Under the ridicule of the forgiveness hat, Jiangnan suddenly became the focus of the spirit beasts in the audience!

In front of the smelly defense line, there are no beasts to take care of those smelly humans, and all of them are rushing towards Jiangnan!

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a sugar cube that has fallen into the ant colony!

The earth monitor lizard roared desperately and charged towards Jiangnan!

Smashed away all the spirit beasts in front of him!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of coldness, he was holding the blood-drinking halberd, and his body was like a humanoid missile, and all the spirit beasts in front of him were smashed into pieces!

After all, Jiangnan's physical fitness is no weaker than that of spirit beasts!

Seeing that one person and one beast are about to fight each other!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan raised his hand and waved!

"Space Wormhole!

Two pairs of space wormholes with a diameter of 100 meters unfolded on a line!

The earth monitor lizard crashed into it without saying a word, and traversed two pairs of wormholes!

"Wormhole cutting!"

In the next moment, the wormhole closed instantly, and the body of the monitor lizard was ruthlessly forcibly cut into three sections between the blood splashing!

Even Daotian beasts are not spared!


There were two consecutive explosions, and the two sections of the body that were cut off were directly compressed into black beads by the void black hole!

The monitor lizard was stunned all of a sudden, and in a blink of an eye, he was left with a head?

And what greeted it was the high-speed rotating air-splitting saw blade in the south of the Yangtze River, which slashed directly on its heavenly cover!

During the rotation of the space blade, the defense of the Daotian beast can also be broken!

He was going to open the skull of the monitor lizard directly!

The monitor lizard's eyes were full of horror, its claws fell to the ground, and under the transpiration of endless yellow light, its body with only its head recovered quickly!

The next moment, the earth roared, and thick thorns burst out from below, each of which was hundreds of kilometers!

Trying to kill Jiangnan!

However, the space wormhole was suddenly opened by Jiangnan!

The other end opened under the fragile abdomen of the monitor lizard!

"Puff puff!"

Thousands of sharp thorns directly stabbed it into a sieve, and the piercing was so cool!

I stalk myself?

This guy is also trying to recover with his own recovery skills!

However, Jiangnan has several space barriers extending out, cutting off its connection with the earth!

The whole person teleported to the bottom of the monitor lizard, and while the body was spinning, the blood-drinking halberd slammed upwards!

The glazed glow on the halberd blade is rich!


With a sound of explosion, the jaws of the giant monitor lizards exploded, and the huge body swirled and flew into the sky!

The Jiangnan space wormhole reopens, and when its body falls into the wormhole, it will perform wormhole cutting again!

Chop it into three sections, and then jump up with a sky-splitting saw blade!

Slashing along the wound of the earth monitor lizard, and compressing the black hole of the void frantically!

Between the splashes of blood, the head of the earth monitor lizard was chopped in two and fell heavily to the ground!

When it landed, the huge claws were still twitching, but the Lingzhu had already fallen into Jiangnan's hands!

In the distance, Chen Chen and An Ning looked at the giant monitor lizard that was dismembered alive by Jiangnan!

∑(°口°#) "Wow! Xingyao Er killed a celestial beast alone? Is Nanshen a human? This set is too silky, isn't it?"

An Ning's face is full of disbelief:

(*???)!! "Nan Shen... Can you fight against the existence of Daotian level now?"

She even had an unreal feeling that the young Nan kid who was caught in the classroom was clamoring for a tuba in the car!

Is it all that strong now?

Liu Mang grinned: "Don't be a fool! Don't say it's a Daotian beast, the true Daotian Nanshen has been killed, more than one!"

"That is, my sister-in-law is not here, otherwise the killing will be faster!"

Chen Chen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood:

=????(???????) "What kind of perverts are these!"

An Ning stared: (???~??)? "How do you **** talk? Where do you put our meow team? I think you are..."

Before the words were finished, An Ning's head was directly hammered with a big red envelope by the lynx!

I saw the lynx blushing and smoking, with a face of shame and anger: "I think you need to clean up!"

-`(??ˇ dishˇ?)??(#?﹏?)? Woo~

But there are far more than one Daotian beast in the field. I saw that the 100-meter steel needle ball incarnated by the steel needle hedgehog slammed into Jiangnan fiercely like a meat bomb chariot!

