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Chapter 257: unexpected reinforcements

Barrett broke through the window and entered the bedroom.

The shattered glass shone around Barbarian along with the moonlight, and several pieces even scratched his cheek. Yin Hong oozes from the wound, and tiny blood splashes into the air along with the glass, but the barbarian doesn't care at all.

The others were in the air, calmly and quickly scanning the situation in the house.

This bedroom is quite empty, with nothing else but a wooden bed that has been erected and moved to the wall. And standing in the center of the room was a pale young man in pajamas. The young man suspected of Xavier's eyes widened and his face was shocked. He turned his head to look at Barrett who was flying in the air, his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

In front of the young man is a magic circle carved on the ground. The light on the magic circle is a very uncomfortable dark red. It does not seem to be drawn with magic ink, and there is no blue magic spar as a power to be embedded on it.

At the core of the magic circle is a long corner, the tip of the corner is bright red like blood, the color of the rear end is gradually darkening, and the end is dark.

In the sky above the circle, flying a super-small humanoid creature with bat wings, a spiked tail and a pair of sharp horns. This humanoid was less than one meter tall, with the same color as the magic circle, but the sharp horns on its head and the sharp teeth in its mouth gleamed white like a sword.

After our barbarian adventurer landed, he immediately swiped the 'tyrannical touch' in his left hand towards the devil, which was much smaller than he expected. With the momentum of the crash, the 'tyrannical touch' was very Easily split the little devil in two.

Immediately afterwards, Barrett slapped the young man who hadn't reacted with the face of the resonating battle axe. The other party raised his right hand slightly in the panic, as if he wanted to cast magic, but before his arm was even raised, he was stunned by the barbarian.

Um? Is it over? The barbarian stood there for a moment, stunned. So simple? By the way, that devil!

Many creatures can still live well even if they are cut into two pieces. Trolls are one of them, and there is a more common one-earthworms.

The barbarian turned to look at the little devil he had split in two. Both halves of its body fell on the magic circle, and the upper half of its body was still struggling slowly, and it was not completely dead. And it opened its mouth full of fangs, as if it wanted to say something.

This guy's strength seems to be quite weak, at least not as loud as he spoke at that time. But in order to avoid unnecessary accidents, Barrett still added a sword to the head of this little devil. Immediately afterwards, this guy's body actually melted into a pool of ooze that kept foaming and quivering slightly.

This way, it should be considered dead, the barbarian looked at the pool of ooze doubtfully, thinking with some uncertainty in his heart.

The pool of ooze oozes out a strong evil, making Barrett feel a little uncomfortable staring at it. However, due to the professional nature of the adventurer, Barret still resisted the discomfort, took out an empty alchemy test tube from the space ring, and carefully filled some strange ooze into it.

The remaining ooze didn't stay that way for long. Just as Barrett was thinking about what to do next, the bubbling ooze disappeared in place, but the part that was placed in the alchemy test tube still existed.

The devil disappeared after being killed, and the young man lay unconscious on the ground. Barrett, who was in a state of victory, inevitably turned his attention to the long corner in the middle of the circle.

Hmm..., this item seems to be called 'The Horn of Blasphemy'? It doesn't sound like a friendly thing. It seems that the magic apprentice on the ground successfully summoned the killed devil through it.

Pick it up? No, this is undoubtedly a stupid and reckless move. Barrett didn't even want to touch this devil-related thing; would that leave it in place? This is also inappropriate. Whether it was taken by the town guards, stewards, or someone else, Barrett didn't feel too good.

Finally, in order to avoid hidden dangers, our barbarian adventurer barbarian decided to destroy it.

Barrett put the resonant battle axe into the space ring, and clenched the 'touch of tyranny' tightly with both hands. After he took a long breath, he slashed the sharp long sword heavily on the long horn.

With a dull roar, the barbarian's hands bounced high by the force of the shock, but the long horn on the ground remained motionless, and did not snap as he imagined. However, although the long horn did not break, he still cut a deep wound.

Oh, strong enough! Seems like we'll have to do it two more times, Barrett thought to himself. He moved his lower arms, ready to launch the second blow.

But at this moment, a huge and vicious will suddenly descended on the circle, and Barrett could feel this will passing through the crimson circle on the ground, staring at himself fiercely.

That will is so powerful and evil that it makes the barbarian tremble, and he can't help but feel fear in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a deep and fierce voice sounded from the magic circle, "Bold mortals, dare to kill my Alother's envoy, and try to destroy the 'Key of Hell'!"

Barrett in the fighting state was quite calm. He gritted his teeth and held his breath, trying to free himself from the state of fear.

Is this thing called 'The Key of Hell' or the 'Horn of Blasphemy'? He was a little puzzled by this.

However, Barrett didn't intend to entangle with this evil voice too much, but silently puffed up the muscles of his whole body and slashed to the corner on the ground again.

Only this time a dark red arm phantom with scales extended on the magic circle at the right time, and directly met the barbarian's attack.

The phantom of the arm wanted to block Barrett's heavy blow, but was directly smashed by him with brute force. 'Touch of Tyranny' slashed the long horn for the second time, and accurately hit the wound of the first time, cutting off more than half of the long horn,

"You mortal whose soul should be torn apart by maggots!" The fierce voice became extremely angry, and shouted out several syllables that Barrett could not understand.

The next moment, the evil breath came like a turbulent wave, and Barrett felt like a drowning person caught in the wave, suffocation and helplessness filled his soul.

Damn it, **** it! Barrett was half-kneeling on the ground, the blue veins on his face burst out, gritted his teeth against this evil aura, barely maintaining his soul from sinking.

This stalemate only lasted for two heartbeats, and then, a dazzling roaring lightning struck the magic circle, shattering all the evil aura.

The vicious voice let out a very painful scream. The screams became smaller and smaller, and then disappeared. Barrit felt that the will on the magic circle gradually receded.

However, the dazzling lightning was still lingering on the magic circle, making a subtle 'crackling' sound, and gradually condensed into a mage wearing a silver robe.

Barritt subconsciously looked at the other party's left cuff and counted silently in his heart. One, two, three, four..., a total of eight magic seven-pointed stars are printed on it.


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