At this moment, Blue Star China, it is late at night!

The blue moon hangs high in the sky, the verdant 10,000-meter green vine branches stretch out to the west, and the 10,000-meter-high giant tree in a city is vigorous and green, and the tree country is full of vitality!

Under the noisy moonlit night, there was no more animal roars, but more frogs and cicadas!

There is a little bit of aura floating under the night sky, just like a firefly as beautiful!

In fact, it's not a firefly, but a radiance that is so rich in aura!

In every province of China, there are mantra pillars that reach the sky, called Endless Pagoda!

Every endless tower has its own name. New cities are being built around the endless tower, and it is still very lively even in the dark!

Children can even be seen frolicking under the street lights in the street park.

The ancient Great Wall still exudes a cyan shimmer, magnificent and spectacular!

The former Kyoto, as a battlefield, has been devastated, and now it has undergone earth-shaking changes!

A brand-new Kyoto city has risen from the ground, and even the high wall that was once used to resist the impact of the beast tide has been removed!

And over the city of Kyoto is a beacon star palace parked!

And a huge warp starship, brightly lit under the moonlight!

Today's Beacon Star Palace has been used as a conference center for high-level countries in various countries!

In the warp starship, Xia Yao's room, the lights are dim and the music is soothing!

The huge bathtub is full of bubbles and flower petals!

Xia Yao soaked in the bathtub, hugged Qian Bennan from behind, and rubbed between her hair with a wicked smile!

(????) "It's been a long day, so let's take a dip and vigorously relax. It's been a long time and it's grown out, right? Come on? How about I check it out?"

As he was about to start, Qian Bennan's face was blushing and he was holding Xia Yao's little hand tightly!

(?≥﹏≤?) "No no no ~ no way! No inspection!"

Xia Yao blew lightly in Qian Bennan's ear and giggled!

(??????) Hu~ "I want to run after entering my room? No way~ I'm already taking a bath, why are you still wearing Originium Battle Armor? If it doesn't work like this, you have to be like me. !"

Where did Qian Bennan suffer from this, he couldn't help covering his face and said:

(?)﹏(ヾ) "No way! I'm a fake, go back and wash it with Nanshen!"

Xia Yao shrugged:

╮(??.???)╭ "Obviously, Xiao Nanjie doesn't have such a blessing! Shh~ Even if it's a fake show, you have to do it for real!"

Under the strong offensive of Xia Yao, Qianbenying gradually relaxed the line of defense and said like a mosquito:

(??﹏???) "We can't do it? I'm a girl, I..."

Xia Yao smirked:

?(????﹃?????) "If the two loves lasted for a long time, how could it be between the father and the mother?"

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?

(??~??) "But... but you already have Sister Xuexue!"

Xia Yao akimbo, with a straight face:

(︶~︶?) "I just want a little more happiness, what's wrong with me?"

Chimoto Sakura blushed and smoked:

(//≥//﹏//≤//) "Spicy~ Spicy okay~ Just this time!"

During the speech, the mimicry of the Originium Battle Armor slowly faded away!

Xia Yao rubbed her little hands excitedly. What does Xiao Nan look like, the body of Sakura sauce? Two joys at once?

Is there anything better than this?

(???3?) What is it~

Just when Xia Yao was looking forward to it, the door of the room suddenly opened!

I saw a human-shaped flame rushing into the room like a sentinel love sauce!

(??????? mouth???) "Yao Yao? Little..."

Before the words were finished, Zhong Yingxue's mouth twitched, complaining:

(?`~'?) "Yaoyao! You are doing something bad again, don't bully Sakura sauce!"

Qianbenying ran behind Zhong Yingxue and hid as if running for her life, the redness on her face had not faded!


Xia Yao laughed and opened her arms directly!

(?????) "Xuexue? It's just right, do you want to wash together? I'll rub your back!"

Zhong Yingxue said angrily, "You are beautiful~ Hurry up and put it on, news from Xiaonan!"

As soon as she heard this, Xia Yao's wolf ears perked up, a wolf pounced out of the bathtub, and finished changing clothes in the air!

Excited pretty face flushed:

?(??ヮ??)? "I'll call everyone here!"

After a while, Wu Liang, Mira Lan and the others all came running, and Jiang Ning and Jiang Jing also emerged from the void!

The house suddenly became lively, and Mira excitedly clenched her small fists:

(??????)? "Love sauce love sauce~ Let's play the video, Mira wants to see Brother Jiangnan!"

Everyone looked expectantly at Sentinel Ai-chan!

Aijiang smiled and said, "This is coming!"

Mechanical eye projection, data transmission, the light and shadow of Jiangnan and the background of the room are all displayed!

Lan tilted his head: (??~??) "Aijiang! Are you sure you have released it? Why is it so dark? What about the Jiangnan brothers?"

Wu Liang's mouth twitched:

(⌒?⌒;) "Is this floating white tooth a little familiar?"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(●'﹏'●) " there a possibility that I am so black?"

Bai Ya spoke abruptly, and the frightened people shivered. Zhong Yingxue couldn't hold back his laughter. Did Xiao Nan eat black garlic again?

Xia Yao doesn't care whether it's dark or not, she's already satisfied when she sees it?

(?????ヮ????)? "Xiao Nan Xiao Nan? Have you thought about..."

