Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1933: A chewing gum with a perfect score for reading comprehension?

Wenger wasted his boss's strength before he pulled himself from the ceiling, standing on the ground red as blood!

How can it be! How could you be so rude in public?

The sudden madness just now was too ferocious to hold, and it was too late to even rearrange the atomic structure!

How could I, the dignified person in power of the Wen family, do such a vulgar thing!

At this moment, the guests in the restaurant are going crazy!

('?ж?)σ "Puff puff ~ Planet Destroyer is also a human? Do you also fart? Not only fart, but also so much energy? Who did the stool provoke?"

('-﹏-`;) "Wenger can't handle it, he's really broken if he has farts? Everyone still eats!

(o'w'o) "Goose Box~ I recorded it with a genie camera, and I will pass it on to my relatives and friends to watch!"

Even You Lulu and Shaye on the side felt uncomfortable, their shoulders trembled!

After all, this fart is too powerful!

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

Olivia also looked at this scene in disbelief, is this... so accurate?

Ye Yuan seized the opportunity and quickly mocked:

(??????) "He said! Are you really letting go? Do you want to cooperate like this?"

Jiangnan: (???????‵) "Did you drink too much antidote? Is it so condescending?"

Wenger's teeth were about to shatter, and the trousers that collapsed were directly atomically reorganized!

(?°?yi°?) "What's wrong with my fart? Haven't you ever farted? I'm willing!"

Speaking of this, Wenger's face was full of surprise. Just after Jiang Nan finished speaking, he really collapsed!

What is the situation? coincide? still…

The prisoner bird covered his nose, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

??(???????)?? "Brother Wenger is very imposing, it's just my crystal chandelier on the floor of the stool..."

Wenger's face darkened: "It's almost yours! Atomic reorganization!"

With a wave of a big hand, the smashed stool floor and the chandelier were all restored to their original state!

This skill is simply not too convenient!

An angry Wenger sat on the stool and drank two more sips of antidote!

Seeing that Shaye and You Lulu were still laughing, Wenger glared at him. Who do you think Lao Tzu is in this situation because of?

Still smiling?

You Lulu shrank her neck and immediately patted the table and stared at Jiangnan!

(?`mouth'?) "Don't be too arrogant! It's useless! The face of the Hild union is not something you can beat!"

You don't even know how powerful my You Lulu is, and this is at Noah's Manor! Otherwise, this girl will blow you up in minutes! "

Jiang Nan patted his little heart with a scared expression on his face!

(???.???) "Whoops~ You're so fierce, you're almost frightened~... You're making me laugh~ Ahaha!"

Phew~ I almost died on the spot!

As soon as the words were finished, You Lulu's expression suddenly stiffened, and she hurriedly looked down at her chest!


next moment!

Hearing the sound of "Bang!", You Lulu's broad mind exploded!

The scene was extremely terrifying, and the power of the explosion shattered the table!

Dishes are all over the place, and pink translucent jelly is flying in all directions!

Collapsed Jiangnan...

The restaurant was deadly silent, and everyone looked at You Lulu's chest in horror!


Whoops! This... can this thing explode?


You Lulu's scream resounded throughout the restaurant, and her face was blood red!

Covering his chest, he took two steps back and stared at Jiang Nan in horror!

(??﹏?)?"you you you…"

Jiangnan was also dumbfounded!

Σ(°△°|||) what?

I didn't mean that?

It's fierce! Fierce fierce! Not some other murderer!

Do you want to be so cruel? Really fried ah?

Broken your face?

So Jiang Nan subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked the jelly on the corner of his mouth!

(??~???) Hmm? How does this taste similar to the taste of pudding?

You Lulu: ! !

It's okay if you make me fierce, you still eat it?

[The resentment value from You Lulu +1008! ]

[From You Lulu…]

Between the surging body, she changed again!

At this moment, Ye Yuan and Olivia both looked at Jiang Nan's mouth in amazement!

Maybe it was a coincidence once, but both times?

It's definitely not a coincidence!

Wenger and Shaye's faces turned pale!

??(|||?﹏?)?? "What's the matter? You... your stuff can still explode? Does the Rum tribe have such skills?"

You Lulu blushed:

(?)`﹏′(ヾ) "Bah! How could we have such a strange skill?"

"I used my body to store the energy generated by the explosion of the stellar power furnace. I just didn't know what was going on. The energy stored there suddenly rioted, so... just..."

Wenger looked gloomy, what happened? Jiang Nan said, she really exploded? Just now myself!

Words... do you follow the law?

How is this possible!

The prisoner bird was also stunned by the violent explosion, and then said with a dark face:

??(???????)?? "This guest, please don't carry weapons of mass destruction with you, it's very dangerous!"

You Lulu is very angry:

(?`~'?) "What is a weapon of mass destruction? I brought it with me? Don't let me bring it? Should I take it down and put it at home?"

"Fine! I don't bring it!"

