Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1791: A hero is not a hero who stands in the light

Contained in the sack, Gonstantin struggled frantically and roared incessantly. It could be said that he used all kinds of tricks!

But there is no way to break the shackles of the sack!

(??Yi?) "Damn, what the **** is this, why can't I be promoted?"

He found that he was completely imprisoned by this sack space and completely cut off contact with the outside world!

They can't even communicate with their horns, let alone their horns haven't grown out yet!

"Let Lao Tzu go out! Lao Tzu chopped you up alive!"

Gunstantin had a Bose axe in one hand and an Elemental War Armor metal axe in the other, slashing sacks wildly, but it didn't work at all!

It's just that the sack mantis pupa is more intense!

His face is unbelievable. As a high-dimensional life body, playing in a three-dimensional world is a dimensionality reduction blow!

He doesn't believe that there is anything else in the world that can trap the boson, this sack is beyond his knowledge!

Qianben Sakura stood up at that time and ran to the sack and kicked violently!

(?°??°?) "Isn't it very arrogant just now? You said that you are going to chop me up? Would you show me another arrogant one?"

"What is the sharp blade of the **** of the stars? Isn't it still surrendering to this girl's pleated skirt? Ah ha ha ha!"

A Daotian Qi? An upper-family boson? This may be the most glorious record I have ever played in my life?

How could she not be excited?

Constantine was furious:

(艹菜艹(#) "Don't let Lao Tzu get the chance, the first one to go out will be shark you!"

"Li Mingshan save me!"

Senbon Sakura, who was laughing triumphantly, suddenly felt something soft touch the top of her head!

Is it Jiangnan's head-touching killing?

Immediately, he said proudly: (︶.?︶〃) "Now you know how good this girl is? One touch is not enough!"

"Don't hurry up and donate a sack of space spirit beads to honor this cherry blossom sauce? I know you have it! Otherwise, I will tell you that you will lose me!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of "clang", and Qianben Ying's head was beaten crookedly!

There is a big smoking red envelope on the head!


Jiangnan Molar: (?°?~°?)? "You're still panting after praising you for being fat? I want a sack of shit? Would you like a big red envelope for you?"

"Be optimistic about the prisoners, things are not over yet!"

Of course Qianben Sakura couldn't hear it, she just clutched the big red envelope on her head and searched everywhere with a look of anger!

"You wait for me!"

Li Mingshan, who was understanding the laning with Bai Kou at the moment, was also shocked!

what's the situation?

Gunstantin's powerful superior boson was put into a sack?

No movement for a long time?

Broken Meiwei is also, what kind of sack is that?

In the blink of an eye, Li Mingshan was the only one left in the field to support him!

Bai Kou said ruthlessly: "I see what you're doing now!"

Li Mingshan: (¬_¬?)

At this moment, a powerful teleportation from Jiangnan broke into the Heavenly Repulsion Field!

"Space swap!"

The next moment, the nuclear battery inside the metal tower instantly turned into a coin, and the strength of the repulsion field without an energy source dropped significantly!

Jiang Nan's expression turned fierce, he should be able to handle this strength!

"Change again!"

The next moment, Jiangnan swapped the position of the coin again, so close to the metal tower!

At the moment of being repelled, two big hands grabbed the nuclear battery and slammed it hard!


The person was ejected instantly, but there was no energy supply!

The black block suddenly fell to the ground, and those metal towers all over the desert no longer emitted energy!

The entire sky repulsion field disappeared!

A space wormhole in the south of the Yangtze River opened, bounced into the wormhole, changed the direction of the flying, and came to the metal tower again!

The harazi is about to flow out!

?(o﹃o?) "What kind of black barrier, but it's all from Lao Tzu, take it away!"

During the speech, the different dimension space was opened, and the entire energy booster inverter was uprooted by Jiangnan and stuffed into the different dimension space!

Including the body of the black block!

The black barrier was removed, and the energy wave surging into the void disappeared!

The communication of the entire Blue Star is slowly recovering, and the electromagnetic waves are no longer disturbed!

Li Mingshan stared at this scene from the corner of his eye, and the corner of his mouth twitched!

three people? Two bright and one dark? tsk tsk~

However, in the next instant, the dumb sack on Bai Kou's waist suddenly disappeared and turned into a dollar!

This sack has already generated an anti-Li Mingshan mode earlier!

And the dumb sack suddenly appeared on top of Li Mingshan's head, and he opened his mouth and put on his hood!

Li Mingshan: ! !

You little **** on the mua!

Even me and you are going to pack it away with you?

When is it near me? Not even a space fluctuation?

how did you do that?

The sense of crisis from his body made Li Mingshan respond quickly!

"Space Ball!"

A space ball was derived from Li Mingshan's chest, expanding rapidly, wrapping his body in it!


Seeing that Jiangnan, who was about to be trapped in Li Mingshan, was pushed out by the space ball!

