Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1591: Sometimes just gamble

Nightingale was stunned. The reason why she pushed Freya to the position of queen was because Jiang Nan wanted to withdraw?

At this moment, Nightingale couldn't help panicking!

(??)? "The rebellion plan hasn't been completed yet? As soon as you leave, we won't have the backbone! Just...I can't support it by myself?"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "You can hold it. After you have been with Brother Jian for so long, your strategy is also possible. This time, it is very good to cooperate with the inside and the outside to command!"

"The bureau is opened for you, I will stay here, and it won't play a big role in the advancement of the plan!"

"You only need to forbear, swallow Tongcheng silently, and stab the holy star at the moment when the counter-attack is completely started!"

Nightingale swallowed: "Really... really want to leave? Just so anxious?"

With Jiangnan, Nightingale feels at ease no matter what crisis or great danger occurs!

Because nothing is hard to come by Jiangnan!

It was like this in her impression, but Jiang Nan was going to leave suddenly, it was strange that Nightingale didn't panic!

Jiang Nan nodded: "There are still three days before dawn, and on the moon's eye side, the star-eating giant insect is about to dig into the main body of the fire!"

"As for the arrangement of Moon Eye, it is really too late if I don't act. I am going back this time to get Moon Eye!"

"Success or failure is in one fell swoop!"

Nightingale smiled bitterly, first brought everyone to Hitomi City to instigate rebellion, and tried her best to set the situation, and now she is going back to face the Star Devouring Giant!

Jiangnan has been busy running around for the counterattack, non-stop!

"To be honest... how long have you not slept?"

Jiang Nan was startled, and then grinned: "Why sleep for a long time before you die, you must sleep forever after death! Don't worry about me, you can carry it!"

"When you win, you can sleep no matter what!"

Nightingale took a deep breath: "Okay! What should I do?"

Jiang Nan looked at him: "Continue to implement the rebellion plan, but the situation will change in the future!"

"I will make the Alliance change its strategy, and Hitomi City will become the main target of the major guerrilla teams!"

"What you have to do is to take this opportunity to speed up the countermeasure plan, except for the inside! Try to eat Tongcheng before dawn and sharpen the knife!"

"Immediately act on the occasion, just waiting for the knife!"

Nightingale was startled: "Attack Tongcheng? Aren't you going to attack Yueyan?"

Jiang Nan smiled straightly: "Exactly! That's why we have to hit Tongcheng, so that Risen has the illusion that human beings will give up saving Moon Eye and accept the illusion that they will defeat reality!"

"So to fight for more fire and accumulate resources is a struggle before death!"

"But this is just a feint, the purpose is to tie Rui Sen to Tong City. Only when Rui Sen is not in Yueyan, so we can attack Yueyan!"

Nightingale slapped a fierce spirit, and truly felt the horror of Jiangnan!

Until now, everything is still under Jiangnan's control!

He has considered everything!

"Which step did you plan to reach?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "I have thought about all the possibilities that I can think of, and get the best solution!"

"As long as you can win, you can have fewer dead people, and no amount of preparation can be overstated. This is not a game. You can't start again. There is only one chance!"

Looking at Jiang Nan's eyes, Nightingale felt agitated and suddenly felt a little lucky that he was in this era!

Then Jiang Nan gave Nightingale a sufficient amount of transforming props and small cups, which should be enough for them to use Dawn!

The power of the rebellion plan has also been handed over to Nightingale!

Jiangnan is making final preparations before leaving!

At this moment, Hoshino with a lip print interrupted the two!

(??)? "The insider~ someone is looking for... it's Little Walnut, he said he wants to see the boss!"

Jiang Nan was startled, the corners of his mouth did not evoke a radian!

"That's right, the little walnut matter has not been dealt with yet, so bring him into the cubicle!"

Nightingale is puzzled, isn't Little Walnut already his own? What else needs to be dealt with?

Not long after, Little Walnut walked in and shut the door shut!

His gaze fell on Jiang Nan's body, a wry smile appeared on his face!

Last time I saw the boss in the form of a queen, now it has become another appearance!

As soon as Walnut came in, he didn't speak, his fists were clenched, and the atmosphere in the compartment seemed a little depressed!

I saw Jiangnan raised Erlang's legs with a leisurely look!

"If you have any questions, you can ask, and I will answer you!"

Little Walnut finally summoned his courage and said: " you human, right?"

As soon as she said this, Nightingale became nervous instantly, and she leaned forward slightly, but Jiang Nan waved her hand gently, indicating that Nightingale should not be too nervous!

Jiang Nan smiled: "Oh? Can you see it?"

Little Walnut smiled bitterly, what did she pull out of the frame? If you can't guess it, you are stupid!

And Xiao Walnut doesn't think that there are people in the Pupils who have this kind of ability. The only answer is humans!

Little Walnut's eyes sank: "Boss! I want to know whether all you do are purely trying to let mankind win this war and keep the moon!"

