Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 532 Grumpy Brother! hack people online

If this is really taken, let's not talk about whether to keep the information!

The people from the Luo Fei family will definitely be beaten to death!

And the information has to be snatched back by Jiangnan in the end, won't I be stupid if I take it?

Jiangnan: "Really not?"

Luo Fei shook his head like a rattle!

"no, do not want!"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and punched Luo Fei's chin fiercely, spinning him and flying out more than 30 meters!

"Don't want you to join in the fun? You have taken off your pants, and you told me you can't?"

[The resentment value from Luo Fei Capone +1000! ]

What a strange metaphor you have!

Saying that, he put the hard drive into Laika: "I think you are pitiful! Just take it!"

Laika almost stopped kneeling: "If I take it, I will only become more pitiful!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and aimed at a group of secondary forces!

The leaders shook their heads when they remembered Gray's tragic situation!

Jiang Nan was anxious: "I don't want it for you! I'll take it from you when I'm done! Are you sick on horseback?"

Jones licked his lips: "give me the information if you have the guts! I'll keep it for you!"

Buffett squinted: "Why don't you give it to me?"

Jiang Nan pouted: "I'll give you a leg! Dad, I haven't died yet, so I'm thinking about my family property. Are you still human?"

[The resentment value from Jason Buffett +1000! ]

[The resentment value from Jones +1000! ]

I saw that Jones' lungs were about to explode with anger, staring at the two desert eagles in his hands and aiming at Jiangnan!

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"Believe it or not, how many holes did Laozi make in your skull?"

Just then, Chibon Sakura spoke!

"Don't fall for Jiangnan's tricks, he obviously wants to use the information to weaken everyone's power, and then he can get it back!"

"Don't worry about the data, kill Jiangnan first, then let's talk about the data!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, and the eyes that looked at Jiangnan burst out with murderous intent!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

"Little pink hair! Do you owe another fight?"

Qianben Sakura's cheeks flushed, she subconsciously covered her back, and gave Jiang Nan a fierce look!

But the pretty face was full of pride: "You can survive this wave first and then talk about it!"

Immediately, his body flashed, and the first one to kill Jiangnan!

At this moment, everyone reached a unified opinion and launched an overwhelming attack on Jiangnan!

Jiangnan's hair stood on end, turned his head and ran!

It's obvious that the method of bringing disaster to the east doesn't work!

Countless attacks came from all directions, and Jiangnan could use the mobility of the space system to avoid it!

But Qianben Sakura joins the battle group, all she wants is to kill Jiangnan!

Mobility is greatly limited, and some attacks can only be resisted!

But how can Jiangnan handle the attack of a group of platinum diamonds?

In less than three minutes, Jiang Nan was covered in glory, but his body was so excited that it was about to explode!

Because the blood-drinking spurge has absorbed too much vibration, its physical strength has exploded!

Just after taking a breath, a group of black people pressed up again!

Jiang Nan wiped his face, and was ready to spread out the cloth, and he made a series of twists and turns!

If you don't show your trump cards again, I'm afraid I'll get cold!

The scene of three or four thousand people chasing a bully in Jiangnan was naturally noticed by Boson!

At this moment, Jiangnan is covered in blood, and the number is about to disappear!

Boson's big eyes were filled with anxiety, and the few boson particles in his body burst out again!

Temporarily broke Pierce and the magician, and the next moment he appeared in the crowd!

The cold air of absolute zero spread rapidly, and more than 100 people were frozen at that time!

Jones was about to dodge, but the boson, like a streamer, rushed into Jones' body!

Jones' eyes widened, his expression was full of pain, and his body gradually shriveled, like a mummy!

The next moment Jones exploded!

That's right! Explode in place!

It collapsed into several pieces!

The faces of everyone who saw it turned white, and the diamond eight stars! Jones, the so-called Eraser, died?

Jones is not poor! It was blown up!

And the boson reappeared, and she looked weaker, but the only difference was that the single horn on her forehead turned a deep red color!

What's the point of killing Jones?

Before everyone could react to what was going on, the magician and Pierce had already caught up!

At this moment, I saw Boson's expression icy cold, his hands clasped in front of his chest, in a prayer shape!

The blood-red light on the unicorn shines brightly!


