Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 227 Counterattack The United States Headquarters

Chapter 228

"It seems that the divine body still hasn't adapted."

In the manor, Sean laughed, and these little guys gave him a lot of surprises.

"There is still some lack of energy use, but it is good for them to do this at their age."

It's only been a month, and there is nothing but the four generations of gods and the light of the sun. This is not something that ordinary soldiers can resist.

In the picture, the little guys are crisscrossing the crowd.

The power of a punch is no longer something these soldiers can resist.


A car was kicked a distance and fell to the ground, exploding and bursting into flames.

"Quick, kill them, this is a monster, God, why are we here?"

clap clap clap!

The sound of the bullet hitting the little Kryptonian warrior after it was shot fell to the ground again.

Want to run, but can't run these little guys.

Being chased is a beating.

"Wash you... Ha!"

"Don't be funny, I've already beaten ten."

"Damn, I'm only six, you wait for me".

Huh? A soldier was targeted by him, and the cat shot a cold shot behind him, which is unforgivable.

He jumped up high and slammed down.

Bang! There was smoke everywhere.

A sniper stared blankly at the pair of calves in front of him.


Slap, I slapped it down with a slap, and the sniper was lying on the ground without love,

"Let you put a cold gun on you, make you naughty",

He spat after the fight, then looked left and right, hoping not to be sued.

Jump directly to another place.

The entire battlefield is chaotic 02, Ross has retreated to the back, watching this scene in disbelief, his eyes are more fiery.

If this is obtained by him, then...

"Give me heavy firepower."

"General, they are just a group of children, and we have no casualties, they have left their hands," the staff officer couldn't help but say.

boom! The gunshot sounded, and there was a blood hole on the staff officer's forehead.

"I said...heavy firepower".

Zhan Zhan is majestic, and the rest of the people dare to talk too much, the general has already stepped up.

In this battle, the first person to die was not at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of their own generals.

On the Little Kryptonian channel.

"Everyone moves closer to me, the civilians are behind, the military is forward, and start moving according to the front, don't hold back."

Heavy fire will hurt them, and since the enemy is ready to die, they don't have to stay.


"What do they want to do?"

On the opposite side, the United States soldiers were puzzled for a while. The heavy firepower had just been pulled here, the fighter planes in the sky were also closely deployed, and the armed helicopters were ready.

"Come back!"

Suddenly, all the Kryptonian children flew back to the manor, and some of the nano battle suits were already tattered, with blue and purple patches on their bodies.


In the S.H.I.E.L.D bunker, Fury said something when he saw this.

The child just now was just a farce, and the real war has just begun.


A figure stopped in the air, its white wings spread out, beautiful and dangerous.

Behind him, a man walked step by step in the air, as if there were steps, the white-gold cloak fluttered in the wind, and everyone in the entire area held their breath.

Is this the real master?

Sean stopped and looked at the soldiers on the opposite side with guns aimed at them, the clack of gunships, and the fighter jets whizzing past in the sky.

Some frowned and waved.

The fighter jet turned into a ball of sparks and fell to the ground.

"So, are you ready for war?"

One word appeared in everyone's mind.

The soldiers followed General Ross and were well prepared for these superhumans, but they were still frightened by the scene in front of them. Who the hell did they meet!

"You're threatening the security of the United States, and you need an explanation," Ross yelled.

Sean pouted, I'm afraid it's been too long since no one has hurt you, the old war mode is misleading.

Then I will teach you a lesson for free.

"Unprovoked killing, meaningless".

"But if you like it, I don't mind letting destruction come."

Yan sneered: "I am the king of Angel, I will represent justice and judge you."

Boom, say a word.

There are already a group of people who regret it, and this time it is a big game.

"Shoot, fire everyone, if you don't want to die".

After Ross finished speaking, he had already grabbed a rifle beside him and shot.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, fearless, but very idiot.

With a wave of the flaming sword in his hand, a dense number of Angels flew out of the manor. Just looking at it this way, there were at least nearly 10,000 Angels.

This force is enough to destroy the entire power of the earth.

Huh, before a group of soldiers had time to react, they were already harvested by an Angel's flames, and they didn't even have time to let out their screams.

Destruction, fire is spreading.

This is not war, this is one-sided killing.


A soldier violently pulled the trigger on Angel who was standing in front, and the bullets tinkled on Angel's body.

Angel turned to look at him like that, as if watching a performance.

After the bullet was finished, he didn't bother to put on a new magazine, but took out the grenade hanging on his chest. His cognition had collapsed, and his belief had collapsed.

Desperately, pull the safety latch on the grenade.


