Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1465: Silent snow! Ink rivers and mountains

At this moment, Hart and Momo have despair in their eyes!

Can you still make a second post?

How to fight this?

However, in the face of Jego's toughness, they are unable to change this fact and can only passively accept it!

The rest of the one-eyed species are already bombarding the permafrost with star pupils!

Momo wanted the star whale to swallow the star ring and take everyone away!

But Rui Sen is still there, it's not necessarily whether it can run or not!

But Bai Kou didn't mean to leave!

As long as you want to establish a base on the moon, you will have to face this situation sooner or later, and you will not be able to avoid it!

I have to stand the star ring here today!

(?°?~°?) "Frostfall? Ninety-nine heavy snow!"

Infinite extreme cold gushes from Bai Kou's body, and he sees his hands pushing forward!

In an instant, huge blue ice snowflakes with a diameter of kilometers appeared!

Magnificent and beautiful, shining with ice white crystals!

Facing the shooting star cannon, there are 99 sides in total, forming multiple defenses!

But facing the blazing purple energy beam, this level of defense is simply not enough!

Snow flakes are constantly being blown to pieces by the star pupil cannon, but new snowflakes are constantly being pushed out by Bai Kou!

Ninety-nine is the ultimate, unlimited reincarnation!

This is already the strongest defensive method Bai Kou can use!

But it was still ruthlessly swallowed by the star pupil cannon!

Purple awns splashed, magma scattered, and the deep pit exploded by the first shot was enlarged again!

Rui Sen's face couldn't help but evoke an arc!

And this time, Bai Kou couldn't keep calm!

The spacesuit was riddled with holes and burns on a large area of ​​the body, and many places were blown by the energy jet!

Even the body staggered a little, and the blood kept dripping!

Hart said anxiously: "Master Snow Girl, let's go, there is really no way to resist it!"

The permafrost ice layer behind him was also damaged in an improper way!

Bai Kou stood up straight, and the spacesuit alarm kept ringing!

The expression was cold: "Go? I didn't plan to leave when I came!"

"This moon is the moon of mankind! It has been like this since ancient times!"

"It's them who should get out of here! I won't let Bai Kou half a step!"


A thousand-meter crater exploded behind Yego, and the rock slab was suddenly cracked!

He rushed to Bai Kou at a speed that surpassed the limit, his body was shining with thunder!

The hand knife stabs Bai Kou's heart straight!

"Then you can die for me!"

However, just as Yego was about to stab Bai Kou, her body suddenly collapsed into a blizzard!

Only the spacesuit was torn to pieces by Jego's hand knife!

"Heavy snow? Blizzard!"

Infinite snowflakes swept out, mixed with extreme cold, covering a radius of 30,000 meters!

There is no wind, but snowflakes still fly at an alarming speed!

As sharp as a knife, it covers all the one-eyed species!

The piercing cold can hardly cause harm to the one-eyed species. After all, they are species that can survive in space on their bodies!

But the high-speed snowflakes cut the scars of the one-eyed species!

The one-eyed species have covered the eye mask one after another. Although the snowflakes are strong, they cannot penetrate the hard eye mask!

The damage suffered by the body is also crazy repaired!

Yego directly turned on his eyesight and locked his eyes, and the snowflakes were frozen as far as his eyes were!

But Bai Kou could not be found!

The snowflakes blew on Yego, and even chopped out sparks, making a sonorous sound, which couldn't hurt him at all!

"Snow of Death!"

There is a erratic voice!

I saw the white snow mixed with black snow falling, and the world was silent!

The moment Shirayuki came into contact with the black snow, he was blackened!

In a blink of an eye, the blizzard covering the range of 30,000 meters all turned into black snow!

And the moment Heixue fell on the one-eyed species, the contact area began to decay and ruin!

Even Jego can't be spared!

Only use energy to continuously regenerate to fight against this weird corruption!

The energy in the one-eyed eye is consumed wildly!

Jego was furious: "Damn it!"

His body rushed to the frozen ice layer, hit with his fist, trying to destroy the star ring!

But amidst the black snow, a snow-white figure stood on the top of the frozen ice mountain!

The white skirt is flying, it is the Bai Kou that has snowed!

She raised her hand and grabbed it, the Blue Ice Sword in her hand, holding the sword in both hands, and thrusting it at the foot of the mountain!

"Snow country is coming? Ink and water!"


I saw that the iceberg at Bai Kou's feet began to skyrocket, thousands of meters away, still non-stop!

Icebergs rose from the ground one after another, protecting the star ring in the middle, and even Hart and Momo were also protected!

Snow-white icebergs and black blizzards, the combination of the two, either black or white, forms a beautiful ink river and mountain!

No matter how Jego and the Cyclops smashed the icebergs, more icebergs would grow out!

Yego was completely angry, and a violent rush came to Bai Kou and swept his whip!

The figure of Baixue exploded in an instant, but in the next instant, it slowly condensed and formed!

There was no expression on his face, just looking at Yego faintly!

"Retreat! Or die here!"

"You don't retreat, the snow will not stop, it will continue to fall until the sky is old, and there is no one before me!"

Jego:! !