Pierce's eyes were splitting: "Damn it! It's Jones' ability! Space spell!"

At the moment when the "domain" unfolded, Pierce threw a magic skill!

A glass-colored incantation was printed on the body of the glass body, and it spread slowly like a virus!

The Bose particles in its body are absorbed by the curse and banished!

But the "domain" is still expanding!

In an instant!

Within a radius of 30,000 meters, the ability is invalid! The spiritual power is cut off, no exception, all of them are recruited!

The size of the domain covers the entire Central Park!

Pierce and the magician were also hit and lost their abilities!

Frozen in place by the power of extreme cold, unable to move!

Pierce's frozen teeth trembled, still sneering: "It's whether you have no strength first, or I'll be frozen to death first, Daotian-level physical fitness is not so fragile!"

Boson bit his lower lip and stared at Pierce, full of resentment!

But once the "domain" is launched, she can't do anything, she can only waste it!

Everyone is stunned, the ability is useless? Can't use spiritual power?

Did Boson kill Jones just to take his ability to use it?

You must know that Jones' ability is the nullification of the ability in the field!

But the range is far less terrifying. Can the boson even do such a thing as taking human powers for his own use?

And can the effect be enhanced?

Jiangnan also stayed for a while, the ability failed, and the spiritual power was sealed! It directly caused the eight-door Dunjia in the body to go out!

Although I can't figure out what's going on, it's tantamount to helping myself a lot!

To this day, Lao Tzu relies not only on supernatural abilities!

Abnormalities gone? Spirit power doesn't work?


Then fight for physical fitness!

Melee fight? I didn't give a shit!

Guo Jianglong, have you heard of it?

At this moment, the corners of Jiangnan's mouth gradually rose, revealing a devilish smile!

Gangnam: (๐ ̄᷄ ‿  ̄᷅๐)

Qianben Sakura, who had just teleported out, was also full of surprises, but then she was so excited!

"Everyone, don't be afraid of Jiangnan! It's just right if the ability doesn't work! Then he won't be able to escape! Hit him and hit him!"

"That's right! You can't use teleportation. How do you run?"

"Hahaha! Jin San's physical fitness! I'm afraid I can't take a punch from Lao Tzu!"

"Come on together! Beat this kid Baba! See if he's crazy?"

Qianben Sakura was so excited that she rushed to the front!

let you hit me? See if I don't make you cry?

For a time, everyone rushed towards Jiangnan!

I saw Jiang Nan twisted his neck and his eyes were scarlet!

"Blood! The Emperor's Engine! Start!"


The heart is beating like a 10,000-turn engine, pumping blood at an extreme speed!

"Dong dong dong dong!" The heartbeat sounded like a drum, and the people who were shocked were panicked!

The soaring body temperature even melted the snow, and strands of white gas steamed up!

Body functions are soaring like crazy! Burning Blood was directly opened to 50% by Jiangnan!

This thing is not an ability, let alone activate it with spiritual power!

Completely unaffected by "domains"!

Qianben Sakura just rushed up, and before she figured out what was going on, it looked like Jiangnan had turned on the third gear!

Kick the ground, twist your hips, spin your body and whip your legs!

After the power of the whole body is effectively transmitted, it is concentrated in one point and burst out!

Whip legs like razors, and even kicked out airbursts!

He kicked Chiben Sakura's ass fiercely!


Senbon Sakura: ∑(๐˃̵ ロ˂̵) Wow!

Accompanied by a scream that cut through the night sky!

I saw Qianben Sakura clutching her back, kicked off by Jiang Nan and took off!

Draw a beautiful arc in the air and fly out for more than 100 meters!

It plunged into the artificial lake next to it, and the ice layer was broken!

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

What the hell kind of physique and strength is this?

A leg? Just one leg? I am a diamond!

Just healed the wound!

When I kicked this kick, I felt that the two petals were kicked into four!

The body of the group of people who just rushed up froze!


No dazzling, right?

When did the golden three's physical fitness become so strong?

What kind of trick is Jiangnan? This violent heartbeat makes people panic!

Wouldn't this thing still use spiritual power?

I saw Jiangnan round the halberd, smiling brightly, revealing a mouth of white teeth!

"Everyone, pray! It's my home now!"

"it's my show time!"

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