Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1477: Seven Kingdoms in the Moon

Ye Zhenguo's scalp is tingling!

(?°?益°??) "What do you do then? So it can only be physically attacked? The thunder like a big thunder is useless in the one-eyed kind?"

Wang Dalei smiled bitterly: ('-﹏-`;) "I tried it during the experiment, it was useless, and a thunder gun was fully charged!"

Jiangnan covers his face, Thundering is also the energy, Da Lei nephew was defeated by the sky?

Li Bing nodded: "Only physical attack! But the one-eyed species has super regeneration, energy is not exhausted, and the body can be regenerated even if the body is completely destroyed. The eyes are their only weakness!"

"In response to the weakness of the eyes, the one-eyed species have evolved eye masks! They will cover the eye masks to protect the eyes from harm when fighting!"

"Only when the Star Pupil Cannon is fired will it be turned on!"

"The hardness of the material of the eye mask is simply abnormal. If the eye mask is not broken, there is no way to completely kill a one-eyed species!"

Jiangnan's big eyes whispered incessantly, I don't know if the pony will be beaten or broken!

It is estimated to be broken, but the number of one-eyed species is so amazing. In a large-scale war, you can't rely on yourself to knock one by one with Maza?

Where did you knock it over?

Li Bing said with a solemn expression: "The strength of the one-eyed species is closely related to the size of the eyes! At present, it is divided into orange, grapefruit, watermelon, and basin level!"

"The overall strength of the grapefruit-level one-eyed species should be equivalent to that of the human star Yao, but due to the problem of ability compatibility and the space home field advantage, the combat power displayed is far more than that of the star!"

"And the watermelon-level one-eyed species are stronger than the grapefruit-level! So far, two Egeravas have been found, and the washbasin-level one-eyed species only has Yego!"

Yang Jian has a solemn expression. If calculated according to this strength level, would Jego's strength surpass Daotian ten stars?

After all, even Bai Kou couldn't handle it!

However, at this moment, everyone looked strange.


Why can't it sound like such a serious thing?

Shente meow grapefruit watermelon, can the level division be more intuitive?

Wang Dalei grinned: "There are such an astonishing number of one-eyed species, and the strength is still so strong, how do you fight this?"

Li Bing wiped his nose!

(????) "You can only use the spear of the other to attack the shield of the other, since the eye mask of the one-eyed species is hard!"

"Then use eye masks to make armor-piercing cones, armor-piercing bullets, and weapons to break the eye mask defenses!"

Jiang Nan was full of surprise: (??????)? "Have you broken the eye mask?"

Jiangnan knows how hard that thing is!

I saw Clegg's mouth twitching on the side!

('-﹏-`?) "It was broken with a fist gun, 105! I had a broken bone. It was really hard to come out the whole material!"

Jiangnan gave a good spirit, good fellow! Worthy of being an undefeated boxer!

The eye mask is broken?

Craig's beastly birdtail mantis drum shrimp, his guns are no joke!

I saw Li Bing took out two orange boxing tigers from his pocket and threw them to Jiangnan!

"Try it next time you bump into it and see if you can hammer it? Just made it for you!"

"Originally, the hardness of Yaoyang Fine Gold is about the same. Although it is softer than the eye mask, it is barely enough, but the material is too expensive, and it is not so spicy at all!"

Jiangnan quickly picked it up!

I saw two boxing tigers made of Yaoyang fine gold, with sharp eye mask fragments inlaid on them, shining like diamonds!

Shining gold, exceptionally rich!

"Sin" and "Punishment" are also engraved on the two boxing tigers.

Punishment Tiger?

sky! Sister Bingbing can get my aesthetic too, right?

Jiang Nan, who got the new baby, quickly picked up his pocket, and then hesitated again!

(???~??) "Is Yaoyang not enough fine gold? I have a little more, so I'll contribute it to make a weapon, ooh~"

As he said, his eyes were red, and he looked like weeping!


Xia Yao quickly patted Jiang Nan on the back!

(.???)? "Good little Nan, don't cry~ the next one is better, the next one is more expensive, the next one is more precious!"

Everyone was speechless, wouldn't it be you?

Li Bing was stunned: (*?~?) "You also have such a precious spiritual material as Yaoyang Fine Gold? If it's not a little bit, you don't need to take it out, and it's not enough to make a weapon!"

"You'd better keep it for yourself...hiss~"

Before Li Bing finished speaking, he saw Jiang Nan pulled out two arms made of Yaoyang fine gold from a different dimension, and threw out a thigh!

"You can use these three first. Let's make a weapon for everyone. I will leave one for the bottom of the press box!"

Everyone looked at those two arms and one leg with horror?

∑(°口°?) Wow!

so much? How much would it be if it were exchanged for money?

Why is your Yaoyang Fine Gold arguing?

Even Li Bing is stupid!

(¬?¬?) "If I guessed right, you should still have a leg in a different dimension, right? I never heard that spirit materials grow like this?"

"Are you fine? This is it!"

Jiang Nan's face was painful: (︶益︶?) "I broke off Bombardier. I would have broken it a bit more if I knew it. I was young and frivolous!"

