Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1699: Multiplying card start

However, even if the goose was so unlucky, Bangle Wei still did not give up chasing Faka Wei!

Thunder billows everywhere you go, you don't need to aim at all, you must send Kawei!

Even sometimes I can "lucky" catch a few!

Sun Luo and the thug army also continued to pursue them, biting to death!

And Riya has a scarlet horn on top of her head, and the wind blades that are ruining the world are smashing toward the south of the Yangtze River without money!

Since Riya can clearly perceive Jiangnan's teleportation fluctuations, it is not easy to get rid of the chasing soldiers!

Jiang Nan, who was teleporting crazily all the way, took Fakawei, the hapless ghost, not only did not lose the distance, but was chased closer and closer!

Jiang Nan wants to throw her away!

Finally, with Jiangnan's unremitting efforts, it can be regarded as sensing the fluctuation of the space gate!

The group of people hurriedly toward there, but Bangle Wei also had a big move!

I saw the thunder light all over his body was dazzling to the extreme!

"Go to death for me! Tian Lei Ji!"

A long river of thunder gradually formed from the air. If this is broken, there will be absolutely no scum left!

Seeing that the bracelet Wei is about to be split out, Jiang Nan is also anxious!

The gaze fell on Fakawei's body suddenly!

Fa Ka Wei shuddered all over her body in an instant, and she had a bad premonition in her heart!

Jiang Nan took out a numb ring and put it on his hand, the golden **** was raised up, and the MB letters were shining!

(?????) "It will be very numb! You bear with me~"

Speaking, I came directly to Fakawei, opened the clothes to reveal her belly, and poked a strong diamond finger at her belly button!

In an instant, an extremely sour numb sensation flowed all over the body, as if the whole body was cramping!

Fa Ka Wei couldn't hold back a single one, and opened her mouth to scream!

('? Mouth.?) "Ah!"

Jiang Nan looked at Bangle Wei expectantly!

I saw Bangle Wei also shivering, her body froze at the time, her facial features were distorted, and her extreme numbness spread, and she was directly stuck in front of her!

(*??益.??) "Howl~"

Before Lei Ji broke out that day, he exploded above his head, and his skills were directly interrupted!

Sum Luo and a lot of mercenaries are pumped straight!

Jiangnan is so happy!

Even if there is a helmet barrier, will the numbness still be transmitted to all Wei?

When the finger went down, the list of grievance values ​​took off at that time!

Don't you just use dozens of times the resentment card?

(??????‵) Convex "Ahahahaha, how do you chase Lao Tzu? As the dream of a 900 million beautiful girl, can you chase it casually? See me numb you to death!"

While speaking, he violently poked Fakawei's belly button, and all poked out phantoms!

Fa Kavi, who was hugged by Princess Cokey, was pumping non-stop!

And Bangle Wei went out, too, rolling on the ground, babbling!

(;'??益.??`) "Jiangnan! You can't die! You guys! Sun Luo! Carry me and chase!"

Although Sen Luo didn't know what was going on, he still carried the bracelet Wei, who had been paralyzed and rolled around the floor, on his back, chasing Jiangnan wildly!

And Jiangnan is poking while running, that's a happy one!

(¬?¬) "What is a dog male aluminum? A woman is really terrible! Even when she gets crazy, she scolds herself?"

At this moment, Cokey's teeth are clenching and he is already crying!


Why is the goddess holding in my arms being poked by other southerners? Poke, babble, babble, babble?

Is there anything sadder than this in this world?

It's not wrong to say that you two are a man and a dog. Hey!

Why is Lao Tzu the one watching next?

Corgi felt his face turned green!

When Jiang Nan saw that Keji was wearing a mask of pain, he explained it at that time!

(?????) "Corgi! Don't get me wrong, I did this for your goddess' sake! Are you helping her?"

"If you find it boring to watch the excitement on the sidelines, why don't we poke it together if I give you a ring?"

"You're welcome, you can't miss the opportunity and don't come again!"

Corgi swallowed, his face moved!

(#???) "Hey? Me... can I do it too?"

Faka Wei:! !

"You can shit! Do you dare you!"

[The grievance value from Vivian is +1003! ]

You are helping me with a woolen thread!

You just poke her when you deal with Bangle Wei? Poke me for a der?

That's not right! Poke the bracelet Wei will feel it herself? Isn't that the same?

Damn it! I originally thought that if you took refuge in Jiangnan, you would completely get rid of the fate of being poked, but whoever thinks about it will still be poked!

Faka Wei's heart is ready to die!

It's really bad luck to get home, you shouldn't eat that broken cherry!

[From Vivian...]

At the same time, all Vivians in the world are being paralyzed!

The Bobcats and the others are fighting against the herd. As a result, Hood Wei lay on the ground and whipped up. Everyone who watched was stunned!

And at the moment, Xiong Er, who was sitting on the sledge, also heard a sharp cry of "Ah! Whoa~ Howl~"!

I've been stunned by the Hayate Wolves!

??~?? "Boss Xiong, this...what is this noise?"

Xiong Er sweats violently on his forehead:

(Eh? Eh?) "Aha~Ahaha~ You have no knowledge, right? Is this the sound of hungry?"

