Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1487: Crazy involution?

At this moment, the experimental area of ​​Silvermoon City!

A female laboratory worker in a white coat stepped out from the side of the corridor, walking in a hurry!

Take off your ID card and hang it on the corridor hook at will!

The clothes on his body suddenly softened, changing like silt!

In a blink of an eye it became a dark night uniform, and his long hair turned into an inch!

In a blink of an eye, she changed from a female experimenter to a dark night elite with scars on the corners of her lips!

Looking at the data USB flash drive in his hand, the corner of his mouth evokes an arc!

The information for the one-eyed species is now available!

From the Blue Star Tianchen Bureau, it began to lurch until it was transferred to the Moon City of Silver Moon!

So far, the security has passed countless identity screening and certification, and now it has successfully completed the infiltration task!

The ghost knows how many difficulties and obstacles he has gone through!

When he opened his mouth, he swallowed the data USB disk into his stomach!

The rest just waited for the storm to pass and sent the data out of the curse array, huh?

The night army disguised as the night army rushed out of the experimental area, followed the troops that went to support, and rushed straight to the star gate vortex in the center of the city!

In the sky, Yang Jian is still screening with the omniscient eye!

002 sneer!

Your own power is not a simple disguise, but a change of appearance from the flesh and blood organization and physiological structure!

Just to deal with the tricky Eastern Eye, I don’t believe you can see it!

As the top agent of the Eagle's Nest, there is no mission that 002 can't complete!

The former 001 fell into the sand in China, and Lao Tzu will never repeat his mistakes again!

I just want to prove that I am better than 001!

I am the uncrowned king among the agents of the Eagle's Nest Bureau!

Thinking of this, 002 couldn't help standing on the street making a fist, her face excited!


Look at Lao Tzu, this is the information...


Haven't waited for 002 to finish flg! I saw an 18-wheel heavy transport truck rushing out from the side of the street at an astonishing speed of 240 kilometers per hour!

The truck head slammed on 002's body!


Push him directly to the wall!

This time I almost didn't get 002's blood!

However, the truck didn't mean to stop at all. It ran into three buildings with 002 and was still stepping on the accelerator!

002:? ? ?

Why is there a speeding truck in this city?

I... I had a car accident?

Even after killing 002, he would be hit by a truck while walking on the street?

Was discovered? impossible!

I have to act like a night army!

Can't help but shout loudly while holding the front of the car!

(?? Yi? ("Who! Who is driving! I hit my own person! Step on the brake! Step on the brake, you?"

I saw in the heavy truck cab, Hoshino Blow, holding the steering wheel with both hands, his mouth widened with a horrified expression!

=???? (?o口o)??

Stomping on the gas pedal, not letting go!

She felt that she was running very slowly, and she didn't know when she would be able to run out of the city!

So I found a car and drove...

Who knew "just" stepped on the accelerator and hit someone?

Hoshinobuki: =???? (????)?? "Yes~No~~I~"

002:! ! !

(?? Benefit?? ("If I'm sorry, what else do I need to brake for?"

"Why are you stepping on me and looking at me? Step on the brakes! Are you stepping on it?

002 one did not hold the front of the car, and was directly put under the car by the heavy truck!

Frozen is to let the truck run over, the wheel marks of the whole body!

I couldn't help but got up with a face full of misfortune, and just about to speak, I felt that my body was directly frozen, and I couldn't move anymore!

I saw Yang Jian in the sky already looking over, the light blooming in his pupils turned purple!

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "It's hidden deep! Oh? It's from the Eagle's Nest? It's been lurking for so long? Tsk tusk, the plan is well prepared?"

"If you want the information of the one-eyed species, wouldn't you Eagle Country collect it by yourself? Picking other people's fruits is very fragrant, isn't it?"

002:! ! !

damn it! Was discovered? How can you know everything at a glance?

Can Eastern Eye even do things like mind reading?

Mom messed with Fak! The female driver mistaken me!

It is impossible for Yang Jian to notice such a big movement of the truck. 002's disguise has indeed deceived himself!

But no matter how you pretend, it is impossible not to think in my heart!

Normally Yang Jian is reluctant to use this trick because it is very eye-intensive, but now he can't take care of so much!

Yang Jian's face turned black as he watched the heavy truck drive forward!

(????????????)? "Go! Catch me the truck driver and don't let her drive anymore!"

In the end, the riots in Silvermoon City calmed down!

A group of agents from the Eagle's Nest Bureau were caught who infiltrated and did things!

This wave of losses is really not small, and the Vinnie Seed didn't get it, so I can't even get out this time!

Was directly locked in the God-killing Curse Array!

Huaxia is busy cleaning up the mess after the war!

On the other side, Dezet had already taken Batty out and didn't know how far away!

He finally couldn't hold back when he ran out of oxygen!

After running so far, those animals can't chase them, right?

The spacesuit hasn't been repaired well, so I definitely can't survive to Chenghai station!

So he rushed into the bound spiritual force field, ready to take the risk and rescue Batty first!

However, looking at Batty's horrible situation, Dezet still took a breath.

Devil Jiang is really ruthless!

At this moment, Batty is almost dead, but there are still many spirit binding beads in his body!

Can not help struggling to write a line on the ground!


"Untie the spirit! Hurry up!"

