Seeing Jiang Nan's face full of criticism, Yang Jian explained it to him!

I also gave Jiangnan a look at the post sent by the International Lingwu Alliance!

"I also emphasized that you must be present. You are also a member of the Alliance Council!"

"The invitation letter has already been sent to China, will it be sent to Silvermoon City soon?"

Looking at that post, Jiang Nan gave a fierce slap in the face!

(#?﹏?#) "No, no, no! I don't want to go, if I go, I'll be gone! I won't go if I'm killed~"

Talking about a teleport and hiding behind Xue Xuelang, shivering...


Yang Jian rolled his eyes!

(??д??*) "Are you afraid of wool? We will go with you too!"

"Furthermore, you have contributed to the current situation of the alliance. Whoever is not there, you must get the field?"

"Otherwise this will not open at all!"

Xia Yao chuckled: (??.??) "Xiao Nan should be afraid of being beaten?"

Zhong Yingxue touched Jiangnan's little head!

(????)? "I should be beaten, I can't run away even after a meal~"

Jiangnan is almost crying, but others are not afraid of it!

The key is that the bad sister will definitely go, right?

She is the queen of the city that never sleeps, and must be a member of the council!

It was too late for him to hide, and they all hid to the moon. Once they went to the Sun Island for a meeting, she would definitely be caught by her!

Will the cliff be beaten up and sucked dry by her?

Senbon Sakurahide clenched his fists, his face firm!

(??????)?? "Boss Jiang is not afraid! As your most loyal worker, I will protect you!"

"Before you protected me, now it's my turn to protect you!"

Liuhua on the side is full of teasing!

(幛.? 乛?) "啧啧啧~"

Speaking of this, Senbon Sakura's face flushed!

Jiangnan rolled his eyes!

(??~???) "You can protect me, you will be hung up and beaten!"

Senbon Sakura: (*???) "No! I don't believe it!"

Bai Kou smiled and said: (??????) "And me! I'm not afraid!"

Even Chen Daoyi and Ye Zhenguo patted their chests to make sure!

Only Batty is curious, who can make Devil Jiang be afraid of this?

Yang Jian was full of helpless eyes: "You really have to go. Although this joint matter is led by the International Lingwu Alliance, it will save us from some troubles led by Huaxia!"

"But it has also lost the absolute dominant decision-making power. Other countries may also unite, let us bleed, and use the opportunity to suppress our advantage!"

"Like the Star Gate, the God Killing Curse Formation, the formula of the rabbit spit pill, various methods, it is possible to be asked to share it, it is not impossible to take it out, but..."

"But you can't take it out for nothing, then you can't die? know!"

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright, so this is for me to raise the price? Can you win enough benefits for China in the alliance?

I'm the best at bargaining and ripping off!

However, even though the Lingwu Alliance of the Neutral Cube jumped out to lead the alliance at this time, there is a suspicion of picking fruits!

But it did exempt China and United from some risks, but for China, it also lost its absolute dominance and right to speak!

There are good and bad, Jiangnan does not hate or admire it!

But as long as you can unite against the enemy, you won't be so particular about this situation!

(??????)? "Go! Go! Who dared to talk to Lao Tzu at the table when I saw it!"

Just die, it just so happens that this wave of resentment is clear!

Why shouldn't he make him come back this time?

Only with confidence in your hands!

I went there to make them angry!

Yang Jian covered his face, and felt flustered when he thought of taking Jiangnan to the meeting!

At this moment, Vinnie raised her hand!

(?~?)? "Nei~Why haven't the U.S. and the Vatican come here yet?"

Jiang Nan was also stunned, he did not see Pierce and the others, shouldn't he belch?

That's the Space Department, it's dead for nothing!

The corner of Jiang Tianchen's mouth twitched: "Photographed by Moonnet Satellite, Pierce should have teleported back to Blue Star with someone, and Salman is with them!"

"I guess he was hunted down on the moon, right?"

Jiangnan was stunned, good fellow! Teleport back to dry? Pierce is pretty reckless?

The Dawn War came to an end, and when the energy was almost exhausted, the one-eyed species stopped pursuing them, but chose to return to their garrison!

As for Bai Kobig Senbonzakura, they all went home through the star ring, each back to each house, each looking for each mother, to prepare for the Blue Star round table meeting!

Bai Kou left Momo and Hart in the City of Silver Moon!

After all, it is better to put the star ring on the moon, so that it can keep connected with the Goose country at any time.

Anyway, it won’t take long before everyone will see each other again!

The Silvermoon City also got busy here, after all, many one-eyed corpses were obtained!

Extracting eye masks and making anti-pupil weapons is even more important!

And Jiang Nan was not idle, but ran to the laboratory in a hurry!

He hasn't forgotten that the dead Ava is still there!

At this moment, Ava is still sucking a small cupping pot in her eyes...

Jiang Nan rubbed his hands and laughed!

(???????) "Look at Lao Tzu pulling out your eyes!"

While speaking, he took out a small cupping pot and faced Ava's eyes violently!

When the seventh pot was pulled out, Ava's eyeballs were finally pulled out!

Be properly kept by Jiangnan!

It stands to reason that this watermelon eye can be transplanted to other one-eyed species!

A watermelon eye can be equivalent to the terrifying power of the Daotian level. For other one-eyed species, it is a fatal temptation!

A crazy plan took shape in Jiangnan's mind!

