Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1911: Pockets are safe

Jiangnan is so happy, if I knew this earlier, I am still worried about a ghost?

Just stand up and start spraying, will you be poisoned? As long as I still have a mouth, it is impossible!

Can you think of chicken soup for the soul as an enemy weapon?

As long as the poisonous chicken soup is continuously output, let the opponent break the defense and transfer the toxin, the opponent will be poisoned and vomit blood, and the combat effectiveness will plummet!

This is the real let the language wear armor and go into battle, right?

Chicken Soup for the Soul is so good, right?

Worried about being held back by side effects? Impossible!

[(What is the dish?) ~Tsk~]

It's just that this unique skill can't be used by everyone. If you can't break other people's defenses, you can only use small soybeans to detoxify.

Jiangnan's face is refreshing, but others are suffering!

I saw Olivia at the moment still wiping tears with one hand and sobbing!

The other hand is clutching the fluttering skirt, blowing out the fragrant wind, and even with colorful petals of light and shadow?


Jiang Nan was stunned: (·?????) "Why didn't you pull it? Can you still stand? This is unscientific!"

[The resentment value from Olivia +777! ]

(ˇ~ˇ?) "What do you know? My Apocalypse, as a carbon-based light, how could I do such a vulgar thing in public?"

"Only... As long as the atoms of the reincarnation that are discharged are changed and combined in a specific way, they can be turned into fragrant waste gas and discharged from the body!"

Jiang Nan stared: (*???) "Really? Are all the little fairies' farts fragrant? It seems that she didn't pull it, but she is actually pulling it?"

Olivia stared: (??﹏???) "You said it! You said it! Woo~"

[The resentment value from Olivia +777…]

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright, this is the perfect detoxification girl for him, right?

On the other side, Ye Yuan was dying, struggling to reach out!

_(?????"∠) "Quick! Help me~ help me! I finally came out, I can't die! I'm succumbed! I've succumbed!"

Jiangnan teleported closer, hehe smiled:

(*???) "Then what was said before is written off!"

Ye Yuan's teeth are about to shatter!

_("∠"I, Da Yuanzhong, said a word, it's hard to chase a horse! Detox me now! "

Jiang Nan just stuffed Ye Yuan with a lot of small soybeans for him to eat!

Sure enough, Soybean had a reaction as soon as he had his stomach, and Ye Yuan felt as if a supernova had exploded in his stomach!

(?°mouth°)? "Ahhhh~ here I come!"

But looking around, there are big rockets flying everywhere, and there is a risk of death everywhere!

However, Ye Yuan couldn't hold back at all. He was the one with the most poisoning, and even moving is an extravagant hope!

But how can I fly in the same place, I don't want face?

The anxious Ye Yuan suddenly saw the sack in his hand!

Without further ado, just put yourself in the sack from the waist down, and then move on when you have a good posture!

The black mist spread all over his body to cover his embarrassment!

I cursed in my heart, carbon-based is trouble!

Jiang Nan's eyelids jumped when he saw this scene, I'm blind to my sack!

Do you really know how?

I saw Ye Yuan with a dark face:

(???????) "It's okay to not count, but you have to teach me the art of breaking defenses! I'll learn this too!"

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, then hehe smiled:

(????) "That's it? It's simple, just follow your brother to learn!"

[The resentment value from Ye Yuan +777…]

While everyone was flying freely, Jiangnan took the two star pirate ships in his pocket!

Immediately after robbing the fragmented star thief base, he also confiscated all the dirty money accumulated by the star thieves who were locked in the palm of the country!

After a wave, I also earned nearly a million, and the harvest is full!

It's not that the star thieves are poor, it's just that this star source point is more valuable!

Those star thieves who were just executed to the point of wearing shorts were not killed, but let go!

After all, Jiangnan is not a murderous devil!

Just let them repent well in Chaos Xinghai.

Jiangnan can only cut another wave in the future... Bah! Let's do justice again!

When the stars were stolen, they were stunned to see the big rockets flying all over the sky!

What kind of ghost scene is this horse riding?

(*??mouth??) "Second brother! Let's make a comeback at another site. Although this place is good, it's already dirty, so I can't ask for it~"

Thousands of star thieves supported each other and left with a bleak back!

And this rocket show also lasted for three hours!

It is the most violent one Jiangnan has ever seen!

The Teletubbies who were chasing the fart also received the punishment they deserved. Xiangfeng used to be black smoke, and they were all choked with blackness and tears!

Xingcheng can finally fill in the blanks and make stars with peace of mind!

The resentment value has not stopped during this period!

At this moment, the sanitation whale has withdrawn, and Momo has already been marinated to taste, but the poison is finally solved!

Now, with a shy face, he ran to Jiangnan and said awkwardly:

(?????) "South God~ I... Can I change a summoned beast? I don't really want that Void Star Whale!"