Can't get close, and even teleport to replace the space inside the goal can't be done!

Jiang Nan grinned: (?°? Yi°?) "Tsk~ It is indeed the ceiling of the old-fashioned space system, this alertness?"

Bai Kou waved his sleeves aside!

"Extremely cold snow country? Great cold!"

The endless chill blows like a veil, freezing everything!

"Break the world? Absolutely!"

A thick space wall was instantly formed, slicing through the entire desert battlefield!

The chill invaded, but was blocked by the broken world, the world seemed to be polarized!

One side is the frozen snow country, and the other side is the yellow sand in the sky!

But it only lasted for less than a second, and even the broken world was condensed and shattered by the cold air!

Countless glass-colored fragments drifted away like a slow release!

But Li Mingshan had already taken the opportunity to teleport back away, and Jiang Nan wanted to go up again with the linen bag in his hand!

However, Li Mingshan raised his finger and swiped, and a broken boundary crossed the sky, blocking Jiangnan's way!

"Space cracks? Collapse the world!"


With a loud explosion, thousands of space cracks were directly cracked with the space ball as the center!

Every space crack is like a pitch-black abyss roaming around, and the whole world seems to collapse along with it!

The suction that burst out from it rolled up the yellow sand in the sky, blurring everyone's sight!

Jiangnan's scalp is numb, what level of space crack is this? Can it still be used?

I saw Li Mingshan looking around the audience:

(?ˉ?~ˉ?) "You've broken all the black barriers, so there's no need to kill them all, right?"

"I don't seem to have any reason to continue fighting with you!"

Bai Kou said with a cold face: (? ̄?? ̄?) "That's just your reason, not mine!"

"You are doing things for Shengxing and betrayed the camp of mankind. Now that the Blue Star era has been rewritten, spiritual disasters are raging, and people are dying all the time!"

"And these dead humans are directly or indirectly related to you!"

"I'm not kidnapping morally, I'm just expounding the facts. To kill you is to save lives!"

Li Mingshan just glanced at Bai Kou lightly, did not speak, and did not refute!

But the light in his eyes gradually dimmed!

His eyes fell on an empty space, and he took a deep breath, his voice seemed a little hoarse!

"If you want to live and have the possibility to move on, go get the warp bubble, at least you can catch a chance..."

"Otherwise, humans won't be able to resist the next attack. What I couldn't do back then, I hope you can do it!"

"Nowadays, there is no strong man who can calm down the scene! Xiao Chuanhuo is not enough, and Odin is also not enough!"

Bai Kou was stunned, her brows furrowed, what was this old man Li talking about?

Isn't it already standing on the holy star? Why do you still say these meaningless words?

What is a warp bubble?

Jiang Nan was stunned, he knew that Li Mingshan was talking to him, although he couldn't see himself, he couldn't detect his breath!

But he knew he was there!

"Uncle Li...I..."

But Li Mingshan couldn't hear what Jiang Nan said, but stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky.

"This starry sky is really vast and wonderful, but it also eats people without spitting bones. Don't follow Jiang Fan's old path, otherwise it will end in the same way! Nothing can change..."

"The latecomers... must be the top! I can't do it, and I don't have the ability to do it..."

"Did you know? Every galaxy is an island of starlight. The universe is really big, so big that a person may not be able to break through this island in his entire life!"

"Go get the warp speed club, whether it is later or in the future, you will use it!"

As he spoke, Li Mingshan had already turned around and walked towards the dimensional gap behind him with his hands behind him!

The back is lonely and bleak, calmly marching into the darkness!

The figure disappeared in front of the three people in an instant!

Don't even say a few more words to Jiang Nan, and get closer to him, and the person has already left!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and grabbed the back, but he couldn't say a word with his mouth open.

He wants to persuade Li Mingshan to come back, and wants to tell him that I have a way to make you supernatural!

But these Li Mingshan will not know? he knows!

Xiao Chuihuo and the others went up, how could Li Mingshan not understand!

Jiangnan didn't know how to speak, because when he got here, there was no place for Li Mingshan in the human camp!

Pointed by thousands of people, rejected by thousands of people!

But he still unswervingly wants to take the path he chose!

After the stealth time passed, Jiang Tiantian slowly revealed his figure, his eyes seemed to be a little red.

And even Bai Kou was confused, what the **** was Li Mingshan thinking!

Recalling the battle just now, she didn't think that Li Mingshan had done his best. The number of active attacks was very small, and he was basically on passive defense!

What he said just now made Bai Kou stunned!

"Brother Jiangnan! Is Li Mingshan good or bad? He..."

Jiang Nan murmured: "There are so many people of all shapes and sizes in the world, how can you tell the difference between good and bad..."

"Uncle Li... He is neither a good person nor a bad person, he is himself..."

"Sister Bai Kou, you have to know that it is not a hero who stands in the light, but a hero who stands in the darkness..."

"Warp bubble? I remember..."

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