Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1583: Big gun and girl! Big crisis

At this moment, Wu Liang had already refused to persuade me and attracted a large number of one-eyed species to hammer him!

Under normal circumstances, Wu Liang would never be able to stop him even if he had a brutal collision!

But Mira sat on Wu Liang's shoulders and expanded the domain of time stillness!

Formed an absolute defense, trapped many one-eyed species!

Wu Liang wheeled two pupil steel giant axes, roaring fiercely toward the eyes of the one-eyed species!

And Xia Yao also opened the Burning Blood? Wolf King, and under the influence of the Nine Stars, the stars around her body had turned into a dazzling crimson red!

Coupled with Wu Liang's war Acura blessing, the speed is fast to the extreme!

Like a silver lightning that shuttles on the battlefield!

"Wolf King? Steel Claw!"

A sharp cold light appeared on the steel wolf claws of the pupil, and it was fleeting!

Hanmang drew an x-shaped trajectory in the air and cut it fiercely on the eyes of the one-eyed species!


The eye mask was broken, the one eye was destroyed, and a violent explosion occurred!

Before the fire hit, Xia Yao had already rushed out, fluttering her furry wolf tail, her eyes full of excitement!

Can't help but correct the headset!

(??????) "Xuexue! The seventh one! Come on! If we lose, we will be bedded at night!"

At this moment, the small dimples in the night sky surrounded by crimson flames are flying fast!

Zhong Yingxue is full of red flames, has opened the Yanling form, and is now lying on the back of the small dimple!

A Hitomi steel anti-equipment sniper cannon is standing in front of him!

The length of the gun body is even higher than Zhong Yingxue!

I saw Zhong Yingxue's face serious, and he was aiming carefully through the scope!


The powerful flame outside the body has been highly compressed and poured into the compression chamber inside the sniper gun!

Because of the high degree of compression, the flame even exudes a hot bright white light!


With a bang, the flames in the compression chamber burst into bursts, bursting with powerful force!

The crimson tongue rushed out dozens of meters along the barrel and the annealing port!

An armor-piercing pupil gunshot was pushed out of the barrel by the powerful explosive impact!

The whole bullet is surrounded by eternal black flame!

The speed was astonishingly fast, and it directly hit a one-eyed species that pounced on Xia Yao from behind, hitting the center of the one-eyed!

The eye mask was broken and exploded violently!

Zhong Yingxue pulled the bolt, reloaded, and compressed the flames crazily again!

(??????????) "Don't think about it! I'm the eleventh one, watch behind you, don't be distracted!"

Xia Yao stuck out her tongue:

?(??????)? "Xuexue is handsome!"

Speaking back, thumbs up towards the sky, and rushed forward again!

Zhong Yingxue uses a sniper cannon specially created by Boss Pang for the output of the fire system!

What is not used to detonate gunpowder, after all, gunpowder does not have any effect in the lunar environment!

Instead, it uses the compressed flames of the fire system to explode and advance the Hitomi steel bullet!

The solid pupil steel can also withstand this kind of impact, but the fire dragon sniper is still burning red under the burst of Zhong Yingxue!

The combination of the big gun and the girl is so cool!

As a fire turret, Zhong Yingxue faces a one-eyed species on the lunar battlefield, and the super output he is proud of is useless!

But Zhong Yingxue is still fighting in this way!

And the number of kills is not low!

The black guns can always be released by surprise, and many one-eyed species have begun to shoot star and pupil cannons into the air!

And the small dimple is to take Zhong Yingxue high-speed maneuver, avoid the star cannon!

Even if there is no air, the small dimple can still fly, and she can still rely on flames to advance!

The most beautiful ones are Lan and Xiong Er. Xiong Er responsibly shakes the mountain, attracts the attention of the one-eyed species with the earthquake ground thorns, interferes with their actions, and induces them to avoid!

Lan teleport and space ejection top flight, then cut a space crack and take it away directly!

But even if they kill again, there won't be a night fast, and the spear will see blood!

With the spider silk entwined, is it okay for the spear to kill the enemy? Full of fairy flavor!

But at this moment, I saw Batty rushing over with his Atomic Team and Craig and Merlin's Sunset Red Team!

Listening to Batty laugh all the way away!

"As expected of the Scarlet Queen! The action is fast enough!"

Mi Ye rolled her eyes in an annoyed way: "It's still not fast enough, you guys slow down, this king will finish work in a while!"

Craig rushed into the battlefield with a brand-new Hitomi steel glove, and smashed the Quartet!

"No wonder the queen! It took a while to eat another one-eyed squad on the way!"

Mi Ye didn't care: "Speed ​​clean up the battlefield!"

For some reason, the fighting instinct made her feel uneasy!

Merlin was even more crazy, the old woman was holding the Tonggang electromagnetic cannon!

As for the source of the high-energy current, she is herself!

The multiple types of weapons made by Boss Pang’s arsenal allow various elemental systems to burst out their due lethality!

It won’t take long for this one-eyed species to be swallowed up!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue's pupils shrank sharply, her pretty face pale!

"Crap! I was pitted! Withdraw! Hurry..."

Before the words were finished, the dense star-pupil cannon lit up the entire night sky almost instantly!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Little Dimple in the air can't hide!

Miye raised his hand and shot out the spider silk to pull the small dimple down from the sky!

But it's too late!

I saw Lan teleported into the air, raising her little hand!