Can't help but make (???????????) "Goose Box ~ Goose Box Box" laughter!

Everyone else in the laboratory looked at Jiang Nan with horror!

How persistent is Nanshen about giving people eyeballs cupping? Go to the laboratory to pull someone out?

Jiang Nan was having fun, and he felt like someone slapped himself on the shoulder!

I saw that Nightingale didn't know when she stood behind her, her fingers wrapped around her hair, her pretty face flushed!

(*?w?) "I said yes, send me two!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (?????) "I will send you two of what?"

Nightingale is anxious: (??????)? "You are not allowed to cheat you! I have kissed you so much! It's not that I'm going to send me two... Uh~ hurry up!"

When he said that, he stretched out his small hand towards Jiangnan, and the other hand had already put the knife rest on Jiangnan's neck!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Talk as you speak, don't put the knife on your neck, lean!

Jiang Nan just remembered, and couldn't help but raise his head, his eyes fell on Nightingale's chest!

This... must be the legendary tablet, right? Is the brainwave of Big Wolf Destroy totally different?

"You... are you sure you want?"

Nightingale stared: (??ˇ~ˇ?) "Why don't you? You don't know how long I want! I want to dream! Give it to me quickly!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, took out two small cups and stuffed them into Nightingale's arms...

"Hey~ take it!"

nightingale:? ? ?

She suddenly remembered how Hoshino's eyes had been swollen before blowing, but the swelling hasn't disappeared yet!

Depend on!

The so-called big red envelope is swollen, is it okay?

[The grievance value from Nightingale +1000! ]

"I want the swollen ones too! It's better than nothing!"

Speaking with a firm face, he turned around and went back to the room to pull it out!

Jiang Nan quickly grabbed Nightingale: "You really pull it out? You can't pull this thing yourself, I have to pull it out for you!"

Nightingale was startled fiercely, and then his face blushed!

Jiangnan pull it out for me? Wouldn't it be all for him to see?

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Go to hell! Talk nonsense! You just want to see me! Don't show it!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't lie to you! This thing is called a small cupping pot, Rui Sen, you have also seen it, this thing can't be pulled out by yourself!"

"So I can only pull it out for you! Besides, why are you ashamed? Haven't I seen it before?"

"You and I are all brothers! Are you okay? You are not as big as Wu Liang, and you are quite concealed?"

"Even if you are shirtless walking around in Silvermoon City, no one will look at you more, right?"

[The grievance value from Nightingale is +1007! ]

(?°?益°?) "I hacked you to death! Now hacked you to death!"

The two knives are like mincing meat, slashing violently against Jiangnan!

Jiangnan crazy teleport to dodge!

(.?3?) "Hey~ Can't cut it? Slightly~"

There is such a good opportunity to earn grievances, but you can't let it go!

[From Nightingale...]

In the end, Nightingale still compromised. After all, she kept carrying two small cups on her chest and couldn't pull it out. Is that too strange?

But showing Jiangnan is designated not to be shown to him!

I don't want face?

So, in Nightingale's room!

Jiang Nan was lying on the wall of the living room, while Nightingale was in the bedroom, the door was locked tightly!

Jiang Nan's face was black: (????????????)? "Are you sure?"

Nightingale's voice came from inside: "Don't you have a space wormhole, and you can open two pairs?"

"Use the wormhole to break through the wall, and then stick the small cup on the wormhole! Anyway, I can't show it to you! Hurry up!"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, but you can't figure it out!

Then reluctantly opened the space wormhole and mastered the distance!

With two small cups, he hit the wall!

?(o~o?) "Is this the head office?"

At this moment, the nightingale in the bedroom looked at the two holes on the wall and took a deep breath, her face resolute!

So he unbuttoned his shirt, aligned his position, and stuck himself on the wall!

Even the face is turned to one side, otherwise it won't stick at all!

(???﹏???) "Okay... Alright!"

At this moment, Nightingale just feels that his heart is about to jump out of his throat!

At this moment, Jiang Nan in the living room was holding two small cups with a strange expression. Why did he feel strange?

Can't help but fill up the scene in the bedroom!

???(??????) "Puff~hahaha!"

nightingale:! ! !

(??????) "Laugh! You still laugh! Say! Did you see you?"

Normally, you would never laugh in this situation, right?

You are Chi Guoguo's insult, you!

[The grievance value from Nightingale +1000! ]

"Quickly pull it out! Or you scream, shark!"

Jiang Nan Qiang held back his smile: "Then this old man, do you want to drop two stars to get two big red envelopes, or just drop something to get red envelopes?"

nightingale:? ? ?

Can I still choose? Falling stars? That's definitely not possible?

It took a lot of effort for me to go to Xingyao!

(o?`з?') "Throw something away! Anyway, just send me a big red envelope, I'm willing to do anything else!"

Jiangnan was speechless, and was almost moved by Nightingale's persistence!

So hurriedly turn the small cupping pot to the left and start the unplugging mode!

The next ultimate sense of comfort spread throughout the body, and Nightingale buckled the wall coverings to pieces, and resisted not making a sound!

A face melted!


The red awns on the two small cups are also shining to the extreme!

Jiang Nan was also a little worried, wondering what the little cupping pot would pull out!

However, the next moment, I saw the two small cupping pots were removed!

Two words were suddenly displayed above!

"Nail" "nail"

Jiangnan: (·?????)? ? ?

What does it mean? Nightingale had a broken bone and a steel nail in his body?


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