Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 258 Avengers Alliance Fights Thanos

Chapter 259

"Huh? Are you going to intervene? Or do you think yours is my opponent?"

Did you do this on purpose?



Turning his head and walking towards the side of the fantasy world, now, the most important thing is to get the Mind Gem on top of his head first.

"Wanda, you...",

"What else do you have?"

Everyone does their own thing, and the division of labor is clear.


"Do you have any other means?"

"Hold on man, here I come."

Even if he didn't break free, his movement was restricted.

"Don't let him clench his fist",

Thanos smiled: "You should have chopped me up when you came up."

In just a moment, everyone came from all directions.

"You have a gem here too?"

Thanos still had a smile on his face, even though he was tied up here now, as if none of them existed.

Quick, everyone just wants to rush over faster, once Thanos gets the Mind Gem on the head of the fantasy world.

He threw the fantasy world out of his hand, raised his left hand,

Thanos' other foot was hugged by Banner, the two of them exerted force at the same time, and they had no choice but to kneel.

"Heh... there are still a lot of people? Oh, and Angel! Sean asked you to come?"


Rogers slipped a shovel after the run, and tied his legs to Thanos' left leg.

The violent energy emerged from Thanos' body and directly knocked everyone into the air.


Thanos sensed the change in energy, looked up, and shivered in his heart.

Thor swung the hammer in his hand and flew over first.


With a roar, a cross-shaped spaceship appeared out of nowhere over Wakanda. .

Banner maneuvers the anti-Hulk armor to approach quickly, and the huge body represents the ultimate strength and sturdy physique.

"Don't worry, I just lied to him to call my father, I won't really give it to him."


Watching the silent Wanda, the Avengers fell silent again.

Crowd: ...

"Even you can't stop my great cause...",

How could it be that the Storm Axe didn't hit anything?

The universe will be destroyed in the next moment.

His right hand stretched out, trying to pull out the gem on his forehead.

A hand was caught on Huan Shi's neck, and the energy on his head also dissipated at this moment.


"Wanda, what are we doing?"

The captain is stunned, what does this say?

Rogers and the others tried to rush to stop Thanos, but were knocked away with a wave of hands.

Thanos was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Maybe that's it, Genshi thought.

"How about we call Queen Yan?"


Thanos stepped back, avoiding her.

They know that Sean's attitude towards Wanda is a little unclear, if... eh! (OK)

The next moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

"I think he can hear."

The Angels looked at Wanda who was fighting with Thanos, not knowing what to do for a while.

When he was in a panic, how could he use it to determine which gem it was, so he could only save his life first.

The Razer was chaotic, and the storm tomahawk was braving a series of lightning bolts, and only Thor's weapon was able to damage Thanos.

Thanos sneered, stepped forward and pulled out the gem on Genshi's forehead and put it into his glove.

Even if he didn't die from this blow, he probably wouldn't feel bad.

Black Panther charged up in the Vibranium battle suit and Falcon, grabbing Thanos' left hand, preventing him from using the power of the Infinite Gems.

Next, there is only this gem in Wanda's hand.

"Drink... ah...!"

When, Thanos slapped Genshi's head fiercely.

But the storm tomahawk seemed to be in a no-man's land, and its speed did not decrease at all, but it was a little faster.

He vigorously raised the Storm Axe and slashed it at Thanos' neck.

Wanda annoyed: "Damn, the super soldier's hearing is terrible, forget it".

"You give it to me, or do I do it?"

Thanos didn't care about their actions, but looked at Wanda.

"Do you know if you've beaten it?"

"Thor... hurry up...",

In the air, seeing that Thanos was about to stretch out his claws, dig at Huanshi's forehead, and threw the storm axe in his hand.

She is the only one who can still fight on the field.

Swish! The wings flapped behind him, and a sword slashed at Thanos' arm.


"what should we do?"

Falling to the ground, Wanda whispered in the crowd.

There is no exception.




It means that the last gem in Wanda's hand has to be handed over.

Wanda said seriously, "If you call me Dad, I'll give you a gem."

As long as you get it, the one in Wanda's hand is very simple.

Nima, taking advantage of a gap, quickly stepped aside.

Ten Angels pointed at Thanos with astral weapons in their hands.

Looking at Thanos with a look of disdain, Wanda felt irritated for no reason.

As soon as Jiaoyu fell, a huge amount of energy appeared on the astral weapon and blasted towards Thanos!

If so, most of her energy means are useless, and he also has the Reality Gem, which can define matter and energy.

Space gem?

Sizzle sizzle...!

The Infinity Gauntlet stared at the power of the Mind Gem, and Thanos was approaching the fantasy world step by step.

But before he came, Sean said, don't mix it up,

"Presumptuous, even dare to call my god's name, kneel down for me."

Rogers can't hold it anymore, especially since he's still down there, these guys are too heavy.

Seeing the heroes and Thanos entangled in a bunch, Wanda's little face was full of confusion.

"Call Dad",


Guys, Banner pointed at Thanos' face.

After all, he has four now, and he will soon have five. In the universe, absolutely no one dares to disobey him.

"To be honest, I admire Angel Civilization, definitely, so does Sean behind you, but",

Banner yelled anxiously, this is not a gangster on the street, this is a cosmic tycoon, who is making you laugh now?



Thanos grinned.

Crowd: ...

"???" Thor was stunned, did this guy drink fake wine?

Zizizi... A huge amount of energy rushed towards the Storm Axe.

"' ¨You know nothing about the strength of your team."

If you do it yourself now...

The purple light of the power gem radiated dazzling light the moment Wanda pulled it out.

"Thanos, your sins will end today",

Thanos opened his hand, thinking that Wanda was startled.

"Want it?"

Gritting his teeth, with force, Thanos stumbled and almost fell to the ground in an instant.


"Thor...what are you thinking?"

Thanos laughed to himself, but it was just a child's prank.

A light group suddenly appeared in front of Thanos, and the energy summoned by Wanda disappeared.

At the same time, a ray of light appeared on Genshi's forehead, trying to kill Thanos.


"How do I know, we'll just look at it anyway."

In an instant, he even controlled Thanos' actions.

The storm axe hit the ground to create a pothole, and was summoned by Thor to his hand.

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