Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2323 Instant Slash! past body

Jiang Nan sneered, but the action was quite fast! You know it's coming if you lose? The three donkeys rode into the ditch, did you know it was abducted?


"Block me? If you block me, it counts! We all keep up, big brother will take you home!"

While speaking, a palm kingdom was used, took everyone with him, and rushed out of Warp Speed ​​Pao!

It is a state of continuous warp speed, and the distance traveled in an instant is calculated in light years!

If the spiritual power is enough, Jiang Nan can even rely on his own strength to carry out interstellar navigation!

Disappeared in place in an instant!

You must rush out of the realm of heaven before the leaders of all parties in the Holy Law Society end!


Beyond Paradise, the 665 mining area!

Rumu stepped out of the void leading the Genesis Warriors!

This was all that was left of the arresting army. Moto rushed out after him, and half of Atiya's soldiers were gone!

Leaving the realm of heaven, the moment I came out was also a long sigh of relief!

In any case, fate is saved!

On the other side, Milius' astral body also retreated from the realm of heaven!

Although it suffered a little injury from the battle with Chong Feiyu, it was completely fine!

Langmu narrowed his eyes: "Master Mailiushi, please seal the realm of heaven and don't let them out, there is still a chance!"

At this moment, even Mai Liushi was a little reluctant: "Is there any point in doing this? Besides, do you think I can stop them?"

"One-on-one with Chong Feiyu, I don't have an advantage!"

Mo Tuo said with a gloomy face: "There is still a chance? If we don't take our lives, it won't be enough, right?"

"What's going on? Isn't it nice to go home with your wife and children on the hot kang?"

Atiya's fists were clenched tightly, and she was in a panic: "At least your Bose bodies are still alive, but all our soldiers are dead, and one of them is dead!"

Lang Mu narrowed his eyes and said, "Why are you complaining to me? I think so? This matter is endless! Don't you think that the Sacred Law Society just suffered from being dumb like this?"

"Anyone who provokes the majesty of the Holy Law Society will be wiped out!"

Mai Liushi said in a bad mood: "Okay, okay! I don't guarantee that I can stop it, let them hurry up!"

"The field expands? Bowen pulsates!"

The abnormally large field bloomed, trying to cover the entire heaven and the surrounding starry sky!

And Langmu was in a hurry to chat with each other!

I didn't expect that the first time I touched Jiang Nan, I would get myself a bloody blow!

It's not a loss for Xingluo to be tricked?

However, the moment Mai Liushi just released the domain, Jiangnan rushed out of the paradise with Chong Feiyu on his back!

The Perfect World domain enveloped Jiangnan, and rushed into the starry sky at an extremely fast speed!

Mailius gritted his teeth, rub! I said I can't stop it!

Lamb:! ! !

coming! Why is it at this time!

And at this moment, in the 665 mining area, two figures suddenly stepped out of the void!

One of them is the old acquaintance Di Zuo!

The other person is also Bose Clan Tun Xing, with the mark of Chuguang on his chest, obviously a Tun Xing of the Chuguang Sect!

I saw that he was tall and tall, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, his long ice silk hair was meticulously combed behind his head, and his face was wrinkled, which was the trace of time!

He still has a beard on his chin!

Holding a sacred cane with a curved handle, the aura is stronger than the emperor's reward, as deep as the sea!

Jiangnan froze for a moment, a middle-aged boson body? It's the first time I've seen it myself!

In Jiangnan's impression, there are almost no old Bose bodies, they are all young or middle-aged!

Did the Bose tribe actually come to swallow two stars?

Chong Feiyu said anxiously: "The star-swallowing boss of the Bose Tribe's Chuguang Sect! Yu Gen! Quickly retreat into the cracks in the dimension!"

"I have no advantage over bosons!"

No need for Chong Feiyu to say, Jiangnan naturally knew what to do, the glazed light on the back of his hand shone, and the million-meter space suddenly shattered!

A dark golden dragon claw protruded out, and without further ado, Jiangnan stabbed at the speed of warp!

Di Fu's face was ferocious, his eyes were blood red, and he hated Jiangnan to the core!

(??◣优◢) "Jiangnan! Go to hell! High-dimensional annihilation!"

While speaking, infinite boson particles bloomed and pressed towards the large space in front of him!

This is a super move that can destroy galaxies!

At the same time, that Yu Gen had already made a move the moment he showed up, tilting his crutch slightly in his hand!

"Void ban!"

A large area of ​​space was directly suppressed, and the warp-driven Jiangnan was even forced out!

The moment Jiang Nan was forced out, without any warning, an exaggeratedly large high-dimensional slash formed from the void and came to Jiang Nan!

No one shot! Who made the shot?

Are there three Bose swallowing stars?

Jiang Nan's head was full of question marks, and a threat of death shrouded his body, but luckily he brought Olivia with him!

Mira had already prepared a split second to use it at an extremely critical juncture!

The golden sundial bloomed, the pointer turned, and the high-dimensional strike stopped, and the world fell into a standstill!

