Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1578: Assembly line operation

As more and more grapefruit-level one-eyed enter the store, Jiangnan is also completely busy!

Every time a one-eyed species enters the store, the stock of pomelo eyes in Jiangnan will increase by +1!

Massage routines, cupping takes away one-stop!

The one-eyed species outside the door is waiting in line to be dazzling!

The scene is extremely hot!

Freya Miyazaki Musashi and Liuhua have all been used by Jiangnan as a one-eyed species to break into the garrison!

Before leaving, I ate plenty of small pudding and dog biscuits!

Can maintain the shape of the one-eyed species!

Mainly responsible for advertising the dazzling Miao Miao House as an eye support!

You can also cooperate with Xiao Walnut's future rebellion in the garrison!

It's all the ink that Jiangnan spilled into the basin!

And Little Walnut's movements were also very fast, and within a short while, a group of crooked melons and cracked dates were assembled and entered the dark room of the compartment through the back door!

Jiangnan's massage routine here, a bunch of oranges in the dark room listen carefully!

Then he pulled out his eyes and threw his corpse, came out of the dark room with an orange level, and performed an eye replacement operation!

After the transformation is completed, go out and mix into the garrison, advertise, and fool more garrisons to come over to do eye exercises!

As for appearance, after the orange eyes are transformed by the grapefruit eyes, there is almost no difference in body shape!

In addition, it is the eyes of others, and after using it to transform it, it looks almost the same as the original one!

Moreover, most of the pupils recognize people by their eyes, and they are all faces when they go out!

It can be said that this set of processes has formed a complete assembly line operation!

The one who came in was the garrison, and the one who went out was his own!

And the dazzling Miao Miao House is an excellent cover!

But Jiangnan also had to consider the question of whether the grievance value is enough!

After all, an eye change operation requires a lot of small cupping pots!

This thing is a new consolation prize. It cannot be purchased temporarily. It can only be obtained from thank you for your patronage!

With the current stock of resentment in Jiangnan, it can't last long!

After all, to complete this plan requires a lot of eye changes!

Jiangnan who can't help it can only use tricks!

As the saying goes, the wool comes out of the sheep!

Every one-eyed species who is subjected to eye exercises will enjoy the full range of services from Jiang Ditao! It's cool to dig him!

He even disliked the slow earning of resentment value, and while digging out the big red envelope that he pulled out of his eyes!

What about customer resistance?

The role of Hoshinobuki is revealed, controlling the slow area to cover the scope of the shop!

Nightingale will blow Jiangnan and Hoshino again to gain extreme speed, and customers will have no chance to resist!

You can only get a peach and hammer, frantically refresh the resentment value, until it is enough for an eye change operation!

Even Nightingale has become a one-eyed cute girl and an employee of Mrs. Jiang!

Because the hand speed is extremely fast, pressing several at a time is not a problem, and the efficiency is up!

Even the people who Xiao Walnut greeted over were a bit unable to keep up with the change!

Busy and sweaty!

Zhang San on the side opened his mouth wide, and watched with a look of horror as Jiang Nan frantically paid a peach and hammer to a customer who was lying on the bed so slow that he could hardly move!

Where do you come to enjoy this store? Obviously came to suffer?

Not only to be dazzled, but even to be beaten?

This is too bad, right?

Nanshen is not appropriate at all?

The plan is proceeding smoothly, and there are more and more small walnuts in the garrison!

The whole pupil city began to be eaten away silently, and the reputation of the dazzling Miao Miao House is getting bigger and bigger!

After all, there are only about ten days left before dawn, and Jiangnan has no time to waste!

In Tongcheng, Jiangnan is working hard for his rebellion plan!

But in the City of Silver Moon, no one knew that Jiang Nan was in Tong City, and they thought that he had gone to the core of the Space Lingxu!

Only Yang Jian knew about this!

Now in Silvermoon City, the Matrix Alliance has begun to take shape!

The second batch of anti-pupil weapons from Boss Pang Arsenal has been delivered!

The guerrilla detachment headed by Daotian has also been formed!

And equipped with a sufficient amount of Hitomi steel anti-Tongzu weapons, he began to harass Moon Eye from all directions!

The enemy advances, I retreat! The enemy stationed me! The enemy is tired, I fight! I will chase the enemy back!

Thanks to the anti-pupil weapons and equipment, the guerrilla detachment has the ability to restrain the one-eyed army!

In addition, the members are carefully matched, the combat survivability is extremely strong, and the mobility is even worse!

And there is also the Daotian-level powerhouse town!

Every team, like a sharp blade, is constantly attacking the mining team stationed in Moon Eye!

Even Zhong Yingxue Xia Yao and the others led the players to join the Crimson team headed by Mi Ye!

