Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1530: Let me use it! (Plus more)

Now Wang Dalei, Chen Dao, and Ye Zhenguo all rushed up!

The wolf-toothed leg in his hand, Kang Tong's fist, smashed the clattering Clegg on the body!

Ye Zhenguo hit his head for a while, like a drum!

And Chen Daoyi flushed with excitement, and I usually get beaten!

Is there finally a chance to fight another Daotian today?

And is he an undefeated boxer who has long been known internationally?

Do you have a face when you go out and brag?

I have to say that the feeling of beating is really refreshing!

In a blink of an eye, Clegg was already covered in blood!

Although he is the Daotian of the Beastization System, his physical fitness is strong!

However, the splintery legs are inlaid with fragments of the eye mask, and even the eye mask can be broken, and naturally it can break Clegg's defense!

Craig: (#)??Д??(#)! ! !

You can't do that! We are teammates, teammates fighting side by side!

Don’t just hit me just because I’m an ally, Yu Guo Daotian!

I've never suffered this kind of fat beating in my life?

[The grievance value from Craig +1000! ]

At this moment, Jiangnan is still eating small ginseng, so that he will not be beaten to death!

As a result, as soon as the little ginseng touched his belly, Craig turned into a human shower, with seven or eight hundred holes in his body spitting blood in all directions at the same time!

The whole person is missing!

All the holes in the body that make the spikes pierced!

Clegg's eyes were filled with despair!

Jiangnan comforted while feeding!

(.???)? "Grandpa Craig! Don't be sad, be optimistic, face it calmly!"

"As long as we look at the world from another angle, the world is still very beautiful!"

"You can resist the attacks of the four Daotians without dying! This is what ordinary people can do? You can't!"

Craig's liver trembled, so I have to unload you?

At this moment, Nicole looked a little shy!

Tweaked: (?????) "Hey? Four Daotians, I... can I also fight?"

Jiangnan waved his hand and his face was generous!

(︶?︶?)? "What are you polite? Just fight! It's my own family, presumably Grandpa Craig won't mind!"

Wang Dalei also gave Nicole a position intimately!

Nicole's pretty face flushed with excitement!

(??????) "Uncle Crab Jiang!"

After all, I only have Daotian II, such a fierce Daotian as Clegg, I usually dare not take the measure!

So rushed up and shook the wind blade at Craig's Back Autumn!

[The grievance value from Craig is +1001! ]

What are you doing? You should be mine!

Don't be so generous at this time, okay?

Daotian slapped the group of people frantically, while Jiangnan turned his head to look at the Star Devouring Giant!

Sure enough, the action of the Star Devourer was too stiff!

From time to time, the huge insect body is sunken into a piece, shaking constantly!

Sometimes even blood holes are torn out of thin air, and the orange blood rushes like a waterfall!

But it will be back soon!

And the painful star-eating giant insect swallows it even more crazily!

The original heavy energy wall is now as thin as a cicada's wings!

At this moment, the garrison on the battlefield has basically completed its withdrawal!

Zhong Yingxue and the others have also returned to the God Killing Curse array!

In the City of Silver Moon, anyone with a little ability blasted the energy wall inside, accumulating energy for the God Killing Curse Array!

Zhong Yingxue even opened the nine-headed phoenix and went crazy!

Even the Giant Cannon of Killing Gods was pulled out and shot towards the energy wall!

But even so, the speed of replenishment is far inferior to the speed of consumption!

At this moment, the small cupping pot on Rui Sen's head stood on the void, controlling the army of one-eyed species and watching!

He was not inferior enough to allow the one-eyed species to attack the God Killing Curse Array and help his opponent accumulate energy!

I saw Rui Sen's eyes full of fierceness at this moment!

"As long as the curse is broken, you can all wait to die! Swallow me! Swallow fiercely!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

It can't go on like this!

(#??口??) "Sister Ningning! Find a way to charge the curse array, and give me the money printing bug!"

Then he turned around and confessed: "You guys fight first!"

Clegg is almost crying, so there is no need to explain it, right?

So Jiang Nan turned his head and rushed towards the Star Devouring Giant Insect!

Now, that can only be a trick!

However, Jiang Ning is mad, recharge? How to charge...

Suddenly, Jiang Ning seemed to remember something!

The body disappeared instantly...

The logistics department at this moment is busy retreating!

After the half-dead Batty was treated by the recovery system, although he was still angry, he at least woke up!

As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was the scene of China fighting with the one-eyed species, and the star-eating giant insect swallowing the formation!

At this moment, Batty's eyes are full of sorrow!

I thought I was dead, but didn't I expect that Huaxia, who I wanted to rob, saved me in the end?

It's really...

Batty didn't know what it was like in her heart at this moment!

As strong as China, is it also defeated?

At this moment, Batty has no idea how to win!

At this moment, Jiang Ning suddenly appeared in front of Batty with the Mi Lan combination!

Jiang Ning said anxiously: (?`~?'o) "Don't lie down and don't work, we don't raise idlers, let me use the power!"

Batty:? ? ?

Before he could reply, Jiang Ning plunged into Batty's body, and the light burst into bloom!

I saw Barty's body become dry at a speed visible to the naked eye!


This wave almost didn't directly **** Batty to death!

Batty was stunned, and I used so much energy to escape, just to prevent others from re-engraving his power!

Unexpectedly, he was still sucked?

