Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 222 Thor Says Sean Destroyed The 2 Of The 9 Realms

Chapter 223

"Hey work, where have you been during this time?"

In the new The Avengers Base, a group of people looked at the newly emerged Thor with vicissitudes on their faces.

"Huh... that's a long story, it's a long journey."

Thor sat on the sofa and looked at everyone, how could they all look so tired.

"What happen to you guys?"

"It's also a long way."

Thor shrugged, gesturing to talk.

"Wait..." Thor raised his hand.

"You said just now that there is a man named Sean with a group of Angels around him?"

Natasha Romanoff looked at him, then at the captain.

"What, what's wrong...isn't it?"

Thor was horrified, how could it be this guy? How could he be here? Shouldn't it be in the universe?


Tony stepped forward and took a few shots before he regained his senses. Is Sean that scary? As for making him look like this as soon as he hears the name.

"You don't know?"

Qi Qi shook his head, not knowing why.

"Then what did he say to you?"

"Uh... Advocate justice and light, come to earth for vacation".

With a miserable laugh, his face is full of mocking expressions, advocating justice? hope? bright?

Would someone like him go on vacation? After the vacation, destroy the earth?

"Then did he tell you that he not only admires justice and light, but also destruction?"

Things finally became a little different.

"Thor, what do you know?"

Eyes sink into memory.

"That's a terrible memory. I remember telling you about the Nine Realms, right?"

"What's the connection?"

Thor smiled wryly and nodded: "In fact, there is a realm beyond the nine realms. That place is called heaven, which is the place where the Angels live. It has already been exiled by my father."

The captain spread his hands: "What does this have to do with us?"

"Not long ago, Heaven was destroyed. Sean did it. In fact, except for the Angels who followed him, there was no one alive in Heaven."

"Not long after that, they attacked Wanaheim in the Nine Realms, and all the gods in the entire Divine Realm died."

The most terrifying thing is that in the hands of others, he was defeated in a few face-to-face encounters.


Thor looked at the crowd with fear in his eyes.

"Furthermore, not long ago, there was a deity who died in the universe, maybe it has something to do with this one."

Open your mouth wide.

Although Sean's origin is a little scary, they can understand it, after all, it is Superman in the comics.

But two places in the Nine Realms were destroyed by him, which is a bit terrifying. Even if the aliens are bad, they should be in the interstellar civilization.

"The Celestials, what is it?" Banner pointed at Thor.

"You can regard him as a kind of life that has lived for an unknown number of years. Even if my father sees him, he can only be equal to his peers."

My heart trembled, if that was the case, what would they do to stop Sean once he made a mess on Earth?

"Thor, can you beat him?"

This was their only concern, and to say who was the most powerful among them, no matter what the constraints were, it was Thor.

"Me? I don't know, I haven't fought, but he has an Angel named Yan. At most five moves, I will be defeated."

Hiko? Isn't that Sean's angel? It seems that he is still the current King of Angels.

"But they've been helping us haven't they?" said the captain.

After all, if they wanted to mess around, they would have done it already.

With their strength, no one will be an opponent.

"That's the point. Humans have desires, but I don't see where their desires are."

Anxiety, gas barrier.

Shaking his head, Fury stood up: "Let's not talk about this, who he is will naturally know when the time comes, what's going on recently?"

"We found a base in a desert in the north. According to the architectural style and the information left, it should be a building left by the former SL."

Natasha Romanoff paused: "As for now, it should be our old rival HYDRA is using, there is a high-energy reaction."

Fury nodded: "Well, we'll leave aside whether Sean and Angel are bad or good, now we need to figure out what this place is."

North, information about this place is being communicated to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just under their noses, there is such a base, and even the bunker has been established.

Even the ordinary troops of a regiment may not be able to take this place.

"Xie Te, this group of shit really can't be beaten to death," Fury's face was ugly.

Not long ago, a HYDRA hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D was destroyed, and he had undergone major surgery.

Now here's another one. Could it be that being a villain is so rich?

"Captain, what are your plans?"

"It's over, well, the plan is like this...",

Snowflakes drifted, and the whole mountain area was white.

The human footprint is rare, and if they hadn't already obtained the exact information here, I'm afraid they wouldn't believe that there are still signs of human activity.

"Guys, our main target is the lost Loki scepter after the Covenant War".

Thor: "That's an Asgard thing".

I rolled my eyes, as if someone would rob you.

"Wish you guys good luck",


The off-road motorcycle under the captain's seat roared and jumped out in an instant.

