Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1992: The battle is about to begin! Triggered

With the progress of the warp bubble, Jiangnan and his party finally rushed to the end of the bottomless abyss!

There seemed to be a faint light emerging at the end, and Jiangnan plunged into it!

The next moment, at the seventh star port wharf, where the star gate is located!

A young lady from the hermit clan is sitting conscientiously behind the counter, looking at the endless darkness in the direction of the Star Harbor Hall with a horrified face!

What is the situation?

At this moment, Jiang Nan and his party rushed out of the shadows under the counter!

The shocked young lady from the Yinling clan screamed, and quickly closed her legs and covered her skirt!

(〃≥﹏≤) What the hell! A big **** burst out from under the counter!

Before she could respond, Jiang Nan rushed forward, grabbed her neck, and pressed it on the counter!

The God-killing knife in his hand is directly in front of his neck, his face is fierce!

(?°? Pan°?) "Don't talk nonsense! The Laniakea supercluster, the eighth spiral arm of the Milky Way, the blue star! Immediately open the star gate to that side!"

"Ask you one more word and I'll shark you!"

Although Xingluo has closed most of the stargates that are operating in Vientiane!

It can be used as the Vientiane Star Port, which is responsible for the handling of the entire Vientiane Star. The star gate here is not something that can be closed by Star Luo!

That's why Muke asked Jiangnan to come to the seventh star port!

The little sister of the Yinling family was almost scared to pee:

('?﹏?) "But it's not over there..."

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes, and the God-killing knife used force, directly breaking the flesh and blood, and blood flowed out!

kingfisher:! !

[The resentment value from Kingfisher +555! ]

Don't have any doubts, if you don't open it again, this big **** will definitely hack him to death?

So quickly use the star map to select and operate!

And the star road over there has not been blocked yet!

At this moment, Jiangnan's mouth is dry, looking at the endless darkness in the distance, there is no boson chasing after it yet!

You still have time! Black God's hand-destroying operation is powerful enough!

On the other hand, Olivia was completely dumbfounded, her pupils shrunk!

Where is Nanshen going? Blue Star?

Blue Star is Nanshen's hometown?

Wasn't it permanently banned because of the Agreement on Everything?

The true identity of the Southern God is...

"Open... Open!"

The stargate is activated, and a huge stargate vortex emerges!

Without waiting for Olivia to ask, Jiang Nan led the crowd towards the Stargate Vortex without saying a word!

Blue Star is waiting for me! My Nanshen is back!

?(???;)? "Tsk tsk tsk ~ tender green rattan? It really opened my eyes!"

Said he plunged into the Stargate vortex and disappeared!

The kingfisher was startled, what kind of tender green rattan... The kingfisher's face suddenly turned red!


Cover your skirt and tremble!

Metamorphosis! Metamorphosis!

Don't just rush out from under the counter!


With a bang, the roof of the Seventh Star Harbor Hall was lifted off!

The endless darkness exploded, only to see the darkness surging around Xing Luo, and a glass horn above his head was scarlet!

"Damn it! Waste me so long! Jiangnan! You..."

Seeing the stargate vortex that never dissipated, Xing Luo's heart was half cold!

Lao Tzu chased him all the way from the black street, did he let him run away?

Its eyes were blood red, and it rushed towards the star gate frantically!

Don't think about it, Ye Yuan is offline at this moment, and its own strength is too poor to withstand the blessing of the Black God's power at all!

At this moment, a universe-class warp speed starship leaped to the sky above the star port!

So abrupt!

And just when Xing Luo wanted to chase after the Stargate Vortex!

A silver metallic light slanted from the sky at a terrifying speed!

It stabbed the stargate ring fiercely, and the powerful impact directly split the stargate ring in half!

The big sword slammed into the ground and stabbed in front of Xing Luo's footsteps!

Xing Luo's body froze suddenly and stopped abruptly!


A silver figure jumped off the starship and smashed heavily in front of the big sword!

The scarlet armor on its chest is very eye-catching!

The manipulator grabbed the hilt of the great sword, pulled it out and carried it on his shoulders!

I saw that the blade was inlaid with extremely small universe crystal source spikes!

Xing Luo's eyes are blood red:

(??'Yi?') "Mook? Is that you?"

Mook's mechanical eyes are bright:

(〃?_?) "The Holy Law will order the troops to enforce the law! Please stop the sabotage against Vientiane immediately!"

"Otherwise, it will be punished according to the law of the stars!"

Xing Luo laughed angrily: "The Holy Law Society who rides a horse is all under the control of Lao Tzu? Jiangnan openly arrested my son of Xing Luo and persecuted my Bose people!"

"I have the right to launch a series of actions such as pursuit, arrest and trial!"

"What does it have to do with your silicon base? Don't meddle in your business with mice!"

Muke narrowed his eyes: (〃?_?) "Then may I ask, have you reported to the Holy Law Society? If you do, please show your hands-on certificate!"

"Do you need me to enumerate which laws of the stars you have violated? As the first sequence, the Bose should lead by example, rather than knowing the law and breaking the law!"

"The starry sky law is jointly formulated by the top ten sequences, and what you do is disrespect to the other nine sequences!"

