Liu Ming was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up, the Daotian-level attack was too hard!

It's a miracle that you don't die!

But obviously, Hope doesn't intend to give everyone the slightest time to react!

"Shaking wings? Gold flash!"

With a "Boom", Hope disappeared from everyone's eyes and went straight to Liu Ming to kill!

Where would Tie Niu watch his teammates die, he charged directly from the side, trying to block Hope's impact!

"Super hardened!"

At this moment, her body became harder than pure gold, and she crossed her arms to block!

However, in just an instant, Tie Niu's body was rushed out by the golden flash, and his arms were bent at a strange angle!

Smashed several rocks in a row without stopping!

And the speed of the golden flash did not weaken in the slightest, and Wu Liang's eyes turned red!

"War Acura, savage collision! Reverse injury armor? Golden bell!"

"Don't accept me!"

The crimson light flashed on his body, and even though Hope was covered by his eyes, he was still hit by the taunting technique!

The golden flash bends to the limit and kills Wu Liang!

"I'm going to kill you!"

At this moment, the lynx silently climbed up from the giant pit and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a broken front tooth in it!

The pretty face is blue and purple, and the black hair is scattered, but the bobcat's eyes have not changed in the slightest!

Some reluctantly touched his hair.

If Xiao Nan sees her hairless appearance, she will definitely laugh out loud, right?

Maybe I will despise myself and not be good with myself...

Thinking of this, the corners of Bobcat's mouth unconsciously twitched, but his eyes became more determined!

But still took out a bottle and vigorously raised his head to drink it!

Compared with his own hair, the road studs must not be lost. The task that Xiaonan entrusted to him must be completed!

When a girl is willing to give up her hair, you know how determined she is!

At this moment, the thick black hair of the lynx fell off, the top of the head bloomed with dazzling light, and the muscles all over the body were drawn!

Hearing a "chirp" sound, the Bobcat ripped apart the tattered shirt on his body, revealing the black tactical vest inside!

On the flat lower abdomen, the eight-pack abs are full of strength and wild beauty!


The figure of the lynx disappeared instantly!

At the same time, Hope, who was about to hit Wu Liang, sensed danger!

A shadow casts down, blocking his sight!

Looking up, I saw a red lynx plummeting from the sky, and even pulled out a gas explosion!

His eyes were cold and his brows were full of heroic spirit!

"Heavy bones? Martial God opens the sky!"

I saw behind the lynx, a phantom of a heavy armored Valkyrie that was over 240 meters tall!

He did the same thing as the lynx, and smashed down Hope with his fists!


With one punch, Hope was embedded in the ground, the ground shattered like a mirror, and the entire river valley was leveled!

Even Wu Liang was blasted out by the shock wave, and he was shocked!

∑(°mouth°?) Whoa!

Sister Shan Miao drinking vigorously? But ah?

Are you going to be so fierce?

Little do they know that the improvement of physical fitness and strength by vigorous force has reached a perverted level, and the bobcat is the power department!

Under the bonus, the strength is already against the sky, plus the various buffs on the body!

This punch is an absolute crit!

Hope's golden armor mask was crushed, and half of his teeth were smashed out!


Horrified in my heart, is this horse riding a star?

The Bobcats also didn't give Hope a chance to get up, and the heavy punches fell like rain!

"Hydrogen bombing!"

The earth shook wildly, and the golden armor on Hope's body cracked, and he was beaten to blood in a blink of an eye!

But also anger rose from his heart, he pinched the neck of the lynx with a heavy fist, and slammed it into the ground!

"I can't handle you even though I'm riding a horse? It's a woman, so I should lie down there!"

As he spoke, he kept throwing his fists at Lynx's pretty face, Lynx could only block with both arms, and in a blink of an eye, he was already covered in bruises!

But his eyes were full of dissatisfaction: "You don't deserve it!"

As he spoke, he curled up his legs and kicked Hope's stomach fiercely upwards!


His body was kicked into the sky like a golden missile, it was the rabbit kicking the eagle!

Lynx got up and wiped the blood on his face: "Refresh me, you are not just fighting for yourselves!"

"Think about what's behind you! We can't go back!"

No one answered, but Tie Niu struggled to get up from the ruins, Liu Ming spit out blood and grinned grimly, and the wings behind the black crow spread wildly!

Yes! We are just a bunch of stars!

But even Daotian, don't try to destroy our will easily!

Because behind us are thousands of lights!


The battle here is getting more and more intense. Although the fight is extremely difficult, it still holds Hope!

I didn't let go of the world's battlefields to kill!

But it took a lot of high-end combat power on Hope!

At the moment of the curse, there are only three brothers Qin Shou left, and a few of them are Gao Xingyu platelet!

And what a few people have to face are tens of thousands of mercenaries, and there are even star-level existences!

In this case, how to guard the road spike behind you?

