Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1955: Ubiquitous Silicon

The Jiangnan side is cultivating in Noah's Manor, but the Qunxing Network has completely fried the pot!

It is also as expected by the audience who ate the poisonous pumpkin!

Jiangnan crushed Norman, picked up nine bosons without injury, and the video of the battle in the arena of natural selection flowed out!

Being retweeted wildly on the Qunxing Network, it has long since spread out of the black street and spread throughout the city of a thousand stars!

In a very short period of time, it even spread to other star regions!

Everyone knows that there is a dark horse of the abyss clan summoner who crushed nine star-breaking bosons without reaching the level of breaking the star!

It has become a talk after dinner, plus the upcoming hot spot of the recent Black Label Conference!

The battle video has even gone viral!

The comments below are crazy!

Anonymous: "The second most wanted criminal in history is Jiangnan, right? He has a fire recently? It's too fierce! One pick nine? Norman is not good? Has the domain been used?"

"It's worthy of the name of the dark horse. In this way, the boson doesn't seem to be that powerful?"

(¬_¬) "Ha~ are you blind? These bosons don't have the ability to reproduce other races. If you add the abilities of other races, Jiangnan will never have a chance!"

(?°?3°?) "Bah, you just said that the ability of the summoner is rare. How many of the abilities of various races can restrain the space ability? I think it is even Norman and the others. It's the same when it's re-engraved!"

There is everything that is said in the comment area, but most of them choose to remain anonymous, because after all, it is about bosons and the topic is sensitive!

"No matter what, this Bose clan's face was slapped. As a branch of the Holy Star, the son of the star master, this Norman's ability is really not good? It's too useless!"

"Is he a boson? Otherwise, the arena might not even come down!"

Until late at night, the discussion on Qunxing continued!

Norman even launched his own power to try to stop the video from being forwarded and spread!

But it didn't work at all!

This video has spread all over the city of a thousand stars in such a short period of time, and even spread to other star regions!

If there is no one behind it, it is absolutely impossible!

On the eve of the Sequence War, the impact of this incident on the image of the Bose is immeasurable!

Heijie Star Tower Hotel, Norman in the room pinched his brain with a frantic look on his face!

(?°? Yi°??)?? "The horse-riding! How can it be eliminated? Everyone knows it in such a short period of time?"

"If Dad finds out, he will rip off my skin!"

Kunta sweats profusely on his forehead:

(?ˇyiˇ??) "The biggest operator behind the Qunxing Network is Silicon Base, and they must be the ones to get in the way!"

"But compared to this, it's better not to go back to see Lord Star Master until your horns grow out, young master!"

Norman gritted his teeth and couldn't help but come to the mirror and carefully observe his forehead!

This makes me even more upset. After so long, I have tried my best to give birth, why can't even a stubble grow?

The glazed horn on the top of the head is the pride of the Bose family, the facade!

If you go out with a bare forehead, what is the difference between that and a big girl going out without clothes?

(?▼Ware▼) "Damn Jiangnan! I must make you look good! I must defeat you with my own hands and win back all that I lost. You wait for me!"

[The resentment value from Norman +1009! ]

When he was getting angry, the door was opened, and I saw Yi Bose's subordinates bring people in!

"Master Norman! The vice president of the Starlight Alliance, the holy angel Shaye asks to see you!"

Norman was stunned: (??yi???) "Shaye? What did she come to do with me?"

I saw Shaye standing at the door with a sausage mouth, and her figure was a little thin!


As soon as I saw Norman, I tried to hold back my laughter, and my shoulders were shaking!

After all, bosons without horns are so weird!

He bowed his head and said, "Shaye! I have seen little brother Norman~"

Norman frowned:

(??д??) "How many times have I seen you, your lips were so **** before?"

The smile on Shaye's face suddenly froze!

[The resentment value from Shaye +1008! ]

(???????)? "No...nothing, don't worry about it, brushing toothbrushes has been 100 million points in the past few days!"

She learned that Jiangnan was selling antidote before, and she sent someone to buy a few copies!

Just finished detox and came to find Norman!

Because while detoxing, she swiped the video of the natural selection arena!

Norman grabbed a hat at random and buckled it on his head!

"What's the matter with me? Is it the business on the Starfall Rotunda?"

Shaye smiled and said, "No! I came to you this time because of the Jiangnan issue!"

Norman is cold: (¬yi¬) "What? Are you laughing at me too? Even an angel dares..."

Shaye hurriedly shook her head: "No no no! I'm here this time, but I'm here to help you! You don't want to kill Jiangnan, a thorn in the eye, a thorn in the flesh?"

"Jiangnan not only blackmailed the goods of my Starlight Alliance, but also has the lives of two angels in his hands, and he has a deep grudge against me!"

"On my kill list in heaven! As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend!"

Norman leaned on his chin: "Go on!"

Shaye chuckled: "Now the Bose clan is at the cusp of the storm, and you and Jiangnan also have a spiritual contract, so it's not easy to trouble him on the bright side!"

"Once you find trouble in Jiangnan, you will be considered by all the tribes that you don't respect the dueling spirit contract and regard the law of the Holy Law Society as nothing!"

"But you won't be able to swallow it, can you? And my heaven can help you out!"

Norman raised his eyebrows, his eyes brightened, and I have to say, Shaye went to her heart!

I can't breathe, I'm not happy, I'm sorry for my horn!

But taking action against Jiangnan violates the spiritual contract, and will be caught by others!

"Then why don't you just **** him? Why come to me? I'm still thinking of defeating him with my own hands, and I'm bound to let him know that my Bose family is not easy to mess with!"

Shaye's mouth twitched, and I have to say, this Norman is really immature! Naive enough!