"Space Rubik's Cube!"

In an instant, the small dimples of Zhong Yingxue in the sky shifted and the star pupils smashed through the screen!

Flatten the distant mountains outside the crater, and the flames are everywhere!

Before everyone cleared up the formation, the crater on one side was violently shattered!

With full firepower, Yego rushed over at a speed beyond what the naked eye could catch, and came to Mi Ye's side almost in the blink of an eye!

Murderous intent in the eyes!

Mi Ye drew his spear instantly, just about to move, but Yego's visual lock had already landed on Mi Ye's body, she couldn't move, and the blood armor quickly covered her face!

However, a swing fist hit Mi Ye’s temple fiercely,


The earth was shattered by the pouring of wild power, and Mi Ye's body was rotated and flew out!

Like a bulldozer, plow deep gully on the ground!

Ordinary Daotian, just this one will blow his head!

Yego's physical fitness is no joke!

Zhong Yingxue's expression was solemn: "It was a premeditated ambush, and the number of one-eyed species that came in might be close to ten thousand!"

"Hurry up and inform the Secretary-General if there are other teams nearby that can come and support! If it doesn't work, we can only break through!"

Craig is already in touch!

But at that moment, there was a harsh rustling sound from everyone's communicators!

Looking up at the sky, I saw a few purple rays flashing!

Fire burst out in the dark night sky!

Barty looked gloomy: "It's the satellite that was smashed into pieces. Tsk tsk tsk-have these grandchildren learned?"

At this moment, the three guerrilla detachments were surrounded by tens of thousands of one-eyed species, and their communications were cut off!

Is there only one way left to break through?

Batty glared fiercely!

"The one-eyed king? I want to try you early on my horse!"

All the matter around Barty's body was shattering into pieces while speaking!

"Hey hey hey! Don't talk to yourself! Are you looking down on this king?"

"Snatch this king's prey? Have I agreed?"

In the huge pit that was smashed out, Mi Ye's eight spider legs protruded and stood up from the pit supporting her!

The blood armor on the face was shattered, the black hair was a little messy, the brown sunglasses had long been broken, and they were picked off by Mi Ye and thrown aside!

The noise from the communicator made Mi Ye a little irritable, and she raised her hand and threw it to the ground to crush!

Blood gushed from the hideous wound that was torn open on the forehead, ran across the cheek and dripped to the ground along the chin!

I saw a curve of Mi Ye's mouth, stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked her lips!

The red light in the eyes is extremely prosperous!

"You can't meet an interesting opponent like you on Blue Star!"

"Are you ready to die? Scum!"

Yego stared, his vision locked and looked straight towards Miye!

But in an instant, I saw Mi Ye leaning forward slightly!



The ground under her feet exploded fiercely, and Mi Ye disappeared from Jego's sight almost instantaneously, and the visual lock was lost!

At this moment, Mi Ye was like a **** meteor, and appeared beside Yego in a blink of an eye!

"Strong force!"

Yego's pupils locked Miye's figure fiercely, and he raised his arm to block!

But as soon as he lifted it up, he suddenly realized that he couldn't move, and saw a trail of crystal-clear spider silk as slender as a blade. I don't know when it has covered the surrounding area!

It directly restricted Yego's movements, and under his constant struggle, the tough spider silk even cut out Yego's blood!

"Did you move? Give it back to you!"

A high-sweep kick hit Jego's head fiercely!

His huge body was kicked into the air in an instant, and Miye raised his hand to shoot out two crystal clear spider silks!


The kicked Yego directly smashed a crater, which shows how terrifying the strength of this foot is!

However, Mi Ye clenched her teeth, her eyes full of coldness!

"It's not over yet! Don't you know that women are very grudges? Return to this king!"

After that, with both hands pulled, the spider silk was stretched straight, and Yego, who had just been kicked out, was pulled back at an astonishing speed!

I saw Mi Ye grabbed a pupil steel spear and pierced it fiercely at Jego's one-eyed!

However, Yego did not dodge, his pupils shrank slightly, staring straight at Mi Ye's eyes!

Exercising mind control!

But Miye's eyes changed accordingly!

"The Spider King Compound Eyes!"

In an instant, Mi Ye's pupils turned into a hexagon like a honeycomb structure, exuding a strange red glow!

It seems extremely permeating, and mind control has no effect on Mi Ye!

Hearing the sound of "cang", the steel spear in Mi Ye's hand pierced Jego's eye mask fiercely!

The entire pupil steel spear shattered, leaving no trace on Yego's eye mask!

Mi Ye's expression was a bit wrong!

But Yego's punch has been severely hit on Mi Ye's face!


Mi Ye's body was smashed into the air again, blood splashed in the air, and even the spider silk in his hand stretched and broke!

I saw Yego frowned and looked at the spider silk entwining himself!

In such a short time, the poison on the spider silk has corroded my skin and muscles and smoked straight out of white smoke!

Jego grabbed the spider silk, his expression was terrible, and the spider silk was torn apart by the roots between the bursts of power!

The bad blood was discharged, and within a short breath, the injury on his body was restored!

As the whole body's energy gathered, the thousand-meter-thick star pupil shot out in a blink of an eye!

It was Miye who was bombed out to aim at!

The purple energy is rippling, and it seems to be the only one in the world. The power of Yego's Star Eye Cannon is even more terrifying than the God Killing Giant Cannon!

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