Jiang Nan covered his face because he was already dirty?

A creature like a woman is really ruthless, isn't it?

At this moment, Ye Yuan has also completed the detoxification work, holding a sack and gnashing his teeth!

Waiting for Lao Tzu to learn the art of breaking the defense, and the poisonous chicken soup is proficient, I want you to look good!

Xing Cheng also swayed back, and everyone looked at it floating in the starry sky, with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers!

The asteroid that was still steaming hot and slowly cooling from the red state all looked terrified!

Aijiang swallowed her saliva:

?(°△°|||)? "Cheng Baoer is really stocked in her stomach~"

She just created an asteroid out of thin air!

Xingcheng: (?′?`?)

"Cheng Baoer is hungry, he wants to eat~"

Jiangnan: ('-﹏-`;)

Just fed a little fat, so thin so that the cheeks are sunken?

This kid has also been blamed by the boss for following me, right?

(.???)? "Cheng Baoer is good! Brother will take you to eat delicious food!"

While speaking, the weak people rushed to the next star thief group's nest again!

It's still a familiar operation, a warp expansion bubble dry explosion base!

It attracted many star thieves to rush out, and the leader was the Wushou clan in white robes!

Blue skin, no nose, sunken eyes, and countless tentacles on his chin!

It looks like it's buried, it looks disgusting!

But its race is almost paranoid about personal hygiene, and the ecological environment of the home planet is also very good!

Otherwise, you won't get the title of the Unsullied Race!

They feel that when their clansmen are born, they will be spotless, without the slightest dirt, and they must remain spotless in their future lives, even when they die!

It has even become a racial belief!

The Wugou family is good at long-range attacks, everyone is an archmage, and they are also the top 300 powerful races in the starry sky sequence!

(';;?;ware;?;;') "What kind of young people dare to come to trouble me with the Wugou Star Thieves Group? In my eyes, you are as disgusting as Zimu'er!"

"If you don't hurry up and get out of my sight, it's just getting my eyes dirty!"

Jiang Nan ignored him completely, but turned to look at Ye Yuan and raised his eyebrows!

(?????) "You or I?"

Ye Yuan rubbed his hands: "I can't keep you entertained? This time I'm here!"

Immediately, he said proudly and provocatively:

(??°??°) "I know you! Wommer, right?"

Wo Ma stared: "So what? Lao Tzu..."

Before the words were finished, Ye Yuan's eyes filled with excitement!

I didn't expect to be hit so easily, the logo on the dumb sack has been lit up!


In the next moment, Ye Yuan's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and rushed out of Wo Ma's shadow!

With a mouth of the dumb sack, put Woma directly into the sack, and the mouth of the bag is automatically tightened!

Everything happened so fast that no one even reacted!

The star thieves were stunned, so... they arrested our boss with a sack?

Ye Yuan laughed and shook the sack:

(*?︶?*) "It's convenient! What are you doing? Why don't you come to Lao Tzu and hand over all your Xingyuan points?"

He even released his own domain as a threat!

Jiang Nan watched this scene, hey hey he laughed, Ye Yuan got started very quickly!

Then you have to guard against him!

Um? His sack...

[The resentment value from Woma +1008! ]

[From Walmart…]

Jiangnan: ! !

?━=????(???????) "Nima! Dayuan Seed! Where did you get this sack? I gave you one. Did you just use this sack for..."

Ye Yuan was stunned, then sweated profusely on his forehead, and looked down at the sack:

(??w???) "No... it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Isn't this still usable? Don't waste it!"

Jiangnan covered his face!

Are you more animal than me? You just collapsed in this sack for three hours, **** it!

What does the sack space have to look like?

In the end, you carried it all the way, and even put a star thief leader of the Wushou clan in it?

I saw that dumb sack struggled violently and kept squirming!

[The resentment value from Woma +1009! ]


As soon as Woma entered the sack, she was choked by the incomparably bright fragrance inside!

Falling into the sack, it even made a thud!

The next moment, the screams like killing a pig echoed in the sack, and his whole person almost collapsed on the spot!

(′;;??;?mouth;??;;?`) "Ahhh~ Wonima! What is this! What's in this sack, vomit~ vomit!"

"Are you the ones who ride horses and play with me? This is an insult to my racial beliefs! It's blasphemy! Ah~ vomit~"

(つ;;?;??;??;;)つ "Help! Help! I'm dying! I'm not good at swimming?"

The Wushou family, who were already extremely paranoid about personal hygiene, received a ton of critical blows in the dumb sack!

This is undoubtedly **** for him!

[From Walmart…]

Jiangnan scratched his head, huh? Can it be brushed like that? This looks good, goose box~

Just get dressed!

So another star thief with a million-dollar reward is in the bag!

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