"I didn't ask for the gift point? Although it's not a lot, but how can I say it is enough to make a pair of boxers?"

Craig:? ? ?

The point given by God Meow, when Bombardier was distributed, he was on the scene!

Li Bing stared, golden Bombardier? Isn't that the boss of Haitang?

Did you break his arms and legs? Do you want such an animal?

But his eyes are full of joy!

"With so many Yaoyang fine gold, you can make a lot of weapons!"

Jiang Nan was full of resolute eyes, and when he was approved, he would grab Bombardier and use it as a tool when he said anything!

Is this a priceless treasure?

As soon as the positions were opened, Jiangnan also took out the God-killing Giant Cannon and thousands of original fire bricks!

If you put yourself in an alien space, you still have to take up space, so you have to quickly make room and install a new baby!

Clegg was holding a piece of Origin Flame at the moment, and the Harazi was about to drip out!


For this thing, the ancestors of Atlas sank the continental shelf of the ancient land of Landis!

It was the Associated Mine that was summoned, and now the house is full of Origin Tinder!

Are they all piled outside the house?

Yang Jian on the side swallowed straight!

Good guy, after Jiang Pai Yao drove around, he started throwing up baby again?

"It's useless if I want so many of these things. Let's take them out first, ah right~ and this one too!"

"Sister Bingbing will give you one, you can take it and study it!"

While talking, he took out a fragrance bead and threw it to Li Bing, and the house was covered by a strange fragrance in a short time!

Everyone has their mouths open, and the halazi drips like a waterfall!


Is this the fragrance bead?

Li Bing swallowed!

(??﹏?) "Really experiment for me? This thing is precious?"

Even Jiang Ning in the void can't help it!

(????) "It's a waste of experimentation! This one can buy several Yegos and exchange for asteroids. It's really valuable!"

Jiangnan waved his hand and didn't care!

(︶.?︶O) "It's okay, it's okay, when I collect the Star Devouring Giant Worm as a spiritual pet in the future, isn't the incense bead just pulling it? Bah! Refining?"

"It is still necessary to take one for experimentation. It is necessary to understand the impact of the fragrance beads on the human body!"

"Scented pearls are indeed precious, but they can't be changed now? It's your own that gets in your hands!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan like a lunatic!

Depend on!

Are you still thinking about collecting the star-eating giant insects as your spiritual pets?

The spirit pet cooking master is not for nothing, so what size pot do you need to use?

You are the only one who can give birth to such a crazy idea, right?

It's not Jiangnan's big-handed!

Jiangnan still intends to keep the remaining few, after all, the biggest role of incense beads is to increase lifespan and increase wisdom!

Grandpa Xiao in the nursing home is old, and half of his body is already in the soil!

Jiang Nan didn't plan to let them retire, and they had to dig out half of their bodies!

There is also Mira, Xiaodi's experience has planted the seeds in Jiangnan's heart, and I am always afraid that Mira will encounter force majeure in the future!

Exhaust life magnification, the fragrance beads are also reserved for Mira!

As for myself or Xuexue Wu Liang, they can only wait!

If you can really handle the Star Devouring Giant Worm, everything is easy to say, if you can't handle it, then the role of these fragrance beads is extremely important!

Don't waste it!

Jiang Nan knows it in his own heart!

Yang Jian looked straightforward: "Nowadays, the resources of eye masks are also limited. It is still not feasible to use this method to fight the one-eyed species!"

Jiangnan wiped his nose!

(??°??°)? "Then the easiest and most difficult way can only be used!"

"Although the one-eyed species is strong, once the energy is exhausted, it will be finished. This is a fatal weakness!"

"If you want to win, this is the key, you have to make them unable to absorb energy!"

"So... shall we blow up the sun?"

Courtesy of the Sun: ?? You?

Yang Jian almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, the **** blew the sun!

Are you self-destructive? You?

Although Jiang Nan was joking, one thing was correct!

"Energy is also a major weakness that restricts the one-eyed species. The reason why the one-eyed species have not attacked now is because we have the moon night guardian!"

"Once the storm ocean enters the daylight period, we need to confront the one-eyed species head-on, and we don't have much time left!"

Jiang Tianchen looked solemnly: "There are still 4 days and 17 hours before daylight! Before that, we must figure out a way to fight the Cyclops!"

"Otherwise, no matter how brilliant the City of Silver Moon is, it will only be a dream, and it will be ruined in an instant!"

"In addition! Moon Eye is still expanding, and the fundamental problem has not been solved at all. This is the most important thing!"

Having said that, everyone's hearts have sunk to the bottom again!

Yang Jian took a deep breath: "Fortunately, all countries have landed on the moon, and this is not just my Huaxia!"

"Eagle Kingdom and Vatican Kingdom have also arrived, and they will land in Red Bay! Now the seven countries are stationed on the moon!"

"This is already all the countries on Blue Star that are eligible to join the game!"

Wang Dalei was startled: ('?????) "Eagle Country? Has Nicole come?"

Jiangnan: (???)

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