The sucked Batty rolled his eyes on the spot, his heart stopped beating, his soul was out of his body, and he was about to burp!

And Jiang Ning had already rushed out of Batty's body, the horn above his head was blooming with scarlet light!

Go straight to the God Killing Curse Array!

At this moment, Mira was looking back at Batty's single time!

Frozen is to pull Batty back from the ghost gate!

Batty, who was awakened suddenly, gasped, with a look of horror!


what's the situation? How come there was an old woman...

Hiss~ Bring me back again?

What level of nanny is this?

Why do you feel like being used as a tool?

Jiang Ning rushed to the top of the God Killing Curse Array and waved his bare hand!

"Element extraction? Helium 3!"

"Super? Helium flash!"


The blazing white light swept away, and the violent explosion turned the sky and the earth into white!

The powerful energy impact made the God Killing Curse Array absorb the terrifying energy, and the wall of the Array thickened at an astonishing speed!

The scope of nuclear fusion is extremely terrifying, destroying everything along the way!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Depend on! Is this sucking Batty?


Seeing the explosion hit, Jiang Nan, who could not help it, quickly took out the floor cloth and wrapped himself in a ball!

"Don't charge me money this time! I have made so much money before!"

[(︶~︶?) Hmm~]

In an instant, Jiang Nan's figure was swallowed!

And at this moment, even the several Daotianqiangqiang groups in the distance were affected!

Seeing the impact of helium flash, I felt audacious in my heart!

At this moment, just listen to Chen Dao's drink!

(??????口???) "Quick! All hiding behind me!"

A few people's eyes lit up, is it possible that he has any defensive tricks?

So they hid behind Chen Daoyi!

I saw Chen Dao grabbing Clegg one by one, blocking him as a human shield, facing the helium flash impact!

Craig:! ! !

I'm ~%?...;#*’☆&!

Who did you learn from riding a horse!

No no no! I'm so stupid to withstand this stuff!


The powerful impact immediately hit Craig's body!

People are blown up!

However, Rui Sen didn't panic at all, and directly let the one-eyed army activate the energy absorption mode!

Free replenishment of energy, no replenishment, no replenishment!

This is undoubtedly giving the one-eyed species the cost of battery life!

But at this moment, I can no longer control too much spicy!

No matter what, you must keep the God Killing Curse Array, or it will be all over!

At this moment, Jiang Ning's helium flashes continuously, constantly charging the curse array!

The Star Devourer is always biting the curse array with its big mouth, absorbing the energy of the curse array!

This is a special problem for elementary school!

Ask how long it will take to fill the pool at the same time!

But the problem now is that even so, the swallowing speed of the Star Devouring Giant Worm is still much faster than the replenishment speed!

The Deity Killing Curse Array obviously won't last long!

In the city of Silvermoon at this moment, the scene looking outside is extremely terrifying!

On one side is a huge mouth of a 15-kilometer abyss, on the other side is a flash of helium that is as bright as incandescent!

No matter which side is the existence that can destroy a city!

My mind trembled just by looking at it!

Han Menglu said anxiously: "Secretary General! Start the backup plan! With the current situation, it can't last long!"

Yang Jian's steel teeth clenched: "Hold on! Hold on for a while! Sooner or later we have to face the star-eating giant, and it is also an existence that must be faced!"

"Accumulate more experience, collect data, even if you persist for a minute, it will be a gain! Wait a minute!"

At this moment, David was so frightened that he ran out of the reach with the camera long ago!

The powerful helium flash tore the white clouds on the silver moon force field to pieces. After the dawn at this moment, the hearts of the people also raised their throats!

"This horse riding is too fierce? Huaxia actually fought against the one-eyed army like this? Now it's a death fight?"

"Hold on! You must hold on! If you lose, there is really no hope!"

"This star-eater is too strong. As soon as it came out, the advantages that China had just accumulated disappeared, and it was defeated like a mountain! This thing is simply a bug!"

"I can't think of anything that can handle this Star Devouring Giant Worm? Hey, what do you think? There is a figure on the back of the Star Devouring Giant Worm! Southern God! It's the Southern God!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the past!

Under the flames and raging smoke, the smoke filled the gunpowder, Jiangnan was dressed in glazed armor, tied with a floor cloth cloak, and rushed to the back of the star-eater giant!

Rushing all the way, he actually stood on the mouth of the nine-petal huge mouth!

Everyone was shocked!

Nanshen is so courageous!

It's all in this situation, but he didn't even enter the formation, and he was still fighting outside?

And have all climbed up the mouth of the Star Devouring Giant Worm?

Is this too hard? Do you want to die?

Looking at the tiny figure on the Star Devouring Giant Worm, everyone felt that their hearts were surging, and their eyes were wet!

Under this circumstance, Nanshen is still fighting, using his life to fight for opportunities!

Don’t need any gorgeous words to prove Jiangnan’s consciousness!

At this moment, the figure standing on the giant star-eater is the most powerful proof!

However, the next moment, Jiang Nan raised his hand and waved, revealing a big hole in the space!

Tons of golden waterfalls spilled down the mouth of the star-eater giant insect!

Look at my trick, smash the peas!

At this moment, everyone on the Blue Star was as silent as death!

You are riding a horse!

This Southern God actually tried to feed the star-eating giant worms to eat small soybeans!

You risked your life to rush over to do this?

We are moved back to you!

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