The orange fragrant breeze only blew for a while and it was gone!

It hasn’t been long since the last time the fragrance beads were produced, and there was not enough accumulation in the body!

Just let the detoxification small soybeans be pulled!

After the orange wind passed, a thick black smoke burst out!

The smell is like the smell of the ash taken out of the stove in the winter after being poured in water!

There is a stench in the burnt!

At this moment, tens of thousands of one-eyed species are sucking their farts like crazy!

However, the orange wind has passed the black wind!

The extremely bright smell rushed into the nasal cavity, and at that time, many one-eyed species had their eyes widened and vomited!

Tears flowed like a waterfall!

The original orange wind was blown away, and the black wind struck, giving the one-eyed species one by one like black briquettes!

(●???) "Oh~ Stop the mine now? The zei smell is wrong!"

"It's almost done, brothers in the mining team, hurry up and ask the Star Devourer to collect magical powers!"

"Puff wow~ ahem! Isn't it broken? Why is it still emitting black smoke?"

Ava was also anxious: "Mining team! Try to stop the Star Devouring Giant Worm, so that it won't collapse again?"

The mining team's eyes were rubbed with choking, and the eye masks were all knocked on!

"No way, Lord Ava! The Star Devourer is not controlled at all?"

At this moment, the Star Devourer opened its mouth wide and roared!

I also want to receive magical powers!

Why is this not something I can control at all?

I'm coming!

At this moment, there was a thunderous noise in the stomach of the star-eating giant insect, and the tail vent expanded rapidly, and it opened to the size of eight kilometers in diameter!

No way, if you don't expand it, you will blow it up!


In the next instant, a column of hot magma with a diameter of eight kilometers sprayed towards the one-eyed species with an amazing posture!

The heat is rolling, and the crimson shines!

Ava almost didn't blow her eyes!

Damn it?

This... Is this magma?

At that time, many one-eyed species were directly engulfed by the lava flow!

The magma column rushed to the rock wall with strong pressure!

There are magma jets everywhere!

Fart meeting, there is already a sea of ​​magma at the bottom of the moon's eye!

And the Star Devourer still didn't mean to stop, it was still spraying magma frantically!

The fierce thrust made the uncontrolled showers of the star-eater giant's tail flutter in Yue's eyes!

Ava was soaked in the magma with a look of horror!

How could it become like this?

If you let the star-eater giant squirt down, wouldn't it be digging so deeply in vain?

"Quick! Who will plug the tail vent of the Star Eater Giant!"

The one-eyed species turned black when looking at the eight-kilometer-diameter tail spout!


Why is it blocked?

Forgive us for not being able to do it!

At this moment, Jiangnan and his party have escaped and ascended to heaven!

Jiang Nan thought that the Star Devouring Giant Worm would collapse into something weird!

Who knew it was magma?

The moon rock you eat, what comes out is magma? This seems reasonable!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, and he seemed to have found a perfect way to fill the moon's eyes?

It's just that those who have been eaten and turned into fragrance beads should be no way!

After all, no matter how star-eating giant worms can collapse, they won’t be born out of nothing?

Fifty thousand catties of soybeans are enough for it to collapse for a while!

"Walk away! The moon eye is almost there, run quickly, or wait for the one-eyed king to come and it will be over!"

"The God Killing Giant Cannon can't make a second shot!"

Several blackened Teletubbies headed towards the storm ocean without turning their heads back!

If you look back, you can clearly see the billowing black smoke wafting from the eyes of 800 kilometers!

Like a volcanic crater, black smoke even drifted into outer space!

The scene is very spectacular, even if it is so far apart, you can still feel the vibration in Yue's eyes and the roar of the star-eating giant...


At the same time, the sea of ​​tranquility on the front of the moon!

The American Moon Expeditionary Force led by Pierce was chased and killed by the one-eyed army all the way!

Frozen, the back of the moon fled to the peaceful sea on the front of the moon, spanning most of the moon!

All of them are almost exhausted and become grandchildren!

There are cracks in Pierce's helmet and it is too late to replace it!

Keep teleporting with the Zhengyue troops, such a way of running, Pierce's spiritual power has been shorted for several times!

The more you run, the more terrifying one-eyed species becomes!

Vision lock, mind control, super regeneration, very strong physical fitness!

Melee horror, long-range star-pupil cannon, and no fear of energy attacks!

There were only two thousand five and six left at the moment of the original three thousand troops for the moon expedition!

Pierce wants to hide in outer space!

Looking back, I was about to check the situation of the one-eyed species army. When I turned around, I saw billowing black smoke coming out of the south!


Floating straight into space!

Martin was anxious: (?ˉ? Yiˉ?) "Fuck! What are you thinking about, Miao Pi? Run? They're chasing me!"

Pierce looked south in amazement!

Σ(°△°?) "Smoke is coming to the south? Why is the moon on fire?"

