Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1491: Guard the moon! Lan Nan is responsible

God meow spit wow!

In a word, everyone present looked at Jiangnan with horror!


Is the task so heavy?

Is there any necessary connection between spitting and making spacesuits?

However, the goose did not explain, Jiang Nan directly took out a basket of rabbit biscuits and distributed them to everyone to eat!

At this moment, there are more than a hundred cowardly rabbits in the field, and all of them are black at this moment!

You can use it directly without the manual!

God Meow Rabbit spit out pills!

Immediately someone began to spit in their palms and rub the balls!

Jiang Tianchen:? (?口?|||) "Hey~ what are you doing? You are already in your 30s, and you still play saliva in public? Can you bury it?"

That man's innocent expression!

(.??3??) "But... but that's how it is done?"

Speaking of picking up the **** that I just rubbed, I ate them directly!

Sure enough, he has a halo of road people on top of his head!

Jiang Tianchen's eyes widened, he suddenly knew how the halo above Jiangnan and their heads came from!

Do you want to be so magical?

Jiang Nan's expression was serious: (?ˇ?ˇ) "Ahem~ Don't make pills in the public! This way, the brothers will be psychologically stressed if they eat it!"

"Does this matter have to be kept secret? What you have to do next is to turn into a ruthless human stoma!"

"You want all the brothers in Silvermoon City to take the rabbit spit pill you made yourself, do you know?"

The Moon Rabbit Legion shouted in unison: "Yes! Young Master Jiang!"


Jiang Tianchen covered his face. Although it sounds serious, why is it that the more you listen, the more wrong it becomes?

I saw the Jiangnan dialect changed: "But in three days, it is still very stressful to make millions of rabbit vomiting pills!"

"Subsequently, Uncle Jiang can choose a new Saliva Ji to join the battle, but remember that the recipe must be kept secret?"

Jiang Tianchen was startled: (???.??)???? "Millions? Do we need so many?"

The entire Silvermoon City has only a few hundred thousand people, right?

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually changed!

(?????) "Listen to me! You are done, I have great use!"

As soon as he talked, he led the team and went to Han Menglu, while Jiang Tianchen looked inexplicable!

In the meeting room, no one noticed a tiny hole in the apple of the fruit plate!

At this moment, Vinnie was lying on the cave, watching the monitor on the screen intently!


The monitoring screen is exactly the situation of the various bases in the moon sea!

(???~??) "Hmm~ When can we start the formation~"

While speaking, he lowered his head and took a bite of the fruit, his face was helpless!

If you can't steal the seeds, you can't go back by yourself?

But after another thought, there is food and drink in Silvermoon City, and it is warm like spring. Isn't there anything wrong with it?

Just touch it for two days!

So I gnawed out a bed in the apple to make up for it!

And Jiangnan is here!

(o'w'o) "Sister Monroe? Let's go out, I'll go out and do bad things~"

Grabbing the apples in the fruit plate at random while talking is just a bite!

That's a fruity aroma and plenty of juice!

Han Menglu giggled, "I'll drive you here, and have a safe journey!"

During the talk, the God Killing Curse Array was opened!

After eating the apples in three mouths, Jiangnan led the team to teleport to the garage, and drove a lunar exploration vehicle straight out of Silvermoon City!

Vinnie felt crazy shaking, and didn't sleep for a while. Why did the house collapse?

Will someone give me the house to eat?

With a look of horror, Vinnie ran out of the chewed pulp!

What I saw was a pink wall, and there was stomach acid underneath!


Hmm~ This person's stomach is quite healthy, but he didn't eat breakfast at first sight!

Is there an apple in your stomach?

Vinnie:! !

This is not the point! The point is that I have been eaten into my stomach now!

However, Vinnie heard a sound from outside!

Can't help but sing in the sound quickly!

A lunar exploration vehicle is driving fast in the moon sea!

At this moment, all the members of Jiangnan's team had taken the rabbit vomit pills and wore a halo on their heads!

Wang Dalei's eyes were full of excitement: (?°???°)? "Uncle Jiang? What are you going to do? Whose do you want to do first? If you want me to say, you should do the Eagle Country Base first!"

"After all, their eagle's nest situation is quite dishonest, and Daotian who meets them is not afraid!"

"I will smash the darkness with thunder, and I will overturn one by one!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, and I wanted to ask, are you doing it seriously?

No wonder Da Lei’s nephew is so active. It turns out that Da Lei’s intentions are not between my uncle and Nicole?

(¬?¬) "Are you in a hurry? He's on the moon, so he can still run? Of course you have to pick a hard pinch first!"

"It's okay to go to the Star City in the United States first, and save them to come to our Silvermoon City to do things!"

Wang Dalei was startled: "Go to the United States? There is Pierce Martin over there! Not so good, right?"