"Murdering with a knife, isn't that a defeat? You just watched the video spread, and you're saying it's not yours?"

"It's better to kill Jiangnan and let the world know that there is no good end to being too arrogant! Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and the public opinion storm will naturally pass!"

Norman was immediately tempted by Shaye!

Thinking of Jiangnan's **** face, Norman became angrier the more he thought about it:

(??°yi?°) "You succeeded in arousing my interest! What do you need me to do, just say it!"

Shaye smiled brightly: "Since the Bosers are not easy to shoot, this knife will be made by my kingdom of heaven!"

"It's just that the power of the black street is too annoying, and the dead woman Yueli has been protecting Jiangnan!"

"In such a situation, my kingdom of heaven is really not easy to start. Can I use the power of your Bose to put pressure on Heijie so that the people of Heijie don't mind so much?"

"In this way, a Jiangnan is easy to deal with! I don't know what you think?"

The corners of Norman's mouth curled up:

(¬?¬?) "Good idea, just leave it to me, but there is one point!"

"I want to see Jiang Nan struggling in despair, kneeling down and begging for mercy!"

"If you go against Lao Tzu, there is only one end! That is death!"

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but hold their hands together, and the cooperation was achieved!

At the same time, the streets outside Noah's Manor were still crowded with people!

There are mechanical species passing by from time to time, and the eyes of the load-bearing robot turn to the star-watching room in the manor!

The blockage of the building structure is invisible to the mechanical species!

Even the Skynet surveillance on the black street turned to Noah's Manor, and they were filming and monitoring around the clock!

For Siji, as long as they want to check, there are almost no secrets under the starry sky!

All data is sent back to the terminal database for analysis!

Physiological structure, movement habits, etc. All the information, do not miss the slightest!

In the evening of the second day, the moon raccoon dressed up again and came to the appointment on time!

Jiangnan, who was covered in pitch black, of course ran out to "date" with the moon raccoon!

Today's Jiangnan is more attractive than before, and the level is already four stars!

With the unlimited money-burning practice of Xingyuan Energy Block, the level is like sitting on a small rocket, right?

The moon raccoon, who was full of expectations, saw Olivia next to Jiang Nan!

The pretty face suddenly pulled down, twisted her tail and said:

?(?っ`~'c)? "Why did you take her with you again?"

Olivia: (′-﹏-`;)

I don't want to be together either?

But Nanshen has to take me out to go shopping, what can I do?

(??﹏???) "Yes... how about I go back and play mahjong with Brother Ye Yuan and the others!"

Originally Ye Yuan was also clamoring to go out for a walk together, but was seduced by Jiangnan with a mahjong machine and pulled Aijiang, Momo and the others played mahjong in the room...

Jiang Nan stared: (?`~?'●) "What kind of mahjong? I have no game experience with you, okay?"

"Follow me! I'm flustered without you by my side!"

Olivia: (?)﹏(ヾ)Hmm~

Her face was all red!

??o·(??﹏?)?o·? "Idiot! Stupid! Stupid Nanshen! What are you all talking about!"

Moon raccoon: ?(?っ?`~'?c)? Humph!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Let's go~ It's fun to have a date with more people!"

Saying that, he pulled the moon raccoon with his right hand and Olivia with his left, and rushed towards the black street!

It's not that Jiang Nan wants to take Olivia, but she can be used today!

After all, according to my own calculations, today's date should be very lively!

(¬?¬?) "ATM! I'm going to go shopping, are you not with me?"

Wenger:! !

('?Yi?)? "Come here! Wait for me for a while! You can't mess around with flowers and fragrant beads, you?"

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

Brat! You wait for me! Don't let me take a chance!

At the same time, in the Wangxing room, a cleaning robot knocked on the door and entered the room!

Start changing sheets and covers and cleaning up!

This is the daily cleaning routine that happens every day!

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Xingcheng, Aijiang, Momo, and Ye Yuan sitting around a mahjong machine playing mahjong!

And Xing Cheng's wisdom is not enough to play mahjong, she is quite good at eating sesame sauce!

A bunch of Teletubbies are standing behind her!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Cha! Two!"

Ye Yuan laughed directly:

(????) "Four Pies!"

Aijiang pushes with both hands:

?(?????w?????)? "Take a cannon! Huh! Fart!"

Ye Yuan is extremely angry:! !

(?°? Yi°?) "Why are you so stupid? You've won more than 100 hands. Did you peek at our cards? Come and come again!"

Black smoke came out of his body while speaking, and he blocked his cards tightly!

Aijiang is full of pride, peeking at the card? I don't even bother to cheat!

But do you play mahjong with intelligent AI? Are you sure it can beat my robotic brain?

Several people focused on playing mahjong, and no one paid attention to the cleaning robot!

I saw that the robot was conscientiously cleaning, and found several short black hairs on the pillowcase, which were sucked away as usual!

After cleaning, he left the room, but did not return to the cleaning room to wait!

Instead, he pushed the garbage truck out of Noah's Manor and came to the recycling site!

From the robot's chest, a test tube popped out and was thrown into the garbage truck!

Then he silently returned to Noah's Manor!

Not long after, a mechanic passed by the recycling site, grabbed it, and picked up the crystal test tube!

Inside, there are three short black hair...

Its mechanical eyes flashed:

(〃?–?) "Three hairs from Jiangnan have been obtained, and they will be sent to the particle transmission station to be transmitted to the Anti-Life Biological Laboratory for analysis and comparison of biological races!"

"Please pay attention to the inspection of the laboratory staff, analyze the helical structure of its biological DNA as soon as possible, encrypt the data, and transmit it to Lord Muke for viewing!"

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