"This is how people eat too much!"

For Lailai, it looks like I have to find a place to squat in a pit first. Why is Ring Wei still jumping on Die in my stomach?

The hurricane wolves are stupid, fuck? Is it such a big deal? People eat too much, are the hungry calls so anthropomorphic?

Under the **** suction truck, the medical staff dared not rush forward to carry the short-haired girl out because of the horrible scene!

She has been lying on the ground for several minutes, like a terracotta warrior!

At this moment, numbness came...

?(*?????????口.?????*??)? "Ahhh~"

The short-haired girl who kept her mouth closed was numb and couldn't help but opened her mouth and yelled...

Jiang! South!

My old lady~%?...;#*’☆&!

[The grievance value from Vivian is +1007! ]

The two blonde girls were anxious:

(???﹏??)? "Doctor! Go and bring Xiao Wei out! She...she is pumping! Go ahead..."

The doctor looked at the famous scene in front of him, his eyes twitched, are you embarrassing me, you!

Jiangnan, who had been soaring all the way, finally came to the fog of space!

It's a happy yo in my heart. It's not a loss for Vivian to eat lucky little cherries!

Although it's a billion points, this wave of resentment really earned a huge amount of money!

Seeing the way of life is right in front of him, Jiang Nan rushed over with everyone without hesitation!

Bangle Wei was anxious: "Damn it! Don't let them out of this Lingxu!

Needless to say, Riya and the muscular troll have rushed up at the same time!

One braved blood, and a hurricane raged!


Jiang Nan stared: "You can stop Lao Tzu just by relying on a few stinky fish and shrimps?"

The space barrier instantly turned into a space cage, enveloping Liu Mang and the few people who were about to plunge into the space door!

However, at the moment when he is about to rush into the mist!

Violent spatial fluctuations came, and infinite rays of light emerged from it, carrying an unparalleled astonishing heat wave!

Everything is melting!

The clothes on Jiang Nan were all set on fire!

I saw a round of white sun with a diameter of 10,000 meters rushed out of the fog of space!

The high temperature seems to burn everything into carbon residue!

Hearing Liu Mang's scream, billowing black smoke came out of his body, and he was on fire at that time!

Even if he was completely dark, he just absorbed the light, and he was still naked!

The heat absorbed in an instant was roasted to half-cooked, and you could eat it with a little chili noodles!

There is nothing better than sunbathing at close range!

Jiang Nan's scalp numb: "What the **** is coming out of this?"

The shocked Jiangnan quickly teleported to evade, Bai Yang rushed out, and the moment he rushed out, the surrounding area had already turned into a magma hell!

The high temperature burns everything in the Lingxu!

Jiangnan has been burned by the astonishing high temperature, this is still on the premise of teleporting and avoiding!

"What the hell? Does the sun still stop by to talk about it? Enough strolling around the other Lingxu, come here for a stroll?"

Mo Tian quickly recovered everyone's injuries, and his heart was shocked!

"It's not the sun! It's a male bird, a male bird!"

Jiang Nan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Sunfinch? Sister Li Bing said that the blood of this thing can burn her blood to upgrade herself?

"Fuck it, **** it! Use the whole point of blood! Deduct it again! Give it to Xuexue as a gift! She will like it very much, right?"

"Maybe you will kiss me again? Give her a surprise then! Hey~"

The Harazi from Jiangnan are almost out!

And Fa Ka Wei is going crazy, isn't this yang bird in which Huosang Lingxu?

I cremated my own lips before, but now why are you here?

Are you here to cremate yourself?

Jiangnan's wife also said that he would surprise Jiangnan with the male bird!

I don't know what's going on with them, why did Yang Que slip over here?

You and your wife are really connected, you?

When they saw the phoenix, they wanted to surprise you with blood!

When you see the phoenix, what you want to do is to surprise your daughter-in-law with Lingzhu?

What kind of abnormal brain circuits are these?

It's really not a family, don't you enter a family?

(#°? 紅.°?) "You are a ghost! This sun has two stars, and the white sun can burn everything. What kind of perfect plasma flame is higher than the surface temperature of the sun!"

"There is a basket full of sharks in the presence of all heavens, but now there is another phoenix. Who will do it?"

"Besides, I'm still unlucky! Are you sure that we are doing it, not it?"

Jiangnan's face turned black and his eyes were full of reconciliation:

(??? 益???)? "Tsk~ Isn't this a great opportunity for nothing?"

"You know a lot? What plasma do you know?"

Fakawei's face is black, your daughter-in-law taught me!

Under this situation, we can only make the best plan, Jiangnan no longer nostalgia, rushing to the space mist and piercing the past!

However, this end plunged in, but it was empty!

I saw the fog of space that the male bird had just passed through. After it spread, it disappeared inexplicably...

Jiangnan felt lonely! Still in the Yanshan Lingxu, the door is gone...

And the phoenix who rushed out drove a lot, and then rushed back toward everyone!

Before it gets close, everything is already melting!

Jiang Nan's eyes twitched: "You can't go if you want to go now. You are really unlucky enough! How about you die and count the ball?"

Faka Wei:? ? ?

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