Jiang Nan smiled straightly: ?(??w??)? "Much trouble, I have hammered both of them, I have experience! You will be over with your Uncle Jiang!"

While talking, the exploration car teleports and wormholes, heading for the quiet sea at high speed!

[Resentment from Vinnie +666! ]

Jiangnan was startled!

Vinnie? Isn't she the big one?

What resentment value did she give me? really weird!

At this moment, Vinnie was scared crazy in Jiangnan's stomach!

Depend on! Gangnam that ate me?

Are you in Jiangnan's belly?

Listening to this situation, Wang Dalei is also with you?

Are they going to Interstellar City to do things?

How to do? How to do?

If I go out on the road, I will run into Wang Dalei directly. I am a little Xingyao who will definitely be smashed to death!

Gangnam is not easy to mess with, right?

Go down the road?

Bah baah baah! I don't even want to kill it!

Fortunately, she's already out, but this girl definitely doesn't want to do it this way?

But Jiangnan and the others are going to Interstellar City to do things. It seems that they can only get a chance to go out when they arrive?

That way, with Lao Pi as a backer, one's own life is guaranteed?

After making up his mind, Vinnie lived directly in Jiang Nan's body!

Humph~ Is this girl so delicious?

Now I can kill you at any time!

Still want to go to Interstellar City to do things? Just wait for this wave to fall back!

[The grievance value from Vinnie is +1000! ]

Jiangnan looked strange!

What the hell? It must be a conspiracy, right?

You have to be careful!

All the way to the interstellar city of the quiet sea!

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment!

Σ(°Д° "Fucking? They are so miserable? How did it happen?"

Judging from the wreckage, this interstellar city should have been quite big, but now it is so big?

Wang Dalei looked anxious!

"Uncle Jiang, just say what you want!"

His heart had gone to the base of Flying Eagle Country a long time ago?

Jiang Nan smiled: "Pierce's space system is pretty tricky, but I'm not afraid!"

"Aren't we here to demolish their house?"

Zhong Yingxue was full of curiosity: (??????) "Xiao Nan has a plan?"

Jiang Nan had a mysterious expression on his face, and immediately began to dig out equipment!

At that time, he took out two Teletubbies clothes plugs for Mira and Lan!

At the moment, the two little girls looked excited!

Mila: (o?????????) "As long as the Jiangnan brother confessed, Mila will do anything?"

Lan has already put on a cloak on her body!

?(*′?`*)? "Is there another task?"

Jiangnan coughed slightly: (?°??°) "Arashi, do you know the spacesuit? A special combat spacesuit costs more than 30 million to make, which is worth a lot of money!"

At this moment, Lan's two big eyes turned directly into Xiao Qianqian's appearance, and he nodded frantically!

(?$﹃$?) "Such words? What should I do?"

Jiang Nan smiled smirkly: (???) "You go in stealth with Mila and take out all the spacesuit reserves of Star City! One piece counts as one piece!"

"Let's keep it for them, don't you know?"

Lan patted her chest excitedly: "Don't worry, I will take care of them for them!"

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao on the side looked at them blankly!

The ghost will take care of it?

Do you want to talk about stealing clothes so fresh and refined?

Jiangnan looked straight up!

(??????)? "Remember! We are not stealing, we are doing good deeds!"

"Without the spacesuit, they can't get out of the base at will, nor can they go to other people's bases to make trouble!"

"You can only build on the base honestly, and the moon will become peaceful!"

"We are contributing to the peace of the moon and the future of mankind!"

Lan can't help but nodded: (??????) "Guard the moon! Nan Lan is responsible!"

Wang Dalei covered his face and finally knew Uncle Jiang's plan!

Is he trying to collect all the spacesuits of the major bases, so that they can't go out even if they want to do things?

Take the bamboo shoots, you?

[The grievance value from Vinnie is +1000! ]

This is almost a burst of bamboo shoots, okay?

Immediately Jiangnan began the deployment of the Moon Peace Plan!

"Wait later, let's do this first, and then do this again! Do you know?"

Everyone nodded, and even Zhong Yingxue became excited. Is this the feeling of doing bad things?'s a bit addictive!

Lan is now golden, and all of her spiritual skills are particularly powerful!

Her combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, and with Mila following her, the invisibility cloak hides her figure!

Is it absolutely foolproof?

The plan is deployed!

Everyone immediately started to act!

I saw Wang Dalei turned into a thunder, smashing into the nano energy shield of the interstellar city with the posture of splitting the sky!

"Come out for a fight! A fight!"

This sudden blow directly rang the alarm in the interstellar city!

Pierce was shocked!

Wang Dalei?

Vinnie Martin's actions were exposed, and China and the others came to seek revenge?

In the vine forest outside the God-killing Curse!

Martin squatted behind the leaves anxiously!

The array has been opened once, why won't Vinnie come out yet

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