"Go, Go, Go".

Boom, Hawkeye shot out.

The bunker ahead was detonated by bombs attached to arrows, and the fragments scattered.

Behind Thor Thor shook his Meow Hammer and flew up, hitting the ground after reaching a high altitude.

The blue electric current is like a water current, wrapping around the surrounding HYDRA soldiers, making a sizzling sound.

"Chat... Thor, leave us a little bit".

Thor smiled. "Looks like you guys need to hurry up."

"Some people are very proud...!"

"Tony, you know, the most powerful man in the Avengers...".

I rolled my eyes, who am I?

Tony, uh, doesn't do hair.

"Are the action commandos in place? Once we attack, we need your protection outside," the captain asked in the communication channel.

"Already in place".


The captain smashed the enemy in front of him with a fierce shield, took a breath, and before he could move, another enemy caught up behind him.

Shaking his head, this one-to-many battle doesn't seem to be what he likes.

"Thor, how about giving me a second?"


Huh, a figure fell from the sky, and the Meow Meow Hammer smashed directly on the fighting shield.


A larger Shockwave bounced off the shield.

Those soldiers who were about to besiege the captain were directly blown to the other side.

Thor looked at the captain and raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you can't live without me."

"Kang is busy...",

On the other side, Hawkeye is bending his bow and shooting arrows. The arrows on his backpack are specially made and even have their own purposes.

‘Damn, who will tell me that I’m still fighting with bows and arrows in this age? ’

Huh, an arrow shot out behind him.

Originally, a soldier who was going to hide behind the grass and wanted to shoot had an arrow stuck in his body, and he died without knowing how Hawkeye found him.

"Guys, we'd better get in there," Natasha Romanoff was worried.

As soon as he looked up and looked to the other side, Hawkeye flew up for no reason.

boom! A blue light shot out from the bunker in front and pierced through his abdomen.

"Shit... Who carried that bunker?"

"Hawkeye, are you all right?"

"Superhumans, there are superhumans here...",

Sean stood in the sky and looked down, there was a good thing here, he liked it.

Um? This speed should be the Quicksilver of this world, right?

Having said that, there is a zombie Quicksilver in his future number! I just don't know if there will be any difference between the two.

"Hey, you're fast".

Quicksilver:  …

What should I do if someone appears during my High-speed movement? Dazzled? Rubbed his eyes.

still exists.

"Are you surprised?"


Sean shook his head: "No no, don't get me wrong, I just came here to see something, I just came here because I saw you."

"So you're not together?"

"Definitely, so can you show me the way?"

"Do not".

Whoosh! People have disappeared.

This speed does not seem to be comparable to the Quicksilver after the zombies, or even the Quicksilver in the Mutant world, which is a bit disappointing.

A teleport disappeared.

Um? Is this the kind of biological flagship of the Kiritas? They really got them here.

So, where is the little cutie he was looking for?

After swaying, finally, behind a secret door, I saw two figures.

"Hey, we meet again".


Quicksilver shook his head: "Listen, man, this is not the place you should be, there's a war going on outside, didn't you hear?"

One hand grabbed Pietro and dragged him back.

"Hi, I'm Wanda".

Hold out your little hand.

Pietro:  …

what's going on?

"This beautiful little girl, I'm afraid you still don't understand, the reason why you want to be close to me is just because my life level is higher."

He stretched out his finger: "Control yourself."

Pfft... Pietro covered his mouth.

Want to laugh but dare not laugh, so, is Wanda rejected?

Ahhh... No, it's over before it even started.

The little face was full of anger: "What are you laughing at? You are very proud... Ha?"

"No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense".

Turning to look at Sean: "So, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Well, you pursed your mouth. Do you agree that you started to change face when you approached me?

Opposite, Stark is holding Loki scepter and watching obsessively.

Wanda set up an enchantment here, and Stark wouldn't find the three of them here.

"So, you know what this is?"

If Wanda remembers correctly, this thing should have been brought back by Baron Strucker, and that's what made them who they are now.

"You don't know?"

Sean is a little surprised, although the birth of Wanda's crimson power is inseparable from Mind Gem in this universe.

But it's not like you don't know anything, do you?

The Origin Magic Power on her body can be said to be powerful, and the big guy behind her can't say no information at all!

Looking at Sean's expression, Wanda was a little confused: "Should I know?"

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets and rewards of tail number 8347, Feiyang, Tang, and Baiyulong. Thank you for your support.

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