Opening: Stealing Superman's Stuff

Chapter 285 10 Minutes To Solve The Battle

Chapter 286

"Everyone, is it ten minutes?"

Countless swallowing sounds appeared.

"as you wish".


Teleport, turning back and forth beside him.

With a black cloak, a black nano battle suit, and a large field on his chest, everyone's eyes have been fixed on it.

"It's really not respectful enough! Who are you going to?"


Glancing at each other, bang!


" have no chance."

Before he could wait for a laser to fire from his back eyes.

0 · · Flowers 0 ·

Rocket looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Destiny? I never believed in destiny".

With a coquettish shout, Yan Jiang suddenly swung the king sword down, and the densely packed Angel flapped her wings and rushed towards Thanos' team on the ground.

"I can't believe it, but...",

Ebony Maw roared, he couldn't keep his gentleman's figure.

One swings the broad knife in his hand into a circle and pulls it back, leaving nothing.

The blow just now, in terms of strength, they have already lost.

Um? Just turned around.

The ash smoke lifted up to a height of tens of meters and was blown away by the wind.

Rocket: "Xie Te, can you default on your debt?"

"What are they... doing?"

How does Scott know, he is more stupid than anyone else right now.

"Not bad! It seems that this is not our dish."

"Hope... now!"

There was a violent explosion, and a harsh roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

He kicked out directly, and Thanos instantly flew upside down and smashed into a vanguard, his whole body exuding a mist of blood.

If he was still breathing, some people would think he was dead.

Angel, who was standing still in the sky, began to leap over the entire battlefield, and Angel with hundreds of thousands directly blocked all the light.

However, what he never imagined was that people didn't do it because they saw him.

"Yes, Commander."

"What happened to them?"


Thanos jumped out of the crater with force, covered in charred black.

Beside Thanos, he kicked the broad knife in his hand and grabbed his neck.

Like a dead dog, dragged to the ground.

The monsters they had to kill with difficulty, the loathsome foes,


Yourself, actually bleeding?

Not to mention Angel.

They were greeted by the roar of the enemy.

A trace of sunlight sprinkled into the battlefield from their gaps, revealing the afterglow.

Thanos didn't even know where he was when the guy in the cape that looked a lot like Superman showed up.

In one hand, he held the Blade that Thanos had cut.

And all the Angels around him.

There was a loud explosion behind him, and the sword in his hand seemed to pierce the air, slashing straight at Thanos.


The four Angel warriors looked at Thanos with a hint of eagerness in the corners of their eyes.

"Commander, what should I do with him?"

This weapon can actually damage his defense, although it has recovered in the blink of an eye, it is not bad.

"Executing the trial...",



Perhaps not, in less than ten minutes, hundreds of thousands of enemies were killed by Angel here, and there was no way to resist.

open the air with a broad knife

Thor suddenly said something.

" come out...",

"Are you sure this is Thanos?"

It's just a slight blow, not to mention astral weapons, even if it's a flame-level weapon, it's not something that this group of vanguard guards or the group of Kirita transformation soldiers can withstand.

Thanos finally couldn't take such a blow. Where did this group of people come from?

"I have an ominous feeling."


Give him a warrior's way to die",


Outside the battlefield, a group of people from the Avengers alliance watched this scene dazedly.


The next moment, in the eyes of everyone in the Avengers alliance, something even more shocking happened.




The next moment, the weapon in Angel's hand slammed down,

The Avengers alliance opened their mouths wide, and the enemy who pushed them to this point just now actually died nearly half of them under this wave of bombardment.

"Come back, you come back...",

"I am the destiny, you heretics...",

Turning around and flying towards the soldiers on the side, they knew that Thanos was not something they could deal with.

Corvus Glaive let out a roar, and all the Vanguard and Kirita troops behind him stopped moving on the ground.

"He came to take you on the road, the commander ordered, give you a soldier's death method, use all your strength!"

This group of people is even more powerful than the Avengers alliance.

He looked at the sky in horror.

"Don't kill yourself."

"Chat, Heat ray...",

"Completely counterattack and beat them down for me."

"Unless you want to fight them", 1.

This is the air, where did the ants come from?

This is what countless people want to know now, Angels hold high flame swords with dazzling -light on them.

A low voice sounded behind him, and he slashed back sharply.

As mentioned in the alert on Friday just now, this force is enough to blow every inch of land here back and forth.

Thanos frowned into a Sichuan character, lost?

The momentum is too strong.

If it falls on their heads?

Oh, except for the Avengers alliance.

None of them could stand up to Angel's move.

"Scott, are you sure this is your helper?"

Thanos roared loudly, and the broad sword in his hand swung into a circle, jingling a few times, and knocking four Angels into the air in an instant.

Several women turned their heads to look at their fingernails, or squatted on the ground to count ants, hell,


He punched him hard on the chin, and the whole person flew into the air.

"Boss, strenuous-high energy activity was scanned",

"He just died like this? Cosmic Overlord, Crazy Titan?"

Looking at the caped warriors floating in the sky, how many Superman is that?


With a cold face, he looked at Thanos calmly, as if everything was doomed.


"You forgot what we promised him?"


off r />


Rogers: "What?"

The battlefield settled down, and apart from Angel, there was no one standing in the sky or on the ground.

He waved his hand, but didn't say a word.

"Who are you?"

Tony complained, he definitely knew about Superman's iconic Ability, it's hard to do!



Judgment begins,

A sonic boom came from behind.

No one paid any attention to Thanos, he was like forgotten on the battlefield.

Thanos saw Ebony Maw, to be exact, four of the five Obsidian generals fell to the ground, his eyes narrowed.

A harsh alarm sound appeared in the channel, and everyone's expressions began to be horrified.

With super-fast speed, every time it appears and flaps its wings, there is always an enemy that falls to the ground forever.

What a shame, this guy is insulting him.


This is the pioneer guard was hit and exploded.

"Look there".

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