Vinnie stared: (.?~?) "How is it possible, are you Alzheimer's? How can the moon be...whis~what?"

Obviously, everyone noticed the black smoke emerging from the south!

Martin swallowed, "Fuck? Isn't that the direction of Aikentor Crater? Moon Eye?"

Pierce grinds his teeth: "I'm afraid Jiang Nan took the opportunity of the one-eyed army to chase us to explore Moon Eyes, right?"

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain? The pot is thrown for us to recite? Sanafa Bichi!"

[The grievance value from Pierce +1000! ]

Although not sure that Jiangnan did it!

But if something happened on the moon, you will be done with him.

The one-eyed army led by Iger is still chasing, but Martin shouts!

(?? 口?)? "Do you still chase us on horseback? The family has been paid for! You look back!"

Iger sneered: "Do you mean it? You mean it? Despicable low-grade carbon-based life!"

"If you didn't blow up Tongcheng and **** the fire and incense beads, I would chase you?"

"Do you think this little trick can fool me? It must be to distract us, and then take the opportunity to escape?"

"Maybe I don’t have a good head when I’m sleeping, but when it’s running on full energy? My witty batch! You guys..."

Martin: (?_?)

Where does this watermelon eyeball say?

It must be pretentious, right? Forgive us for really not understanding a word!

Before he finished speaking, a grapefruit-level one-eyed seed patted Iger on the shoulder with horror!

"Boss! Mine! It's a mine! Smoke is coming from the mine!"

Iger:? ? ?

He turned his head fiercely, looking at the black smoke floating into outer space, cold and cold!

Damn it! It's not just Tongcheng! Did something happen to the mine?

In order to chase these humans, I transferred a large number of mining teams!

The mine pit guarding the emptiness has also been attacked?


At this moment, Iger was anxious, and the Star Devouring Giant Worm was a more precious thing than the Fragrant Pearl!

In case there are three long and two short...

Iger cursed, chasing these humans from the back of the moon to the front of the moon!

And here is in the dark!

The one-eyed species cannot absorb the energy of the star. Once the energy is exhausted, it will crash!

This pursuit consumes a lot of energy, and fighting one-eyed species at night is not an ordinary loss!

I saw Iger staring at everyone in Pierce fiercely!

"Wait for Lao Tzu, when this side goes from night to day!"

"On this planet, there will be no races other than the pupil tribe!"

"My pupils will be bathed in the light of stars forever!"

After putting down a ruthless sentence, Iger returned to the Moon Eye with an army of one-eyed species!

Vinnie was relieved!

Call ~ (︶ε︶?) "Fortunately, Jiangnan caused something wrong with Moon Eye!"

"This saved our lives, otherwise we don't know when we will be hunted down!"

Martin:? ? ?

"Have you forgotten something? Originally we were hunted down because of Jiangnan Wow!"

"Can we be chased if he doesn't throw the pot?"

Vinnie was stunned, it seemed like this was happening?

(??????~??) Uh~

I don't know why, even though I was scammed, how could gratitude be born after the rest of my life?

Pierce looked unlucky: "Just leave the base here! Build your home quickly!"

An alien space opened up between talking!

Stored inside are all kinds of cutting-edge equipment after Vinnie's miniature!

You may not believe it, but Pierce brought a city here this time!

In Tongcheng, many orange-level one-eyed species are rushing to rebuild the destroyed city center!

There are also some responsible for collecting the origin flames scattered all over the place!

One-eyed King Jego was pacing back and forth anxiously at this moment, thinking about how to explain to him the loss of incense beads and fire after the envoy came back!

Queen Hathaway wears a long dress, and her blue long hair is tied into a loose braid on her chest!

There are watermelon-big eyes on his face, and his face is soft and beautiful!

Zheng softly comforted: "My dear! Don't worry, those antennas have mastered the sacred power of space!"

"Presumably, if the envoy knows it, he will understand it?"

Yego smiled bitterly: "What do you know? The existence like the envoy only cares about the result, who cares how you lose it?"

"Our pupils are just slaves, and we don't have the right to talk to them on an equal footing. We can't win the life or death between our thoughts!"

"That's the Bose clan!"

Words are full of helplessness!

At this moment, Yego suddenly noticed the billowing black smoke rising from the south!

Guzi couldn't help but be stunned!

Mine? what's the situation?

The antenna clan was not satisfied with the bombing of Tongcheng, and the pit was also dealt with?

The raging black smoke is like a beacon fire!

Jego one-eyed scarlet!

(? Eyes?) "This is going to go to war with my clan, isn't it? Then please satisfy you!"

"I must complete the task assigned by the Holy Envoy! This is where the pupils survive and die!"

"It's better not to have an accident with the Star Devourer!"


With a blast, the One-Eyed King is like a thunderbolt, heading straight to the Moon Eye of Aikento Mine!

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