Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1980: Repaying Himself in His Way

No one knows that under the grand occasion of the Black Label Conference, the gears of chaos have begun to turn!

At this moment, Jiangnan's shooting is in full swing, and nearly twenty fragrant beads have been spent!

Almost all the black marks that I am interested in are rounded up!

In fact, these goods photographed by Jiangnan far exceed the actual value of 20 fragrant beads!

Not only did I photograph the Huanyu-class strategic starship, I even photographed three ore stars!

300 sets of source material starlight armor, a stellar power furnace, a large particle transmitter in the domain, and a honeycomb inter-star communication tower! Egg-sized Bowen Somite!

Especially the Bowen Black Crystal, which is extremely rare and is generated by the most powerful crystal family!

The density of this thing is said to be as terrifying as a neutron star!

And neutron stars are the densest celestial bodies besides black holes!

A piece of bowen black crystal the size of a table tennis ball is heavier than the mountain on the roof of the world!

It can be said to be the top material under the starry sky, and its hardness is even more abnormal than that of Universal Crystal Source!

Although the size of an egg can't do much, but there is Boss Pang in Jiangnan?

Send him back, I don't know if I can make more!

At this moment, everyone in the shooting venue is completely numb, Jiangnan is really here to buy goods!

He has taken out so many incense beads, what else does he have?

Do you really want to buy it all?

As for Wenger in the box next door, he is completely unlovable!


Looking at Jiangnan's eyes is already killing people, and I don't know how much resentment they have contributed!

What resentment what? This is not even the slightest bit of fragrant beads to keep for Lao Tzu, right?

Just then, a black mark appeared on the booth again!

Only this time it's not a thing, it's a creature!

Hundreds of ragged and embarrassed demi-humans stood on the stage!

His hands and feet were shackled, restraining his abilities!

I saw that these demi-humans were male and female, with animal ears on the top of their heads and furry tails behind them!

They are strong and strong, and some demi-humans still have unfaded animal hair, but most of them have snow-white skin!

The body structure is very similar to that of humans, but it has the characteristics of beasts that have not completely degenerated!

Suzune introduced with a smile:

(?????ヮ????)? "This is the latest star market opened in the Starfall Round Hall, and they are all demi-humans!"

"It can be completely beastized, and its abilities are also good. These are only part of the show on the stage!"

"There are about 30,000 of them in this demihuman tribe, and they have been marked as slaves. Are there any adults interested?"

"Only 10 billion, the demi-human tribe can bring it home, whether it is used for dispatch, housekeeping, or doing whatever you want~"

Looking at this scene, the smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually froze. At this moment, the discussion began again.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Demigods? The ability is good? The main thing is to look good, and it is pleasing to the eye?"

"Oh? It should be pretty good to be a breeding ground for my Zerg!"

"This batch of slaves can be used. Go back and cultivate them well. Maybe they will come in handy. Even if they are abandoned, it will not be a loss for fun!"

Listening to the discussions in the venue, Jiang Nan's complexion gradually became gloomy!

Lingyin smiled: "How is it? Is this demi-human tribe, Lord Jiangnan, interested in taking it?"

Jiangnan looked at the leader of the Naya tribe!

It was an old demi-human with black stripes all over his body, and the king character on his forehead showed his former identity!

But now he was locked in shackles, his arrogant head hung down, he looked down at the ground, and was auctioned off like a commodity!

Turning a deaf ear to everything around him, there is no light in his eyes...

Because these demi-human appearances have so much in common with humans!

In a trance, Jiang Nan seemed to see humans standing on the booth, bound by shackles and marked with slave marks on their bodies!

This is the end of being a slave, fate!

The pupil family is like this, the triangle is like this, and the demihumans are like this!

If humans lose, they will end up the same as these demihumans. They will be pulled to the booth and displayed, sold and played at will!

Sadly, none of the ten thousand races in the venue felt inappropriate, it shouldn't be like this!

Instead, I was excitedly discussing how to use it when I bought it, how I could use it, and accepting all this as usual!

Jiangnan suppressed the surging emotions in his heart!

Life should not be measured by price!

Humanity! Never lose, never become a slave, become a tool and plaything of all races!

Olivia looked at the silent Jiangnan, a little flustered, it seemed that the air around her had cooled down!

He is not fat, and he tilts his head, he can't bear to see this scene!

Perhaps only the Antenna family, who are also slaves, will feel the same at this moment!

What kind of sadness is it for the subhumans to stand on the booth!

The prisoner bird looked at Jiang Nan's expression thoughtfully!

Momo bit his lower lip, Ye Yuan sneered and looked to the front of the stage!

No one knows what kind of emotions Jiang Nan is suppressing in his heart!

Suzine wondered: (??~???) "Lord Jiangnan? You..."

Jiang Nan forced himself to speak in a calm tone...

"Sorry, not very interested!"

It is useless to spend the fragrant beads to take pictures, and it is not certain that he can walk or not. Even if he leaves alive, he Jiangnan will change the fate of these 30,000 Asians!

But it can't save the entire demi-human race, it's a drop in the bucket!

Today's human beings are too busy to take care of themselves, and money is used on the edge of the knife!

Jiangnan has no ability to change this status quo, rules! Just trying to survive under the cracks of the rules has already done my best!

