Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1526: Brother opened your eyes today

At this moment, Ava showed a speed beyond ordinary people, rushing in the battlefield at extreme speed!

And order other one-eyed species to step forward to stop the sprinting Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan is holding Lan and chasing after Ava!

(?°? 監°?)??*???? "Where are you running on your horse! Come over and let me do it!"

Yang Jian:? ? ?

What kind of terrible lines are you? Many people are watching it. Pay attention to your words.

So there was such a scene in the field!

Jiang Nan held Mila, chasing the one-eyed species leader, where could he run, accompanied by Jiang Nan's arrogant laugh!

Wu Liang: (′?(エ)?) "This must be the legendary pop laugh, right?"

Xiong Er stared: (?`??'o) "Hurry up and take back this sentence! So let me talk about it!"

Xia Xiaoxue:?? (???~??)??? "Bah! Fighting! You two are serious!"

Xiao Nan can wave, we can't wave yet?

At this moment, Chen Daoyi and Ye Zhenguo had been confused by the one-eyed seed!

The so-called four punches are hard to beat. There are hundreds of hands, even if Ye Zhenguo wears two punches, he can't hold back the many one-eyed people!

And the energy attack is useless at all, it can only be smashed!

Both Chen Daoyi and Ye Zhenguo became blood gourds!

As I was about to fight, I heard a sound of "Bang Bang Bang" and an arrogant laugh!

The one-eyed species stuck by the two of them was expelled by extremely fast bullets!

"Lailai, where are you going!"

Chen Daoyi and Ye Zhenguo stared blankly at Jiang Nan carrying Lan and whizzing past...

Can't help but wipe the blood on his face!

(#???#) "This kid...should be a diamond, right?"

We played so hard, but when you came up, all the bangs were gone?

Chen Dao spit out blood with his spikes!

(????_???) "Just leave him alone, he is not human?"

At this moment, Ava sees Jiangnan approaching, and she can't help but look at Ruisen in the sky as if asking for help!

Rui Sen's complexion is not good at the moment!

Huaxia is so hard to eat, it has refreshed Rui Sen's cognition!

In such a short period of time, has made a weapon against the one-eyed species?

Plan tactics based on the abilities and weaknesses of the one-eyed species, and have they played back and forth? Change the posture of other countries being crushed before!

It can be said that the one-eyed army lost the most in the storm ocean battlefield!

However, although both sides have suffered war damages, the casualties of the Cyclops are much lower than that of China!

Even if it is such a fight, even if it is exiled, there are only a thousand!

Risen didn't feel distressed at all, but was just a group of mining slaves!

Just use it!

As for the end of the game, Rui Sen will not be able to help, Jiang Ning has been staring at himself!

And Rui Sen is more able to perceive the sidelights from Jiangnan from time to time!

The reason for chasing Ava might be to get me off the court, maybe there is a bigger hole waiting for me!

And there is that troublesome time system, even if it is as strong as Bose, you can't ignore time!

I'm not fooled!

It's better to wait for the Star Devourer to come over and make a final word!

Seeing Rui Sen not coming down, Jiang Nan's mouth curled up!

If you don't end the game, I'm not very polite, just to verify your own thoughts!

While thinking about it, a teleport rushed to Ava!

Take Lan and head towards Ava!

"Give me your way!"

Seeing that Rui Sen didn't mean to help at all, Ava was even more anxious!

Do you have to rely on yourself?

"My mother fights with you!"

While talking, there was an extreme dodge, and the whole body thundered, and suddenly rushed to the side of the Jiangnan!

The action even surpassed Jiangnan's reaction speed, avoiding the exile bombardment!

Raise his fist and smash it towards Jiangnan's temple!

The brain sends instructions to the body with a delay of several milliseconds!

Mira's time was still before she even had time to let it go!

However, Jiangnan didn't panic at all!


At this moment, the logistics department outside the city wall!

There is a lot of fighting outside, and there is a mess here too!

And only one figure seemed out of place!

I saw Hoshinobuki holding a laurel silver vine and hanging on it, closing his eyes and shrinking his head, shivering!


Only in this way can she find a sense of security?

(???????﹏???????) "Woo~ good~ but~ scared! Who~ come~..."

In the next instant, the star field blowing on Yueteng suddenly disappeared and turned into a Jiangnan Hushu!


As her own special tool Ji, how could she not leave a space mark on her body?

Ava felt that there was a flower in front of her, and the Jiangnan in front of her became Hoshinobu!

She doesn't care! One can be hammered to death!

Hoshinobuki: (????)? ? ?

Her body sensed the danger, and she didn't even use her brain to send instructions. She instinctively started the slow field!

The light green light burst in an instant, covering a 3,000-meter radius!

And the one-eyed species in the slow field all started to slow motion at this moment, as if they were playing a hundred times slower!

Hoshinobuki:? ()? "Uncle~uncle~ah!"

Seeing Ava's fist smashed toward her temple, there were only 20 centimeters left, and she was still approaching slowly and firmly!

Hoshino blew tears on the spot and turned to leave!

The speed of escape is not as fast as Ava's fist!

Ava is also dumbfounded, what's the matter with this special cat?