Dezete looked incomprehensible!

(???ж????) "Which...what's the solution? You've eaten it all, I can't reach out and grab it, right?"

Batty:! ! !

(#)?? convex?? (#) "Whatever you do! Come on! If you don't solve it, we will both hang up!"

I saw Dezete look ruthlessly: "If that's the case, then you can only open it!"

"Big Brother Barty! Hold on, I'll be quick!"

As he spoke, he drew a dagger from his arms!

Batty's eyes widened sharply!

What would turn me on? Is it the literal one?

You should start with you!

I can't stand this? I didn't wait for you to take out all the spirit binding orbs, I was killed by you, right?

Anxious Batty stretched out his hand and scratched the ground for a while, but it was too late!

I saw Dezete hit Batty's stomach with a knife, opened a hole and probed his hand for a while!

Keep pulling out the Binding Spirit Orb!

(?'口`?) "Good fellow! How many pills did you give you? My mother! Hey, Brother Barty, I told you that I don’t smoke a little and my lungs are dark?"

(?′?`?) "Oh Huh~ You digest very fast? After such a while, all the spirit binding beads ran into the twelve digits?"

Batty was lying on the ground, rolling his eyes and kicking!


Stop the ink stains, hurry up and get out, you? I'll be gone in a while!

Didn't you let Jiangnan besieged and beaten to death, and then you drew it to death?

Why does Lao Tzu suffer this sin?

[The grievance value from Batty is +1001! ]

[From Batty...]

Flicking it madly, it was like Iori was widening, and he turned Batty inside and out, and took out all the spirit-bound orbs and crushed them into pieces!

Then took out the two from the nostrils again!

The dying Batty finally regained his abilities!

"Atomic reorganization! Element extraction!"

Under its terrifying ability, the terrifying injury was repaired in no time!

It even extracts oxygen from the lunar soil to supply its own breathing!

Batty, who was gasping for breath, was relieved!

Recalling the experience just now, Batty, who was paralyzed on the ground, had red eyes, and the corners of his eyes were glittering!


An angrily fist hit the ground!

Originally thought that Gou reached Daotianqi, after going to the moon, he could show his fist!

Who knows to be suffocated by this!

Dezete on the side was at a loss and didn't know how to comfort him!

(???w????) "Lord... the main loss is that you don't understand the enemy's feelings. If Big Brother Barty is not bound, then the four of them will not be enough for you to fight with one hand!"

"If you really feel upset, shall we go back and teach them another wave?"

However, Batty was stunned fiercely!

('-﹏-`????) "Cough~ Come back... I'll talk about it later, let me take it easy!"

After being tortured both physically and mentally, Batty has a psychological shadow!

Who knows what pits are waiting for you to jump after you go back?

Let's go back and discuss the long-term plan first!

Dai Zete coughed lightly: (?'?`?) "The so-called Danan is not dead, there must be a blessing! Don't be discouraged by Big Brother Barty. When you see them next time, won't you end up with the benefits?"

Batty raises his head and looks at the stars, is there a blessing?

Just believe you this time!

(???????) "This matter... remember to keep it secret, or don't tell it, otherwise..."

Dezete swallowed. If he leaked his mouth, he would be gone, right?

"Ah... don't worry! I've always been tight-lipped!"

The two returned to Chenghai station together, but they were dumbfounded as soon as they went back!

I saw Chenghai, the moon base that Maple Leaf Country had worked so hard to build had been demolished to pieces!

As if a storm had been raging, the ground was full of hideous cutting marks!

A brother knelt on the ground, crying, desperate!

Both Dezet and Batty's eyes widened, and they looked confused, what's the situation?

The house was demolished after going out?

(?_??) "So this is what you said must be a blessing? Who did it?"

Cold sweat broke out on Dezet's forehead!

(???益????) "Fortunately, the main body of the base is deep underground, otherwise this wave of crystals will explode!"

He had created a dark sea of ​​quicksand long ago, and the steel fortress of the Maple Leaf Kingdom changed its position with the quicksand in the sand!

Most people can't find it at all!

This is the confidence that Barty and the others can rest assured to find Huaxia!

Barty's eyes were angry: "Who did it? Say!"

The crying brother hurriedly complained: "It's Pierce from the United States. He was taken apart for us without saying anything. He is not a person?"

"We didn't ask him to provoke him. What is he doing in tearing up our house?"

There was a cold sweat on Batty's forehead. Is this revenge for the wave of charging the Cyclops?

damn it!

On the other side, Pierce finished dismantling the resident of Maple Leaf Country and returned to Interstellar City humming a little song!


As soon as I came back, I saw that in the remaining 12 districts, several districts were on fire again...

The hydraulic film has also broken a lot!

"What's the situation? Why did it explode again? Only so much left! No more exploded home!"

Many troops roared: "Master Pierce! It’s the Eagle Nation’s Eagle’s Nest Bureau! They have already infiltrated into the Yue Yue troops. If we hadn’t stopped them in time, we wouldn’t be able to keep the remaining areas. !"

Pierce:! ! !

I steal someone else's house! Is someone else stealing my house again?

Depend on!

At this moment, the bases of the Seven Kingdoms in the Moon have begun to crazily involute!

And this situation is not over yet!

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