The whole body was surrounded by red light, and there was even a three-stage acceleration, and the sonic boom was deafening!

The air-splitting saw blade exploded in place, and the Jiangnan little whip frantically drank blood, making up for its own consumption!

Hearing Jiangnan laugh: "It's good to come!"

With a big wave of his hand, the dense void chains shot out!

"Void Chains? Skynet!"

16 chains are woven into a net, and they are going to cover the hood of the rolling steel needle hedgehog!

Between the tightening of the network port, it was immediately wrapped tightly!

In an instant, the chain in his hand collapsed straight, Jiang Nan pulled the chain with both hands, and the whole person was pulled away!

"Heavy bones! Give me a stop!"

But the inertia of the hedgehog ball is amazing, and it is pulling Jiangnan out on the ground! Plow a trench!

Half of the waist is sunk into the ground!

"Wan Jun Curse Array!"


Jiangnan, which already weighed more than ten tons, became extremely heavy under the blessing of Wanjun Mantra Formation, and it was nailed to the spot like a nail!

The Void Chain was suddenly stretched straight, and the Hedgehog Ball stopped directly!

The next moment, I saw Jiang Nan's muscles bursting, blood mist fluttering, and his heartbeat once burst!

In the roar, he stunned the 100-meter giant hedgehog ball!

Just like throwing a discus, go crazy in circles on the battlefield!

But all the spirit beasts that come into contact with are directly killed, the building is shattered, and the ground is exploded, which is as terrifying as a giant meteor hammer!

At this moment, even the people of Jiangcheng were shocked!

(? Mouth?) "Then... if I guessed correctly, the hedgehog ball should be a Daotian beast, right? Nanshen directly used it as a weapon?"

"Wow! It's definitely a Daotian beast! It's already over 100 meters in size!"

=????(?mouth??????) "This...this is still human? It's too strong, isn't it? Why does Nanshen have a mosaic on his body? Doesn't this delay us from appreciating his sassy and heroic appearance? ?"

(??﹏???) "But... Maybe the scene is too **** and not suitable for children, right? Mosaic was played because I was afraid of scaring the children?"

In the roar, Jiangnan has accumulated enough centrifugal force!

"Void black hole? Dimensional exile! Let me go!"

The three void black holes formed a triangle and burst into bloom!

The three thousand-meter black holes pulled out were connected together, and the center collapsed suddenly, turning into a giant hole with a diameter of over 1,500 meters!

Under the powerful centrifugal force, the steel-needle hedgehog couldn't resist at all, and was thrown directly into the dimensional gap by Jiang Nan with his eyes full of despair!

When the amazing suction bursts out, you can't escape even if you want to escape!

I saw Jiang Nan gasping violently, clenching the blood-drinking halberd in both hands!

"Fighting skills? Gain momentum!"


His body disappeared in place in an instant, and he swung out the blood-drinking halberds one after another.

Fighting technique is to kill the opponent and end life in the simplest, most direct and quick way!

It is most suitable for use on the battlefield, and every time you end a life, your personal power will increase by one point, and your killing power will be heavier!

Jiangnan has super high mobility and strong physical fitness!

There is also no shortage of large-scale killing skills, and the blood-drinking skill of the small leather whip has given Jiangnan the ability to continue endlessly!

If the physical strength is not enough, the blood-drinking spurge can recover, and the spiritual strength is not enough to have durian pulp!

To tell the truth, with Jiangnan's current all-round strength without dead ends, he can continue to fight like this!

Ordinary Xingyao beasts can even be killed with a single blow, and ordinary Daotian beasts are just a few tricks!

Unless it is something as special as the Four Fierce, or something that can be elementalized or something like a gifted skill!

Can pose a threat to Jiangnan!

Otherwise, on the battlefield, it will be a random killing!

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a meat grinder on the battlefield, completely killing madness, blood gushing everywhere, and broken limbs flying!

The real horror of Jiangnan is vividly displayed!

Under the action of ridicule, countless spirit beasts rushed to Jiangnan without fear, as if endless!