I saw her body change for a while, and in a blink of an eye, she changed from a broad-minded woman to a narrow-minded woman!

I don't have this girl anymore, so I can't explode anymore, can I?

Wenger got up and said angrily, "Isn't this a move? You should expel Jiangnan!"

"He said that You Lulu was fierce, and she was fierce. This is clearly a personal attack! He broke the rules!"

The prisoner bird's eyes turned to Jiangnan!

Jiangnan spreads his hands: ╮(??w??)╭"Eh~ I didn't do it, did I? I, Jiang Junzi, have always been gentlemen who don't do anything!"

The prisoner bird said seriously:

??(?????)?? "He didn't do it! It's not a broken rule!"

Wenger was very angry: (?°? Yi°?) "Why not? You are covering up criminals!"

Shaye stared at Jiangnan, and felt that all the hair on his body exploded. If he said that he was fierce, would he also...

"No! I feel that my personal safety is threatened. As a guest, you should protect my safety!"

"I applied to expel Jiangnan from Noah's Manor! He is the source of danger! You are irresponsible to all the residents like this! Yes..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(???~??) "You can **** your ass! Look at your criticism, right? It's threatening your safety? Who cares about you!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shaye's expression froze, and a long trumpet sound suddenly came from under the seat~

Apparently, she doesn't give a silent fart!

At this moment, Shaye has obviously become the focus of everyone!

Forget it, Shaye's hand stretched out towards her Originium Battle Armor uncontrollably!

The head also slowly lowered, and the big eyes were full of horror!

??(??﹏??)?? "No no no! I don't want it! Are there still people here? I..."

However, she couldn't control this impulse in her heart at all, and it was too late to leave to go to the room now!

I saw Shaye screaming, spreading her wings and wrapping herself tightly!

Block everyone's sight!

Three seconds later, the wings opened again!

Shaye is like a stone statue sitting on the stool, the trumpet sound is still long, and her face even turns redder than the blood angel of the prisoner bird!

How can you do such a meal in a restaurant? Ahhh!

You Lulu swallowed her saliva and looked terrified!


She...she wouldn't have seen it just now, did she?

Jiangnan's mouth twitched!

What the hell! In this kind of thing, Yanling chewing gum is always unexpected?

Wenger patted the table: "Look! The evidence is like a mountain! Don't you expel Jiangnan immediately? Just when Jiangnan said that Shayella was going to **** up, she was going to **** up!"

"Tell her to look at your critique, she will look..."

Before the words were finished, Shaye was in a hurry!

??(??yi??)?? "Wenger! Shut me up! I don't have it! I just didn't have it at all! I just spread my wings!"

Madam don't have face, ah?

Wenger's mouth belongs to the waist of cotton pants? Why are you saying anything?

Jiangnan spreads his hands: ?(?'??')? "Look? She said it herself, but she didn't!"

"All her actions are of her own will! What does it have to do with me?"

Wenger stared: "You fart! You will definitely follow the law, otherwise how can you say anything?"

"Prisoner bird! You don't care about that? Isn't this an attack?"

The prisoner bird had a dark face, even he could see the problem!

??(¬_¬)?? "Jiangnan! What's going on?"

Jiangnan blew a bubble at random:

(???3??)? "It's all said, it doesn't matter to me, I'm very disciplined, right? Didn't you do it?"

"It's not in the rules that you can't talk, right? They can talk if they have the ability? Say whatever you want!"

"Brother Prisoner? Are you okay?"

The prisoner bird rolled his eyes, just as he was about to speak, his body jolted!

I saw his long red hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, hair, legs and various hairs!

Even the feathers on the blood-colored wings fell off at the same time...

That is really a chicken feather wow!

In the blink of an eye, the prisoner felt a coolness on his body, the originally handsome wings were bald and turned into chicken wings, and the **** bald scoop reflected light...

It turned into a blood angel with no problems!

The whole person froze in place!

Olivia: (′?ж?)σpoof~

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "I really didn't mean it, I didn't mean it that way, I'm fine, it's a modal particle, not an adjective, it refers to a disease in particular?"

Don't be so smart in such a strange place!

Yanling chewing gum's reading comprehension is also full marks, right?

[The resentment value from the prisoner bird +1009! ]

[From Prison Bird…]

I saw that the prisoner's face was black, if it wasn't for Lord Noah's explanation that he should take special care!

Lao Tzu Te Miao took him by the collar and threw it out!

Is there anything wrong with me?

What kind of ability does he have?

乁(?yi??)ㄏ "You can stop talking while riding a horse, shut up! Kudo! Watch it! Whoever does it will eat it as fertilizer!"

I walked out of the restaurant angrily while talking, is it easy for me to make some money?

On the other hand, Jiang Nan had a devilish smile on his face, looking at Shaye!

(??????‵) "Are you going? If you don't go, I'll..."

Shaye clutched her wings and hair with a look of horror, she was about to cry!

??('?mouth?)??"No no no... I don't have a problem! I have a problem! Is it okay to have a problem?"

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