The only thing you can do is to take care of yourself first, the overflowing Virgin Heart is useless!

If you want to do something for these deplorable slaves, you can only do your best to be the one who sets the rules of the stars!

Jiang Nan's fist was tightly clenched, staring at the leader of the Naya people, murmuring softly...

"Don't admit defeat. If you think you lost, then you really lost. As a king! Anyone can admit defeat, but you can't admit defeat!"

Olivia tilted her head: (???~??)???? "South God? What did you just say?"

Jiangnan squeezed out a smile:

(⌒_⌒?) "Nothing!"

I saw on the booth, the head of the Naya human race moved his ears slightly, raised his head, and looked at Jiangnan with a pair of golden eyes!

There seemed to be some stunned eyes in his eyes, and then he smiled bitterly and bowed his head again!

It's just that his eyes seem to have changed compared to before...

If Jiangnan does not buy it, there are naturally a lot of people who buy it!

After some fierce bidding, the demihuman tribe was finally won by the angel Edius for 15.9 billion!

??(乛?乛)?? "It's a pity not to buy it and keep it in captivity. Angels, as the most perfect carbon-based creatures, can serve angels, it's your greatest honor in this life!"

"From now on, everything you have belongs to me, remember to be obedient, and the disobedient slaves will no longer be needed, understand?"

While speaking, he patted the cheek of the leader of the Nayya people, making a crackling sound!

Edius proudly looked at Jiangnan:

??(?ˉ??ˉ?)?? "You don't want it? Then I will accept it!"

Several blue veins collapsed on Jiangnan's forehead.

But ignore him!

At this moment, the lights of the entire 666 box flashed, and the internal quantum transmission machine actually started to run automatically!

I saw a pure white metal sphere with a diameter of 3 meters being transmitted over!

The densely packed ones are all mechanical eyes. If you have a dense phobia, you might faint just by looking at them!

Olivia's faces were all stunned, and Nanshen didn't shoot anything new?

Where did this thing come from?

Even a well-informed prisoner bird wouldn't recognize what it was!

Aijiang's expression condensed: ?(?????~????)? "Master! Just now..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's okay, don't worry about it!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward and shoved the ball into the alien space!

Has the silicon base finally arrived?

If not, maybe it will be too late. At the same time, the ear studs on Jiangnan's earlobes also light up!

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, hehe~ very good!

He couldn't help turning his head and said, "I can also participate in the filming, right?"

Qingmei was stunned, and then smiled: "Of course, you just need to say hello!"

A devilish smile appeared on Jiang Nan's face!


Take out 38 pure white angel eggs from the alien space and put them into the transmitter!

The prisoner bird widened his eyes sharply:

??(????⊙口⊙)??"Fuck? Are you serious?"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (?????) "What? Not Nice?"

The prisoner bird looked excited:

??(??°???°)?? "Nice! This is too nice? You have to be the one doing the whole job!"

Although I don't know what Ness means, it's very Ness anyway!

This is more relieved than opening an egg!

But Jiangnan does this? He really didn't plan on it, did he?

Suzune was about to prepare the next item when she was stunned!

Sell ​​eggs? What eggs do you sell?

The next moment, the 38 angel eggs on the display stand were neatly stacked and transmitted!

As soon as the egg came out, there was a huge noise from the whole venue!

And Suzune's face became whiter than an egg!

WOW! No one said it was an angel's egg?

(⌒﹏⌒?;) "No... I don't know what kind of creature's egg it is. The starting price is 250 Star Origin Points!"

Even if she knew it was an angel's egg, wouldn't she dare to say it?

There are angels in the field!

At this moment, Edius suddenly stood up, his eyes blood red!

??(??'Yi?'?)?? "Who? Who dares to put the eggs of my angel race up for auction? Don't you put my heavenly kingdom in your eyes?"

"What did you do at the Black Label Conference? Don't you know it's an angel egg? You guys also sell it?"

The moon raccoon explained with a smile:

?(?っ???c)? "It's none of our business, I just bid and auction! No matter what it is, I can sell it on my black street!"

"This is an old tradition. If you don't agree, you can ask Lord Noah to reason with it!"

There really is nothing that the black street dare not sell!

Otherwise, why is the black street called the black street?

Jiangnan: (ˉ??ˉ??) "Baby Moon Fox, you are wrong! Where is this thing? It's clearly not a thing, it's an egg?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the field, and everyone looked at Jiangnan!

What the fuck? so brave?

[The resentment value from Odius +1009! ]

I saw that his eyes were blood red, and his breath was suppressed to the extreme!

??(?°?yi°??)?? "Jiangnan! You put these angel eggs up for auction, right? You are courting death!"

Jiangnan spreads his hands: ╮(??w??)╭ "Huh? I let it go! What are you doing to me? You beat me to death if you don't agree with me?"

Didn't you film the subhuman race? Jiangnan is holding back the fire and has nowhere to spread it!

Today, I have to let the angels also feel what it is like to be auctioned on the booth as a commodity!

But it is the way of the other, and the return of the body!

It is true that Jiangnan cannot change the status quo, but the disgusting angel can still do it!

Edius' teeth are about to be shattered, he really does not dare to start with Jiangnan here, but he can't bear it!

??(??yi??)?? "I want to see it today! Who dares to bid!"

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