In normal times, my old lady has hammered her to death a hundred times, how could it be so slow?

However, the goose was not panicking at the south of the Yangtze River at the moment, staring at Hoshino and blowing!

Take Lan and Mira off from her body!

(????)? "Go! Keep cleaning the battlefield, brother is about to start doing things!"

Speaking of a teleport, there is no shadow!

Lan and Mira both looked confused. What is Jiang Nan doing?


At this moment, Nightingale heads out on the battlefield with a piercing cone in one hand, killing him like a Flash!

I'm playing hard!

Jiang Nan appeared in front of Nightingale in an instant, hugged him up and carried it on his shoulders to take away!

Nightingale: ('?w?)? ? ?

Are the one-eyed species also dumbfounded? What's wrong? Stop fighting?

Just left?

Nightingale said anxiously: "What are you doing? I still..."

However, before Nightingale finished speaking, Jiang Nan took out a Bobo lipstick and stuffed it into Nightingale's hand!

(?°???°) "Stop talking! Kiss me! Take a couple of mouthfuls!"

Nightingale was startled. Is this the tool Ji?

So Nightingale, who dared not delay, quickly put on lipstick on her mouth!

But as if suddenly remembering something, the pretty face blushed immediately!

(〃?W?) "You can do it too, but I can't do it for nothing! I want to..."

Jiangnan: (#???)? "Little Pudding, right? Arrangement!"

Nightingale is anxious: (???~???) "Oh! No~ Yes...I want two oranges...Oranges, will you send me two after this time?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (#?????) "Oranges? Are you crazy? Little Pudding doesn't want you to have oranges!"

Nightingale's face turned even more red, and she was too anxious, so she hurried to Jiang Nan's ear, bit her ear, and murmured a few words!


I saw Jiang Nan's expression changed from stunned to shocked!

Nightingale clasped her fingers, her face was embarrassed!

(︶.?︶) "I'm not greedy, like Xia Yao, oranges are so spicy that they are too big!"

" can also experience the feeling of being grown up with your own hands!"

Jiangnan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, she brought the big one by herself!

Co-authored Nightingale is a big red envelope drawn out of a small cupping pot?

Do you want to be so extreme?

How much do you care!

But feeling the ribs of Nightingale on his shoulders, Jiang Nan's mouth twitched!

Are you embarrassing my brother too?

"Okay! Don't say two, I will send you even 20! Hurry up!"

Nightingale's eyes are full of joy, and now she also owns what she can't get in her daily life?

Send me 20 ghosts?

Isn't that bad enough?

(???3?) "No, no! Two is enough! You are so kind!"

He pursed his mouth while he was speaking, and hugged Jiangnan with a bang!

I was shocked by hundreds of lip prints, and even the inside of my short sleeves was lifted up and full of prints!

At this moment after dawn, the people here are all exploded!

How laid-back are you? How much respect the one-eyed species, okay?

Is it okay if you want to play half way?

Any encouragement?

What happened to the one-eyed species who were playing in slow motion in that circle?

Jiang Nan, who was babbled by Nightingale, laughed loudly, with lip prints all over his body, full of confidence!

"Extreme speed!"

Jiangnan at this moment has undoubtedly become the fastest southerner in the field!

A violent charge led Nightingale into the slow domain!

Under the action of the slow light, all the one-eyed species in the range are in slow motion, with thunder shining on their bodies, trying to escape the slow field!

Jiang Nan and Nightingale have speed blessings, although the action has slowed down!

But it is also much faster than ordinary people, and can even move freely in the slow field!

At this moment, Nightingale couldn't help but show killing intent in her eyes!

Ben'er with two small planes in his hand, he smashed it according to the one-eyed eyeballs!

"I don't think you can avoid it!"

Open the scoop to the one-eyed species one by one!

Jiangnan is taking a small four-way step, watching Nightingale slaughter the four directions in the slow field, Geigei is happy!

Da la la ~ (????)?

This is really smashing the eyeballs of Xia Ben'er! Opened eyes to the one-eyed species!

I saw Jiang Nan sneak up to her in Ava's horrified eyes!

At this moment, her fist was still three centimeters away from the temple where Hoshino was blowing!

This is also the result of her hard work for so long!

Jiang Nan looked at Ava with a devilish smile on his face!


"Hey~ Big-eyed cute girl! Cupping? Brother opened your eyes today!"

The Nightingale, who opened her eyes to the one-eyed species, was stunned!

∑(°口°?) What?

What are you talking about?

This special cat is doing it! For the future of mankind?

If you don't kill her, you still ask her if she wants cupping?

Your head is watt, right you?

Ava looked at her under control, anxious!

But even if she tried harder, her body was still slow and pitiful, and she was crazy!

What are these weird abilities?

So what is cupping?

However, she soon learned, and she saw Jiang Nan directly took out a small cupping pot from her pocket!

In the crowd's stunned eyes, they pressed directly on Ava's one eye!

Vigorously right-handed! Start star cutting mode!

At this moment, a dazzling red light lit up on the small cup!

Ava:! !

What are you doing to people's eyes when you step on horses?

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