"Also! Where did you just go through the star gate? If I didn't stop it in time, you would have already made a big mistake! What? Does the holy star want to blatantly violate the agreement of all races?"

The big hats were snapped down, Xing Luo was speechless!

His gaze turned to the star map, and within 10 seconds of Jiangnan rushing into the star gate, the Laniakea supercluster had been closed again!

Obviously, it was the hand of the emperor's reward!

It's too late to chase it now!

Damn, how did the silicon base appear so timely? Bad Laozi is a good thing, is it possible that he has been staring at Xinglu, staring at the movements of Shengxing and trying to find our handle?

But even if Jiangnan returned to Blue Star, he would be dead!

If nothing else, Jinglie has already brought his troops to Blue Star and is ready to do it. Jinglie's ability is enough to kill Jiangnan!

Just wait until the Blue Star is eaten there...

Suddenly, Xing Luo realized something, and his expression changed suddenly!

Recalling this series of operations in Jiangnan, the Xinggang borrowed the particle transfer machine!

After rushing back to Blue Star, Mook brought someone to stop him?

Piece by piece! coincide?

Damn his coincidence, it was premeditated!

Will Silicon Foundation know that Jiangnan is a human and secretly help!

And Jiangnan also got on the line with Siji in advance, so he chose to expose his human identity under his own eyes?

Doing this is to seduce Saint Star to go out of his way and openly violate the Ten Thousand Races Agreement to attack Blue Star?

Lao Tzu was calculated?

Xing Luo's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, his hands and feet were cold, he staggered back two steps, his eyes were full of hideous eyes!

(????°?Yi°?)? "Silicon-based! Hello, you silicon-based! You..."

Mook narrowed his eyes and raised his head slightly:

(? ̄?? ̄?) "Our silicon base... what happened?"

Star Luo: ! !

late! It's all too late! There is no room for manoeuvre at all!

Jinglie and the others have already started it. This is a super giant pit dug for the Bosers in advance!

And he jumped into the pit without hesitation!

Gangnam! You ride a horse!

[The resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]

A while ago, when the emperor's reward just opened the star road, Jinglie and other Bose troops opened the blue star!

After Yang Jian found out that the star road was opened, he immediately led the Blue Stars to rush out to prepare for the battle!

There are over a hundred figures standing across the void, and the ranks are all Daotian, extraordinary, there are people and beasts!

Everyone holds the God-killing Martial Arts!

At this moment, Blue Star has a clear sky, but the atmosphere in the field is calm and depressing!

It seems that even the wind is still at this moment!

Yang Jian was stunned to open ten eyes of God, trying his best to search for the traces of the Saint Star troops, and beware of attacks that may come at any moment!

Xiao Chuihuo frowned: "Have you found it?"

Yang Jian shook his head: "Not yet... it seems..."

Before he finished speaking, I saw Odin's mouth twitching, looking up at the sky:

(??yi???) "Okay... It seems that there is no need to look for it!"

Yang Jian was stunned: "Where is it? Why didn't I see it...hh~"

The words stopped abruptly, and everyone looked up at the starry sky in horror!

I saw a huge shadow cast on the continental plate!

The huge size of the war fortress even blocked the warm sunlight from the sun to the blue star!

A super-giant stargate vortex emerged sideways!

Jinglie and other tens of thousands of Bose troops, including the starship formation composed of 21 war fortresses!

The huge set of star beads pulled by the nine star dragons were all sent over!

You must know that the diameter of the moon is only more than 3,000 kilometers, and the diameter of this set of star beads is 300 kilometers, which is almost one-tenth of the moon!

Looking at the configuration of the Saint Star reinforcements, the hearts of the Blue Star powerhouses are half cold, and their faces are extremely gloomy!

Badr sweats profusely on his forehead:

('-Yi-`?) "Hey hey hey! Are you kidding me?"

That War Fortress is too big, right? Compared with that, the 30,000-meter Beacon Star Palace here is a great grandson?

Bai Kou is cold in body and mind. She has experienced two god-killing wars, and this is the third time!

It's not that the Armageddon has never been fought before, but the bosons added up twice are definitely not as much as this time!

Thousands? Close to 10,000? How to fight this?

Jiang Ning bit his lower lip: "Not only the Holy Star's troops, but also the Herrscher's, this is a big trouble!"

Before the fight started, just by looking at Sheng Xing's manpower, I felt that my side had already lost!

Is this the holy star who is no longer playing with the table?

The gap like a chasm is so overwhelming that everyone can't breathe!

Yang Jian took a deep breath: "Everyone! Follow me! Try to control the battlefield in the starry sky!"

No inspirational words, no consolation!

Because everyone knows that no matter how much power the Holy Star brings out, this battle cannot be avoided!

must fight!

No one spoke, everyone flew towards the stars!

At this moment, Jinglie stood on the bow of the starship, looking down at the blue planet bathed in warm sunlight!

It seems that there is a haze due to the arrival of the Bose fleet!

Jinglie sneered:

(¬?¬?) "Oh~ It is indeed a suburb of the starry sky where birds don't shit, this broken planet is small enough!"

"The star master also told me not to break it? This is a bit difficult, isn't it?"

Linya's eyes were full of disgust, and her face lacked interest:

(¬_¬) "It's a little hard!"

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