Before Xia Yao could finish speaking, he saw Jiang Nan's serious expression:

(??????) "Thinking about it! You can think about it!"

Xia Yao was stunned for a moment, and then her pretty face turned red, she tilted her head and said arrogantly:

(?ε???) "Thinking about...I don't know how to come back soon? I...I didn't think about it at all, I'll tell you!"

"Anyway, there is a Xiaonan at home to deal with!"

Saying that, he hugged Qian Bennan, rubbed his cheek wildly, and quietly compared Jiang Nan with an ok gesture, and kept winking!

Said that he had done it, Qianben Sakura looked shy!

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, giao! Shouldn't Big Wolf Mie take the Ladouying and other things into his hands while I'm not around?

Looking at Jiang Nan's heart, he could not wait to rush home immediately!

Mira jumped out expectantly:

(??????)? "Then do you think about Mira?"

With a melting expression on Jiangnan's face, looking at everyone projected in the light and shadow, the originally empty heart was suddenly filled!

"I thought about it! I thought about it!"

Subconsciously, he reached out to touch the top of Mila's head, but he felt empty. Jiang Nan's hand froze in the air, his eyes darkened!

Zhong Yingxue felt pain in her heart and couldn't help but smile gently:

(??????) "Wait when you come back, come back and touch again, Xiao Nan, you now owe Mila a head touch~"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Well! Wait for me to go home!"

Xuexue is still the same, she always knows what she is thinking!

How could Zhong Yingxue not know that he had run so far away alone, that he was unfamiliar with life and had nothing to rely on. It all depended on Jiangnan himself!

Hiding one's identity, seeking a way out for human beings, the strong are everywhere, and if one wrong step is taken, they will lose everything. With such a heavy burden on them, how could they not want to go home?

"Xiao Nan, how are you over there? Are you alright? Is the City of a Thousand Stars big? What is it like?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "It's all right, everything is going well for me here, and the small scenes can still be done!"

"The city of a thousand stars... uh~ how do you say it? It's very big, I can't tell for a while, but you'll find out when you come over later!"

Qianben Sakura was teasing:

(?????) "The world of flowers outside is great, isn't it? Are girls from all ethnic groups fragrant? Are there people who do bad things behind their backs?"

Speaking of this, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao didn't care, but their hearts still followed!

Jiangnan instantly remembered the Supreme Card of the Absolutely Charming Flower Street, and slapped his thigh with a face of remorse!

"The world of flowers is fascinating, but not worth the risk!"

"Tsk~ you don't know what kind of temptation I rejected and what I missed! It's a shame!"

"You have to make up for me when you go home! Ah yes, Big Wolf! You still owe your farewell boo boo, so remember to pay me back!"

Xia Yao was even happier when she heard this:

(?????) "Do you want to remember it so clearly, you? Go back and pay you back with the profit!"

"Is Ben Langshui the kind of person who owes famine?"

Wu Liang: ('-﹏-`;)

Could you please get married on the spot? Don't show any more!

However, when it comes to famine, Jiangnan grinds his teeth with hatred!

(?°? Yi°?) "Ladou Ying, who has suffered a thousand knives! I bah!"

Chiben Sakura: ? ? ?

Has the topic changed so quickly?

I saw Jiang Nan's expression is straight: "How is this side of the house? What happened when I was away? What about Grandpa Xiao? Lord Zhu, they are all in good health, right?"

Zhong Yingxue smiled: "It's changed a lot. I'm afraid you won't recognize it when you come back. Grandpa Zhu and the others are all in good health!"

"Grandpa Xiao... I'm not in the Milky Way recently. I went with Odin to the Andromeda galaxy to find stars. I don't know what to do!"

"I went to the core of the sun before, and then I set off with Odin when I came back, and I haven't come back yet!"

Jiangnan's mouth of old blood almost spit out!

What the hell? Has Grandpa Xiao walked all the way to the core of the sun now?

The old man doesn't know what he has researched, right? He even took his little brother to go with him?

"What about you, Xiao Nan? How's your level? I remember that you seemed to have broken through to the heavenly level before, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Liang, Xiong Er, Xia Yao and the others all became nervous!

Jiang Nan lightly coughed: (?????°??°) "Aiya~ I just broke through the Daotian, the stars and so on can't be raised at all. After I go back, I'm afraid your level will surpass me!"

"Hey~ I'm so sad!"

Aijiang rolled her eyes, bah! Who just broke through to Dao Tianwu?

What's the difference between you and a scholar who goes out and says that he has done a lot of wrong questions after the exam, this time he must be at the bottom, and then gets a perfect score when he gets the first grade?

When Xia Yao and the others heard it, they were relieved. Fortunately, it was not too exaggerated!

(What? What?) "Eh~ is that so? That's really worrying, but you don't have to worry too much, we haven't broken through the Daotian yet!"

"This Daotian bottleneck is too difficult to break through! I guess it will take some time, right? Xuexue!"

The corners of Zhong Yingxue's mouth twitched: "Well... it's not so good... it's almost!"

Wu Liang scratched his head: ?(??????)???? "How do you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiong Er threw Wu Liang down and covered his mouth with a threatening look on his face!

Shhh! Why do you still want Brother Nan to go crazy?

Qianbenying looked at Xia Yao, Zhong Yingxue and the others who were holding back, her eyelids jumped!

If you really believe it, you are a ghost!

Is it so rolled up?

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