Several people have been frantically hanging up for a long time, but in the face of this situation, still feel that there is no chance at all?

My hands are shaking uncontrollably!

Platelet looks as usual. As a dark night, she has no idea how many times she has experienced such scenes, and she has long been accustomed to the smell of death!

Can't help but turn to look at a few people!

(??????) "Are you afraid?"

Xing Xingyu's face turned red, and he shouted loudly:

(??ˇ~ˇ??:) "No...don't be afraid!"

It seems that being a little louder can increase your courage!

At this moment, Qin Shu and several people suddenly remembered that Jiang Nan asked everyone a question before leaving!

"Are you afraid of death?"

Their answer is simple!

"Not afraid of death, but fear of death is worthless?"

Thinking about it now, the hearts of several people are full of bitterness!

What a childish answer!

Now this moment has really come. In this case, sticking to the road spike is almost a mortal ending!

Aren't you afraid of dying? Fart!

Obviously, several people did not realize the real meaning of Jiangnan's question!

Platelet smiled: "Aren't you afraid? I'm afraid, every time I'm afraid, no one in this world is not afraid of death!"

"From the moment you stand on the battlefield, you are already considered to be courageous!"

"It's not shameful to be afraid of death. When you're afraid, think about the people you care about, friends, family... You're fighting for them! They all look forward to your coming back alive!"

"Don't let fear be all you have, go and fight! Enjoy this fight, for others, and for yourself!"

Qin Shu and several people continued to take deep breaths to adjust their state!

This is just a battle, not a real war!

It's hard to imagine what kind of state of mind Nanshen, who dominated the lunar counter-offensive battle, was in when he stood on the battlefield, and how he managed to get over it!

What kind of firm heart is hidden under the appearance of laughter and scolding!

These people have really fallen out of the way!

I saw Qin Shu's eyes were blood red, and he roared:

?(??mouth???)? "Do it! Isn't it just 18,000 people? I don't believe it anymore!"

"What kind of scene has the ghost animal ancestor never seen before!"

During the speech, the whole body was full of cold air, and the ice prism armor covered the whole body, rushing towards the mercenary army at high speed!

Yixuan baby! Waiting for the old man to go back!

Ye Xinghe incarnates into a giant black dragon, imposing and imposing:

"The Ye family has never been a coward since ancient times. If you want to pull a nail, just step over the corpse of Lao Tzu!"

Qi Yu didn't say anything, just grabbed the two bottles of vigorous force and poured it into his mouth, charging while drinking!


Seeing Qin Shuo wave his hand: "Frozen at extreme speed!"

The infinite chill spreads out in an instant, freezing the earth, and the surrounding ground becomes smooth like a mirror!

At that time, many people had their feet sealed and their movements were restricted!

"The iceberg is falling!"

Huge icebergs fell from the sky and smashed into the crowd!

Those with poor grades were smashed to death on the spot, and the ice cubes exploded everywhere!

Don't look at Qin Shu's unreliable appearance, he is also a serious ice technique, and the same level is generally crushed, okay?

As soon as Qin Shu was finished, Ye Xinghe sprayed a black dragon's breath on it. The powerful black energy column was blessed by the green stick, and it was extremely fierce!

It's already a bit of a domestic flavor in Yezhen!

And Qi Yu's side is full of muscles!

"Furious! Charge up! Full Moon Bow!"

"Heavy bones? Ordinary punches! Let's go!"

It smashed out with a punch, and the fiery fist compresses the air, like a rampant dragon!


The ground was suddenly cut out by a huge 100-meter-wide trench, the ground flew over, and the air waves flew!

After drinking the powerful Qi Yu, the attack power exploded!

But all the mercenaries that rushed in front of Qi Yu were all thrown back with one punch!

Ordinary diamond grades can't win them at all!

There are not only diamonds in the crowd that can be pressed up!

Gu Gua and Naza are in it!

I saw Gu Gua directly half-beast, the muscles in his legs swelled abnormally, and he even burst his pants!

The face has also become a toad face!

What's even more disgusting is that there are big pustules growing on the body, and the skin has become a bright tender green!

(??︶?) "Lonely and widow~ A bunch of little reeds dare to stop me? Who gave you the courage? I want to help you if you want to die!"

"Frog jumping? Iron-headed frog!"

I saw Gu Gua squatting down with his legs, his muscles bulging!

The pointed head shone with a metallic glow!


With a loud explosion, Gu Gu jumped in place and rammed towards Qin Shu at an astonishing speed!

The speed is even faster than the limit of the naked eye reaction!

In an instant, he rushed to Qin Shu!

The 12 erected ice walls were all smashed through, and the iron head slammed into Qin Shu's stomach!

The ice edge armor was shattered, and the whole person was knocked out in a C shape. Qin Shu, who vomited blood, almost died on the spot!


Nima! God's special meow iron-headed baby!

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