Jiangnan used all his time to rush into the gap between the dimensions, and heaved a sigh of relief!

Got home!

The pointer returns to zero, and time resumes flowing!

In an instant, the high-dimensional slash was fleeting, and it slashed past the hole in the space!

Directly cut off the claws of Dawei Tianlong!

It all happened so fast!

Jiangnan still hasn't figured out who made that knife!

Yu Gen frowned slightly, and looked at Olivia and Mira!

(¬_¬??) "Tsk~ It's a pity, is the Apocalypse family related to time?"

The next moment, I saw Yu Gen pull out the crutch in his hand, revealing the sharp and thin blade, and with a flick of his hand, he cut directly into the four dimensions!

"Instantly cut... over the body!"

There was no reaction when he slashed down with a knife, but Jiangnan's pupils shrank!

That knife three seconds ago was cut by Yu Gen?

That knife passes through four dimensions? Cut to me three seconds ago?

So there are no signs?

Can this kind of thing be done?

Without the presence of Mira and Olivia, I would never be able to avoid that high-dimensional blow just now!

Σ(°△°|||) "Dazhi? What happened to that knife? He..."

Wang Youzhi sneered and said, "Disgusting, right? That's an advanced usage of four dimensions! Compared with three-dimensional space, four dimensions have an extra dimension of time!"

"Imagine 4D as a thick book. The pages arranged in order are the time axis. You are one second ago, you are now, and you are one second later. You are in different time and space, and belong to three pages!"

"The time axis strings all these together, and the pages of the book are arranged in order. Just now, Yu Gen's knife cut through the four dimensions to you three seconds ago!"

"That's why there was that knife that appeared out of thin air!"

Jiang Nan frowned, the book page? Is this similar to what I saw in the sea of ​​energy?

But what lies on the sea of ​​energy is much more than just a book!

(¬得¬??) "Fuck! Can Bose even do this kind of thing?"

Slash to the past? It's almost impossible to prevent, right?

Wang Youzhi grinned: "Since people can enter the fourth dimension, it's normal to feel a little disgusting! It's just that not everyone can master it!"

"You are qualified to swallow stars, but you don't necessarily understand it. You need talent! Ordinary Bose bodies are simply using the lower four dimensions to die!"

"This Yu Gen has something, but turning forward for three seconds may already be his limit, right?"

"Cutting to the past will change the present, and there will be a price to pay! The further you go forward, the more pages you will change, and the greater the cost! Three seconds is the limit he can bear!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, only three seconds to his credit! If this horse can be cut back for more than 20 years!

If you take away me who was still holding a pacifier when I was a baby, how about a fart?

Yu Gen had already used all his tricks, so the large-scale skills of the Emperor's Remuneration were launched!

In the 665 mining area, where Jiangnan was originally located, all substances were annihilated under the big move of Emperor Pay, covering even the ore-producing galaxy of the 665 mining area!

Directly kill one-fifth of that galaxy, the power is extremely terrifying!

But when he typed it out, the day lily was cold!

Jiangnan and the others have successfully retreated into the gap between dimensions!

I saw Jiangnan with his waist crossed and a smug look on his face!

(??????????????) "Oh, isn't this Emperor's Remuneration? I haven't seen you in three months, I miss you so much? I even escaped from prison to see how you are doing. Already!"

"Tell me about you, you welcomed me with such a big gift when we first met? You are so polite~"

"Presumably you have been worrying enough these days, right? Hey~ I can't help it? Who gave you such a reputation? Right? Smelly brother?"

"I didn't hit it! It's a pity~ It's only 100 million points away? Hey~ We didn't get hurt at all~"

Dawei Tianlong on the side held his bloody broken claws, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

(??????????????????????????)?? " claws were stomped anyway..."

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (????д????) "What's wrong with stomping a claw? You have so many claws, stomping on one will not kill you? Doesn't it mean that you are not injured?"

"Big old dragons, it's quite hypocritical!"

Wang Youzhi nodded uncontrollably:

(????????) "That's it!"

[The resentment value from Dawei Tianlong +666! ]

I have so many claws! Isn't it a little too much for you to round up?

Why did Lord Hei Shen also lend a helping hand?

[Resentment value from Emperor's Remuneration +1009! ]

[From Emperor's Pay...]

I saw the blue veins on Di Fuqi's forehead throbbing violently!

(??▼Y▼??) "Jiangnan! It's you! It's you again! Playing this trick with me again? Don't run into the cracks in the dimension!"

"Lao Tzu and Yu Gen specially asked for leave, leaving the Huanyu Festival aside! You're being a coward again, aren't you?"

Jiang Nan tilted his head and spat:

(??????3??????) Spit~????·?? "Who stepped on the horse and let you come? You have the guts to come in?"

"Let me, the Black God Cauldron, talk to you?"

Tesho's eyes glared: (???????) σ "You you you..."

Violent spatial fluctuations came, and there were several places, obviously!

It wasn't just the Bose family who came here, the Sacred Law Society was going to play for real this time!

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