse? Show!"

Xuan Se stood on the spot, at a loss, his face was as white as paper, his expression was like weeping in mourning!


And Chong Siyu on the side directly performed a crab-style bodybuilding movement!

??convex (????????)convex?? "Aha!"

Muscles all over the body bulge, how can things outside of the body hold this? Immediately exploded into rags all over the sky!

"Heck, isn't it ready? Master Xuan Se? Please start your performance!"

Xuan Se's eyes were blinded on the spot, what kind of evil spirit is this?

(??﹏??|||) "Could you please turn off the lights? I think it's more atmospheric!"

He is lazy! Fight! Turn off the lights, it's all the same!

Chong Ruhua snickered: "My lord, you are quite romantic!"

With a snap of his fingers while speaking, the sun bugs on the ceiling went out immediately!

Xuan Se took a deep breath, and couldn't help but look at the two worms!

The next moment, he immediately let out a scream, and jumped up on the spot in fright!

You can see your stomach with your mouth open!

Σ(°口°|||) Nima! Why are these two bugs glowing at night!

You can see clearly even with the lights off! This is more spooky, okay?

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