Angel's mouth curled into a smile, and he grabbed the grenade in the soldier's hand.


There was an explosion, and the soldiers had been blown to pieces.

And Angel, there is not a single wound on his body.

Even those flesh and blood were resisted outside, and they were not contaminated at all.


He kicked a soldier next to him with his foot, and he was powerful.

The soldiers who were kicked into the air turned into human sticks, and even a group of soldiers behind them were in the area where their strength was dissipated.

More soldiers were crushed to death.

Angel's power, for the first time, let the world know what high-end civilization is.

In the United States headquarters, a group of people trembled.

Looking at this scene on the screen, something called cold sweat appeared behind them.

"Everyone, if I fire mushroom bombs now, will it kill them? Also, who will tell me who approved this action?"

The president sat calmly in his seat, looking at his staff, the Minister of National Defense, and the Minister of Defense.

Some people's faces were flushed, some people's faces showed guilt, and some people were already shivering.

The secretary-general sighed: "Sir, according to our scientists' calculations, even if we fire mushroom bombs, I'm afraid we won't be able to eliminate this group of birdmen."

"They should have the ability of High-speed movement, and the most terrifying thing is this man, who is the head of this group of Angels."

Outside Angel Manor.

Sean stood quietly in the air, looking at the battlefield like that.

10,000 Angels appeared, and it was only three minutes.

Among the people who can still stand on the entire battlefield, except for them, there is only one General Ross.

"For the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers, what are you going to use to atone for them, General?"

Ross spat: "I only hate that I didn't kill you, I just hate that I didn't kill you."

"A general who can't be protected by his own soldiers, other than barking incompetently, you don't seem to have anything worthy of my respect." He raised his eyes and looked at Ross.

There was blood all over his nose and mouth, and his hands had been broken, which was miserable.

The ground was full of the wreckage of the soldiers he had brought, and the Fire was still burning, emitting a sickening smell.

"Besides, this is your desire, the killing, and it will not end like this, General Ross."

The group flew at high speed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Deep in the S.H.I.E.L.D bunker, Fury clenched his fists, and things had gone beyond his expectations.

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this...",


Sean's move was so intense that it was unlike any of his previous opponents.

Hill had already fallen into the chair, and forced himself to sit up: "Director, their direction is the headquarters."

Who is in the headquarters? president.

"Damn, call the Avengers, hurry up...".

In the sky, they could fly to the headquarters in a few seconds at most at their speed, but they flew slowly.

The corners of his mouth twitched, coming.

"Hey, Ancient One magician, don't you generally care about the real world?"

"Lord Sean, why bother with a group of children?"

Sean touched his chin: "You also said Ancient One magician, it's a group of children, no, I'm going to take care of it and let them have a memory."

"Ancient One magician has an opinion? Or, are you their parent 300?"

Light and fluttering, but no less than a sharp knife handed to Ancient One.

"Definitely... No, since Your Excellency Sean has made a plan, then I'll go."

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

"It seems that he still doesn't plan to shoot," Zhi Xin said.

Sean: "I didn't expect him to shoot either."

Outside the headquarters, there were already densely packed soldiers, and countless people surrounded the outside, holding mobile phones, cameras, and various media.

Anyone with long guns and short guns wants first-hand information, and everyone wants to watch the fun.

"Audience friends, here is Beep S, reporting live for everyone,...",

"God, what did I see? Angel, did God cheat?"

"My lord, Cuihua next door doesn't like me, please give her to me!"

"...Come on stage?"

A group of Angels floated above the headquarters, holding the flaming sword in their hands.

Iron Man Stark flew up and opened his mask.

"Sean, don't...don't do this, there must be other ways".

"You know how it all started?"

Tony's expression froze, knowing, how could he not know, and he didn't expect this group of people to shoot at a group of children.

Sean turned to look at Banner: "If I remember correctly, this guy also chased you down, right?" Pointing to the half-dead Ross.

"How, do you want revenge?"

Banner shook his head calmly: "If I wanted to take revenge, I would have taken revenge long ago, but once I do it, I will no longer be me, hatred will only cover people's eyes."

Sean paused, that's why he didn't want to be a hero.

Why can you shoot me over and over again?

And I'm going to say hey, being a hero sometimes takes between four or five seconds.

You can choose to forgive your enemies, you can embrace a better future?

Sean's choice is, Fake Squid!

Plus, Wairui...Fake squid.

People who are out of their minds would make such a choice, right?

How many relatives do you have and how many people you care about can make you make such a choice in four or five seconds?

If so, please let me know and I'd be happy to let you choose. .

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