And Jiangnan also does not retreat, the grass grows and then pulls!

Now there is only one thought left in Jiang Nan's mind! keep killing! End every life in front of you!

Kill him with blood stained rivers and mountains, the world will be bright!

At this moment, the people of Jiangcheng are all staring at the **** figure that traverses the battlefield!

Really too fierce!

Nothing can stop that ghostly figure!

The entire semi-circular front is extremely vast, but Jiangnan's teleportation can completely cover it!

Although only Jiangnan is guarding the entire line of defense!

But none of the spirit beasts could break through the line of defense, and under the blood-drinking halberd, no beasts survived!

Jiangnan is protecting life by killing life!

The whole body is covered with blood, but what I can protect is the safety of my hometown!

That's it, one hour, three hours, eight hours!

The killing seems to never end!

When the first ray of light broke, the morning sun penetrated the clouds and mist, passed over the corpse wall that was almost a thousand meters high, and landed on the ground of Jiangcheng!

Everyone can't forget the scene in front of them, it's like an epic picture!

After a night of slaughtering, beast corpses were everywhere, and even a huge city wall of beast corpses nearly a thousand meters high!

The blood like a waterfall flows along the cracks of the "wall", and the ground is full of dizzy pools of blood!

Plush teddy bears even float on top of a pool of blood!

No one knows how many spirit beasts Jiangnan hacked to death that night, not even Jiangnan himself!

As the sun rises, everyone notices the figure standing on the wall of 1,000-meter beast corpse!

He stood facing the rising sun, and the warm sunlight reflected his back infinitely tall!

Jiangnan laboriously pulled the blood-drinking halberd from the head of a beast corpse!

The blood stained on it made the halberd a little slippery!

I saw that Jiangnan's whole person was dyed the color of blood, and he didn't know whether it was his own or that of a spirit beast!

Shine brightly in the sunlight!

The eyes were full of red blood, and the murderous energy that had accumulated overnight in the body burst into bloom, surging forward like a rolling giant wave!

At this moment, the battlefield is extremely silent!

Under the slaughtering situation of Jiangnan, no one dared to take a step forward, and his eyes were full of fear!

Even if the taunting effect is still there, the killing power is like the evil ghost Yama, and they are so frightened that they are almost scared out of their guts!

I saw Jiang Nan with a cold face, step by step down from the kilometer corpse wall, and strode forward!

Those spirit beasts whimpered, like little milk dogs with their tails stepped on, stepping back step by step, always keeping a distance, not daring to move forward at all!

Because they can feel it!

Go ahead! will die!

At this moment, Bobcats Liu Mang Chen Chen and the others were all exhausted, so tired they exploded!

But they all watched this scene in shock, their scalp tingling!

(??△??#) "A real one-man-office! It's just like that if you can't open it, right?"

"Fight for 3,000 miles in one body! One person can be a teacher of a million! Nanshen killed him all night, and he never stopped!"

Su Rui's eyes were full of incredulity: "In a state of ridicule, only with his own killing intent, he forced hundreds of thousands of spirit beasts to dare not take a step forward! My God..."

This kind of scene is something she can't even imagine!

But it really happened in front of me, one person guarded the semicircular line of defense, and even killed the animal corpses and stacked them into a semicircular kilometer corpse wall?

Is this human? Humanoid meat grinder?

I saw Jiangnan's blood-drinking halberd flick, and a little blood spilled out like splashing ink, and the killing intent in his eyes skyrocketed!

"What? Don't you go? You guys don't go! Then I'm going to go!"

As he spoke, he stepped faster and bigger, and his body rushed out like a blood-colored meteor!

The roar of the heaven-shattering beast came out in the distance, and it was faintly visible that the Daotian-level Pishan Crocodile brought a large number of spirit beasts towards this side!

This gave the beast tides new courage, and they all pressed towards Jiangnan again with red eyes!

The impact of the beast tide did not stop because of the dawn, and it continued!

And Jiangnan will not stop swinging the halberd, and will continue to fight until no one dares to rush to the city!

Jiangnan didn't know how long the first wave of shocks would last, but he knew that after this battle, the mountains and rivers of China would be stained with blood!

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