"Is it right to use us for this purpose?"

Nightingale's heart touched her throat, and it was obvious that Little Walnut had guessed the true identity and purpose of everyone!

If one is not handled well, Xiao Walnut gets rid of his control, or goes to inform, the plan to instigate rebellion may collapse!

Jiang Nan smiled: "Yes! That's right! It's false to say that you don't use it, I'm really using you!"

nightingale:! !

Can't say that! This... How can the little walnut be reversed?

Little Walnut's eyes darkened: "I know! Everything I have was given by the boss, and I am not qualified to negotiate terms with you!"

"But I want to ask, if I go with you! Your goal is achieved, what will happen to the pupils?"

"Is it being enslaved by the human race and used as a mining tool? Or is it to be thrown away when used up, and to dispose of the pupil!"

"I just want to know, if you said you would help me achieve my goal, whether you lied to me to take advantage of me, or did you really do it!"

Jiang Nan smiled brilliantly: "You ask me this, it shows that you are really thinking about the pupils! I really want to complete the change!"

"If my goal is achieved, and I will not continue to enslave the pupils, let alone kill the pupils, of course you can also complete the racial transformation!"

"But if I tell you to enclose a piece of land on the Blue Star, let you build a country and develop it, even if I say it, you won't believe it!"

"I won't do this either, the Hitomi tribe will become a vassal of mankind with a high probability!"

Little Walnut was startled: "Any vassal?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: "Humans will not interfere with the internal affairs of your pupils. They are not enslaved, but independent of humans as vassals!"

"You can exchange labor for remuneration, resources, and everything in modern society! Form mining teams, mercenaries, bodyguard companies...whatever you do!"

"As time goes by, you will gradually form your own unique culture and civilization! Even in our world, it is through labor in exchange for income!"

"There is no absolute freedom in this world, not to mention nothing for nothing. I still want to have money without work? Actually? Don't I still have to be kidnapped everywhere?"

nightingale:? ? ?

Are you sure you are breaking the law?

What Jiang Nan said was the most realistic disposal method, and he didn't paint a big pie for the little walnut!

What kind of racial integration? Enclosure to establish a country? That's nonsense!

Discrimination, exclusion, or fear of being bitten back are all problems!

The coexistence of two races must have a primary and secondary distinction!

Becoming a vassal of human beings is the only choice for the pupils!

Little Walnut stared at Jiangnan blankly: " it really okay?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "Of course! But this is only when the pupils do not threaten the survival of human beings, and mutual benefit will appear!"

"Once the pupils' ambitions swell and try to bite humans, invade the Blue Star or something, then there is only one thing waiting for you, that is to be destroyed!"

"I don't draw cakes for you, feed sugar, I just tell you the facts!"

The little walnut steel teeth clenched: " can I be sure that you promised mine will do it? And you won't regret it or something?"

Jiang Nan's face was expressionless: "Choose to continue to be enslaved by the holy stars. For a few days, when the moon breaks, the pupils will lose their value to Rui Sen!"

"There are only three roads waiting for you, to be destroyed, to be used as cannon fodder against the human remnant party, to fight to annihilation, to be enslaved, mine, and wandering in the stars!"

"Either way, what is waiting for you is a dead end, and the change you are looking forward to, the world in your dreams will never come!"

"And it seems that it hasn't been a few days since your pupils were sentenced to fate!"

Little Walnut stepped back two steps, leaning weakly against the wall, his eyes full of misery!

He knew that what the boss said was true. In the eyes of the holy star, the pupils were inferior to dogs, and they were not even as good as a piece of origin fire or a scented bead!

Discard it at your fingertips! When the moon is broken and the pupils complete their tasks, their destiny will come to an end!

I saw Jiang Nan stand up and walked to Xiao Walnut with deep eyes!

"Little Walnut! You have to understand! If you want to get something you have never had! You must be willing to do something you have never done before!"

" you really understand?"

"Sometimes I just gamble! You bet that Jiangnan will fulfill my promise! I bet that Jiangnan will give you a future for the pupil!"

"Because you choose to believe me! You have no choice!"

After finishing talking, Jiangnan's big hand patted on Little Walnut's body heavily!

Strong and powerful!

"What's the answer?"

Little Walnut's eyes gradually became determined, and he looked straight into Jiang Nan's eyes!

"I believe you! Little Walnut will always be loyal to the boss!"

"From this moment on! The Pupils and human beings are a community of shared destiny! Advance and retreat together! Fight the enemy together!"

"I swear! The Pupils will never bite humans, and as vassals complement each other, I will personally shape the future belonging to the Pupils! Create a dream world!"

Jiangnan's big hand hammered Xiao Walnut's chest fiercely!

"No matter how beautiful the words are! I want you to remember in your heart!"

Little Walnut grinned: "I know the boss! Just watch me act!"

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