Rui Sen's complexion is ugly, and he deserves to be the ceiling of human combat power!

It's not so difficult!

"Don't fight! That's not her body, but Xueying's clone. Her body is fused with the snowstorm spirit skills!"

"Unless you can kill this 30,000-meter blizzard in one go! She can't die!"

The aura around him has been gathering here, and Bai Kou can last a long time!

At least it will last longer than the one-eyed army!

At this moment, there are already many one-eyed species that cannot withstand the invasion of the dead snow!

Exited the scope of the blizzard!

After all, most of the energy has just been charged to Yego, and it's the second star-pupil cannon!

There is not much energy left in the body!

But Yego didn't come with full power, and the shot he shot in Tongcheng wasn't full!

Immediately after being greeted by Rui Sen, he made three more rounds!

Even if Yego wants to fire another star cannon, his energy is not enough!

It is true that other one-eyed species can recharge themselves, but under the snow of death, the energy of the minions is not enough!

It is not a wise choice to exhaust the energy of the race in the dark night!

"Holy Envoy, look at this..."

Risen looked down at his broken leg with eyes full of bad luck, only half of it looked like it had grown!

"Retreat first! There is no need to compete with this girl, so what if you come up?"

"The ending of the moon is already doomed, you can't change it!"

"Wait here from night to day, there are you guys who are good-looking! Go!"

While speaking, Jego and the one-eyed army withdrew, leaving only the devastated land!

The black snow fell, like Bai Kou's silent struggle!

The moon is indeed locked by the blue star tide, only one side faces the blue star, but there are also day and night on it!

Because the blue star revolves around the sun, but a day on the moon is equivalent to 27.32 days of the blue star!

Every 14 days, complete a round of day and night rotation!

Now the front of the moon is just in the dark night, which is why Yego is scrupulous!

Seeing the one-eyed species left, Bai Kou also sighed with relief. Although he paid a painful price, he managed to keep it!

Moonlit night gave humans cover, at least they could have time to breathe, and have the time to build a lunar base!

But Rui Sen frowned and looked in the direction of Moon Eye!

(??~??) "I noticed as soon as I came back, why is there black smoke coming from the mine? How is the star-eating giant digging? Has it reached the star core?"

Jego shivered!

Σ (fear ||) " looks like this!"

So he talked about the invasion of a few antennas!

"I didn't expect the antenna family to be so powerful, not only can they use the power of the sacred space, but they also have weapons comparable to the power of my star pupil cannon!"

Rui Sen's eyes are red!

(??? 益??) "What? What did you say? You mean that the Origin Tinder lost thousands of dollars! The 9 incense beads that were refined are lost?"

"Fart Teletubbies! That's Jiangnan on the horse! Damn! Damn!"

"What are you doing? Let a large number of origin fire fall into human hands?"

"You lost the scent beads? You can buy multiple you with a single one! It's not worth the price to sell you! You lost nine of them? Waste! You waste!"

Rui Sen is mad, and the Fragrant Pearl is lost? Lord Igor can't explain himself when he comes back!

Jego's eyes are full of horror!

(Fear|||) "The Holy Envoy to calm down my anger, I... I didn't expect them to use the power of space. Besides, at that time, the entire planet had no other life forms except us, so we suffered..."

Rui Sen was furious: "Excuses! All excuses! I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Yego kept shook his head: "I...I really tried my best to pursue it, but that antenna... Jiangnan is too cunning, so he got his plan to move his eyes away from the pit!"

"Besides, are not..."

As he spoke, his eyes cast a glance at Rui Sen's broken leg subconsciously!

Rui Sen's eyes were scarlet: "What do you mean? Are you questioning my ability? Are you saying I'm not as good as Jiangnan? Ah?"

As he spoke, the Bose Particle Knife in his hand condensed and went straight to Yego to insert it!

Jego subconsciously covered the eye mask, but the Bose Particle Knife easily penetrated the hard eye mask and inserted it straight into Jego's eyes!

Orange blood and tears flowed down Jego’s eyes, Jego trembled with pain, but he did not dare to hide!

Rui Sen's eyes were full of ferocious eyes: "Even if I have a leg cut off, I want to kill you! But between raising my hands!"

"Even the entire pupil tribe can turn you into dust in the universe if I want to!"

"The humble slave didn't question my rights! You better figure out where you are!"

Yego trembled and said, "Holy...sir, please forgive me. I will lead the people to work harder to complete the tasks assigned to us!"

Risen snorted coldly, and then pulled the knife out of Jego's eyes!

"If you mention this again, you will be poached!"

Yego bowed his head and nodded!

Rui Sen looked at his broken leg with a burst of anger, and suspended his death. Not only did I cut Lao Tzu's leg, he also stepped on a horse to take away the Fragrant Pearl and Origin Tinder?

Jiangnan! You really hate your longevity, don't you?

All countries have started to land on the moon, so Huaxia...should also have a base there?

Now that Jiangnan is not on the moon, Rui Sen sneered!

"Huh! I will make a mess of the moon while I'm not here, then I'll also demolish your home while you're not here!"

"Go! Go and tear down the China Moon Base with Lao Tzu!"

Don't make me feel better? Don't think about it!

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