Several strikes, the record is quite gratifying!

As for Rui Sen, who presided over the overall situation in Moon Eye, has been mad!

In the face of the constant harassment of human beings, one can only mobilize the one-eyed team to resist, but if they don't fight, they will retreat with one blow!

If you chase it deep, you will encounter several teams' besieging, causing a lot of casualties!

Even if you want a large-scale counterattack, but now the moon is at night, the one-eyed species needs to save energy!

Once there is a large-scale counterattack, the moon eye can't be dug yet?

Under such circumstances, Mooneye's excavation progress has been greatly delayed!

Rui Sen was so angry that he even took Jego to take the initiative to attack several times!

But they were all blocked by Jiang Ning, and the team took the opportunity to ran back to the Curse of the Gods and hid!

Even Temeow shot herself with a plasma cannon, Risen had never been so suffocated before!

They are all annoyed, even if they want to fight back a few hands, they can't grasp the attack position of the guerrilla team at all, and they are in absolute passiveness!

The roar of the edge of the moon's eye at this moment is endless!

Risen blasted a dozen craters to vent his anger!

"~%?...;#*’☆! I'm annoying Lao Tzu, the harassment is endless! Don't let Lao Tzu catch you!"

Yego on the side looked at the furious Risen and did not dare to speak!

Risen tilted his head and asked, "How long will it take to dig into the subject?"

Yego swallowed: "Although the mining team has been continuously infested and the progress has been greatly delayed, the two mining machines are still working!"

"And more and more fire fragments are scattered, at the latest, at the latest, the main body of the fire can almost be dug before dawn!"

Rui Sen's steel teeth clenched: "Okay! Very good! Play with harassment, right? See who can play with whom!"

"Wait for Lao Tzu to put out the fire and dig into the moon, and see what you mean **** do with Lao Tzu!"

What can we do if we are united? We will be annoyed. In the face of the most critical problem, human beings are still powerless to resist!

Can only watch this happen!

The balance of victory is still tilted to Lao Tzu's side!

However, at this moment, a glass of light gathered fiercely in front of Rui Sen!

It was Riya who came!

Rui Sen was startled: "Sister? Why are you here..."

But before Risen could finish speaking, Riya stepped forward and hammered Risen's face with small punches!

(??????)? "Why don't you pick up my Jiaojiao communications? Do you know how many communications I gave you? I can't get through!"

"It made me come looking for you from the Blue Star? Did you do it on purpose? I all...poof hahaha!"

Riya, who was hammering halfway through, went crazy, pointing to the cup on top of Ryson's head and laughing wildly!

???(??????) "What's that! Is the latest headwear? You look super inferior like this~"

Risen:! !

I saw him quickly turned his head, holding his head, with an unlucky expression on his face!

(¬益¬) "What a shit? Even you say me? The ghost's new headgear? Still laughing? I'll hold it back!"

"Laughing again, I will get angry. Due to some force majeure factor, this thing can't be taken down now!"

At this moment, Riya is holding back a smile, and the red pot on the horn of her forehead is too much to make people play, right?

However, Rui Sen was startled!

"Wait...what do you mean? You said my Jiaojiao communication can't get through?"

When mentioning this, Riya became angry again!

(???~??) "No? Otherwise, why do you think I came here to find you?"

At this moment, Rui Sen's face was extremely dark!


I said, why is it so quiet during this time!

Pulling out the can of Jiangnan, the communication function for Lao Tzu's unicorn has been pulled out?

After trying it, Rui Sen realized that he really couldn't communicate with him!

"Damn it! The **** Jiangnan mistaken me!"

[The grievance value from Ruisen is +1003! ]

Riya quickly said: "How is the Wuyue plan going? Are you sure?"

Ryson told Riya about the current situation!

When Riya heard it, her eyes sparkled!

"I said that my preparations will definitely come in handy. I will tell you that mankind held a round table meeting on the moon event on the Sun Islands!"

"These guerrilla strategies were formulated at the meeting, and there is more to it!"

Riya gave all the information she had to Rui Sen, including the two colorful snail shells!

At the moment, Rui Sen's eyes are blooming!

"Good! Very good! Great help! With the internal information of the human camp, you can dig a pit and lay ambush!"

"Guerrilla warfare is very fun, isn't it? Let me see if I can be happy after eating a few of your teams!"

Riya quickly ordered: "This method can only be used once, otherwise humans will suffer successive losses, and they will definitely suspect that there is an inner ghost!"

"Toru can be exposed, but the deepest nail hidden by Master Igor must not be exposed!"

Rui Sen sneered: "Don't worry! I understand! Just one time is enough! It can make them hurt!"

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